Sonya I had a dream this morning that I was living in a house my family lived in years ago. My parents were there along with my older brother and me. It was night time and we were getting ready for bed.

Suddenly there was a pounding on the door. I went to look out of the peep hole and saw a group of skinheads...Neo Nazis I guess is what we call them now?

I don't know how to explain, but the next thing I know, there's a large mass of them surrounding our house. They start shooting at us through the windows and doors. We have no weapons of our own. We're pretty much defenseless. My dad tries to crawl to the phone in the kitchen to call 911 without getting hit.

Surprisingly none of our neighbors seem to notice or care that our entire house is being shot at from all sides. I hear each gun shot clearly and perfectly. It feels so real...and yet I remember that I also saw each bullet moving in slow motion.

After waking from this nightmare I thought about why I would have dreamt such a thing. Then I remember what it was like living in that neighborhood. We were the only Asian family living out there, and a couple of our neighbors seemed to think we were rather strange. It was a subdivision that remsembled a neighborhood out of Pleasantville. I guess sometimes our nightmares spring from our memories.
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