dakota I for one support Bush because he is the president of america and being a citizen of america, I will support our leader. I only pray to God that Bush is more concerned with the way history will judge him rather than whether he will win the next election. I for one believe that history will judge him well. The world has seen Bush under pressure and we have seen him work well under pressure. I would like to see him be re-elected. I think he is a wonderful leader. And you know that the terrorist will know that they are going to have another tough four years ahead of them if Bush wins. They want someone else besides Bush to be elected, you can be sure of that. You can always belive the BS you hear in the news and all the criticism Kerry talks about. If someone is talking about how he should have done this instead or we should have done that, then they are a waste of my time. I want to know what they plan to do tomorrow!I for one would like to see Bush become our president again. But if Kerry wins, you know what I'm going to do? Even though he won't be the person I voted for, I am still going to support him . . . because he is the president of the country I live in and the country I love. And I will not turn my back on America. 040317
Nukemall you've just wandered into the bad part of blathercity. may the lord have mercy on your soul when the rest of the blatherites sink their claws into you.

but since i'm not religious and politics are too much of a rant, good for you for standing up and proudly stating your allegiance to your president, no matter how greedy or unintelligent they are.
dakota So I have . . . 040318
ever dumbening .::. BUSH OUT! first:


(and, yes, prepare to be crucified. but moxie sure is cute.)

i'm not going to systematically pick you apart, though, because people won't listen if they don't want to. in other words, if i laid it all out for you, you still would 'support our leader.' fine. my strong wager, however, is that you will, in time, realize the insane laundry list of assaults on this country that bush is behind. again, listing them would go in one ear and out the other.

a final thought:
america wouldn't exist if people in england had supported their leaders just because they were the leaders.
p2 there are more issues
than just terrorism
what about stem cell research
and abortion
and gay marriage
and his ability to choose the next supreme court justice?

did you know
that the pentagon
has to outsource its stem cell research
to a research group
in sweden
p2 in case it wasn't clear
i'm in the
anybody_but_bush camp
ever dumbening .::. BUSH OUT! just found a little gem for you:

(notice the .gov url. it's not some wackjob blogger spouting conspiracy theory.)

click on the pdf file and start reading. it might take a while, though, because THERE ARE SO MANY FUCKING LIES!
ever dumbening .::. BUSH OUT! the funny thing is, within minutes of the start of this, p2, you have already pointed out why our liberal message doesn't get heard. because, _to me_, stem cell research is _very_ low on this list of offenses (bordering on a non-issue), but it's obviously important to you. (note: i'm not slamming you, p2; just making a point.) the conservatives all rally around the same issues (usually only two or three), while liberals have dozens of things we want fixed. soon, those we are trying to convince can be found with eyes glazed over (or not found at all, because they left the room). 040318
p2 yes
possibly curing paraplegics
is important to me
but my point was that
i am against him on every issue
other than "terrorism"
but than again
no presidential candidate
is "for" terrorism
also, i only made note of the pentagon
because i had just recently read it
p2 oops, i meant quadriplegics
but paraplegics are a worthy cause too
kipper Well, i would like to say that it is nice to see somebody standing up for their views, but i can't. I, like, ever dummering, will not bother to take you apart piece by piece. Fruitless task really. Speaking, however, a citizen of the rest of the world, i would like to make the point that the rest of the world really hates you guys. It isn't B.S. They really do, and it makes me so sad. I've travelled the states extensively, and it is a beautiful country in which i met some amazing people who have become lifelong friends. Your governments foreign policy has alienated the rest of the planet, and not just since sept 11th, Sept 11th happened because of your foreign policy. since that terrible day all your government has done is make things worse.
I would love to come to the states again, but i can't, to me and to almost everybody else i know that would be akin to holidaying in South Africa in the 1980's. The only voice i have that you will listen to is economic, and a tiny voice it is, i can tell you, but there is no way that i can put any money into your economy now.
Also, the thinking behind supporting your leader simply because he is your leader, is exactly the kind of abdication of resposibility for oyur own actions that allowed the holocaust to happen.
misstree "I love my country, but fear my government." -Mike Sells

i love our country as well, which makes me even more vehemently want to see a change in leadership. i'll not soapbox right now; my vehemence is too close to bloodlust this morning. but a piece of advice: one, look into foreign media outlets, as major media in america is *not* serving the interest of the people. i normally have a few examples on the tip of my brain. sorries.
dakota My thanks to those who are kind enough to not "pick me apart." however, unfortunatly, my point of speaking has been blown into a proportion and words were added that were not mentioned by me. No leader comes without fault . . . I would not follow a leader blindly into a holocost. . . I spoke nothing of other issues . . . simply terrorism. I too am sad at the reality of what America is turning into. But I feel that a leader who is taking action against this terror is a brave leader . . . and I for one support him... I support someone who I feel is doing something about the real misguided persons. I'd rather do something about it than bow down to terror or go on with my simple life pretending that these issues do not exist. So crucify me if you want to . . .it would be an honor. 040318
ever dumbening .::. BUSH MUST GO things to research:
richard perle and the PNAC (project for a new american century), and the "need for a new pearl harbor" and continuous war.

