splinken toot toot. 010612
frankie f. kitten woot woot 010612
splinken you again? 010612
perky mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
the blatherers that don't blather.
frankie f. kitten always and everywhere 010612
nocturnal blatherers that don't blather? wouldn't that make them non-blatherers? maybe they (assuming they exist since we can't be sure if they never blathe) should have one all of their very own. it could be a black blather to represent the darkness of the underground. 010612
splinken there's a whole network of us who just stare. 010613
nocturnal at work well you're so out of the network now. 010613
kendera i like it.... 010613
blather literalist bury me with my keyboard and my monitor and my CPU so that i may blathe whilst beneath the soil. 010613
nocturnal until the worms and other creepy crawly critters have completely devoured your fingers, that is. 010613
splinken blather isn't black music. blather isn't white music. blather is fight music! for high school kids! 010614
mcdougall wait a minute. blather isn't music... is it? maybe i have been underground for too long. 030226
Black Argonaut blather rocks the house, but i'm not sure if it's just high school fight music... us college level students (and by that, i mean people who party 24/7) like blather, so doesn't that make it COLLEGE fight music that high schoolers listen to just to be cool with the college peeps? or has blather sold out, and is it being controlled by the Mtv executive whores and being force-fed to the 11-13 year old American audience so that it will soon become filled with commercial and useless dribble (i know people dribble now, but think about if blather was 100% Carson Daly and Britney Spears)!!!! Is this some perverse nightmare coming to light?!?!? Run for your lives, blather has become a product of corporate America!! 030226
belly fire with an as yet unknown successful Canadian undercurrent 030226
Black Argonaut Well said, belly fire! I couldn't have put it better myself! 030228
. who is canadian? 041207
jane found. 160226
e_o_i I'm Canadian. Other people are Canadian. Britney Spears sounds better in her lower range without squeaky overproduction. Anyone can be underground if they're dead and/or on a subway. 160227
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