amy you and kiss you, and love you and love you...oh, you know. 980908
eric wow, who invented the kiss? that was a really the most amazing discovery -- it can be sooo... ecstatic. except for my great aunt Sue... dood, she would lick her lips four of five times real fast before puckering up and then grab me by the cheeks. i was too nice to run away. she slimed me every time. wow, i just realized why uncle Don dipped snuff all the time... 980909
sarah jane I just want one, at least. Sometime, soon. It's been my entire life without it, so that the moment is this huge thing in my mind. When it's over, will I laugh, or cry, or just want more? 981014
drew sometimes, i want to give one to all of my friends, but most of them would probably be confused and think it to be out of character. if only i had given them one when i first met them, then they would know how i feel...
when is it too late?
ang are you desirable? are you irristable? maybe if you drank boubon with me it would help. maybe if you kissed me and i could taste the sting in your mouth it would help.
(you knew i was bound to type it, now did you).
eric the wash of a sea bourbon deadens not an instant of the sting of the kiss. yet what could be more desirable than to be pierced to the quick? how rapturous then the kiss of death? 981115
Darren This is usually how it starts. One small of touch of skin to skin, deathly afraid of not doing it. Feeling your wanting it, knowing we can't. What is this damn thing that sits between? Just stop thinking! 990208
[marissa] the slither of a broken moon,
nestled far beneath your tongue;
past teeth and cloaked throats,
wherein your amulet lies silent.

and when our lips congregate at
the simple seam, where we open
our quiet mouths and let the other

to kiss.
to find,
that gem
again at
the bottom
of our
emilya Lips touching....we can think of this in 2 ways...
1) you're affecting 10% of that person's sensory nerves.
2) you're affectiong 100% of that person's soul.
kat i don't think anyone invented the kiss. it's just human nature. it's the way we get close to one another. 990405
Jeff @Newdream i don't know where it came from, but a kiss is one of the most amazing things i've ever experienced. my first: electricity, the enveloping warmth of another body so very close, invading my personal space and yet i don't mind. it's amazing how such little contact can make your heart beat faster or seem to stop altogether. 990528
ben the bitter taste of blood and glass the accident fresh in my mind. her eyes wide and cold. rain falling down the broken feeling inside. kisses are hell and life is worse. i should never have parted our lips... given my breath to you died in your arms. 990714
Colleen You found a boy, you staked your claim and you kissed until your mouths were tired. 991111
robin a kiss without touching
a wave goodbye
a kiss with eyes shut
say hello
ricmariem its something of an experience
i don't want it experienced
jennifer I unloaded all my hatreds
into a wheelbarrow
kissed them goodbye
doused them with your cologne
and set them ablaze
I laughed as I danced
the flames licking my flesh

that night
I slept more soundly
than I have in ages
elimeny you know, the worst part about having these DAMN braces,
is when someone kisses you and says "mmmMMMmmm! Don't you just love that fresh metallic taste?"
Ah, well, screw you.
I've learned to deal with it, you can too, in fact....please do!...heh heh
so there.
valis a kiss: let words fail you once in awhile. 991216
trakie ya'll might not like to know this, but kissing came from ancient cultures when parents would chew up fod first and then put their mouth to their child's and gave them the food. still it's a nice thought. the child gained food - thus life - from this first "kiss" it's nice to think that kisses still do give life. 991227
trakie now that the history lesson is over-

first kiss
(that is the first
true kiss of love)
that other person
eyes meet hearts melt.
the soft touch,
back of a hand gently
across a cheek.
lips meet souls unite
are one. hands still
caress, molding hearts
together so when that
eternity is over,
the eyes you stare into
are your own.
alicia i gave e. his first kiss, you know. it wasnt right of me. he didn't want me. e. didn't want anybody. i hate to think that i corrupted him.. 991228
lizard i never thought this possible. bliss does exist, between soft lips. why did i ever have to let go? time could be flexible... 991228
Tess you and kiss you and love you and love you...oh, you know. 991231
FooLmOOn i love your kiss, i hated his. i love your lips, i hated his. i love your taste, i hated his. i love they way you kiss, i hated the way he did. i love your eyes, i love your hands, i love your smile. why is it that he would keep me, but you would give me away? i dont understand, perhaps its a game... but just remember, i love you so much that i would go away if you didnt want me to stay. 000116
psyki wave good-bye to reality.
stick your finger in my mouth.
i'm not sleepy anymore.
photorealism amuses me.
it's the perfect solution.
let's prevent the future from happening.
and pretend that we're ok.
lotusflower i enjoy kissy noises... 000213
a a chance meeting with the stinging bees bitter kiss. his smile... with the clever stealth of a pick-pocket, steals the words from the corners of my lips, taking with them my breath, on which sails my fruitful wish, dancing further out of reach. 000313
Cold gin time again
You know it's the only thing
That keeps us together
MollyGoLightly first one is always a shocker. and timid. as for the second and third one--that's where a couple of people could get themselves in trouble.
it's fun to kiss til you get so tired you both fall asleep.
i would never date a bad kisser.
girl kisses are very important to me
i dont see him often anymore so when he comes to visit i insist that he gives me lots of kisses, at least enough to last until he's back again.
its amazing how something so small, lip to lip (or lip to whatever else), can mean so much.
SomeoneElse Never underestimate the power and import of a kiss.
I tried to leave someone once, but that kiss brought me back.
To be kissed how one kisses.
Those fragile moments where butterflies land and delight.
WoNDERGIRL seven seconds
is all it takes
to lose myself in you
seven seconds
and I lose track
of just where
my lips end
and you begin
seven seconds
and your tounge
is all I know
lisa_is_bionic We lift our eyes - big surprise
Kiss me good bye, whore.

A part of me gets SICK
A part of me gets SORE
silent bob shes my first girlfriend. maybe im her last boyfriend. shes much more "experienced" than me. we have been going out..perhaps a month. and she actually told me she didn't think people could possibly kiss as much as we do. that made me feel really good and laugh because i know she loves me. 000601
Thors Kitten You kissed my lips
Held my head so close
And I prayed you would pull away
I couldn't breathe
Was tired of your kisses
You sucked and bit my neck
That kiss was so hot
It burned me and
I changed my mind.
spark should I kiss you if I know that that will give you false impressions? If these impressions are for what you strive? A simple kiss is a simple yes or no to you, a simple life or death. A kiss is just a kiss, nothing more nothing less. 000607
she-ra his kiss meant more to me than any words he ever said...i'm glad he didn't ever say what he wouldn't have meant as much. 000819
Jealousy Ill never know your mouth and mine
Joined together, with the love we dare not speak
what would it matter
youd probably be thinking of her anyways
josie And just like star-crossed lovers.
We stole the kiss that holds us until we share another tomorrow. Holds us in that, though, with those senses in time, frozen. Immortalised until another joy overwhelms it. For am I so sure that another will overcome it? I am.. becuase this time I didn't steal it.
p. criss beth i hear you callin' 001016
Babylon Brother The deepest kisses sting. 001016
call me george when u fuck some one this is how it happens. u rip all her clothees off and let her do the same. then charge! ram your dick right into her pussy and feel it flow.then kiss her (maybe) 001102
El Cuervo Diabolico whenever she is near

i reach my hand out and my fingertips brush lightly against her shoulder or over her hair and my mind races

the imagined taste of her kisses

the fantasy of her undraped form and the will to cover it with nothing but an array of soft kisses from head to toe and back again, taking forever in the process
Barrett Man, you are right fuck'n on, or you've been seeing my girlfriend. 001102
kx21 ...

