Not the Daddy Who's the daddy?
Where's the momma?

Too many damn inbreedin couzins.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl im the blather brat ;)

pipedream i'll be the eccentric aunt who married young and is the one who still climbs trees and hides you when you run away from home :) 040219
stork daddy i wouldn't mind being the weird pervert uncle 040219
pobodys nerfect hmm..since I haven't said much here lately,I'll be the shy-but-slightly-weird cousin who hardly ever talks that the family is beginning to think is mute 040219
ee beep peep i'll the estranged sister 040220
ee beep peep i buy presents to make my family think that i care. i visit 'em in the city when, really, i'm only there because it's tax-free week and i haven't seen my other friends in a while. 040220
misstree my own daddy's identity is not mine to reveal
but me? you can call me mommi-chula.
not the momma;
the pimp momma.
awwwwwwww yeah....
jane i think i'm the black sheep artist aunt 040220
blah-ze i'll be the teenage goof who shows up at inopportune occasions and stays a week fixing his car. not much, but later i'll be the offputting uncle who nobody seems to be able to find. 040220
whitechocolatewalrus i'll be me, if that's okay. 040220
pipers winking the smallrus that everyone sneaks choice tidbits to from under the table? 040221
girl_jane I'll be the one who never comes to family things because I'm always moving around and very hard to find or even get a hold of, but sometimes I'll call on holidays. 040221
Casey I'm the famous New York producer who only pops in everyonce in a great while and notices that the whole family has changed and gotten new members and that the old ones died in that steam roller accident. 040301
megan well i suppose that i'd be the sister who has big dreams and starry eyes
but i have damn good advice, so come n see me :o)
ethereal im the innocent grandmother.

who steals sugar.

im also delirious and believe that i am jewish.

while many of the family remains devote christians.
ambermoon i want to be the baby....
Aimee who the fuck cares? Your idea of a blather family is too goddamned literal. We maybe a family in someways, but in all honesty, we're not. we're a bunch of pale computer freaks who come here to try to feel better. And then someone has to show up every now and then to antagonize us. Fuck it. just seriously fuck it. If this really is a "blather family" I don't want to be a part of it anymore. fuck. fuck. fuck. 040302
Not the Daddy It was meant as a joke Aimee. Sorry you couldn't see it. Try to look before you react. 040302
ethereal introducing the fucker to the family ladies and gentlemen.


or should i say fuck up.
pobody when I read her entry,i was thinking her to be more along the lines of
"angsty teen with a very bad case of PMS, who's just been dumped by her boyfriend for one of the popular blonde girls on the cheerleading team" =/
*offers Aimee some chocolate*
Not the Daddy Grandma, please watch your potty mouth until you have flushed.

Chocolate causes sugar based orgasms and excessive use can cause no boyfriends and pimples to boot.

Angsty teenager indeed. Will we be discovering narcotics in her dresser?

Or secret e-mail correspondence with some perv off the net? Oh, that was stork daddy, just her uncle.
ethereal grandma apologizes.

continues to steal sugar.

and waits for the next time when she feels the need to speak up.
Aimee yeah, I'm an "angsty teen with a very bad case of PMS, who's just been dumped by her boyfriend for one of the popular blonde girls on the cheerleading team". Wow. You totally figured me out. Way to fucking go! I better go hang out with the squad now. You know. time to cheer and such. On the way home, perhaps I'll stop at the Gap with daddy's credit card and make myself feel better about the break up. I'm so glad you've managed to figure me out!

You did miss a couple things though. Things I've been to scared to tell anyone. I'm bulimic. I've had 2 abortions. and, and, I cut myself when I'm sad... you know, when I mess up in cheerleading.
whitechocolatewalrus i like aimee
and i suppose i agree with her too.
ethereal aimee would you like to share sugar stealing rights?

i can't myself too.

in a different way.
grendel i'm the deranged cousin who stays locked in the attic, only escaping at night to terrorize the surrounding countryside 040302
pobodys nerfect Aimee--I'm sorry if you thought I was trying to shit_rake with you. I found blather almost a year ago and through all the reading,I've discovered that alot of people here have been given their own pile of poo to deal with in life. Maybe that's why we(for the most part)seem to get along here. Anyway,my entry was meant as a way to try and lighten up the mood on this page. I can't speak for everyone who posted in this blathe, but I think the original idea was that it was meant to be a FUN page that wasn't to be taken too seriously, much like pipedream's
" sparklearium " one.
ambermoon im tellin'....grandma amiee is being mean again!!!
amiees gonna be grounded
amiees gonna be grounded
amiees gonna be grounded
ha ha ha ha ha........

(*runs to hide behind grandma*)
aimee you know... you could learn to spell someone's name right before running to your imaginary grandmother 040303
ambermoon oh im soooo sorry aimee...will you ever forgive me 040303
ambermoon please..:( 040303
Aimee I'd rather slit my fucking throat. 040303
ee beep peep you're taking this too seriously, aimee; lighten up. it's obvious that you want no part of this page, so why are you still posting on it?

ambermoon, don't wait on her, it's a waste of time.

for the estranged sister of the blather family, i sure am starting to let some of me show.
Not the Daddy Granma, get your hands out of the sugar bowl please. That's better.

