raze in character as the titular pearl hey baby. you won't find me in any movies, or in any clams. you'll find me living way back o' town, doing my emancipation dance, making worried faces 'bout the midnight hour. 140115
e_o_i Ah. The reason is the rhyme :) 140116
raze i messed up my alliteration a little, though, leavin' out the g…should have been a manic green pearl, maybe? 140116
raze or satanic. 140116
raze no, not an s…mantric, maybe. 140116
e_o_i I don't get the alliteration part. Manic pixie dream girl isn't alliterative at all, is it?

(I am running on too little sleep and not enough exercise.)
raze (i probably misused the word…i just meant i failed at including the first letters of all four words from the original phrase. failed!) 140116
e_o_i Oooooh, I see. I knew there was something I wasn't getting.

Hardly an "epic fail," methinks.
what's it to you?
who go