Redundant ACTIONS for LOVE...

billy jo "devil" dupree knights in satan's service 001102
marissa It was something I have only enjoyed with you. You gave me many at that wedding. On the cheek and forehead. We don't at school, we've been caught so many times. I love your kisses. The ones on the neck and lower on my chest make me shiver and tingle all over. I love you. We waited 3 mos for the first, and havent stopped since then. And the excitement and intensity never dies. The point that is most delicious for me is when our lips are so close you can feel heat coming off of them, and we are murmuring.. in the middle of a conversation. It is pure pleaseure... 001113
angelswild pettels fluttering...leaves rustling...branches entwine....suns rays, moons light....oceans breath...mother natures rush....I feel all this in the kiss that you gave me... 001217
c love to be kissed...
angelswild I love to kiss... 001226
beth i need one please 010117
chanaka i grab your shirtfront with a rough fist, wanting your kiss.
give me a kiss dammit!! how many lonely silent screams do i have to peform before i get one lousy kiss? please!! it is up to you to break the cycle, to prove that i am not pathetic like i think i am. how's that for pressure? do you know i still have never been kissed? at my age? so let's do it right (NOW)
unhinged the way he wetted his thumb to rub the mascara off my cheek after a music history nap was like the sweetest kiss...the way he smiles. it's just a dream. but the thought was beautiful. we would probably be good for each other. exceeding all of each other's expectations. *sigh* 010117
Nicole my mouth is an explorer..and his whole body is to be dicovered.. 010302
nicole Gentle, pull my lips around yours, inside yours, on yours and we will be safe from the ticking time bomb. 010308
mikey i love kissing. me and this one girl once kissed for almost 8 hours...i think it was between 6-8 hrs. snuggling and kissing.

when 2 great kissers get together..WOWWY
Aimee I love kisses. Doesn't matter where they are, I just love them. I honestly think that kissing should be an olympic sport. I would be willing to put in the practice, and more than willing to compete. Only the rules are that no clothing can be removed (some should be worn since this is going to be televised and if people were naked it would just be porn)but you must remain kissing and whoever does it the longest and the best.. wins... god would that be great... God I love kissing 010308
mikey the most romantic kiss i ever gave and also i think its the most sensual. is kissing someones eyelids. cup their face in your hands and kiss their eyelids. its amazing 010308
... We were in high school, at a friends house, during a party while the parents were away. There were three of us in the bathroom, lying on the floor in the dark, drunk, happy and full of stories. While Liz was talking, she took off one of my shoes. Then she took the other off. Then, she pulled the socks off my feet and began to kiss them. She sucked my toes...I wish I knew then what I know now. A simple regret.... 010417
silentbob i wish i could have one right now 010417
keeper i keep asking myself...why did i stop that night 010418
Rayne As you drove me to the station so I could catch my bus to go home, I knew in my heart when the car stopped we would kiss our last kiss. This was it. This was the last time our lips would meet. As the station grew closer and the car began to slow down my heart began to silently break and my mind began to race. the car stopped, we turned and said goodbye, confessed our love one last time and kissed our last kiss. It was the last time I would feel you pulse through me, it was the last time I would feel warm and safe, it was the last time time would stop and we would be the only ones to exist. A tear fell and we both knew it was over. 010419
Becky That was beautiful Rayne. 010420
mel Drive me home; walk me to the door; say goodnight; so cliche 010420
Sol you taste like crushed lillies and glass 010421
mmm i fell like an addict when she leaves i can't wait till i c her again 010424
... yummy 010426
nix0r we could all use a few more 010427
pickletree if we had kissed there would have been weirdness between you and me 010427
nix0r pickletree's blathe: a burning kiss to my very heart. 010427
yoink jodi 010427
burden Delicious and pure and chewy and serene and explosive and not for me. 010514
unhinged the other night at dennys was almost a completely perfect dream of the old and lovers lament and kt bob and some dude that was really high. my good old amber sniffsniffsniffing me but she didn't know that i've finally embraced my whole liking girls thing although four months ago i really wanted her anyways. we have always kissed each other, not prudish pecks, solid close mouthed kisses. i think i totally freaked her out when we were kissing good bye and i stuck my tongue in her mouth even though she let me because ron said "i saw that" and then kt bob made us re-enact our french kiss. not that i was complaining...i always wanted amber to be the first girl i french kissed. 010514
candi heat, caress,
soft flesh, smmoottthhhh skin,
fingers tangled in hair,
breath on your neck,
intense, timeless place,
but its never enough.
oh pee um tes bisous ont un chaleur comme un grand infern, mais me laissent avec un vide. 010514
startfires i like the little timid ones. really soft. that turns me on much more than feeling like i am getting my throat probed and the rest of me is getting a hasty physical exam. quiet, slow, light, sets my heart on fire and makes me want to fuck. 010525
startfires thats something i wish every boy in the world could know: too much teeth, too wild of a tounge, makes you feel like you are being attacked. which is okay sometimes. 010525
suddenred Kisses can be great, but the invasive kind just make me sick. And I don't want to watch people making out in the halls at school. Keep it to yourselves. I don't want to see you swapping spit, searching for treasure with your tongue in the hall. No. 010525
yummychuckle a kiss can be a comma, an exclamation point, or a question mark 010602
florescent light Keep

that's an expression we use in research when designing a study.
Aimee I put my legs up on his lap. He scratched his nose and leaned over "You know what it means when your nose itches, don't you?" I just shook my head slightly. "It means I'm about to kiss a fool" For what seemed like a minute probably only lasted 10 seconds. The entire world seemed to stop and the tension in the air seemed so incredible. I kissed him, "No. That just means I've been kissed by a fool." and he gently grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me. It was just like the first time he kissed me. God I love him. 010608
AuroraDawn when i loved him, i laughed when we kissed, he never understood, he filled me up until i overflowed, laughter pouring out with soft kisses placed on nose and ear and eye 010609
Casey Something I have never expirenced, not even a peck on the cheek from a family member. 010609
//// thats all thats happenend so far, but i really want so much more.. i can't wait till we have our day 010616
"chilling" KISS


it's kinda funny living on the planet Mars but I kinda think I always have.

