belly fire the basement has so many memories of our life together. I stood in the kitchen while you were upstairs and my eyes filled up with tears just looking at the empty fridge, the liquor bottles above the cabinets, and the maple leaf pot holder we bought and displayed under our spice rack from my mom. I saw my old straw dispenser and wondered why I left it there. Our old sign on the door. The calendars were stuck on April so I climbed up on the counter to change one...and it was so sad to think of how many months had gone by that we had missed together in our old space. I peeked in my old room and saw Gabe's sewing everywhere...noticed the tape marks on the window where my old GO LEAFS GO sign used to be. You kept my Spike picture on the screen of the blinky computer...there was still a part of me inside the room. The room itself has been pulled apart but the skeleton of our lives together for 4 years still remains in a sort of limbo. We stopped using everything down there that meant SO much to us. I left with the straw dispenser, the crabs gather here sign, and a fish recipe of my mom's that I hung on the fridge at least two years ago. Will anyone love that basement as much as we did? 040815
what's it to you?
who go