tender_square the caller said he was looking for help, he needed a therapist. that he’d been recently diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, orthe dark triad” as he called it. "i'm sorry to hear that," for lack of having anything better to say when a stranger was sharing personal medical information with me. "ehhh, that's life," he said. “but my doctor is not a therapist,” he reasoned. “is there anyone on the faculty that can help me?” i said i wasn’t sure, that our faculty members weren’t necessarily working as therapists because they spent a considerable amount of time on their research and on teaching. “i know this is obvious,” i began, “but have you tried googling local therapists? there’s directories available for that sort of thing.” “i’ve tried about 15 different therapists,” he said. “none of them know a damn thing. there’s one professor—” he said the name of someone i recognized “—i emailed him two days ago, is he available?” all i could do was apologize and explain that email was, in fact, the best way to reach faculty members, that we were nearing the end of the semester and so professors were busier than usual, that i was sorry that i couldn’t offer more help. “uh-huh,” the caller said. and he followed it up with a sarcastic “thanks a lotbefore hanging up the phone. 220414
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