From the horn point of view, it takes a bit more for women!

how simple is that?

space = torment.

this is how most women have been suffering!

but not in an agressive tone.
in a softly spoken one.

to study hand writting and tone of voce, is also to understand a persons needs. changer- by the wind.

the waters swerl around me, I have lost my school, i am a silver little one where is my home?

the fire burns me, the chill is close by i know where you are. but i am only guessing who you are catch the drift water. wonder in your own.

find the right one.
to be continued. #spelling error~#
beg my pardon .


you know i SEEEE people kissing in broad day light these days, thats kinda
a bit undone in England,Ireland and Wales. Like its a crime, like it turns me on kinda thing!
admitted. 1 sin - Lust. I lust to .............. (mid sentence) continue ....... my serch .............4 . YOU ......;...
Casey When a couple kiss in public it tends to bother other people. With me,when i see it, it's just like "Oh, that's nice, affection." 010617
nocturnal I can't wait for the first time I do it with someone I'm genuinely attracted to. I had my first kiss in eighth grade, and quite a few since then. but none of them were really that great cuz I either didn't know the guy, or had no interest in them. I barely consider myself to have had my first real kiss yet. I'm not gonna say how many guys I've kissed so far in my life, but even after all of those guys, I'm still waiting for a good one to come along that will really count. 010617
namrehsif She was my first real kiss, and god she was beautiful. Cute pug nose, big blue eyes, round breasts and full hips, I wanted to squeeze the hell out of her.

She knew she wasn't gay, and told people it was a drunken moment and I was crazy. She hasn't spoken to me since, but part of that's because I'm kind of embarrased and haven't approached her. She was working at Universal Studios then, but now I think she works in a theater in NoHo.
burden = 6/16

BOO hello, can i kiss you?
why not?
DannyH mwah 010620
florescent light kissed an asian guy tonight
it was pretty cool
first time kissing a nonwhite man
well, except for that Indian guy, but that was against my will
Cal butterfly kisses are best 010625
panacea sometimes i feel like if i stare at your lips long enough and repeat "kiss me" over and over in my head they will somehow get the message 010714
K. Charinus:
Cedo tuam mihi dexteram, agedum, Acanthio.

Em dabitur, tene.

Come, give me thine hand, come now, Acanthio.

It is given, take it.
black-dyed gel product i was told i wasn't very good at it. that's served to make me pretty self-conscious 010717
baby satan breathe through your nose. breathe through your nose. i repeat, breathe through your nose. 010722
yoink iamshitty 010722
The King Jen 010725
florescent light his tongue
felt like a marshmellow in my mouth
Rachelle first kisses are those to treasure
any idea when or what or who no one know but when it happens
it might completely be disappointing to the most
it might be the most beautiful kiss you'll ever have
i know mine was
and will remain in my mind
some people will wait until the alter for their first kiss
some people will french all those who come along
some people will never get a first kiss
let's hope that doesn't happen to most
first kisses are beautiful
stephen i have never been kissed and i am 19. now i am afraid too, because i have no practice. so my kiss will probably be crappy to whoever i do kiss.. hopefully they will understand and work with me 010901
trranslucent "I kiss your lips and close my eyes, take you away to paradise, make everybody see that I love you and you love me..."
-Tokyo Ghetto Pussy
starved given to me when i deserved it the least

the hunger for you that raged inside me up to that point grew a thousandfold in that moment

unworthy though i know i am
Artemismagus Ahhh, the silly antics of a romantic... PATHETIC!!! A kiss is nothing more than a temporary transfer of bodily fliud from one person to another. DISGUSTING!!! A kiss is nothing more than a tool... YES, a tool for men to get in your pants. Yeah that is right. Think about it for a minute. The first time you were really kissed. NO!!! not the cute crappy third grade stuff, the more passionate and intense one you all got in highschool. Yeah, now you remember dont you, the way he penetrated you with his cold clammy, sweaty fingers... A kiss is this , nothing more than a tool for aman to get in your pants, HAHAHHAHAHA. THE TRUTH HURTS DOESNT IT! 010905
starved you missed the point then

...i'm the guy...she kissed me at a moment when i really didn't deserve it

and now since that moment i've been wanting her even more.
kitchen spirits and haunted cutlery SUMMARY: she's a friend of his, he's in love with her

they got drunk and foolish

he got a little out of control

instead of being angry with him for being so forward...she kissed him. Now he wants her even more even though she's still not quite prepared to take that step with him

this is an ongoing story.
birdmad "i just want your extra time..." 010906
sweetheart of the song tra bong Like eating the color red. 010906
ClairE Every kiss is a journey.

If you're in love, it's a journey back inside you.

Also an excellent band.

Damn, my last one didn't go through. An aborted attempt.

Annie111 he has builders hands
and he holds her waist with strength
and timidity
he is afraid of what he feels
afraid of crushing her
she is like a white, light

Her face is cupped,
framed on the side
by that strong, rough hand
And he leans in to taste her lips
Every so slightly
Like a whisper
UnnaturalLovely There is a scent
That represents
A thing that gives a kiss

This thing is not
What we forgot
But something we will miss
unhinged don't worry about getting stuck at wes's house tonight. i've really gotten used to spending my friday and saturday nights alone studying. and you don't have to bother finding time to spend with me over break. i'll probably be busy. 011208
sphinxradio are the neighbors watching? are they looking at us now?