part of the problem is that it is exactly our country/government's behavior that generates the terror. terror is indeed a problem. but bushco thrives off of and wins with terror, either way. halliburton. they use fear to their advantage. you are being lied to about the threats.

did you read the link i posted earlier about how bushco is misleading us?

what does it mean to you to support the "war on terror"? did you support the decision to pre-emptively attack iraq? do you think there was a link between al qaeda and saddam? why do you think there is so little support worldwide for bush's policies? what is your take on spain? did they "cave" as bushco wants you to believe, or did the very high percentage of the population in spain that was against anzar's support of bush finally get their chance to show how they felt? [some of these questions are a bit leading, so go research all of these things and make your own decision. go to google news and dig deep; you might be surprised what you'll find in the rabbit hole.]
zeke support his retirement 040318
zeke in the 21st century do the victors still write history? who are the victors? 040318
marked . 040319
misstree there are different versions of history.
for americans, our history is written by the "victors" (read: bushco) because we are spoon-fed what they want us to hear.
for europeans and asians and suchnot, there is more wiggle room, as outside news sources tend to be much much more prevalent elsewhere.
but i'm quite sure that the iraqi and afghanistan people (yep, remember afghanistan?) have a different perspective.

and about that whole war on terror. bushco (love that term) hasn't done a whole lot to dismantle al_quaeda, but has managed to not only alienate most of the once-friendly countries in the united nations, but also give those who had issues with the u.s. (which, from their perspective, were pretty severe) even more to have issues about--i'd be pretty pissed if some cowboy warlord came in and destroyed my country in the name of "liberation" and then failed to follow through when the time to rebuild what they broke came about, especially since things like water treatment plants and power plants were major targets. not to mention that his "war on terror" has been mostly conducted by rescinding basic civil rights, both on the level of all american's privacies and the treatment of those suspected of terrorist activity (who lose *all* rights, even if there is no evidence against them; you just have to be "suspected") and taking such a vague concept as "war on terror" as free license to do as he pleases without having to show accountability.

personally, i'm much more scared of our government than i am of a terrorist attack.

but look over there! it's gay_marriage! just forget about this whole war thing... economy? sssh... there's moral decay going on, our whole culture is threatened!
Just Curious dakota,
Lets just say for the time being that their never was any 9/11 nor any other terrorist goings on in the U.S. and thus Bush never made one single decision regarding such, yet has still done everything else edzactly the same, based on that what decisions and action has Bush made that gives you cause to believe he is worthy of your support?
Note that I'm simply asking this out of curiosity and so as to understand better and am not in any way trying to attack you.
dakota A very good question . . . as I said before, no one is without faults . . .I do not support Bush in EVERYTHING which is why I am not republican . . .however, if I see someone standing up to a difficult situation that I feel needs to be stood up to, I support them. I know governments get corrupt, I know people get lied too, I am not walking blindly onto the path put out for us and honestly, I don't always know who is right and who is wrong. But I do know that terror is wrong and trying to stop people from doing such a thing is right. How can I fully support Bush when I don't know the whole story? Well how can I be fully against him when I don't know the whole story. There are some interesting things going on here . . .
I support Bush in what he is doing regarding terror. I wonder if the world knows about the things that went on in Iraq . . .the things that you can't find online and hear on the news. . .
But hey. . . everyone is out to make a point and convince people how they are right and everyone else is wrong, right? I'm not saying everyone who is against Bush is wrong. . . I am just saying that to my best knowledge I support what I think is right. . . So would I support Bush if 9/11 never happened? With some things I would and with other things I wouldn't. You can't please everyone...
That's obvious...
Also Curious I think the question put forth by "Just Curious" asks about your vote, not your "support." You can't partially vote for him. So again, would you vote for Bush to stay in office for another 4 years, making our federal policies on all things, including those you do and don't disagree with, or not? 040319
dakota yup, he gets my vote 040319
Still Curious And this is if 9/11 didn't happen? 040319
dakota yup 040319
oldephebe but how can you support a man who violated at the deepest levels the very tenents this country was founded upon. my god! Daddy Bush, Brother Bush, Brother Bush's judge's and state officials, Cheyney, et al conspired, CONSPIRED to commit what was in essence a kind of coup d'etet. A president who has serious oedipal issues. A man who serves in some respects as a marionette at the ideological behest of daddy bush and cheyney's business interests. How about Rumsfeld arrogantly declining the advise of the Pentagon and rushing full bore into Iraq with an inadequate withdrawal strategy and incomplete and erroneous information by the C.I.A. (which daddy bush used to head - daddy bush's aloofness is/was i suspect a very ingeniously cultivated cover to yeah cloak the steel hand within a velvet glove)? George "W" and company needed to manufacture a pretext for finishing the work of desert storm. Period. "W" is while not a pillar of intellect, is a very capable salesman. He's haunted by the contempt his mother has for him. He's plagued by the heretofore low regard his father and at least one of his brothers have ahad and or currently have for him. "W" is not connected to the reality of day to day exigencies experienced by hard working republicans or democrats for that matter.

You bought the hook he made you look. I listen to "W"'s pious invocations of the fundamentalist christian and politically active, narrow, almost cartoonish projection of God and Country. The Spirit of God, the True humble gentle Loving Spirit of God is so far divorced from the exploitative and dishonest three card monty kind of pan ecclesiastical attempts to wed the will of the Divine to the machinations of men/somen driven Driven by megalo maniacle impulses.