Aimmmmmeeeeee, sorry, we are going to be selling you to the government for secret scientific experiments. Need the money.

Has someone fed Grendel yet?

Pipedream, can you play with ambermoon? She is throwing a tantrum. Get the stuffed bears out and play tea time or something.

Megan, can you and pobody make sure stork daddy reports to his parole officer? Thanks.

iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl, you know there is a no smoking in the house rule. Take it outside.

ee beep peep, you have to stop spoiling the children. They come to expect presents and then when you don't show up to give them, well, you've caused enough trouble.

Pimp Momma, before storky reports in (that whole streaking incident in the playground), can you give him five lashes. Just because we know he likes it so much.

Jane, there has been fan mail piling up on the doorstep. Can you make sure that is cleaned up by the time we return from the store?

Blah-ze, we are going to need the driveway back soon. And those oil stains are going to have to be cleaned up. Huh, now where in the blue blazing hell is he?

Casey and girl_jan haven't called in awhile. Should see if they are still running themselves ragged.

Will somebody please get that whitechocolatewalrus out of the sun before she melts all over the new flooring?
pipers sir! yessir!

(and pobody remembers the sparklearium, im so honored..*sniffs*)

*grabs ambermoon and a deck of UNO cards*

c'mon, we can flick these at aimee when she passes by and watch her cuss ;)

(i genuinely hope you're feeling better aimee, and that you won't let your past haunt your future and weigh down your spirit)
Aimee like you care 040307
pobody *prepares shackles for stork daddy's parole visit,then hears not daddy mention the chocolate walrus. Eyes go wide as saucers as I remember letting it out the pool for some fresh air and sun hours ago and it's now well into the hot afternoon. Drops the shackles and races out into the yard to find walrus looking like this:
Sobs big tears as I promise repeatedly to nurse poor walrus back to health while helping get the poor thing back into the pool.*
ethereal dinner time.

*sitting at table*

pass the sugar.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *throws the salt*
ethereal child you better sort out your head and learn which one is salt and which is sugar, or you'll never go anywhere in life. 040308
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *sticks her tongue out*
ethereal who raised her!!

someones going to be in trouble for this!!!


Where's the sugar!!!
misstree behave yourself
or mommychula is gonna send you out
to earn your keep.

there's plenty of rich old men
who'd pay a proper price
for a sweetmeat like you.

and i'm cooking up a few batches of sugarplums, i may just have run us out... use honey instead, it's better for you.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *sulks in the corner*
i'm going out.
*flicks cigarette ash in the honey and flees*
misstree just make sure you get paid for it, darling. 040308
smallrus heh, pobody, i got sunburned, it appears!
i'll just put on my magical silver rejuvinating suit and be back to normal in a snap or two.
i've melted a few times before :)
pipers pass the pudding, im STARVING...*hauls in ambermoon from UNO card-flicking*

sugarplums! sugarplums!

*bangs table*
ethereal where's the cogniac? 040309
pipey phooey, did you HAVE to ask?

*grumbles and pulls out bottle from under her shirt*

and 'course i care aimee, wouldn't have said so otherwise. and i think you're very very pretty with those big greeny grey eyes of yours and pretty skin and hair. so nyah.
smurfus rex I want to be the uncle that shows up at family functions and hands out presents to everyone even though it isn't Christmas or someone's birthday... 040309
ethereal here's your chance soney.

did you bring grandma any sugar?
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl uncle smurfus did you bring me any alcopops? 040310
smurfus rex for ethereal: a box of "Sugar In The Raw" packets

for IGG: Tequila Pops and a Jack Skellington stuffy doll

for Aimee: The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe

for pipers: a slotted wooden spoon (with hip holster)

who'm I missin'? :)
Not the Daddy Which side of the family are you the uncle of? Mine or mommachula's? 040310
peepers scratches her butt and belches 040310
blah-ze heeeeey dudes... parked my car on the porch... whazz ye got in the fridge? need somewhere to crash... can i use the couch? here's hoping aunty tree can cook up something better'n cruskits and vegimite. 040310
minnesota_chris this family is chock full of weirdoes 040310
stork daddy i changed my mind. can i still be the bright eyed boy, the youthful pride of the family, so full of potential? 040310
smurfus rex mommachula's side... 040310
pipers no you can't, i like my pressie too much :D

*runs around smacking everyone on the butt with cool slotted spoon, singing the good, the bad and the ugly theme song*

if im the eccentric aunt then stork is my brother, hence- where's my fancy chocolate?

hey blah-ze, nice wheels...can i go for a spin?
blah-ze sure... key in the ignition, screwdriver in the console 040311
notme i dont want to hear it hi everybody! it's nomme...
(your great great great great great aunt monadh who just broke out of the cemetery)
well i know,..i'm not really that great of an aunt 'cause i'm always preaching about how "blather'll only rot your teeth"!
*grabs a rocking chair*
anyone want to hear (again for the thousandth time) about the time i met napoleon in the loo?
ethereal shut up ya old bag.
no one ever met napoleon in no loo.
who let her in?

where's the sugar?
notme wanders off in search of oh, is that the cellar door i spy?

some dirt to bury herself in)
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl hey, get off my coffin dirt notme!!! 040312
ambermoon whaaaa...i need a nap
whos got my teddy bear?