my brain, frantic,
yours, focused.
sunshine we kiss and every thing is perfect
your lips are so soft and i touch your face
i try to breathe u in
u make me light-headed
and frustrated that i cant begin to convey all my love to u through a kiss no matter how many we share
you cant even begin to know the whole of my feelings for u
the shell i feel nothing when you kiss me anymore.
your kisses are empty
and it breaks my heart because i know that it wont be long before i cant do it anymore
i feel hollow
girl what a rush it is to kiss somebody that u like or are at least attracted to

a kiss is so special when its with someone u really care for
but at the same time i love to kiss so much that its just a fun passtime as well with anyone thoughts
ClairE suck_my_kiss

mottman you know that feeling when you are rewiring an electric outlet, and you haven't switched off the power?
you carefully manouver around the wires, knowing that there is the chance that you could somehow short out the wires and generate that dull shock that runs throughout your body.
when it happens, you jerk away in an involuntary spasm.
then, you begin thinking that maybe it wasn't so bad. I think I'll have another.
yeah, touching tongues is kinda like that...
(zapped) cube Sure doesn't feel like that at 600 volts i can tell ya
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge ...this
~~~~~~~~~~~~} (_|_)

[im sorry, im not *really* that crude/rude, it just happens sometimes]
Annie111 After he kissed me I felt sick for a full day afterwards, just because I wished he was you.

Today I feel like a thousand horses are inside my stomach. I can't eat. When I am hungry, I reach for food, but after one bite I am nauseous again. I am sick because I need this to be over; I need to be with you and you only. I can't close my eyes without seeing you, I can't think, I can't concentrate on anything else. My heart is pushing down on my stomach so they have become like one. I need to feel you next to me all the time, you're the fire in my belly, and I just can't let you go.
Paramour SWEETNESS is its death.....SINNING is its lust......FOREVER long is its want....ADDICTION is its creation.....
LONGING is its torture.....
ilovepatsajak U don't have 2 b cool 2 rule my world... 020102
ClairE "I remember your teeth on my tongue."

"I remember you kissing my back."

A pause.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot that. It was nice."

Silence on both ends of the phone.
forbidden I look at your lips and I want to kiss you. I know I can't and I know that can never happen. I wonder if you want to kiss me too. 020103
Paramour A kiss by moonlight or by sunrise? Hmm... 020103
star trek shiva "What were you just thinking?"

"In that particular moment, I was reconfiguring the warp field parameters, analyzing the collected works of Charles Dickens, calculating the maximum pressure I could safely apply to your lips, considering a new food supplement for Spot..."

"I'm glad I was in there somewhere"
Sailor Jupiter no matter how much I kiss or have been kissed, I never get sick of it. I love watching someone lean into my space to kiss me. A pleasant invasion. 020106
niki finally got my first real one friday...

and if he everleaves me for three days without a kiss i will kick his ass...i am addicted to his mouth
Mahayana: Zakah: stOlen onEs
[[[wont ya PleaSe rob my{lips}2-night]]]
onEs stOlen

{ }= variable
such as/for eXample/:
small of ...back
behind knee
eye lids
cranelow kiss true in chance as bronze lipped winds balk in sturdy humble 020125
pootang please

can I have a

Dafne it took me 16 years

kind of depressing... that it took me 16 years to experience all that i had wanted for so long

i had envisioned it to blow my mind... to sweep my off my feet... to make me happier than fresh baked cookies, kittens, and warm bed sheets in the morning...

i had my hopes set so high...

and it was perfect

blew me away

left me speechless
floating in midair for days

if only it was that way with every kiss.
marz i havent had one for a while. my favorites are when you thought i was sleeping and you were holding me, and kissed my cheeks.i miss them. not seeing you, feeling like we are falling apart. something is missing.... i want whatever it is back again. we can't end now- it's going to be 3 years next month. please dont tell me it is going to fall apart. kiss me so we can glue it back together. 020317
zada is something i miss 020322
addicted our 20 minute kisses are more than enuf to get me thru the nite..just having him that close to me makes me weak in the knees, he has the softest lips n tounge..i never wanna part from him again 020413
KindreDSpirit Our first was upside-down.
[Startling. The strange plunge
of taste buds against other taste buds, cat-tongue rough.
Solid slippery muscle:
a foreign tongue.
I pulled away.]
And maybe that explains a lot.
Kate "Kiss behind your ears, drive up in the van. Oh my God I think I'm dying in this car seat, where I'll stay through the winter." - Saves the Day

Do you remember that night, February 23, when we walked behind the library and you kissed me, and it didn't even matter that I was taller than you. Remember how warm my stomach was to your cold hands and how my fingers felt running through your hair. Remember how you so had me?
Kate "Kiss behind your ears, drive up in the van. Oh my God I think I'm dying in this car seat, where I'll stay through the winter." Saves the Day

Do you remember that night, February 23, when we walked behind the library and you kissed me, and it didn't even matter that I was taller than you. Remember how warm my stomach was to your cold hands and how my fingers felt running through your hair. Remember how you so had me?
Sailor Jupiter I likes kisses.
I'm gonna go kiss someone now...
Twas good. =)
CJ I just got one from this really cute girl I know.
and I want another
T47 Major 67 days since ive tasted your kiss 020517
cheer-up-emo-kid my favorite part of kissing
is the magical moment
when you stop kissing
and just breathe through
each others
End Is Forever I'd take my kisses back... if only I'd given them to you in the first place... 020601
broken cherry You don't give them,
I take them from you.

One simple kiss could fix this way I feel,
but it's pointless to ask,
there is no one to ask.

when darkness falls baby, just kiss me, i'll be your weeken boyfriend... all i want is to kiss yout sweet lips 020720
when darkness falls baby, just kiss me, i'll be your weekend boyfriend... all i want is to kiss yout sweet lips 020720
oxnard a kiss is a wonderful thing 020720
kerry something about you makes me want to have your arm around me. tilt my head up to kiss you. how marvelous. 020729
melissah Give me a kisse, and to that kisse a score;
Then to that twenty, adde a hundred more;
A thousand to that hundred; so kiss on,
To make that thousand up a million;
Treble that million, and when that is done,
Let's kiss afresh, as when we first begun.
~Robert Herrick
josie stolen again, it's still sweeter than any other feeling. Lingering on my lips as i sat at my desk for the rest of the day trying to talk..lingering on my lips all night as i wrote the lyrics and sung the song that bears the instant memory of you. I hadn't kissed anyone back like I did that day since I had last kissed you. 020831
werewolf there are times when i'm kissing that i finally feel safe in all the danger, that i feel like i belong to it, the turmoil, the twisting. It's a strange feeling. i get the same thoughtless improvisations and rythms of a prizefighter twisting his neck to warm up, snapping jabs suddenly sharp through seeming fatigue in the twelfth round. I get the feeling that this motion is more important than the body carrying it, than the pain it could bring. 020831