Cheyney, Rumsfeld, Rice et al, arrogantly neglected to fill in the gaps and work out the details and now has America embroiled in another inextricable imbroglio that is yes costing americanlive's, innocent civilian live's not to mention the armed servicemen from other countries as well. I agree that this contry needed to respond swiftly to 9/11.

For all our vaunted power and training and the pedigrees of Rice, Rumsfeld, Cheyney, Halscroft et al. this Governments unprofessional and ill prepared stratagems are not serving the people of Iraq, USA or even those tangentially affected by this very well at all.
dakota And who do you prefer if not Bush, Kerry? Give it a year . . . people will be complaining about him just as much as the are about Bush, if not more. 040319
Strideo "Daddy Bush, Brother Bush, Brother Bush's judge's and state officials, Cheyney, et al conspired, CONSPIRED to commit what was in essence a kind of coup d'etet."

Huh, what are you talking about? Do you mean the 2000 Florida elections? Please, could we leave the bat-shit conspiracy theories out of this? I really wonder who's buying who's "book" as you say ^_^
p2 9/11 aside
your reasoning for supporting bush
"because he is the president of america"
"because he is the president of the country I live in and the country I love"
voting against bush does not mean that i
"turn my back on America"

i'd wager
you are a christian conservative
who'd have no qualms
with a government
that imposes christian values
on its people
Strideo Ugh, both of the cups are laced with poison! Democrat - Republican. Just swallow the poison you can stomach.

I'm a Libertarian myself so I can deffinately say it irritates the shit out of me when some one is trying to use the government to force their religeous views upon me. Like this whole gay marriage issue. We don't need an amendment outlawing gay marriage, in fact maybe we should be moving the other way. The constitution should guarantee our liberties not deny them.
oE Save your breath Strideo you'll need it 040319
guess load_bearing_tree 040319
dakota p2 . . . you seem so against Bush . . .but you were not so disagreeing once if I'm not mistaken. . .we_don't_want_this_war
p2 -"War sucks but so does Saddam and all those fuckers if i'm drafted i'd proudly go and get my head shot off."
You seemed so supportive of Bush's decisions before. Why so fickle?
You wager too blindly. . .
dakota and of course the religious comment had to be made. . .:p 040319
oldephebe Being a Libertarian strid, you should be uniquely alarmed at what was not so delicately slipped into the rear of America. The term "conspiracy theory" attaches a dubious kind of stigma to its object. I submit that a coup d'etat is nothing to shrug ones shoulders at and hunker down and get back to the consumption of carbohydrates and marathon basket ball games. The very nature, the very constitutionally sanctioned, aceded to and held in high esteem by a beleagered and increasingly passive populace suffered the most profound, the most profound rupture of a uniquely american democratic process. Could you be more specific w/r/t guana excrement and how it relates to a prima facie.. clearly a collusion at the highest levels of government, parties with a shared vested interest and ignoble history and uniquely mephistopholean imagination to collectively, by increments and with a deliberate reactionary synergy acted subjectively and with clear knowledge to abet and thereby violate the said laws they were sworn to uphold (these assorted state government and appointed judiciary acted as agents, implicity motivated by a partisan imperative to sodomize, constitutionally sodomize and irrevocably injure the american electorate and our system of government as it is now ensure the election of "W" and any kind of moral pedigree or credibility on the global stage. The shining light of libery, of democracy is a murky, urine colored gas light hanging shakily by its tether. It lights the way for no one.

When it happens again and directly affects your life and those you love perhaps you will regard it a little differently. I remain alarmed and alert to what seems to be a modus operandus of the Cheyney regime. Duplicity, pretexts, diaphanous pretext hoisted up as irrevocable and inviolable rationale for the dictums of a so called democratically elected government...

oldephebe could you expound upon the statement "and of course the religious comment had to be made"? I'm asking honestly out of a place to understand whether or not said statement is and or does it constitute a refutation of some kind or a resigned acknowledgement of an incontrovertable an unsettling fact. 040319
oldephebe should be:"and any kind of so called moral pedigree or credibility that America may have (on the global stage)still tenuously clung to has been eroded. Without our might we are just as barren in some respects as some of the very regimes we've aligned ourselves against." 040319
p2 being against terrorism
and dictatorships
is not the same as
being for bush
unless you are saying
being for any other candidate
is the same as
being for terrorism

9/11 deeply affected me and my life
but that's hardly a factor in this election
who's to say anyone else couldn't have done as good a job
or better?
it's all speculation at this point
which is why i don't consider it worth mentioning

are you afraid terrorists will see a change in government
as a sign of weakness?
should we base our futures
on the fear of what others think of us?
that's like a man spending a fortune
on the garden
while his house
rots away

so you're saying you're not a christian conservative?
which of the following statements are not true?
1. you are pro-life
2. you believe stem cell research is murder
and therefore
should be illegal
3. you think marriage is a sacred institution
that is exclusive to the relationship
between a man and a woman

you have yet to say why you support bush
other than his being president
and the "war on terrorism"
p2 keep your eyes on
the US Supreme Court

an old article
but just as applicable

who do you want
to have the final word
in our legislation?
p2 also more recently
falling_alone there was a sign on the telephone poll:


then another i saw before:

"I vote 4 Bush"

...just so u know
nomme support_love
love everyone
but please don't vote for bush...

yours truly
shrubya monkey MAKE THE PIE HIGHER
by George W. Bush

I think we all agree, the past is over.
This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
and potential mental losses.

