leif I asked for my second divorce yesterday.

I'm not even thirty yet...fuck.
jane marriage is a strange institution. 160128
flowerock. I hope to never have a second divorce... on paper or otherwise. What a depressing frustrating and costly hassle.
I'm sorry to hear anyone is dealing with that : / there's time_for_love still 9n life. My dad is in his 50's and just got married his second or third time... and this time seems the happiest and most real, he_and_her are so happy, it is beautiful.
phyterjet My friend recently went through a tough divorce, she took him for all he had, including the shirt off his back. He was so mad after the court hearing, started throwing a tantrum at my place, I told him to keep his shirt on, but he didn't own one 170520
tender_square "what we grieve for is not the loss of a grand vision, but rather the loss of common things, events, and gestures. ordinariness is the most precious thing we struggle for." —irena kelpfisz 221210
tender_square i am in the anger stage of my grieving process. i couldn't even bear to look at my ex the last time i was with him. i don't want to go back to the states tomorrow. this emotion is two-fold: i am angry about all the ways my ex let me down as a partner, and i'm angry for the ways that i enabled his behaviour and didn't hold him accountable, for fear of disharmony or ending up where we are now. what else was i supposed to do? i've worried that i never expressed my needs to my ex when, in actuality, i've realized that each time i expressed a need it was belittled and dissected. my ex has kicked me when i'm down, and made cruel remarks about how i was in our relationship when i haven't punched below the belt as he has. and while my current anger is justified and i view it as a tool for self-growth, it's also frustrating that i can't tell my ex off or lash out at him. what's the point? we're over now. and i guess i'm just supposed to swallow it, move on, and let go. 230521
what's it to you?
who go