wisdom torch the world is sad,
and architects of life
are working on the new one.
birdmad a dream,
a design for living
josie ..of inflatable jelly. 020808
sage where god is not taboo 020909
Jarec where drugs dont exist

where everyone is upper-middle class

where we all get what we want, but still had to work to get what we deserve

where you never lose touch with your friends

where the nice, shy girl never corrupted herself out of self-loathing

where no one ever wastes a summer on depression

where the little kids can play out by the street and never get ran over by drunk drivers

where you can drink as much alcohol as you want, but never get intoxicated in the least

where cigarettes dont get people hooked and dont smell so bad

where true love doesnt end in divorce

where everyone's parents love eachother and their children with all of their hearts

build me a world where this one could never exist and leave me there
bespeckled build me a world
mend me heart
try a life with me on for awhile
Zeb that will never fall down like a house of cards..... 020916
Freak can you make me some magic with your own two hands,

can you build and emerald city with these grains of sand,

can give give me someting I can take home.....
kerry outside of the closet i'm hiding in? 020916
sirflaccid I CAN DO THAT 020916
pilgrim Where no one goes Hungry,
And Honest Effort is Fairly Rewarded.
Where Free Men Work together for Justice.
A World Where the only Tragedy is from Natural Causes,
And after every One, The survivors are Met with Helping Hands all around.
A World Where Our Curiosty for the Way Things Work is the Driving Force Behind Development and Exploration.
And The Stars are within Our Grasp.
Freak sirflaccid, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist blathing that comment
So anyway, when do I get to see this emerald city and what do you have for me that I can take home?
sirflaccid Well "Freak" the answers are simple:

The emerald city is a metaphor for the loving life that I would share with you. Though in itself isn't good enough. A life with you would be more precious and beautiful than the entire city could ever be.

As far as the other, I would hope that would be easy to figure out. Her name is Gracie Maye
diceman where I can be a new person every day and my past is forgotten when the sun rises 020918
once again So I laid a foundation... not stone, for that is too hard, but not sand either, for it gives to much. Instead I built your foundation on acceptance. And I put up the studs, one by one... it took me hours to measure them properly. I built your frame of laughter... all kinds of laughter, happy laughter, sad laugter, suprised laughter, bitter laughter and even cynical laughter, because it is the laughing that is important. I wanted you to see the joke. I didn't put up alot of walls. It is not my job to close you off. But there are lots of windows, so that you can see, if you only remember to look. There is not a single color, I left all that to you, you can lay tile, or carpet, or put in astro turf if you like. And paint the walls red or beige or baby blue. The nails are strong though, understanding will last you a long time. Here is your world, do with it what you like. 040802
megan where i can tremble but never be scared

where i can cry but never feel hurt

where i can dance but never fall

where i can love but never be left

where i can know you inside and out

where i can dream but never have nightmares

where i can play in the snow but never get cold

where i can never use lotion but always have soft skin

where i can take as many baths as i want

where i can heal

this is all i ask this time
thank you
you're truely my lifesaver hunny :o)
sexay haha
raze on_the_edges_of_the_known_cosmos. 130310
Risen Of purple_grass 130312
what's it to you?
who go