tender_square we were headed north on lesperance in mom and dad’s mini-van when a car darted out and made a left in front of brea as she drove us. she laid on the horn for a full five seconds; the woman who cut us off was long gone up the road by the time the sound ceased.

you fucking twatsicle.” brea was eerily calm as she said this, it was unlike her. “i could’ve had fourteen kids in here.”

my laughter bellowed throughout the car, startling her with its intensity.

what?” brea said. “it’s calm road rage.”

i can’t believe you just did that; you’re fucking hilarious.”

one, what she did is illegal. two, she didn’t even gun it to get out in front of me,” brea explained. “bitch just dead-stared me as she turned like, ‘what are you going to dooooooo about it?’”
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