*wipes snot on back of hand*
*lays down next to not the daddy*
. . 040312
pobody *comes back into the house with something behind my back and a huge smile on my face. Sneaks over to walrus and presents a big floppy straw hat. =)
Shifts nervously and bites my lip after seeing notme trying to hide under the dirt,and wonders if I could've explained how to play "hide and go seek"
a little better. =/ Runs away in search of chores so as to avoid booger-covered amber.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *runs after pobody*

You're it!
pobody *groans and gives a dirty look,then gets an idea. pokes easy target
blah-ze,who's laying on the couch watching movies on cable. Smiles triumphantly and then quickly runs off to play on the tire swing*
Not the Daddy Come here then little ambermoon. I have a washclothe to clean your runny face and a soft pillow to lay your head down upon.

But your still eating all your vegetables at suppertime.
pipers *screeches off out of the driveway, narrowly missing mailbox*

hey, ethereal, want me to pick up some sugar? no? okay then!

*laughs evilly and screeches off again, only to have car break down at end of road*
pipes very excited I FOUND THE TREEHOUSE! 040312
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *pushes pipers out of the treehouse whilst waving a bottle*
i'm having a paaaaarrrtaaaaaay here!!

*giggles and pours some vodka on pipers*
ooooooooo oooooooo i am the ghost of the treehouse ooooooo i died here a long time ago ooooooooo oooooooooh alchohol *steals bottle from insecure_goth_girl's hands ooooooooooo* oooo*gulp*oooo 040313
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *giggles drunkenly and pulls on the wock_da_wabbit chains on the ghosts arms*

*eyes the bottle*
whats IN that stuff?????
ooooooooo *pulls chain away* puh-lease! chains? how passe!oooooooooooooooo *rearranges chains rather more tastefully then fades out eerily...* 040313
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *passes out, snoring* 040313
ooooooooo *fades back, snatches bottle, and begins to fade away, adding a single 'o' for effect* 040313
pipey *ties goth girl to the bottom of the tree and scalps her*

bruhuhahahahaha! i am mum-raaaaaa!
*thunder cats theme song begins to play*
pipers *swipes the bottle and limps off to pool* 040314
ambermoon im a very good girl i eat all my veggies. can i have some ice cream now?

* runs out side to find pipers to play with*

pipers will you push me on the swing?
blah-ze *swings up off couch, eyes very wide*

i happ'n t' haf found the 'fortified juice' closet so i'll be indulging meself to some more.... three teaspoons of coffee to one drink sound righto?

one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor...
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl shit!
tied to a tree again.....
somebody help me?
*scowls at pipers*
...AntiqueClocks... *Reads the blathers and begins to laugh hysterically at all the applesause* 040320
smurfus rex you don't have a knife on you, goth girl? Ah, no matter...I've got one.

*cuts goth girl's ropes*

watch out for that pipers. :)
pipers ooo smurfy you are eviillll

*pushes ambermoon on swing hoping that it'll knock down goth girl on the rampage*
pipers aaieeee she's comingggggg!!!

*runs off holding bottle*
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl awwww uncle smurfus!!!
fankyou very much!

*beams, then runs after pipers with her 'borrowed' knife, falling over ambermoon then getting up angrily*


come out come out wherever you are!!!
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *cackles insanely and starts smashing things, looking for pipers* 040321
ambermoon *starts laughin and runs after goth girl to see what happens next*

la la la la la la ...
pipers ambermoon you traitor!

*trips ambermoon from under the sofa she's hiding under*

*looks around for nearest exit, finds none and is confronted by slavering, frothing at mouth goth girl*


*shoves bottle at goth girl and runs for gran'ma*
grendel *swipes bottle of tequila from liquor cabinet and finds big rock in the back yard to hide under* 040323
Not the Daddy That's it. I'm selling the lot of you for medical experiments. 040323
Not the Daddy We have a back yard? 040323
ambermoon awww pipers dont be mad. i was just tryin to help. ill distract her and you make a run for it.

*bites goth girl in the leg and runs*

run pipers run
ethereal there there pipers.

grams is here.

