Q There's nothing special about rotation of most planets.

In the case of planet Earth, given its relationship with its star, the Sun, the rotational frequency of about 24 hours per cycle provides the advantage of keeping things both warm and cool enough, and dry and wet enough, that "life" as we know it can persist.

And, oh yeah, we can blathe!
miniver I don't want to change the actual planetary rotation. I'm just fine with that. I just want to try out NOT scheduling our society by that planetary rotation...because I think, at this point,-- 'why not?' Of course, I really have no expectations to this end, and I don't doubt that such a proposal will go nowhere in the real world with anyone but, perhaps (there is a small chance), myself. 000918
Q I believe there have been many attempts along the lines you suggest. Rarely, if ever, have they succeeded.

One reason for this failure to break the 24-hour-light-dark cycle's grip on human behavior is that we have evolved with that cycle. (Remember that widely available ways to regularly partially defeat the darkness of night have been available for only a couple hundred years, which does not count in evolutionary terms.) So living by the cycle is deeply hard-wired into our psyche and physiology. That is practically impossible to break.

But maybe some gene will be discovered ...
miniver Have there been? Attempts?

I've considered evolution. You think it might be a gene in me (and, assumably, others like me) that makes me less susceptible to the night/day pattern? I've been thinking that humans evolved in a rather well-adapted manner to both light and dark activity (or the median there between). Physically, I can't really think of any characteristic that would really drastically lean toward zero night funcionality -- our sight in darkness is quite suitably (for our purposes) functional, for example. And, as for some evolved gene for just 'being used to' the twenty-four hour pattern, that's why my proposition is keeping the pattern relatively close to form. I don't consider an extra twelve active hours too far out of bounds, no matter how many years we've taken to evolve. And I'd even settle for just a few hours more.
miniver I think it's just a matter of ease, and comfort, and simplicity, at this point.





We poor, simple things.
happy me!
mippymoomoo(mam) It has always been my understanding that an abundance of light in one's habitat while she is sleeping (or he is sleeping) can make the body produce less melatonin, and a lack of melatonin over time can affect the sharpness of one's eyesight.
so, it is possible that lack of nightime, or a switch of society to function at night instead of in the daytime could have certain physical ramifications.
one never knows until one is in a paralell universe or something like that where the day and night functionality of society is switched.
I wonder if they would all be wearing eyeglasses, or contacts, or if they would have evolved to tollerate and live off of the dark, as we do the light.
what's it to you?
who go