leif I wanted to say, "Go fuck yourself." 150812
past So many times. 150812
jane she wrote me this beautiful letter, thanking me for all of the times i listened, put up with her, helped her. she thanked me, and showed the tip of the iceberg of an apology.

last time i saw her, before the run in on the way to my car, she pretended like everything was fabulous between us. it was a friend's birthday, and she was probably a little drunk. she wanted to hug me several times. i was uncomfortable with her questions. i didn't want to share my current information. i was paranoid. i also didn't appreciate the inauthenticity of the situation.

i haven't responded to her letter. i will, though. she has piqued my curiosity successfully, as usual. i have so many walls built up in her direction, though. it doesn't matter. i miss her spark.
past i_spoke 150819
what's it to you?
who go