Bizzar a place that once housed both of our hearts. together only in our dreams. in our alternate realities. when we were kids, you used to tell me there existed a timeline where you tried harder, where I had told you how bad I had it, where you rescued me and we were in our jammies together watching movies, sharing passions, pulling all nighters playing video games. we mourned the what_ifs, called it water under the bridge, a ship that had sailed.

you were once my could have been. and i will never forget how much that hurt. but even through the sting of the_not_allowed, you have always been my constant. my safety net. my person.

and now.

now you are my always_will_be.
Bizzar it took me reading this post a day later to realize.

i have a new not_allowed.

unhinged dissent
bodily autonomy
real protest
privacy, medical and otherwise
critical thinking
free speech
informed consent
class solidarity
what's it to you?
who go