raze all the awful outhouse memories of my youth came flooding back when my toilet's fill valve and supply line died within two days of each other.

the fill valve was four years old. the supply line was about a hundred. i think they both went right around the same time because they didn't want to live without each other. like johnny cash and june carter, only more aromatic, less romantic, and with a spicy extra verse tacked onto the end of "ring of fire" that never would have made it past the record label bigwigs.

now, after a week spent dumping a bucket of water into the bowl to make things move, i can flush again. i never thought i'd be so happy to see a toilet do what it was made to do. i kneel before the wise and benevolent god of latrines and offer my heartfelt gratitude for this most glorious gift.

what's it to you?
who go