mon cold
summer ends

it will snow
when autumn is deep
i will slumber i will fade
like the leaves and the fire

into sleep into snow
shadow le crowl two days of summer stand beside each other like two best friends going off on separate journeys.

"i will tell a story to myself." tomorrow says to the final day.
birdmad In the low desert.

The summer is a tyrant that refuses to release its grip, autumn is come by the calendar's dictum and the fiery regent still holds court

I stay inside a little longer, i don't come out until dark except to go to work, but soon the passage to and from will be shrouded by twilight and dawn, and for a brief bit, i won't be burdened by full sun
shadow le crowl a chinese boy with eye make-up looming large. 031119
lotuseater my mom was freaked out on a bunch of drugs and told me to get as much stuff as i could and run away...

the penguin creatures cannot survive in the atmosphere
monadh i left my body in a bed
i could crawl through walls
but i couldn't open doors
i was flying
and in the air
a barrier
i couldn't pass
it was the edge
a skin i couldn't break
i tried for days
motionless there
everything below and above and beyond
such a strange sad play
Mandy Shadow, I like the poem. It's the bomb, if you will. 031120
o n m everything makes sense sometimes 100516
crOwl i had a large collection of domestic cats corralled behind a fence, complete with a small house and a gate. i was tending to them in their hungry insistence when all of a sudden i heard one behind me and beheld that it had been hit on the road. it was still alive, of course, but its foot was smashed and bloodied. i approached it to give it assistance but it hissed at me in my attempt at compassion, running away from me, now, without a scratch. 100517
what's it to you?
who go