(did you get that sugar?)
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl OW!
Oh my GOD!
You just BIT me!!!!!!
*clutches her leg and growls*
I'm gonna!
*smashes the bottle and winks*

Here's your sugar.
*grabs a handful and throws it vaguely in the direction of ethereal*

*cough* GRENDEL *cough*
blah-ze *wakes up, notices car gone and people playing silly buggers in the backyard, goes back to sleep*

feels like the neo-nucleal family version of a blink182 song
endless desire can i be the blather child, lost and confused? i'd like that. 040324
endless desire can i be the blather child, lost and confused? i'd like that. 040324
pipers okay, you can be ambermoon's twin, given that she's the blather_baby at the mo... thanks for the bite ;)

*hands goth a band-aid with little neon stick figures and martini glasses on it*

you play a mean game of hide and go seek dood ;)

u24 just wrote the official blather family lullaby, its on magic_in_the_strangest_places :D

*gives endless a cookie...and gran'ma some sugar cubes*

psssst...lets go jump on blah-ze...heheeh
minnesota_chris and double posting 040324
ambermoon *runs over and hugs endless*
im so happy!! i have a sister. wanna play? i have some barbi dolls,we could cut there hair and put cool clothes on them.
are you ok goth girl? sorry if i hurt you, i just wanted to play too. will you take me and endless to the movies later? ill pay. i got some money in my piggy bank.
please...*gives goth girl her teddy*... im really sorry.
Not the Daddy I'm starting to regret ever having non-existant sex with your not-the-momma.


kids will be kids I suppose,
but grandmothers that are compulsive sugar addicts are something else entirely.
stork daddy will you all shutup? i can barely hear my porno! 040325
Not the Daddy we are out of kleenex storky, don't be using the good towels again.

(we had such high hopes for him, but since he started touching himself, it's been nothing but masterbation).
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl stork daddy, the pervert across the road screwing the dog is not, repeat NOT classed as porn.
*giggles wickedly*

i'll take you to the movies ambermoon, and we can watch i_know_what_you_did_last_summer.

hey pipers, wana come to a goth club with me?
i like you, you're evil at heart too!

*goes back to playing silly beggars, waving the broken bottle round half-heartedly*
no-one Can I be the insecure, antisocial sister, that spends all her time in her bedroom reading, writing, and playing on the internet with music blaring?

or, the 5th cousin by marriage who just happens to have 3 arms, and genetalia from both sexes?
Not the Daddy I think the antisocial sister will be better than the mutant freak. Although the mutant freak would be cool as well. But we are of two minds about it. 040325
no-one aww... no mutant freak? so sad... 040325
pipers how about mutant sister? hehehe...

YAY! goth club! *looks around for her kohl pencil and 'roadkill black' nail polish* goody goody! we might have to sneak out of the upstairs window otherwise ambermoon's going to want to come, and not-the-daddy is in a bad mood nohow...*adjusts leather pants* do i look okay? is there a secret password?
stork daddy goth is if you film it 040326
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl ok well.......go back to filming the neighbours stork daddy :S

you look GREAT pipers, and the passowrd is.......KILL!!!!
no wait im not that mean, there is no password, last time i tried that one i got thrown in the pretty white rooms.

hey i have an antisocial sister!!!
no wait
im an only child
bugger....i cant be the centre of attention with you around!!!!!
*starts to get mad*

pipers, lets sneak out!
*twirls round in her black corset top with looooooong floaty sleeves and virtually indecent skirt with fishnets and boots*
how do i look?

*puts black eyeliner and spiky choker on*
how bout now?
here, have some more black lipstick.

LETS GO!!!!!!!!!
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl wait no, i forgot MONEY!
and BOOZE!!!!!!!

where's uncle smurfus when you need him?

vodka please :D
whats your poison, pipers?
smurfus rex goth girl...c'mere :)

*picks the lock to not the daddy's liquor cabinet*

Not the Daddy Who the hell is Rachel?

What's that whispering in the den?

Why am I suddenly asking questions?

Stay away from my narcotics!
no-one gothgirl, it's okay, you can still be the center of attention. Noone knows i'm here.
But, I like your outfit. Can i borrow the necklace?
Not the Daddy Aren't you supposed to be in your room with the music at unholy and ear drum shattering levels?

This is one highly dysfunctional family and I wouldn't have it any other way.
ambermoon aww i love you guys...
*sometimes being the blather baby is no fun*=(
pipers and goth girl, the only reason i follow you guys around is cuz i want to be just like you when i grow up.
*blows kisses to you both*
have fun tonight!!
no-one Well, I had to pee. I'll go back to my room now.
*walks away with her book in front of her face*

Ow! Someone tripped me!
Oh. It was the foot stool. Opps.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl awwww ambermoon thats so sweet!
here, have my pentagram necklace, that should start you off on the path ;)

i know you're antisocial, but would you like to come to the goth club too?
if you do, hurry up, i have a sexy dress you can borrow, and a spare choker too :D
oh no
uncle smurfus left the liquor cabinet open and now pipers is getting pissed!
*thanks uncle smurfus and grabs some cherry_vodka from the cabinet, dragging pipers away*
pipes oooo niiiiice, goth girl, i LOVe the top :D and im teetotal, but i'll have a margarita, hold the alcohol hehehe

aww amber dont be sad, we'll bring you back some little cocktail umbrellas :)

cash? hmm...*picks snoring blah-ze's pocket and makes off with new chrome fender fund*

anyfink else?
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl hmmmm
where are the car keys?
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *steals some chocolate sauce from mommychula's private store*
this could come in handy.
stork daddy don't even touch my aged moonshine 040327
ethereal ahem. what was the moon shine made of? 040327
no-one umm.. okay.. but i apologize in advance for following you around like a little lost puppy dog. I have my own outfit though.