x romeo's distress 020831
devalis my heart sealed on the lips of another, but traces of his soul left on mine. 020901
pacer many first kisses,
never with somebody
I was really into at the time.

That changed tonight,
after the show, by her car,

and life will go on
but I will never be the same.
devalis what_I_want 021003
devalis too_much 021003
altair dreams, kisses, dreams
you don't talk about these things
if they mean
you get hurt
madness a quick death 021108
no i a simple thing
but it can never be taken back

it should be easy
but for me
it never is.

when it doesn't hold more
it's like watching a re-run
of a show you liked a lot
that has been take off the air
tink It's still just a dream...
Maybe tomorrow.
A kiss is a dream that keeps me awake.
Does that make this kiss a daydream?
No, because when I do fall alseep the kiss is still there.
It's everywhere.
This kiss hasn't even happened yet.
death by ink i can't go in the basement and sit on the couch without remembering you... my first kiss, and my second, and my third, and my forth....

it was sloppy for both of our inexpierenced lips (and tongues), so we practiced and it only gets better every time.

and i can only remember that feeling i got when you left. there was sweet pure water just under my tongue that i wish would never have faded.

with those kisses i am yours forever because i will always be counting down until the next one.....
coldmesHach She twisted the Cap off of the classic coke bottle...that one I always wanted to drink. She put her mouth to it, and gulped all of it down, slowly breathing through her nose.

You might be a Redneck.

It makes me so jealous, but drink more. Please drink more.

I dropped my jaw.

WHEW! I had the sweetest dream last night Baby!

What was it?


(Kiss Kiss)
Kristopher Kiss, kiss, bang, bang. . . 021217
Kristopher I like kissing.

It's been a little while. . . well, that was the deep, passionate kiss.

There's the deep, passionate kiss; the friendly 'goodbye, see you later' kiss. . . then there's the 'Bruce Campbell Special'.

You take them, lean them down low to the ground, look them deep in their eyes with your burning gaze, and you softly whisper. . .

"Hail to the King, baby."

Then ya plant 'em one!

confused i've never experienced a kiss before. i really want to but i guess im just not lucky with guys. why does everything have to be so complicating in my life? why cant things just came as easily as they come to other people? if you have someone to kiss you should realize how lucky you are. 021220
flirt how do you get a guy that you like to kiss you? 021220
Kristopher Sometimes ya gotta get rough with them. Grab em by the shirt collar, and say, "Kiss me, dammit!" Then ya plant em one while they're stunned.

Us guys sometimes need subtlety like a hammer to the forebrain. . . need a bit of a wakeup.

*heh* Sometimes, we're kinda slow like that.
Bethany and i would be the one to hold you down.
kiss you so hard i'd take your breath away.

*Sarah McLachlan*
Eowithien something that I have not yet experienced but seems to be very wet and not that special.

i'm waiting for the special someone, not the special kiss.
minnesota_chris I think only when the person is special, the kiss is special. 030220
minnesota_chris There's a quote, "The first kiss is a question, and all the other kisses are a restatement of that first kiss." Wish I remembered it better. 030220
celestias_shadow take another drink
and maybe youll forget
the awkwardness
of meeting
drown that pain
in the bubbles
wash it away
it doesnt hurt anymore
did it ever?
i think so
a very long time ago
strawberries in june and
ice cream on her face and
pink sunglasses on the beach and
oh you remember now
it did hurt didnt it?
the time it took for the memory to return
is the time it took
4 seconds
for her to lean in
touch your lips
and scar you
and now you sit
in this bar
the glass
the room
your mind
everything empty
and you realize
you dont even remember her name
Shawn Where is the kiss.
The kiss where you touch her lips so softly and hold them there and feel her heart.
Open your mouth slowly. Close your eyes. Feel the texture of lips and run a finger across her cheeks.
Where is this kiss I've been looking for. She plays with my dick more than touching my lips.
Holding hands would be nice now. The more I find pussy the more I yearn for simplicity of feeling.
I want to crawl back in the womb of my past and cry. I realize it has always been like this though. Loosing touch. Loosing life.
So much to enjoy, let's enjoy each other. Slowly. Kissing. Deeply breathing in the smell of her skin. Running my hands across the muscles of her back. Stroking her hair. Lips touching. Lips feeling. Extending your feeling from mouth to mouth.
And love is dying before it's had a chance to grow. Like an alien hatching from an egg unto a world in which there is no air it can breath. Suffocate.
Suffocate in lust and cum. Suffocate with my dick in her mouth and her beatiful face looking. Just looking up at me. Take these thoughts from me. Take her past from me. Let me feel.
The doors are closing. There are so many doors to make it inside me. They are slamming shut on there own, trapping the feeling inside.
Where is the kiss?
kcee I can no longer kiss you in life.
But I will always kiss you in dreams.
niska mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
oh don't stop.
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
mmm... *smack*
DavesHeroinGirl Oh how I wish we could sooner than later, now than then, March than May, here, there and everywhere. 030303
niska Shawn, all those kisses were for you.
right there.
LifeLoveSoul I was going to post something on here so she could see what I had to say. Upon getting here I see that she has already posted something first. I guess we both have the same thoughts when it comes to this kiss.

I envision it now, and it feels so right. It feels incredible. It looks grooovy. One imaginary kiss leads to the desire of a trillion kisses.

It's hard to believe I could feel this way again sometimes. Although not the first or last person to have gotten burned, I have been hurt so many times. For awhile, the thought of opening up again was just too painful to bear. That was only because my scars were fresh, without the proper time or attention to heal.

She has helped me heal, and continues to help every day. For this, a trillion kisses are owed.

I'm looking forward to paying you your reward. ;-)
endless desire walking through the hall with you
and how id love to sneak a kiss
but thats just not what i do
because kissing around everyone is such a funny thing
and im there with you so contently
basking in how much joy you bring.
so if you could have it in you
to turn your head a bit
smile and then plant a kiss
with your perfect lips.
endless desire and while this seems so childish im sure
its the childish things in life
that spice it up
making things mysterious, fun
alive. because you never know what will be there when you turn the corner
and thats a very fun place to be indeed.
jane too bashful to kiss him last night
hoping he would have been too drunk to remember it
megan his kisses remind me of summertime.
superb, and perfect... and warm in all the right places. just long enough to make me want more, but not too long to make me want it to stop. wet enough to make me happy. playful and carefree.
his kisses remind me of a bed.
soft and warm, and wrapping me in. cozy enough to be home, but new, different. dreamy and wonderful, holding you when you need it.
his kisses remind me of good music.
always finding a new beat, always lulling me to comfort, always giving me something to be excited about. different every time, but always relating back to why you began in the first place. never giving up.
