unhinged i'm a little fixated on the whole surgery thing at the moment. sometimes it's hard for me to distinguish reality from the drugs they gave me. but i swear to god they taped my butt to the table because i remember holding in the belly laugh that bubbled to my throat at the thought of my right cheek being taped to the operating table. and then i woke up and the nurse was yelling at me for scratching my face. i'm kind of scared by that...two hours of my life totally lost. i have no memory of them....just a scar that proves that something actually happened. did i ever mention that i don't like hospitals? 010310
twiggie is it better now that you've had the surgery? 010310
nocturnal my mom's afraid I'm fixated on the computer. she told me she was worried. hehe, in the immortal words of will smith, parents just don't understand. 010310
mikey im hoping Unhinged ends up being ok and does well. shes such a beautiful person. 010311
mikey next time just tell your mom "im just blathering" 010311
silentbob if i could somehow make you mine... 010311
unhinged it is better; no more infections; those hurt more than the surgery. i'll be okay. 010311
mikey good =o) 010311
dB Unhinged, as your attourney, I advise that you have a blueberry muffin. Always used to make me feel better. :-) 010311
what's it to you?
who go