*puts on her floor length black skirt, clunky platform boots, black bra, black mesh shirt, and long black overcoat. Puts on her black eyeliner, black eyeshadow, and red eyeshawdow, and black lipstick.*

Can I still borrow your choker?
ambermoon thanks for the necklace.
*spins in circle and chants goddess names till shes dizzy and falls down*
no-one *fastens the chocker around her neck and grabs the vodka, then sneaks past ambermoons room*

All right. Lets get gone.
no-one *choker. 040328
no-one *looks around the room* Where is eveyone? Goth girl? Oh well.
*walks back to her room, and closes the door behind her*
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *bangs on the door*
where ya goin?
i had to swipe the car keys, as pipers seems to have disappeared.
can you drive?
no-one Well... I can, just not legally. But, who cares about that. 040330
Not the Daddy you can just sit on my lap while i drive ;) 040330
no-one hmm. why don't i believe thats the really not the daddy? And if it is... kinky. 040330
pipers im back, im back, lets go! im legal for everythin' heheehe

*revs up sleek little black mercedes convertible*

can't fit three on the harley, so i thought i'd bring this lil' baby along ;)

(and i promise to give you a ride on the harley ambermoon, so stop waving hysterically from the window *blows her a kiss*)
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *jumps into the car and puts her manson cd on*
come one no-one, if not the daddy wants to be kinky, he can go and watch the porn with stork daddy, im sure they'll have fun.
Not the Daddy Quit using my s/n, fuckwad. 040331
Not the Daddy But I guess I can't really take my belt to you. So I guess kids you've got a highly disgusting wannabe Not the Daddy. And the other Not the Daddy who started the family. 040331
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *is pissing herelf laughing*
(not literally i might add)
yeah not the daddy 2!
we dont want an impersonator in the family!
tell us who you REALLY are (don't worry, we won't bite....


no-one *gets in the car*
Newsman Latest family news, Grandma has being diagnosed with Diabetes. That means no sugar. Is anyone ready for the hell that could procure? 040331
Newsman Latest family news, Grandma has being diagnosed with Diabetes. That means no sugar. Is anyone ready for the hell that could procure? 040331
Newsman Latest family news, Grandma has being diagnosed with Diabetes. That means no sugar. Is anyone ready for the hell that could procure? 040331
Newsman Latest family news, Grandma has being diagnosed with Diabetes. That means no sugar. Is anyone ready for the hell that could procure? 040331
Newsman I apologize for my computer. 040331
Newsman I apologize for my computer. 040331
Newsman I apologize for my computer. 040331
Newsman Fuck!!! 040331
ethereal Who is the damned newsman? And where the hell is the sugar!!!! 040331
Not the Daddy2 Oh hell, newsman needs to back to speach therapy. He is stuttering again.

I told Grandma no good could come of constantly ingesting large amounts of processed sugar, but NO she wouldn't listen. Who's going to give her the insulin shot now? I'm too bitter about the ignored advice at the moment.
Not the Daddy i said to stop. 040331
pipers tsk tsk...i think we should bite both the not-daddys and find out who's the real one...but in the meantime... PAR-TAY!

and don't let granma go hyperglycemic in the meantime chillun!

*screeches off singing 'tainted love' with the gels*
iNsEcUrE_GoTh-GiRl *squirts fake blood out of a water pistol at innocent passersby*

hahahaha!!!!!! suckers!!!!
pipers hahahahahaahahahaa

here, use the nickelodeon goo next time
*hands goth vial of vomit-green slime*
no-one I have an extra gun. we can do both. 040401
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *waves her bottle of red square drunkenly and grabs the second gun*
HEY TARDS!!!!!!!!!
no-one *throws skittles at passer-bys* heehee 040402
pobodys nerfect Sleepily walks downstairs and past the living room,oblivious to the noise going on in there. Shuffles over to the fridge and peers inside it in hopes of finding a midnight snack. Closes it then marches into the living room with hands on hips and hollers,"Alright,
which one of you took the last blue freezie?!" :[
. . 040402
pipers drivin fast and furious *slurps on last blue freezie*

i hope noone wnated the last one...
*watches green skittles ping off old guy's bald head*
ambermoon *laughs at the old man as he screams "damn kids" and shakes his cane at pipers, no one, and goth girl.*
i cant wait for my ride. can we go tomorrow?
oh and will you please save me some skittles? i like the red ones.
*gose back to bed and dreams that all her friends are jellous cuz iv got the coolest family ever*
ambermoon here grandma
*holds up a zip lock full of sugar*
iv been saving this
for when you ran out
pipers *pulls up with a screech outside club and tosses keys at valet*

okay girls, dont forget to pocket the little umbrellas for ambermoon and the cocktail olives for daddy to appease him.

