water lillies My time here in Peters Valley, NJ is running out. I am trying count my lucky stars and hold onto them at the same time. This has been my best summer since I was like....10 years old. There is a real magic in the air here. The warm evenings feel like a deep breath, the crickets sing a forgotten, hypnotic language, and the stars fill the sky unobtrusively, like they invite you to look, but are not mad if you do not. Today the sky was so expansive that I just kept thinking about the possibilities that exist if I am up to the challenge. The clouds were all way up, and gave the space away.

I have been feeling super creative, and way too short on time (in a great way of course). There are just so many wonderful things to try and accomplish.
I have also been searching for quiet, and looking for space.

Here are a few poems.

I imagine a cool, quiet place, still and calm.
The midday sun peeks in through holes in the wall,
it streams down in shapes on the floor.
meandering dust like dreams, silently inspiring.

one more…

old jeans and the t with a hole, bare feet pointing skyward,
its blue invigorated and seamless.
the breezes and trees play,
they laugh as the sun joins in -
all comfort and warmth,

there is something about those moments -
these moments, they linger, but never last long enough.
I try to grab hold, bring them into focus - drink them up,
and yet, summer - its sweetness to last only a moment- its sting of beauty slipping away
log burning fire and when they had traveled under the cloak of darkness, they heard the mournful howl of the skinny coyote, wondering and worrying. a moon, almost full, gave them sufficient light to travel. rhourer even let rillian work the controls. at first he made them nearly tumble off an embankment.

at dawn, they came upon a sign. it was a white board with black letters, deftly painted. there was a fieldstone ring around the post with impatiens blooming. a faerie was watering them. her hair was long and decorarted with clematis flowers. her cheeks were blushed. startled at being discovered, she flew off when the donkey appraoched.

it said:


asino rosso stopped to read it.

"should we wait?" rillian asked.
"why?" rhourer asked. his rat whiskers twitched.
"so we can see what beauty will pass by."
"what is beautiful?"
"and so it is here?"
"you mean us? me? you?"
"of course."
"um," rillian stammered. he never thought that he was beautiful. especially when he was a skeleton-man.
"but, we can wait. i'm sure something else beautiful will pass by here."

and that's when they heard a rustling in the woods.
what's it to you?
who go