gja When I was growing up I lived down the road from a suburb called Miranda.

We, Ok me, spent our teenage years going to a nightclub called...Carmens.

Get It.
Well it is Ok if you dont. It was long after I moved away and was recounting my teenage angst to a potential squeeze that it dawned on me. How embarrarasing.

Actually she didnt get it either. She was a Dane and had a poor command of English - unusual for most folk in that fine country. She told me she was a medical student. i followed her home on a whim. I fell in love with her employer who was a first aide officer at Rock and Roll concerts. Her name was Henrietta - we had a boy. A lovely child.
She was fighting with her parents, and, to spite them, let him have my surname. Thats a big no no in a maternal scoielty like Denamrk (fighting Vikings and all.
My nervousness at the birth register completely stuffed things up for this my first son. He ended up having MY surname for both his Christian (want a better term) and Surnames - Angel Angel.
At six he became an Angel. Killed by a nutter who'd left Christiana on a weekday ferry - caused a big stir that her family tried to avoid - but couldnt.
Angel Angel became an Angel. Early.
They say you shouldnt outlive your kids - and I wont, not the rest.

Some Ive spoken of on blather. Blue. Red seems too hard for family thoughts.

Raymond Carver tittled a book "Please be quiet, Please". Easily the best book tittle ever.
Except for, maybe, "Sunshine" a book about anything else - Robert Drewe deserves more ups than he gets. I spoke with him once about dancing - we thought the same things.

Anyway...H had a cleff...in her nose...weird but inordinantly attractive...first really fell in love with her on a late night ferry trip from Dover to Oustend (spelling?).

Cheers for listening, thanks and goodnight.

Not yet - one more thing - please listen -
Current partner - we have two kids - two boys - she wants one more - I cant do it - but cant deny it - told her that it would have to be "in vitro" because I coludnt have sex. She said, surprisingly, FINE.

I donated today. A clear plastic jar with a yellow lid hold half my next child.

I'll keep you posted.
what's it to you?
who go