cr0wl a quiet language

when words sleep
and thoughts threaten to become fear,
i listen to the internal whispers
noiseless shouts that speak unavoidable pain;
songs that redefine music as flameless fire.

i see written on my skin warnings and compliments.
i read the story of my circadian life in the lines around my eyes.
my teeth are films about all those invisible bites.

the body says it knows about a hidden mystery;
truth undercover
lies impossible to invent.

i ponder the secrets of who i am,
attempting to orchestrate a thorough translation;
beholding myself in a fog, hearing an infant crying, then sucking.
unhinged you press yourself up next to me
i have a bruise on my left wrist
i watched you put money in the jukebox
and then ask me to dance

don't act like you don't want me
just the way we are
unhinged so your heart isn't doing somersaults
so you aren't incapacitated with stupid in_love ness for me

that doesn't mean our bodies
our minds
our tongues
don't like to be near each other

relationships of the in_love variety
don't happen everyday
and i don't think i can handle another one of those so soon right now
what's it to you?
who go