and the yellow skittles are the yummest :D
white_wave I am the cousin who sits in the corner having crazed arguments with myself and launches into childlike temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. 040404
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *makes a mental note to avoid white_wave because she sounds dangerous*

cocktail umbrellas, ok.
*sidles up to the bouncer and waves her fake ID*
i really am 18 ^_^
*is let into the club*
white_wave after being dared to jump out the window i stupidly do so and end up dead. 040405
pipers y'know, the white wave imposter isn't very convincing...

*strolls into club nonchalantly, having a real ID to get her in anyway (hehe) and heads straight for the dance floor*
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *noda at the stoners and drunks and grabs an archers from a nearby retard*

play something decent!
stork daddy i'm going to sabotage the cruise ship we have our family reunion just so this dynasty of dysfunction and inanity comes to an end. 040405
no-one *feels up the bouncer, and gets let into the club* Well, noone told me I needed a fake Id. I needed to get in somehow. *heads to the bar* 040405
pipers hehehe

and i didn't know we were going on a CRUISE! time to lose this goth pallor, laydees!
no-one but.. but.. I like being this pale! 040406
no-one *makes out with random guys*
I like being a whore. I know I'm anti social, but if i have to go out, might as well get something out of it. *looks at the cute boy standing in the corner... smiles, and crooks her finger* Having fun, girls?
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *looks vaguely at the flashing lights*
can i touch the shiny lights?

*takes another drag of the joint*

pipers surveying crowd *leans against bar all cool an' sexy and swigs her sprite-with-little-umbrella-and-squeeze-of-lime-in-martini-glass*

gotta stay un-high and un-madeout 'cause i'm driving.

*stashes 'brelly in bag for ambermoon and some sweet and lo for granny*
no-one *dances over to goth girl and takes the joint* Mmmmm.... 040406
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *smacks the pervert drooling on her*

pipes *sigh*

another pervert...tsk tsk tsk...*pulls out green-goo gun and sprays slobber-man within an inch of his miserable existence*

i think it's time to go, laydees, i've filched all the 'brellies the bartender has, and if you two get any higher you'll fly home *grins indulgently*
no-one but flying is fun! Please.. a little while longer? 040407
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *wanders out after pipers, watching the swirly ceiling*

oh no

*is sick*

must be the mixed spirits...
pipers no, no-one, i think its time to skedaddle...the bartender is givin' us mighty evil looks what with poor goth puking up his evil drinks...oh, oh well... once last boogie,

*ties a reluctant no-one to belt loop with very long piece of string*
no-one *Dances along behind pipers* Hee hee... *throws a pie at pipers* I'm following the pied pipers! 040411
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *laughs herself silly and falls into the car, immediately falling into a drunken sleep*

pipers looking very un-goth now mmm, chocolate cream ;)

*gets car covers very gunky as she drives home, tossing pieces of pie at stray cats*
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *wakes up and falls out of the car as it screeches to a halt*

*with a drunkards sense of quiet and slurring unintelligably*

minnesota_chris alcoholism seems to run in the genes 040418
pipers *stops pushing car into driveway to be quiet*

oh, what the heck...

*clatters up the drive and slams front door open*


*begins to sing 'la cucuracha' and samba around the living room, sending bits of pie flying around and landing on the plastic slipcovers*
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *laughs hysterically as ambermoon falls over stork daddy trying to pull his pants up and to hide the video recorder by the window*

run!run little piggies! run!

*cough* ROAST BEEF *cough*
ambermoon yeah!!! your home.
did you have fun?
did you like the music?
did you bring me somethin?
did you see that old guy?
he was real mad.*giggels*
whats all over you pipers?
can we go for a ride now?
*runs in circles around the room*
uh oh uncle storky your pants fell down.
*points and laughs like crazy*
ambermoon yeah!!! your home.
did you have fun?
did you like the music?
did you bring me somethin?
did you see that old man?
he was real mad.*giggels*
what do you have all over you pipers?
can we go for the ride now?
are you dizzy? you cant stand up right.
*runs around the room*
uh oh uncle storky your pants fell down.
*points and laughs like crazy*
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *packs her bags in the middle of the night*

here ya go amberboon, all the stuff you'll need for going to clubs when you're older.

bye uncle smurfus, i'm gonna miss you! *waves the tootsie roll pop and hugs*
bye pipers, have fun with the car.
*leaves a note and slips away into the shadows, never to be seen again*
ambermoon *sits in the corner and crys*
NOOOOOO dont go.
*runs into the street after goth girl and gets hit by a passing simi truck*
ethereal I want sugar. 040623
imaginarysugarstealingfiend hehehehehehehehe
puredream You can't STEAL sugar. It likes to be stolen. Where's the fun in that? YEESH!! Have you learned nothing? 040623
Lila Pause I am the very distant cousin who is only related in name. 040624
my little secret You know... you could find out all about this family by reading the rest of blather. And so I was not suprised at all when I got to this page. 040625
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl hm.. 'my little secret'....elaborate please?

