luck is green i've lost my words.
i've lost my desire.
i havn't lost hope, though.
the first death was my trust (losing_it)
morning came (incoming)
its death was that of my creativity (mortuary)
everything was allright for a while (blue_aura)
i thought i might be reborn in a beautiful sunset (reawaken)
but the metaphors mismatched with its death went my desire (writhes)
the path cleared up, and became monotonous (roratorio)
and i learned the secrets of stagnation (satisfaction, unmoving)

i go underneath.
disappear from view.
my life encompassed (152)
and, in being encompassed, died my dreams.
daxle thinking backwards hurts my mind's neck 020922
silentbob fuck the past 020922
distorted tendencies I feel no remorse or regret. 020922
belly fire I feel like there are nothing but regrets. Weigh me by my conscience. 020922
fallen has a funny way of rearing it's head at the most awkward times 020922
Sonya It is a tome laced with blood covered pages. The cover is covered with thorns and there is even a disclaimer page warning the reader to stay the fuck back and not read any further.

It's not just a horror story... it's a bloody tragedy filled with anguished screams and cries...filled with desolate, dripping misery.

Sadly the darkness overshadows the light in this novel. It's difficult to see the few paragraphs of happiness once you get to page...oh let's say 107 out of 200.

is breaking in two.
APRicochetMVP while i'm not proud of some of the things i've done, i have no regrets. 050714
raze the past feeds the present. cut away the fat. bite down to the bone. swish that pain around like an oil that won't be swallowed, blinking back tears. and where are you now? 130203
what's it to you?
who go