blather goTo: 010516
nocturnal what the hell was that?!
I'm horribly confused
adam lesbian is a word that always stumps me, because for some reason it has middle-eastern connotations for me, it's like someone says, "hi, im a lesbian" and i start smelling incense and seeing turbans and camels or something, i know i'm weird, i know i'm stupid, please just ignore me. 010517
nocturnal maybe it's just the insanity talkin here, but didn't you write that somewhere else? 010518
adam no. 010523
eve despised remidi 010609
your mol " ~bhom" = save at home
" ~bdel" = forget
___ ___ 040511
p2 i think adam
is/was thinking of
somebody airway breathing circulation 050202
.nom _always_been_always_be_abc_ 050202
giff forgotten band of the 80's. 050203
because we have got arec barwin a always
b be
c closing

always be closing

the leads are weak.


the leads are weak, the fucking leads are weak? you're weak. i've been in this business 15 years.


what's your name?


fuck you, THAT'S my name.
somebody Per Adam's comment that Nocturnal recalls seeing elsewhere, I am certain that the skite named "God" blathed something with the same ending phrase, but under what blathe, I cannot remember. One smells the highest form of flattery... 070224
what's it to you?
who go