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet become more few?
How many hands have I shaked?

They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.
I know that the human being and the fish can coexist.
Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream.

Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize society!
Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!
Strideo "The term "conspiracy theory" attaches a dubious kind of stigma to its object."

I wasn't referring to the social connotations of the term "conspiracy theory". I just think the notion that Bush "stole" the election in Florida is inaccurate. Sorry for using the term "bat-shit" though, I realize its insulting. Being mean won't win any arguments even though arguments are rarely won by anyone.
birdmad okay, Bush didn't steal it, but a cadre of people tied to him with plenty to gain did.

as e.d's Grand_Theft_America link points out, Katherine Harris willingly an knowingly violated the Voting Rights Act

Additionally, in addition to the attempts at disrupting the recount by people like the junior brownshirts at "Free Republic" it does give one pause to wonder when you consider that the 4-5 vote in the US Supreme Court that upheld Brother Jeb's decision to halt the count where it stood was along the same lines of who appointed them with the five in the majority being Reagan-Bush appointees

From the once traditional republican standpoint, Bush is a failure in that he has inflated spending and increaased the size of government, but this was also true of Reagan, under whose watch much of our terrorism and national security issues began to incubate (Iran-Contra and the "October Surprise" which paved thwe way for it, the financing of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan during the Soviet Occupation and the US governments dealings with Iraq during the 1980's all the way up to the weeks before Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait)

Bush has consistently failed on issues of nationall security. His penchant for what are known as "unfunded mandates" (The imposition of federally regulated requirements without the benefit of the necessary funds to implement them) has caused more harm to the operational abilities of emergency services workers and can only be interpreted to mean that his so-called commitments to "homeland security" - which he opposed initially, until his minders could tinker with it a bit- (as well as to education) have been nothing more than hollow lip service. Our harbors and ports are vulnerable to any sort of attack,

His administration has been a continuing game of obfuscation

Economly looking dim?... OH LOOK, TERRORISTS!

cant catch the terrorists?....OH LOOK! SADDAM HUSSEIN!

Medicare and Social security are screwed?... HEY LOOK, WE CAUGHT SADDAM!

Iraq situation still not looking so rosy?...OH LOOK! JANET JACKSON'S TIT!

Economy still looking like shit and Osama bin Laden still on the loose?....OH LOOK, GAY_MARRIAGE !!!

It's funny that when Clinton attacked al Qaeda after the US Embassy Bombuings in 1998 that the same people playing the distraction game now were the same ones accusing Clinton of trying to "wag the dog" to distract from the manufactured blowjob scandal

i support regime change at home
bird Also, just so we're clear on something here, George Bush, the commander-in-thief, is not the Embodiment of America.

The pressure he is under is as much his own fault as anyone's. He was warned about al Qaeda and chose to ignore it until after the fact

His "War on Terra" has done more to isoplate the US than it has to shore up or bolster any of our alliances and some of the countries we have aligned ourselves with (Uzbekistan, namely) in the process are no better than the ones we claim to oppose
oE hear f**k**g hear! 040322
. how easy it would be, to let the rebuttal be a blank. to conveniently locate your promised land in another world. to let the tyrants and sheep define our closure. to let the tyrants and sheep within us take their stage. why continue to fight? 040322
oE okay. 040322
s-e-m-h i've got six words that would seemingly trump any rebuttal from the camp of team chimpy, silent or spoken:

Paul O'-F'ing-Neill
Richard F'ing Clarke
sab support_bush huh

and who does bush support?

in this new development in the middle east
and both sides are screaming about the war on terror
and the israelis, with full support of their prime minister have jsut blown up the spiritual leader of Hamas, which is jsut like blowing the pope away
and the palestinians are now saying things like - "Sharon has opened the gates of hell and nothing will stop us from cutting off his head,"

and even ministers from both sides are saying what a crazy act it was.

how does violence solve violence?

"Assassinations, incursions, walls, will not produce peace and security, on the contrary, it will just add fuel to the fire," said palestinian Cabinet Minister Saeb Erekat

and who does bush support in all this?
he's been very fucking quiet about this.

infact, i cannot find anything from him about this at all.

doesnt think the world is going to survive this
ever dumbening still wants to vote for ralph but c and don't forget about the unlubricated back-door reaming the environment is getting. 040322
sab yeah, see, i don;t think we're going to be around long enough for that shit to matter, anymore.

like judas said, remember when all we had to worry about was the enviroment and recycling and the hole in the ozone layer?

i miss those days
oE Boy this one's a noodle scratcher if there EVER was a case of the old unabating excema I'd ever encountered. Is blowing up the leader of Hamas really like blowing up the Pope?
Please forensically in tidy 8 point font enumerate each pillar supporting that postulation please, and elucidate that ever so provocative postulation I mean because to me it's screaming facile and unequal analogy, even w/o the ol' western and or religious bias.