his kisses remind me of life.

i could not live without your lips pressed to mine.
Maybe Nat Would Say Sweet lips caress the day of mourning.
I so long for your tongue.
and It sounds so perverted and wrong, but I wish it wasn't so I could continue with my fantasies and wonder where they would end, or if they would end at all. I don't understand whats so wrong about being kinky,
about being different and wanting something out of the ordinary.
upside down, I make you wish.
Wish to stay.
Don't Leave without saying goodbye.
I would be heartbroken.
I am Longing for the Kiss of you.
Because you make me happy.
Because I am a Kinky Little girl.
. . 030619
me kissing can be good
but when you've been kissed by Judas
the kiss of the one about to betray you
then not so good
me "There is some kiss we want
with our whole lives,
the touch of Spirit on the body.

Seawater begs the pearl
to break its shell.
And the lily, how passionately
it needs some wild Darling!

At night, I open the window
and ask the moon to come
and press its face into mine.
Breathe into me.

Close the language-door,
and open the love-window.
The moon won't use the door,
only the window"
Unnaturallovely I must remember this...a kiss is just a kiss....but in the's orgasmic bliss... 030714
Kristopher Time enough for a kiss. . . 030715
Anistoric Rogue Kisses are grand.
The tingly, nice, soft kind that is only a tiny bit unpredictable but good. Real good.
crimson I commented on his pants,
Using any excuse possible
To slide across the aisle
Into his grey bus seat
And touch him anywhere
Even if it was his leg.
He was too close to escape.

We attempted discreetness.
Veiled under a jacket canopy,
He kissed me, oddly angled.
Like no one around us knew
He and I were making out
Simply because a coat
Blocked their sight.

His hands were too big
To go anywhere worth being,
And his eyes swallowed me.
It kind of creeped me out
That they were open at all.
The bus jumped, shifting us.
He rose and got off.

(no pun intended)
shivers theres a first time for everything
im so glad it was with u... tonight
jezabel why
did i have to bring everything
to you?

must the fates
blow so cruel
that they deny me
the simple spark of life?

i know you too well now,
to use you as the meat
i had intended,
shared more subtle,
more intimate flesh than
simple meat.

is that simple taste
all i will ever own
of the you
that does not ask me
difficult questions,
that does not
cause such painful resonance.

i have taken my simple toll.

now i must mourn
for all that i will never have.
Eladamaros A friend kissed me. I didn't mind. I kissed her back. It was beautiful. She felt...tasted exquisite. I'd thought a kiss was the most disgusting thing someone had to do to get laid but something made me want to kiss her and it was amazing, not like anyone else ever before. She said I was a good kisser. She dumped me. We're friends again and sometimes we still kiss. 030828
delial My most recent ex told me the other night that there are a lot of good things about me. Then he said that I am "a good kisser."

What was the point of telling me that?
I guess all of those good things about me weren't really all that good though, considering you cheated on me with that loser you are so "madly in love" with. That person who, you told me, cheated on YOU with three of your "friends" before you met me.

Yeah, I must be a really good catch.

I wish you would just leave me alone and get a damn clue.
I'm just glad I never messed around with you because that girl is probably a walking pitri dish, god knows what you have swimming inside of your body. Bleh.
MsT kiss her mouth 030925
celestias shadow kissing makes people look beautiful. 031012
a girl with nothing to say i dont see the big deal in kissing i mean you kiss someone wow its like giving someone a hug to me just cuz you kiss them dosent mean that your gunna fuck the next night everyone is like oh my god you kissed him and then there like did you guys do it too? 031017
tmmsa when im with you, i want to dance and sing but dont for fear that you'd join me... when im waiting to be with you, it seems like an eternity... when i leave you it seems the hardest thing ive ever done... when i see the moon, when i look up into the blue sky, when i breathe deeply, i think of you... i wish i could either die or marry you tonight, because that seems the only way to end this cruel exsistance... im in love and it hurts... i wish you were here with me... just so i could see you and hear your voice instead of listening to my minds pathetic memories... im a fool... im in love.... i hurt you... id do it again. 031019
shutter-bug my lips taste and smell like yours 031021
drinman I fell for a girl when I saw her kiss her boyfriend today
With the tilt of her head you could see her entire body lose itself
In the movement
Of the moment
Such a delicate display of affection
That I was moved to hold on the fact
As I let go of the image
That it was some other guy she was with
Some other guy
Entirely unlike me.
Which sucks, but that's love:
Love at worst sight.
outpatient kissing your skin
and feeling within
the smell of your breath
makes me confess
all of my sins
i want to touch you
in ways thaqt will haunt you
screaming never enough
bringing water to your eyes
dripping down your inner thighs
and craving my love
your body starts to tremble
emotions assemble
the urge to hold me so tight
you want to explode into flames
and let this become a firefight
the heat between your legs makes me crave
everything you bestow
below your waist
gripping your hands and holding you down
feeling the force of gravity
keeping your body flat on the ground
the wieght on your shoulders
begins to lift
moving down your body
creating a shift
towards the emptiness inside you
that i will fullfill
i can do nothing to you now
against your will
you want me to kiss you
on those special places
never letting our bodies
see our faces
staring into your eyes
your senses are my spies
letting me know what it is
you want me to do to you
gecko the last two guys I kissed were for a movie. It was pretty weird. Camera, people watching.

my last real kiss was a few months ago, before my ex became my ex.

he was a good kisser.

he started out shitty. I had to teach him how to kiss me. Then he became amazing.

I don't miss him, but I miss his kisses.
Lisa I've never kissed anyone. I feel stupid to think about that, and that I always have to fight back the tears when my mind comes to this for some... reason I don't understand.

with 21 I feel too old to experiment... I'm just scared, and so I guess I'll run away..
teepee^ that's incredibly stupid, i'm around that age and i've never been kissed either and i don't think i will be for a good while either. running away 'cause you haven't been kissed? what rubbish, girl! 040109
Lisa no one told you to understand. you don't know me, so it really doesn't matter. forget about it, and don't rack your brain about me. thanks a fucking lot. 040110
Lisa oh, and one thing I guess you really misunderstood - running away doesn't mean to run away from home or something. and why and all I feel like shrinking back is my thing, isn't it? 040110
angela his kisses make me so weak. i literally have to stand up against the wall. i love his lips. 040121
dave everything will feel perfect,
you'll smile,
and when our eyes met,
it was what we both wanted,
so i took your hand,
and wet my lips.
erin x x x There are many thing's i'd like to say many thing's i'd like to see of all the things i'd like to feel i'd like to feel you holding me.
There are many things i'd like to know many things i'd like to do of all the things i'd like to choose i'd like to wake up kissing you.