*turns around to see ambermoon in the road*

oh shi..

*grabs ambermoon*

tut tut, don't play in the road it aint safe! *grins and hugs* i came back yeah?
ambermoon *looks up at goth girl*
dont leave me i'll miss you so much.
*hugs her*
lets go eat some jelly beans and sneeks some to grandma =0)
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl awwwwwwww
*is touched*


we got jelly beans and sugar....come and get it!

*chuckles wickedly, loading up an Uzi*

this is for not getting me that teddy bear!
puredream *frolicks* 040627
blah-ze :been a while sice this has been dragged scraming into the light:

and blather brother is sleeping under an upturned couch, being hit by crumbs and bits and twenty-cent coins...

...and, unable to defend himself, is being tormented by a damn chihuahua called bubba...

whos dog is this anyway? gnaaaar, rodent you will pay...
cpgurrl can i be that neighbor kid who everybody stares at but doesn't say anything? u know, the 1 e/ the pink hair who's substantially under 5 ft at her full height? yeah, that one, why does she read books all the time?

(you'll never know)
no reason i'll be the endlessly spoiled house cat. 040821
estarocks (no kittty! oh yes, ur such a good cat ......... OOOOOWWW!!!!!!!! 040821
Borealis I'll be grandma's dead husband's ghost...
who wanders the house stealing socks and loose change, and occasionally bothering the cat.
lucky You leave that damn cat alone you hear seymore!! I won't tell you again... now where's my sugar??

once again "Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people that miss the same imaginary place."

Borealis grandpas ghost you sit in my imaginary place, and you'll have your limbs flailing in convulsions, and bits of loose change hailing down upon you.... 040823
aM i DiStUrBeD? Hey guys! Yeah I know it’s late, am sorry. Really I am.
*looks round*
What the hell happened here? Looks like Grandma was on a mad rampage for sugar.
Stork Daddy has been at the porn again.
And hell! These kids! What do you feed em on now?? FERTILISER??

*puts bags down and sees look on everyone’s faces*

What?? You don’t know who I am? I'm Not the Daddy's cousin! Yeah you call me cousin as well. I had a twin, but she died. So I had no family! One day I discovered you [amazingly on Google] and here I am! You took me in!

Well I’m back. Hey I might have changed.
*thinks back*
Well I don’t think I had blue hair then ;)

But hey! Where’s Not the Daddy? I need a hug!
O by the way, I’ve just had a massive flight; do you know its nine hours to get here?
All the way from England.

Tea anyone?
Obituary in Reality We are sorry to inform you, but Not the Daddy was killed in a bizarre cucumber salad accident. Funeral services will be held on October 20th. Donations can be made to the "Help the globalfruitbat foundation".

This has been a
ambermoon tea? i'd love some. 040925
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *looks around at the randomness*


this weed is strong....
twist I'll be the problem child...nuff said. 040927
god bring me a pepsi! 040928
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *throws pepsi in god's face and points at twist*


*runs and hides, smothering a giggle*
girl_jane Look who just showed up at the door!

Hello, my lovely family, I thought I'd come home for a spell to celebrate the beginning of Autumn.

Happy Fall.
dudeinanigloo And I'm away at school as this whole shindig is going down. 040928
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *slams door and runs round in circles in the house*

where is everybody? *looks round*

it looks like i'm alone *tries not to look scared of the shadows*

this calls for a PISS UP!
ambermoon * pops out from under the table where shes been waiting for gothgirl to come home *
AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh....scared ya didnt i!
. you haven't noticed me have you? all this time i'm sitting in the corner and none of you have noticed me - not one of you. 050518
Ivory ...saunters up and knocks on the door of the blather family shack...

I'm gently rapping at your chamber door. Open up, you fahwkers.


I'm the sister that rarely comes around because she makes everyone so uncomfortable with her sociopathic tendencies and outlandish political views.

You know, the vegetarian.
belly fire is being here some kind of treason? 050520
ambermoon *gets a pound of raw hambuger out of the fridge and throughs bits of it at ivory*

eat something honey! your so skinny.
anne-girl i'm the nocturnal basement-dwelling geek... occasionally coming upstairs, bleary-eyed after waking at 10pm, to grab another couple boxes of cereal

*trundles back down to the glowing screen of her friendly computer*
Not the Daddy christ on a popsicle.

i've had to take 14 jobs just to pay for all these misfits.
anne-girl want me to, er, "arrange" some funds transferred to your bank account, electronically?

after all, what else are computers for?
Not the Daddy i knew that at least one of my prodgeny would show some paternal love and respect.

let's take down mastercard. k?

