Finding him, I sat across the table from him and looked into his eyes until he spoke. "I've seen you before," he said stuttering, he stank of rum and fear, "you're the pimp who always has the bitches falling all over him." I laughed "bitches?" I thought of her bruises, of her crying blue eyes. "I mean ladies" he's fidgeting. I'm reminded of a puppy not yet scoulded for something that it knows it did wrong, "Right, ladies". His eyes are darting around the bar, what's he looking for? "You know? I've always wondered does a disgusting fuck like you ever manage to get laid?" His terror isn't satisfying enough. "Listen, man, I don't want any trouble" his voice cringes, he's holding back tears. "You brought this on yourself, you need to be taught a lesson." I'm furious now, I imagine tearing him apart while he begs for mercy, I imagine biting the flesh off his bones and spitting it down his throat. I imagine him raping that poor girl, that beautiful girl, I imagine him hitting her, I'm beyond furious now. I stood up, he flinches, and I left the bar, I sat in my car for 3 hours, waiting. I'm tired. To be continued.
what's it to you?