flux also, now blogging: 100308
raze someone i don't know told me my blog is "self-absorbed and disjointed". i wonder what it says about me that, even though it was intended as criticism, i almost take it as a compliment. 100308
. maybe you like being self-absorbed and disjointed? 100308
raze yes. that's exactly it. 100308
raze and it occurs to me now that i have shared more personal things here and in the blue than i ever have on the personal blog where everything is in my hands alone. funny, that. 130204
Pilgrim It is the Relative Annonimity of this place that allows for Truth to be Shared so. As in a Darkened Confessional I lay My Sin Bare Before the Priest of the Collective, Knowing that the Priest Too Sins as Well. And All is Known and Celebrated Here. 130204
raze well said, pilgrim. 130204
sardines word 130204
flux microblog: 140726
raze eight years i've kept the thing going now, even if updates have been pretty infrequent at times. almost all the blogs of friends i used to follow have gone dormant if they haven't disappeared altogether, and i'm still toiling away, and strangers are still finding me by typing things like "ponder the deep things of god", "i cut too much skin off my toe", and "wiener pee pee boner" into their search engine of choice. that's a funny thing to be struck by. 160206
raze i haven't written a word there since the summer before last. i don't know when or if i will again. i stopped thinking blog-shaped thoughts when i rededicated myself to writing here every day. i didn't plan it that way. it just happened.

i have no_regrets. i think i'm where i'm supposed to be.
raze at this point, i don't know why i don't just delete the whole thing. why go on paying to keep alive a thing that's already died? 230621
what's it to you?
who go