chiidi humanity on the
shuttle at lunchtime

bumped into a small child and looked down to discover an old woman frozen in the shell of a six-year old, only the weatherworn face and hands betraying the truth

the denizens of the shelter, some neatly scrubbed and with books in hand, sheaf of papers here and there, the pursuit of regained independence,

the castaways, deranged, pair of middle aged women carrying on an animated conversation, the departure of one without the other stopping or in any way acknowledging the fact, th one who left talking to the empty air as she walked off and away,

hypocritical politician trying vainly not to wrinkle his nose or make faces at the smell of the grimy beareded figure gaunt and drawn a couple seats over, his fragrance enveloping everywhere the overabundant perfume of a neatly dressed old woman with a juror badge does not... someone's verdict will be skewed by her perfume, thw jury she sits on will rush through their vote to escape the potency of it, either onvicting or acquitting for the sake of expediency, perhaps she knows this and has calculated it, sharp eyed even in her seeming obliviousness.

driver drives on, making his rounds, city traffic ebb and flow

steady rhythm of wheels and air conditioner and subliminal mantra of crazy woman holding court talking calmly to the empty seat next to her

a city is an ocean of people

moment like a tide-pool, snapshot of the lives briefly caught by the ebb
saluting waves . 020906
Sonya chiidi,

I don't think anyone has captured the contrasting essence of city life as you just did. I read through what you wrote and found myself recognizing and remembering things I myself have seen and felt.

I know it may not mean much, but you touched a city girl who was right on the verge of forgetting all of it. Thank you.

with gratitude.
what's it to you?
who go