auburn learn the play the guitar, or the piano, I'm afraid I'll always just let other people express my feelings for me.

And then I'll never really know how I felt about things.
crOwl get up at 5oo am i will never possess time to write. there is way too much work to do to get ready for this summer wedding. 080311
past get my health back soon i won't survive the term. come back, come back clean breathe and uncracked speech. go away congestion, cough, and headache. go away shivers and sweats. 080312
auburn tell you I love you ever again.

You have to believe that I do. Did. Always will.

I just can't get my head to stop long enough to let my heart have a voice of its own.
hsg awe, (blue) roughly_transcripted:
mediocre type if i don't fuck your life up now, i might never get another chance, i can't help it, i read your stuff because i feel sorry for you and you know i don't want someone to be sad because of me, i mean i do have a heart you know. oh you poor thing, look what you have become, i can help you if you want, i've got the strength to help you, ...... 080820
f no, it's ok mate, i would prefer to be with a schemeing repulsive lier than to be with a boring straight laced mediocre "man" that spends his time reading books and stalking bloggers as a hobby!

what's it to you?
who go