thrtnblackstars a single kiss can mean more and feel stronger than any statement uttered. sunrises hold a certain magic on days dedicated to love.....please kiss me again... 040219
thrtnblackstars a single kiss can mean more and feel stronger than any statement uttered. sunrises hold a certain magic on days dedicated to love.....please kiss me again... 040219
thrtnblackstars a single tender kiss can show more love and excite the mind and body more than any words can describe...sunrise holds a certian magic when i'm i your arms...... 040219
Eowithien Please?

But no, I'd regret it later. I'm sorry for myself.
The Dr. He wanted to kiss me. I had no idea though, I was giddy and not really paying attention to the way he was looking at me. To get his point across, he pulled the strings on the hood of my sweatshirt toward him. It was the best kiss I've ever had. To this day, I still get the tickley feeling in my stomach whenever someone touches the strings on my hoodie.... 040316
pete two lips meet and mingle,
tongues play and dance.
through closed eyes both can see anew.
shivers all over,
and that tingling between the ribs
overwhelmingly beautiful
sustains the kiss for a little long.
two bodies held close together
eachother fueling the meeting.
a warmth sprouting in the heart,
moist and warm and passionate kisses.

alone, dry, relaxed, sensitive
feeling the world's crude but caring kiss
against their humble forms.
the kiss of life,
through meditation,
lack of breathing
too much breathing.
waiting for your kiss.

eyes closed,
the body lost
the world wandered over
smiling and embracing the essense,
meeting that wall
searching for a way through...
waiting for that kiss.
that key to unlock it all.
to allow the bridge to be crossed.

to kiss a boy,
something i haven't done.
i wonder..
to kiss a girl,
something i verily have done.
such sweet lips,
such an inviting mouth.

a kiss.
oh a kiss.
pete two lips meet and mingle,
tongues play and dance.
through closed eyes both can see anew.
shivers all over,
and that tingling between the ribs
overwhelmingly beautiful
sustains the kiss for a little long.
two bodies held close together
eachother fueling the meeting.
a warmth sprouting in the heart,
moist and warm and passionate kisses.

alone, dry, relaxed, sensitive
feeling the world's crude but caring kiss
against their humble forms.
the kiss of life,
through meditation,
lack of breathing
too much breathing.
waiting for your kiss.

eyes closed,
the body lost
the world wandered over
smiling and embracing the essense,
meeting that wall
searching for a way through...
waiting for that kiss.
that key to unlock it all.
to allow the bridge to be crossed.

to kiss a boy,
something i haven't done.
i wonder..
to kiss a girl,
something i verily have done.
such sweet lips,
such an inviting mouth.

a kiss.
oh a kiss.
minnesota_chris I kiss easily. There's quite a few people that I have kissed, that I shouldn't have. 040412
mysticspiral You asked if i'd have minded if you kissed me tonight. The truth is that i wouldn't have, i couldn't look at you while you were holding me, for fear that it would happen. I am in love and not with you, why do i have to remind myself of this more these days? OH i have kissed many people, and a kiss is just a kiss, but it wont be with you. I want to kiss you tonight, right now, tomorrow. I want to fuck you next week in repeated fits of passion. But I have a boyfriend and it is not you, and I love him, but not you. So I suppose I would have minded had you kissed me tonight, because i would have lost far more than you could ever give. 040422
ofsuch please kiss me. please kiss me back. come taste my lips, you just might enjoy it 040430
dudeinanigloo I've kissed a few girls on the cheek, but the kisses weren't real. They just happened during "spin the bottle" on a grade 6 camping trip. I haven't found someone yet who I could really make that connection with, but I know it will happen some day. 040501
ethereal We shared a kiss. My lips tingled. 040501
vituperus osculate 040502
Chris poetry 040506
lou_la_belle Just one simple kiss,
can send me into sweet bliss.
Eyes closed, you can't miss,
you need not your sight!
When lips meet, it just feels right,
morning, noon, and night.
I lose all of me,
and very soon cease to be,
lost in ectasy.
So don't keep kisses,
give them away like wishes!
They're quite delicious...:)
stace Have u ever been someones first kiss? do u even know if you were, because would someone be so honest to say it is their first kiss. one time my good friend and i kissed, then he emailed me and told me it was his first kiss. He probably thought I would have been like, ooh u havent kissed anyone?!? and been turned off by his inexperiences, but in fact i felt very flattered to know that when he grows up his kids may be like, so dad who was your first kiss and he'd have a story to tell them and it'll be about me. This same thing goes for a first time at sex, thats why if its both your first times, you'll be each other's stories. It's really a nice feeling. My friend and I never worked out, at the time i was just out of a relationship and he didnt like the guy i had been dating at all, and i wasnt over him yet. It was also a stressful time, so i told him i couldnt be in a relationship with him then, it wouldnt be fair. About a month later i met someone and things went from there, and i felt bad i hurt my friend. About a month or so after that person and I broke up, i began to fall for my friend again, and I told him. Since then its been about 3 months, maybe more, I tell him sometimes, that i still have those feelings and i strongly do.. and I think i always will as hes so right for me, we're so much alike, good friends, and i trust him more then any guy i know. Of course, i understand that he cant trust me anymore with his feelings because of what happened.. I doubt we'll ever be together now, he goes after a lot of really popular girls lately, even ones that have also turned him down. I guess I missed my chance with him when it came along.and stared me right in the face.. 040518
pete i felt a kiss as my eyes opened, realizing that it was all a deep dream 040519
gwendy i certainly must do this more.
yes, i am putting it on my to-do-list.
Jairus last time i kissed a girl i was im 15...damn im pathetic!! |( 040608
falling_alone first/last time i kissed a boy i was 14 now i'm 17. think i might be a bit pathetic as well. 040609
clementine kissing you was what i thought it would be. your hand on my waist and your sticky skin pressing against mine. quite words and semi smooth lines. at that point it didnt matter what you said. i just wanted to taste your lips. and the next morning when you kissed me goodbye i wish it had been the same. the same kind of craving.
and right now all i want is your kiss.
depressed man I think that................................................................................God, I am so depressed! 040719
shivers its been ten days
just reading this makes my lips tingle
one month left to go
i can wait
i want you back
i want you, your lips, your skin
Andrew GO. Go and never come back.
"Awww, give the poor boy a hug. I'll close the door."
GIVE THE POOR BOY A KISS! Is it so much to ask. For the love of God... For the love of Andrew! Oh man. its been a lifetime together, my darling, just for you and me. blah blah blah. It doesn't matter. "you don't deserve it" "you don't deserve it" "you don't deserve"
"you don't" "you"
you don't even (see) me at all.
but that's cause it's dark. Away away away away away why wait away for you? lying in wait. JUST GIVE THE POOR BOY A KISS! just a kiss. a sigh is just a sigh. the fundamental things apply, as time goes by. kiss me. kuss mich. da mihi basium. just lay one on me. pucker up. just do it. just do. it. just.
oh sigh.
somebody the first. brilliant. the next. better.
