u24 what is worrying, is that people are increasingly aware of their own exploitation, yet are unwilling (and increasingly unable) to free themselves.

Billboard advertising claims that buying product X will make you individual, they tell you, don't buy from this store, buy from this one, it's more alternative, or it's more authenic in whatever area it's selling.

People, on the whole, know this to be false.

People do not care. People want image, how they achieve this is irrelevant. How can we expect anything different from the future, when our present is so blinkered?
notme paint the billboards with happy faces
paint the happy faces with billboards
zeke they seldom tell
prefering to imply

and leaving conspicuous hints
or omissions
that beg the answers
they have contrived

we all choose to believe
or not
Sonya It is true that people are being exploited through such "brainwashing" and yet... there are those of us who do not purchase items because of a billboard or advertisement we might have seen.

Some of us buy things because of comfort, regardless of the name on the tag. Some of us buy things just because we like them after seeing them on the shelf or the sales rack. We don't worry about what others are buying. We only focus on what WE bring home from the store.

Function over form sometimes prevails, but this is becoming increasingly uncommon.

Turn away from the flashy images that are pushed in front of you. Close your eyes and cover your ears. Think for yourself and listen to your own thoughts. Is the person speaking to you in your mind the same as the person you present to the world through your clothing, your car(s), your make-up and even how you laugh at others' jokes (however lame)?

I hope the real you is still in there somewhere.

is weary.
shower singer clean headed?
i prefer my minds dirty
aM i DiStUrBeD? How can we present the real person to the world out there when all we get back is harsh and mean spirited thoughts, feelings and actions?

Ok, so not everything is like that, once in a while a person or being comes into your life and changes the way we see things and, in turn, deal with them.

But how can we show the world the real us? Open to judgement and criticism, laid bare on the floor that thousands of people tread everyday, just trying to make something of themselves.

The real me i keep inside, i am alone with the real me any time of the day that i want. I look inside and i feel that everything is the same, or better, whilst everything around me is changing and once again, there is nothing i can do about it.

Maybe we are blinkered at the present. But if we are how can we look forward into the future to try and make this a better world, a better home? How can we change the things that could happen to us without changing the things that are happening, right here, right now?

Ok, so I’m not asking for miracles here. We may not be able to change them over night but we may be able to move them along, nudge them a little?

I don't think this will happen, however, unless we ourselves loosen this noose that is around our thoughts and our very voices. Unless we speak out, make a stand how can we change?

Or are we just going to stand back and let the real decision making be done by the professionals? The politions say? You decide.
Or not.
aM i DiStUrBeD? How can we present the real person to the world out there when all we get back is harsh and mean spirited thoughts, feelings and actions?

Ok, so not everything is like that, once in a while a person or being comes into your life and changes the way we see things and, in turn, deal with them.

But how can we show the world the real us? Open to judgement and criticism, laid bare on the floor that thousands of people tread everyday, just trying to make something of themselves.

The real me i keep inside, i am alone with the real me any time of the day that i want. I look inside and i feel that everything is the same, or better, whilst everything around me is changing and once again, there is nothing i can do about it.

Maybe we are blinkered at the present. But if we are how can we look forward into the future to try and make this a better world, a better home? How can we change the things that could happen to us without changing the things that are happening, right here, right now?

Ok, so I’m not asking for miracles here. We may not be able to change them over night but we may be able to move them along, nudge them a little?

I don't think this will happen, however, unless we ourselves loosen this noose that is around our thoughts and our very voices. Unless we speak out, make a stand how can we change?

Or are we just going to stand back and let the real decision making be done by the professionals? The politions say? You decide.
Or not.
aiD? Shite, sorry bout that. Ignore the second one.

It gets boring the second time around, trust me. I talk crap and have to read it.

what's it to you?
who go