no reason not necessarily weird_confessions; just facts. 140817
no reason i look forward to other people's birthdays. 140817
epitome of incomprehensibility I was born with dark, almost black hair. A few days later it all fell out, and my hair started growing in blond. Since then, it's darkened gradually over the years, stopping at what the dye samples call either dark golden blond or light chestnut brown. 140818
e_o_i I almost died before I was born, too; the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck twice, but once this was discovered, an emergency C-section got me out quickly. 140818
flux when i was young i'd catch little_brown_birds with my bare hands 140819
flowerock when I don't shave for a while I like to play with my armpit and pubic hair. it s not sexual, just comforting and relaxing.

is that tmi? does tmi exist here?
unhinged i havent owned a tv for almost ten years

i dont want to be married. i dont really need kids (my work kids are enough). i dont need status symbols of any kind.
e_o_i Sometimes I spend Tuesday nights writing fake essays for fun.

At least I just did:

Gah. Why don't I get my own blog? But it's fun to write fake literary essays for parody purposes! Everybody should be doing it!
unhinged every year for about fifteen years at this time of year i jump off a bipolar cliff. the height of which varies from year to year. 150701
nr i like reading books in bars 150808
nr i like when people tell me stories about other people who i don't know, or hardly know, and use their names. ie, "i met with andrew the other day, and he said..."

it feels intimate to me, like we're all instant friends.
nr i'm not sure how weird it is, but i like when strangers go out of their way to say 'bless you' or 'gesundheit' or the like when you sneeze. like when they're two tables over. 150923
what's it to you?
who go