birdmad peripheral things

flashes of rich, metallic emerald green and faint buzzing on the edges oh my hearing and sight in the cooler morning hours

sleight of hand incarnate

now you see it
now you don't
pilgrim Back in the summer of seventy-five
I was camping on the slopes of Mt.Baker
Outside of Bellingham, Washington.
I slept that night under the Stars,
With only a ground cloth and a
Sleeping Bag, The clear night sky was Dry and dazzling Higher altitude and the lack of city lights open the sky in the most beutiful ways. I fell asleep,and when the Dawn was breaking I was awakened by several pairs of Hummingbirds, doing a dance above me.
They would fly in towards each other from opposite directions and then meet inches from each other, Spiraling upward several yards, seperate and then repeat the process over and over again.
Like Frenzied Dervishes that had Danced Themselves to a Higher Realm.
Humdinger of a Morning, That.
crOwl buzzing bees 040927
birdmad purple flowers
watch them hover and dart overhead

grey little bodies, black flecked wings
iridescent crowns of purple and green

chirp croak and whistle in one syllable, nearly unseen on a high branch
what's it to you?
who go