sab oE

the dude that died was the spiritual leader of a huge bunch of kids, he was the guy who started their version of their religion. he was an ailing man in a wheelchair that was loved by his devoted people. he preached tollerance and was a calming voice in a crowd of followers screaming for death. they looked up to him devotedly and he was actually a calming influence on his underlings who wanted to go further and cause more devistation than has already happened.

they looked to him like catholics look to the pope.

then someone blew him up

and theyre hell fucking pissed about it.

and imagine, if you will, the catholics reaction if someone blew up the pope. old and ailing but doing his best old johnny

the analagy was merely putting it into some perspective.
sab how do you think the IRA would react if someone did blow up the pope? 040322
oE probably pretty badly 040322
wb yeats the best lack all conviction
and the worst are filled with passionate
silentbob blah 040323
oldephebe here's the thing sab, (may i call you sab?) the proverbial burr, the proverbial potentialy excoriating sheath of really virulent rash sending me post-haste to your local skin wizard and what have you, that actually has the temerity to call himself an M.D.

Does and or did the current pope His Eminence John Paul II ever passionately propound as a singular plank of the catholic faith, ever call for the murder of the innocent citizens that live within the Enemies of the Churches borders? Could you kindly focus your not ever to be questioned and or doubted cognitive and or analytical prowess upon that little glaring ah article?

again: Thanx!!
oldephebe Strid - Niether was I. I. I say I was referring to the cognitive and somewhat, you know, to me at least anyway, imprecise and or depleted and or exhauseted use of that appelation in characterizing either in whole or subjunctive artifiact/clause/part of the initial (i think! 'cause who knows right with all of these damned parenthetical qualifications)salvo I'd not too brazenly cast into the ol' argumentative arena.

And yes lashing the so called merits of ones argument upon the others back..yeah may not ideologically and or semantically make a point..but damn it certainly disuages those fiesty buggers given to always wanting to debate and disagree with the status quo, from you know challenging your dearly held beliefs no matter how fallacious and or fatuous and or poorly thought out and constructed. So i guess we agree at least upon that. My tongue in cheek etudes notwhithstanding though.
Death of a Rose jesus h. christ (and what does the h. stand for I wonder. hmmm.....holy, humphrey, humourme, honest, hell?), i don't make enough money to be supporting a president as well. plus my back is out at the moment....get him some crutches or a wheelchair...... 040323
oldephebe ha ha nice one ever dumbering! and no i'm sure their non-lubricated and continuously rear-door-reamed bottoms (the environment that is)will not soon forget the old bone dry at the"hands" of the bush administration...

damned deviant shrub!
sab you may call me anything you wish. but sab does me fine.

now, i never said that the old man was a saint. but then again, i dont know any saints at all

and i could go down the path that bush is hardly a nice man either, look at all the chaos and devistation and death of not only other countries population but his own that he has personally caused, let alone all the nasty lies and bluffs and coverups all the while making a tidy profit from the ugly-arsed shit he does or looks the other way from, however that's hardly a rebutting argument.

so as to the pope - christianity as an umbrella term is hardly blamless in any terms.

you could start off at the crusades if you wanted, and go from there, you could wade into the tired old arguements about burning witches and the inqusistion, or a little closer to our time, have a look at all the things that are done in the name of the christian god, christ, it's what bush is doing all this under.

and ok, so i think you are arguing that this one man ordered the deaths of however many israelis, and the pope has never openly pointed a finger at a bunch of people and said - kill them.

however, if the now ex-spiritual leader of hamas did openly encourage others to kill people, he's hardly standing on his own here.

how does killing him make things better?
how does killing him stop the killing?

there are always extremeists in any religion or belief system who will wave their leaders around and do hardcore ugly shit in their leaders names. now im not saying that he didnt, and im not excusing violence, suicide bombing or the taking of lives.

but i dont believe that anything is Black and White
Us and Them
Good and Evil.

and this man was a calming influence on his people and he has been blown to bits and been replaced with a hardline extremist. and that doesnt make me happy.

but then, there isnt a lot of things that make me happy at the moment.
and the current world situation is at the top of the list.
oE Yes but I'm assuming that when you spoke of the pope you were limiting the analogy to this pope, and this pope despite his informity and the machinations of a cadre of power grabbing cardinals has been one of the most compassion, humble popes of the modern age 040324
oldephebe well i'm not informed enough about the murdered religious leader's alleged calming effect upon his poeple, neither am i sufficiently informed to opine as to whether or not his radical ideology inculcated a new breed of Imans and acted as a galvanizing force in response to a beleagered Israels Human rights violations.
oE despite his chronic the pope that is... 040324
oE here's hoping that something comes along to alleviate, lighten your heart..cause really the world is not a great place to be right now...

