jane red light, how you splayed yourself, splattered yourself on the soaking street, the reflection of red like blood, like so many slaughtered across seas, so many we nevr hear about, the unknown pilgrims. the red dripping down onto glistening night, the street, like a thousand killings, like the life i never had. 080123
p it blinks in my eyes, telling me to stop. on the off beats it shines a brilliant green. 080124
a shaken and slightly disgruntled pete for the love of all things holy in heaven and in hell, and for the sake of my mortal and breakable body RED MEANS STOP. for eff's sake, DON'T CREEP FORWARD INTO THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING THE STREET. 080125
margaux district. always wanted to go... 080125
birdmad scarlet bulbs in all the lamps and sconces

music slow and heavy
liquor flowing freely
smoke of various kinds drifts through the place

persistence of memory
flux green_light 080303
what's it to you?
who go