crOwl emerson said thought was round, wallace stevens called it an infection. frost said it had a pair of dauntless wings.

what do you think a thought is?
tessa body music 040801
nowme i am thinking about this 040801
user24 I think that thoughts (some thoughts, at least) are translated feelings. 040802
uow hmm. yes. i was thinking about thoughts being the sounds we hear of the heart and mind as they are playing together?
but i don't know. what is anything? i'm not awake.
uow can one separate the heart and mind?
what is the heart?
what is the mind?
and soul?
what about soul?

out of heart out of mind?
sometimes i think i'm out of mind
and nothing is real
uow *brain+heart=mind? 040802
uow when i think about thought i think of an old expression my mother taught me that her mother taught her long ago

"you know what thought did?"
uow of course there are at least a dozen answers to that one 040802
uow "thought he thaw a putty tat" 040802
uow i think i think
therefore what?
uow "thought she thought she thought" 040802
uow http://www.bartleby.com/34/1/4.html 040802
shower singer The way I see it, it's just "I think."

It's not "therefore..." anything.
"I think" is a declaration of both 'I' and 'thought'

I think
I think
I think
... I think
uow i think you_think 040802
pilgrim Inerference patterns of the Total Output
Of Existance.
We are Filter Feeders
Straining out Order From the Chaos
Many Ideas Come about at the same Time
Apparently Disconnected from each Other
When The Time is Right
New Thoughts Arise
All are Components of the Same Device
Nice Nice Very Nice
user24 I'm thinking

silentbob You know you're pretty good looking for a girl 040806
user24 "I think therefore I am" is not logically true

We cannot tell if any of our senses are lying; our entire earthly experience could be a dream.

Descarte thinks that the act of thinkng ensures our existence - if we can think, we know we exist.

But what makes our thoughts exempt from the deception that our senses are subjected to?
( descartes ) 040825
user24 we know that something (that we call 'I') perceives something, but we can never know whether our perceptions are universally true or false; we know of their existence, but not of their validity. Using logic, reason and experience, we can learn which of our perception are more likely to be true, but we can never know.
We don't even know if anything can be universally true.
tessa logic, reason and experience have always seemed like pretty shifty things to base belief on to me. 040826
mangrove seems to me that some people will only accept certain things if they are based on the above three things. i'm not one of them. 040826
raze going without sleep to fix sleep is like starving yourself to gain weight. 130324
what's it to you?
who go