*raises a glass of springwater, grimaces and then swallows*
kipper Jesus! Go back to bed America!
Supporting Bush! Really does it matter if you support him or not? Have you had a president in my lifetime (31 years) who hasn't been a total cunt? It i lovely, i am sure, for the fuckers who run your country, peachy keen, to have this big dumb wobbly figurehead that you can get your panties in a twist about. It does not matter who is there telling you that your tax dollars are going to be spent bombing the shit out of another nation of shepherds. That is all the man in the big white house is doing, telling you. The fuckers who make the decisions sit at the rotten core of your nation, and you can't get them with your meagre little vote, and it does not matter who you vote in to take his place, they'll still be planning another bombing mission, another outrage another transgression of your liberties. Dakota, i almost respect you more for holding your head high, it is just a shame that you are looking in the wrong direction....
I need a drink and a place to hide, i need some kevlar and a red flag to wave.
I can't talk, i'm English, and they shit on us over here as well, sadly we all know that they are doing it, but don't care.

Will somebody please go to the bar and buy me a drink!

A fucking double so i can block this shit out.
kipper Jesus! Go back to bed America!
Supporting Bush! Really does it matter if you support him or not? Have you had a president in my lifetime (31 years) who hasn't been a total cunt? It i lovely, i am sure, for the fuckers who run your country, peachy keen, to have this big dumb wobbly figurehead that you can get your panties in a twist about. It does not matter who is there telling you that your tax dollars are going to be spent bombing the shit out of another nation of shepherds. That is all the man in the big white house is doing, telling you. The fuckers who make the decisions sit at the rotten core of your nation, and you can't get them with your meagre little vote, and it does not matter who you vote in to take his place, they'll still be planning another bombing mission, another outrage another transgression of your liberties. Dakota, i almost respect you more for holding your head high, it is just a shame that you are looking in the wrong direction....
I need a drink and a place to hide, i need some kevlar and a red flag to wave.
I can't talk, i'm English, and they shit on us over here as well, sadly we all know that they are doing it, but don't care.

Will somebody please go to the bar and buy me a drink!

A fucking double so i can block this shit out.
kipper Jesus! Go back to bed America!
Supporting Bush! Really does it matter if you support him or not? Have you had a president in my lifetime (31 years) who hasn't been a total cunt? It i lovely, i am sure, for the fuckers who run your country, peachy keen, to have this big dumb wobbly figurehead that you can get your panties in a twist about. It does not matter who is there telling you that your tax dollars are going to be spent bombing the shit out of another nation of shepherds. That is all the man in the big white house is doing, telling you. The fuckers who make the decisions sit at the rotten core of your nation, and you can't get them with your meagre little vote, and it does not matter who you vote in to take his place, they'll still be planning another bombing mission, another outrage another transgression of your liberties. Dakota, i almost respect you more for holding your head high, it is just a shame that you are looking in the wrong direction....
I need a drink and a place to hide, i need some kevlar and a red flag to wave.
I can't talk, i'm English, and they shit on us over here as well, sadly we all know that they are doing it, but don't care.

Will somebody please go to the bar and buy me a drink!

A fucking double so i can block this shit out.
oE Rrrrriiiiiiiiggggghhttttt! 040325
rubydee see who supports who: 040325
Strideo Geez. I geuss you'd better make it a triple kipper.
sab oE - not sure anyone is ever informed enough to make a proper educated decision, but we do the best with what we have.

much peace and respect to you
zeke the world view of the neo-cons seems to be founded on a rejection of intimacy. the policies they espouse tend to distance and abstract people. as an example, when shrub first began to deal publicly with the issue of gay marriage he chose not to respond to direct questions and made the blanket statement that "we are all sinners". implicit in that fragment of dogma (it seems to me) is the idea that as a sinner he is not properly equipped to judge. you know, the old thing about stones. i think, however, that he was just dodging a politically divisive issue. the piety and humbleness implied by his actual words seem like an attempt to relegate the discussion to a protected semantic space reserved for platitudes and the unassailable wisdom of dogma. he, in effect withheld his opinion, while passing judgment. he seems to do this quite a bit.

i, for one, do not respect this self presentation. it seems entirely disingenuous. he needs to go.
zanna you don't have to like bush to love america. 040327
z and i don't 040327
z i love the world
borders are arbitrary
z i find it useful to question anything i might say reflexively like: love america. though i do love america, the question reveals unexamined assumptions and might help me to move from the domain of the ideologue closer to a truth of my own construction. 040327
z re-elect gore on '04 040427
??? Political_Suicide...

dudeinanigloo I don't support Bush, or his religious crusades against the evildoers or the antichrists. If Bush gets assassinated, I will say "good on whoever killed him," because he deserved it. I bet about 100 million arabs will be cheering when his assassination hits world news.

I am not saying I want to assassinate Dubya, but I believe that what his government has done to thousands of innocent people worldwide; in Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf Wars I, and now Gulf Wars II. No wonder so many people hate the United States!

God bless America, because nobody else will.
smurf I like bush because his name is 'Bush'.
I like Dick Cheney because of his first name and I like Colon Powell because his first name is pronounced like a part of the human ass.

So to sum it up, American government is run by a Dick, an ass and a bush!
sixstop Raise your hand if you are needlessly verbose in your discourse and have no actual substance under your words, yet you continue to engage in excessive obscure dialogue to stroke your own ego and make yourself feel intelligent on an already admittedly . . .diverse array of people with an equally diverse grasp of the English language? 040429
Smurf *raises hand* 040429
sixstop put your hand down 040429
craptured away

open for it's first day of bush-bashing
funnyone (looks around)
i don't see you raising your hand sixstop... hmm...
sixstop awww, woould oo wather I tawk wike this so oo don't gotta use an alias to talk at meee? cuz I can do dat for you, yes i can!

