raze i heard a close cousin to the squeak my box_spring allows itself sometimes when i move around at night. it reminded me of something. rubber soles marking the floor of my grade school gymnasium. not the harsh groan running would have encouraged. something gentler than that.

a pivot. or a quick step to the side.

what i thought was a bed that sounded like a shoe was a bird in my back yard. i looked up and saw red. a cardinal was perched on a cloaked copper wire that carries electricity to this house.

i wanted to tell him how beautiful he was. before i could say anything, the central air kicked in and scared the shit out of both of us.

he took off to look for food and a way to keep his bloodline from running dry. i went back inside and covered myself with the finest rags i could find so the day wouldn't flinch at the sight of me.

when the sun was almost finished sliding out of the sky, he came back. he brought someone with him. she waited on the top rail of the fence. he flew to where he had a clean look at me and stood atop a tower of concrete and brick. our eyes met through a segmented lunette window.

we admired each other for a breath or two. then i watched him disappear with her at his side. two small flames fighting through the falling dark.
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