craving until recieving. but on to the
next thing. craving better, more, not just
a kiss. undeniable dilemma. i'll have to
wait for sex cause otherwise i'll have
nothing else to crave after i've had it.
xxJessicaxx dont kiss me....i will never be able to pull away.... 041207
orchid desire torture passion longing pain surprise electricity
filled the moment
before a kiss that never was
Splinty Sugar high and innocent feeling, your eyes turn dozy again, and I lean closer. you smell of shampoo and vanilla and ironing and the priest outside the funeral graves. Our lips touch like so many times before, for friendship, for us, but this time I dont stop, I hunger for you like nothing I've known. My tongue touches your soft, warm lip, then I pull you closer. This is my silent reverie. The first, and maybe the last. But I'll always remember. 041216
orchid Electricity, eye to eye
Hey don't I know you
I can't speak
Stripped my senses
On the spot
I've never been defenseless
I can't even make sense of this
You speak and I don't hear a word

What would happen if we kissed
Would your tongue slip past my lips
Would you run away, would you stay
Or would I melt into you
Mouth to mouth, lust to lust
Spontaneously combust

The room is spinning out of control
Act like you didn't notice
Brushed my hand

Forbidden fruit
Ring on my finger
You're such a moral, moral man
You throw it away, no question
Will I pretend I'm innocent

I struggle with myself again
Quickly the walls are crumbling
Don't know if I can turn away

~ meridith brooks
Fearless Leader is enough.
kiss me once more before we go back...
Fearless Leader i'd like to say a word to those who never have, as i'm sure there are a few reading this.

each kiss is diffrent, the first is most unique of all, something is lost after a while.

there is always a new horison=reward. holds the possibility of rebuke=bad: fear.
a desire of such force that it has kept our specise alive for millions of years, pitted against the fear of a deer in headlights.
adrenilin brings the world into crystle sharp. her skin the most real thing you will ever find.
how real
how real
another's lips on yours.
  it was only a... 050113
Asylum Bound So kiss me hard
'Cause this will be the last time that I let you
You will be back someday
And this awkward kiss that tells of other people's lips
Will be of service to giving you away
--The Best Deception, Dashboard Confessional
emotional_goth_girl oh god, just a little closer
if you could just caress my lips and linger there a little longer maybe I'll remember i have a soul.
yes, it's true with every kiss I'll want to stay longer, but for every kiss I miss I grow emptier.
It may seem silly, just an affecionate gesture humanity has come up with.
But how it warms the heart, brings two bodies to closeness and has come to mean so so much.
Before I was mature it used to be something to be nervous about, something to sweat about, or something to bring boys closer to doing something sexual.
But now just a kiss is satisfactory, because it's yours.
Don't pull away so easily.
You can't tell me you're not feeling this.
emo_torment The kiss began it all... how did it go so far? 050315
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl it started out with a kiss,
how did it end up like this?
nighean_siofra give me a thousand kisses,
and then a thousand more.

"dangerous kisses..."
"No, AWE-some kisses"
karyn My best friend. I've never kissed you, you've never kissed me. We've never held hands, we don't talk about who we date or who we've dated and especially never about our feelings for each other. And yet, I know that you could never be anything but mine. It's been 4 years now. I dream about it almost every night. Every day I see you, every time I am around you, every night that I sleep over and 20 feet away from you, I wonder what it would be like. You are so beautiful to me in every way. What would it be like to kiss you? It would change everything that we are and yet, nothing would change at all. Would it be so terrible? 050417
KAnji Detroit Rock City 050517
highanddry Lastnight, for the first time, I had one of those kisses which turns your inside to mush & leaves you speechless. I didn't know a kiss, after all the kisses I've had, could do that to me. Thinking about it now gives me chills and makes me shudder... 050727
highanddry "No, I'm a lesbian" I said.

"Slap me if it's unwanted" he said.

It wasn't.
balaguri "kiss me quick" she said,
"I'm liable to fade away at any moment".
the one why cant i get... just one kiss 050817
the one why cant i get... just one kiss 050817
the one why cant i get... just one kiss B 050817
Maple Tree indeed, just one. kiss me once, i won't ask for more. you have my heart, i can't have yours, just one, for me to keep in my memory, next to the memories of you i save near to my heart.

*SuPeR^ChIcK* kiss me again, over and over and over again. i'm alive - i'm alive - i'm alive again 060219
GoodnightPetals "Thus with a kiss I die"

-Romeo and Juliet.
Radhi It was just supposed to be a kiss. And then it was more and more, and suddenly we're "together" and I'm running off to Europe for him and all I keep asking myself is "When did it stop being a kiss?" When did a kiss mean love, companionship and forever? Why couldn't it just mean lust, curiosity, lonliness and a little need? Why did one lead to another? It was just a little kiss. And I didn't want to have a last one. So I lied, and he's home, from Europe, and I don't even want any more kisses from him. How does a kiss become something gross, from something so coveted? 060427
L0v3 Is Fr3 I toke a chance and I kissed you.
I waited far too long for it. I blame fear. But the moment was right.
It was more right then that of our first kiss. When I was stupid, shy, and unsure. It was something we were expected to do. This time I knew what I wanted. And what I was risking. Yet the risk of letting the moment past was greater.
It was just a kiss. far the best one. Because it was me and you. And our hearts were still fragile. And we both needed so much. Every hope riding on it. Every dream.
And then I kissed you. I have never felt more proud about any action of mine before then.

With that kiss you became mine again.
Emptyness Alive a hug is just a hug untill its the one your thinking of
A kiss is just a kiss untill its the one your with
love is just a word untill you experiance it
Erin Lee you know love is gone when the kiss loses its wonder. 060626
Roaul Duke its been a while since i have lost my sense of time in the middle of a passionate kiss 060627
LS Thats ridiculous Erin. 060627
Emptyness Alive me
that kiss
the softness like the last flowering rose's of the summer
they part sweetly and come together in a longing embrace.
do i dream or is real
i dream
of her
of that kiss
how i wish
how i wish
Asylum Bound so here i am again. now the kiss i have in mind is different. the kiss i want is soft, unexpected, and from YOU. 070716
zanna i couldn't wait for one kiss from him ..when it finally came, i only wanted more. 070830
Kung Fu shite...
that's inconceivable

In_Bloom Yours are so sensual, tugging, awakening
They don't smash mine into my teeth or eat all over my face as if a dog licking a bowl clean

I want your kiss because you give it with care and purpose and you feel it too
None of your movements are wasteful
Your kiss makes me into a breathing smile
FA113N Was that it?

I want a do over
ungreat A kiss is just a kiss, except simply when the person you gave your heart to gives it to some one else.

But they say it's just a kiss.

Hours, minutes, weeks, months, and in my heart, and in my belly I feel still unsettled as if no time has passed at all.
fishawk Begin the new year with a kiss : )( : 141231
what's it to you?
who go