Or you can develop some stones and show thoughtful disagreement with me.
dudeinanigloo Okay, that's good, sixstop - you've made your point. Now stop your useless sarcasm and let the rest of the world continue to point out how much of an idiot George W. Bush is.

Does oo have a small dick?
? Bush's Historic_mission?

Iraqis: Abosolutely NOT!!!
sixstop does oo have a clue?

oh, you're afraid of a little "useless sarcasm" when some of the aforementioned remarks included promotion and the favorable thinking of the death of george w bush?

Gee, i wonder which is more contructive...

You don't impress me either, igloo, if you seem so bothered by what apparently seems to be a minority view on this board.

Or is only your speech free? Just like John Kerry telling that guy in the town hall asking him questions he didn't want to answer to shut up? Is your position so weak it wouldn't stand up to the satire contained in less than 10k of text?

Get some content; some substance and some stones of your own, or are you content to be spoonfed your opinion?

There are plenty of substantive reasons to dislike bush, disagree with bush, and not want to see him re-elected. Yet these are neatly avoided in favour of immature irrational hate speech and even some aforementioned bat-shit conspiracy theories in some weak attempt to curtail an emotional judgement of some kind, or even a possible catering to the weak or lazy of intellect. Pandering.

And then dressing it up all with mojo-jojo like dialogue. . .please. . .

never forget, no matter what, 'his' government is our government. It can change every 4 years in one branch, every 2 in another. Never forget who is responsible for both of those, or try to sluff off the responsibility.
oldephebe *thinks about it, seriously. raising the hand..and then slams hand down on the table and oders a platter of jalepeno suppositories to go* 040508
sixstop wow, that made me crinkle just reading it. . . 040508
oldephebe i was responding to the whole who uses too many big words far as the whole diminutive genitalia question *shudder* god i felt embarassed for the person who typed it, let alone respond to it...

I think mr. bush has a whole banquest table before him.and he just doesn't know where to start, doesn't know what's good for 'im and he's been getting some really bad advice

how's that for watered down and non-specific?
kookaburra pretty good actually

has nothing of interest to say today
blown cherry I'm probably not as educated as I ought to be to be entitiled to enter this discussion but to hell with it, that's what blather is for.

Dakota - what about Bush's continued presence in Iraq? Besides the question of whether or not it is warranted I want to know how he can justify keeping these young men and women in Iraq, so many of whom never wanted to go in the first place, without proper supplies, or even enough troops to keep everybody on a proper rotation of duty. Many of the 'soldiers' there are just worn out and scared kids. Many of them joined the army for the benfit of having their college educations paid for (similar to our ADFA, the Australian Defence Force Academy) and if it's anything like it is here many of them never intended to stay in the army beyond finishing their degrees (I personally know of at least 4 people from the little populated ADFA in that situation). Others were only in the reserves, which, again assuming some similarity between the US and AUS reserves, many people join because they enjoy the fitness and leadership aspects to be gained, the social aspect, and the tax break, and it only requires one weekend a month, or 6 weeks a year (so the tv ad used to go). I've had exboyfriends from both ADFA and the reserves (funny that really now I think about it) and neither of them would ever have been happy about being sent to war, nor felt any kind of privilidge to be 'protecting' their country from 'imminent' danger.

Perhaps though my experiences have been to personal and are not widely applicable. So I'll talk about someone elses for the sake of bringing in a little more discussion fuel.
In one of my classes at uni (that's Aussie for college) we have 2 American exchange students out of a total 6 people in the class. One day at the start of class we began having a quick chat about current events which is common as we are still waiting for people to arrive, though this particular day it took over the entire class and ended with one of our American girls in tears. We were talking about all this nastiness going on over in Iraq and the wonderful death figures etc (it only takes 1 American death to make it to our tv news broadcsts, but it takes many numbers of Iraqi deaths) and it came up that one girl's cousin (female) was currently serving in Iraq and had rcently been in email contact with her. Over the past months many emails had been received and the picture that the girl painted for us was becoming more and more gruesome. Her cousin was only in the army reserve, and as such not fully trained compared to full time army people, she was only 20 (though 21 by now) and was the leader of a convoy, the only female convoy leader in Iraq in fact. The girl in my class gave us the impression that her cousin was terrified of doing a job that she was not qualified for and not really experienced enough for (she's not even allowed to drink for heavens sake) in the middle of a warzone. It appeared that the problem was/is that the Amercan army does not have enough staff. The girl began to break down shen she told us that her cousin was supposed to come home last week, but the email had indicated that her tour of duty had been extended for the 4th time. The 4th time! Had she been sent home on time originally she would have been back with her family over a year ago. Apparantly there are still troops serving in Iraq who have been there since the original attack now more that 2 years ago. No soldier should have to be in a warzone for this length of time. And to be so cruelly tempted by that carrot, over and over again. Now the last appalling piece of news that was brought to our attention was that amongst many of the emails that her cousin and the other soldiers had been sending were requests to their families to send them supplies through the post. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the American defense budget would have had enough money in it to supply these soldiers with what sounded like some fairly basic items, but perhps their attack budget doesn't. One girl had written home to ask for some bulk packages of talcum powder, as the several mile runs that the soldiers are required to do everyday in full gear in the Iraqi heat in order to keep up their training and fitness was beginning to chafe their skin, in fact in some cases it was more that their skin was just beginning to come off due to the combination of sweat and the constant rubbing of their uniforms and equipment against their skin. Talcum powder for gods sake! The army can't afford that? Another email wrote home asking for one mum to head to wallmart and buy out their selection of walkie talkies and radios. It would seem that thay have twice as many troops positioned in Iraq as they have supplies for, seemingly crucial equipment such as radios included. The girl in my class was particularly concerned about this point since her cousin was a convoy leader, who had no contact with any of the trucks in her convoy besides her own. Is it any wonder American soldiers are easy to capture in this kind of state? You could pick any point in the middle or the end of the convoy to attack and no one up the front, no one in charge would ever know anyone was missing until the convoy came to a halt who know how much further along the way.

