Arwyn is such a frightening word. No one can have a thought, feeling, opinion without incurring someone's wrath. I want to scream and be a voice of reason, but there are no voices of reason. Reason is relative. and so the cycle goes and we all perpetuate retribution 080603
pilgrim Never Argue With A Fool,
People Might Not Be Able
To Tell The Difference.
tender_square i don’t like how much money i’ve spent this month on things i don’t need,” she said. “and i feel even worse because it’s not my money; i’m using his after i told him i was leaving, like i’m going on one last spree.”

the more things i do for others, the harder situations are, the more i tell myself that i deserve it,” she continued. “or work will just be really boring and so i’m doing it to fill the time, window shopping. and after each purchase, i keep telling myselfthat’s it, no more,’ and then days later i’m doing the same thing again.”

her therapist said, “what would happen if you said to your husband, ‘hey, i’m going to spend $800 on clothes this month, okay?’ perhaps being upfront about it would diminish those feelings you’re carrying that you’re doing something wrong?”

maybe. but he’s never been a penny-pincher when it comes to money, which i appreciate. he doesn’t look over my shoulder. i mean, i’m doing a lot better with the retail therapy than i was before,” she reasoned. “i know i’m spending right now because i’m anxious, and all of that is just under the surface though i am trying so hard to keep it together.”

i mean, have you thought about that this could be a form of retribution for all that you’ve done for him and all that you continue to do for him?” her therapist asked. “this is the only way that you can hurt him, in a sense, by doing these things for yourself because he doesn’t take care of you.”
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