unhinged in my crazy holiday travels this year, my smile meditation came to life. tsa agents, gate agents, ticket counter people all seemed relieved to find a smiling person standing in front of them. (not to mention that they were much more helpful) smiling is the best antidote to stress.

yesterday i bought an antique prayer box with some of the gift money i got this christmas. i chatted up the store owner a bit and thanked him profusely. we both left the exchange with big smiles. i try to say thank you to people as much as possible; cashiers, bus drivers, waitresses/waiters. it is amazingly simple to bring a little light into someone else's life most of the time. a heartfelt smile and thank you. who would have thought?

(maybe it is considerably easier for me to smile these days because my own suffering has been lessened greatly. ever since he taught me how beautiful my smile is, it is one more thing i can do to remind myself of him)
past sometimes they smile back 090110
... talk_to_strangers 090111
unhinged now_would_be_a_good_time 091013
cr0wl and compliment them about something you like about them. 100107
unhinged unfortunately, life is convincing me otherwise at the moment.

i need to go to meditation group in the morning
PeeT happiness 120130
what's it to you?
who go