I have many many thoughts about the plight of the Iraqi people in all of this, and for now I'll agree to disagree with dubya, but how can he treat the young people of his own nation like this? It's their own country's children that they're sending into hell, and they are the ones who are lining the journey into fire with spikes.

I sincerely hope someone can point out some accurate news stories or otherwise convince me that everything I've heard about this is in some way flawed. Because if not it maks bushco not only appalling but utterly disgusting too.

And kipper was right about that whole reast of the world hating America thing, at least, in the same respect that one might say that everbody likes ice-cream. (not 100% right, but mostly true on a variety of levels)
oldephebe i think what you wrote was a hell of a lot more educated than some of the partisan pontificating we get around here...this nation has never really cared about the lower echelon officers and enlisted men of its armed forces..they have been cannon mules yoked to the plow and used up..
sixstop wow... some content. . .

**goes to get some reading glasses**
blown cherry Oh, and one more thing that the girl in my class mentioned (and I really have no idea about the accuracy of this at all) is that the suicide rate in Iraq is alarmingly high, that is that rate among the US soldiers at least. 040510
tired of bush we're all wearing the blue dress now 040510
dudeinanigloo Ah, so I see sixstop is back at it again. Buddy, I don't know what you're trying to accomplish by staying here making fun of other people's lack of knowledge, but it's not proving anything to anyone except that you are very condescending. If you want a political debate website, then go to netscape message boards or something. If you were expecting to find intelligent people wanting to discuss intelligent things, then you are in the wrong place. And please don't respond with a sarcastic, condescending post, because I don't appreciate that, and I'm sure nobody else here does.

Thank you
minnesota_chris A 20 year old convoy leader? I suppose no one above her rank is willing to go on convoys, for fear of all the booby traps. 040605
minnesota_chris fucking chickenshit chickenhawk bastards, damn them all to hell 040605
spacemanor1 . space

/ space

empty space






bush = empty


mmm pizza
cpgurrlisaliberalatheist. this is worse than the beginnung of i_have_words!!!! but i guess u can't beat all the chritys in the blather 040912
. ... 041114
globalfruitbat speaking as a member of that "rest of the world" that gets all lumped together: having travele in europe at the very beginning of the US invansion and occupation of Iraq, having worked in a toursit store for the past two years, thereby coming into daily contact with Visitors from the big ol' elephant to our south and having been an avid follower of the news, both in mainstream and independant media, I just would like to say that the only bush I trust is my own. And for the majority of the women I've spoken to outside of the belly of the elephant, I would say they agree with me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it frightens me to see such strong opinions that seemed to be based on an us-v-them policy. On either side of the debate. 041114
globalfruitbat clarifies. us as in we all together, not us as in U.S. 041114
Tirade tirades_of_blather 060119
() ( does anyone still? ) 061206
birdmad only that dwindling group of quasi-fascist, knuckle-dragging, talk-radio-listening, Eat-a-Queer-Fetus-for-Jesus fucktards who spend a lot of time beating their chests, acting tough while OTHER PEOPLE are doing the actual fighting and conveniently ignoring the lessons of history 061207
- - 071114
el pendejo arbusto who knew that a man with a penchant for abject failure in all of his business ventures would make such a shitty president? 071114
() (amen, bird) 071114
birdmad wait, i guess that would be the part where Condi Rice pops up and trots out her regular litany of "nobody could have anticipated..." even though seemingly everyone but Condi and the Bush assministration ever thought to anticipate anything 071114
el pajaro enojado of course what makes me cringe is the number of alleged libertarians who are willing to endorse policies that positively reek of a unitary and borderline dictatorial executive.

(and if you don't think all the overtures that the executive branch has tried to make with regards to warrantless searches, signing statements that excuse the executive from adherence to certain laws and the Vice President's attempts to be his own fourth branch of the government are something over which to be concerned then i guess the boiling frog metaphor is as apt as anything)
:P the best tactic (politrick) in politics is to be completely straight, completely direct, i've never seen any politician pull that trick though. 071114
() (any takers still?) 081030
dafremen the top of a smoldering stake. Preferably just his head. 081030
who dakota be kickin' 'emselves in de arse. 081030
silentbob I saw a girl working a crepe stand at the logan_square farmer's market a week ago wearing an anti_bush shirt.

what's it to you?
who go