*looks into fully stocking the basement with first edition novels*
anne-girl that ain't no paternal love and respect... i'm just trying to speed up the arrival of that new server you promised me

you DO remember that, right?

*starts a conversation with mastercard's authentication system* "aww... cute little thing... whatcha talking about passwords? here, have a cooky..."
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl if someone gets married on blather
doesn't that make it incest?
coz really
everyone is in the blather family
and so....

you see where im going with this.

*pokes ambermoon*
Sakhalin is Magnifique This year LET'S VACATION IN SAKHALIN! 060309
ambermoon oh we're sick real sick...

he he he

i like it!
*Amy* I feel I`m part of the family, I don`t know if anyone feels I am, I don`t care, you make me feel I`m not alone when I am in real life, outside the virtual space, and that`s enough for me 060630
walrie i used to feel like a part of this family, now i just kind of feel like an outsider looking in. i don't really know what has changed. 060701
z perhaps you have. 060702
Bespeckled And that's not such a bad thing. 060703
doar aka not the daddy geez I didn't know when I started this family that such idolatry and sinfulness would insue.


well I got to get back to the drinking challenge just issued by am_I_DISTURBED.

carry on you bunch of misfits.

ambermoon awww not the daddy come on you knew this would happen . were all just one big happy family ;0* 090421
spoken hi guys just moved next door to the blather family
you guys are a crazy lot but i've decided i like you
i think i'm moving in with you guys or at least comandearing your couch when i've partied to hard and can't find my keys
your doors always unlocked anyway
i'm the girl everyone looks to
to bring the party
wild and free
but quite a deep thinker
at first glance i give the impression of a very silly carefree person always in search of the next fun adventure
while partially true
i also have a deep side
i'm a libra so i think and think and weigh things excessively constantly
adapting my point of view to my current moods
at times i allow life to tumble me
and others i enjoy taking the reins and giving it a good fuck back
so jumping in
love me or not i'm staying
hsg Who is the blath_sheep in the family? 091229
dafremen *pokes head in* 091229
Doar pokes head out. 091229
IGG *walks in amid the broken furniture and spilt sugar*

it's a shit tip in here.
not the daddy? you're doar?

finding out your parents' names for the first time is weird.
you'll always be the not the daddy to us kids.

where's grandma? and ambermoon?
everyone's grown old or left! grandma dead?
*pokes a cloth-covered object*

is my room still mine?
*opens door*

why is David Attenborough in here?
Doar yes, IGG, i am not_the_daddy...

I didn't think this particular blathe would transgress beyond a scroll down. but I am delighted that you'all have had fun on it.


tc IGG.

Doar yes, IGG, i am not_the_daddy...

I didn't think this particular blathe would transgress beyond a scroll down. but I am delighted that you'all have had fun on it.


tc IGG.

Doar ah the times you kids had that I will not write down, in case anyone wants to prosecute me. why oh why did i ever want kids.............hmmm......hey wait, i didn't! where the freakin hell did all the offspring "loosely speaking", come from???

grendel hey, who alphabetized my porn_stash and organized my drugs by category and effect? i knew i should've installed a lock on this side of the attic


grendel hey, who alphabetized my porn_stash and organized my drugs by category and effect? i knew i should've installed a lock on this side of the attic


uncle blather can't believe i never wrote on this one. i'm decent (not great, but decent) at being a real uncle, and i already staked a claim on the name long, long ago, so here ya go. drugs, alcohol, and porn for all my nieces and nephews. just don't tell mom and dad who you got it from. 110725
jane anyone wanna share a J? 110725
Doar damn rugrats, always doing the things that they shouldn't do, even though I berated and scolded them....

Am I destined to be a forlorn father figure............Nah!

Seems I'm paying way too much for this place. Time to move oh blather_children.

Something a bit better fitting and confusing.

Get used to it you misfits.

I'm laying the law down.

Don't get out of line....again.

ambermoon aww the blather family grew apart....
i miss you all
unhinged we're still around

we just keep in contact
in other ways
in other places
dafremen - Crazy Hoarder uncle 131018
Doar Crazy intelligent uncle, with a verbose reckoning.

unhinged the spinster aunt with all the cats 131018
blown cherry that cousin that you never hear from but when they do turn up to family events they're really distant and hardly speak to anyone, just spending all their time picking at the food table or hiding out in one of the kids rooms 131021
Doar Miss you all.

And I hope you are all safe.

Lemon Soda Always.

May the Force be with You.
Lemon Soda Always.

May the Force be with You.
hm . 220606
Walking corpse I'm thinking of suicide. I have access to an Amtrak train. I'm going to throw myself in front of it. I can't go through life in this body any longer. I'm just going to die 220608
just another ghostly blatherskite if you're still breathing, please consider emailing me at concubinefeeder (at) i don't want to disrespect you by feeding you empty platitudes, or by trying to talk you out of anything. i just don't want you to be alone. 220608
what's it to you?
who go