raze we're taking the day that has "meh" lithographed on its face and giving it a reason to feel good about itself. 140418
raze well, we were. we're not anymore. but mondays do have other uses. 140609
e_o_i Used to be work-free and volunteer-full, but today I had two classes. It's too hot to translate much so I worked on my alleged novel. 140609
raze if this one doesn't bring good news, i'm going to trip it from behind and kick it when it's down. 150412
raze you get back several fragments of your moving past you thought were lost to time and indifference, you set in motion the work necessary to transfer them to a more universal format so you can slip back into that old skin, you find out someone who wants to make an album with you got the cheque they were waiting on after getting a grant to help offset costs, which means you get to put money in the bank for a change instead of taking it out, you eat the best food, and you think, "there can't have been too many better days with this name in recent memory." 170515
gja Your great Monday makes me smile. 170516
raze i'm glad it did! :) 170516
what's it to you?
who go