Joana. Blather frightens me at times
I have a love-hate feeling towards most people here
But generally to the ones who write anything for praise
I suppose it is pleasant to receive constant compliment from others
Yet it denotes a certain insecurity, a weakness, which should be overcome through the efforts of that person alone.
Perhaps this is merely a means to boost the feeble ego
I personally have lost my fascination over this site
It's not entertaining anymore when every single blather seems totally irrelevant to me
I will insist on my access here, though
But it is certainly not the inspiring place I first encounter.

By the way, if anyone happens to read this, don't feel all hurt inside, since it's not a personal attack on anyone. It's simply my own modest opinion, which I understand most of you don't agree with. So don't jump into wild defences of your own reputation or whatever - this is a free wide web, after all.
j_blue for now it is, at least in the us

unless your in france, or china, or any of those nasty places...
daxle this was an experiment all along
and this is what happened
it's not necessarily what I hoped for
but whatever happens is inevitable
and I accept it as such
(cause and effect)
silentbob dear joana

i agree with you.

love bobby!
nocturnal amen to that, joana. 020116
Dafremen you are heretofore to be known as saint daxle. No religious affiliation intended.
Nuff sed.
birdmad So then, does that make you Pope Daffy?... the blather_pope 020116
Sister Mary Birdmad MD PhD BMF By the way...i am just seizing the obvious joke potential in the concept of blather_pope and trying to see if i can't just run with it to (or beyond) its logical conclusion

wile_e_coyote, super genius
Aimee I agree entirely... i've spent the last month laying as low as possible... popping in my opinion as I deemed necessary... but I feel now is a good time to come out and say, Joana, you are wise beyond your years... (I don't know your age but if you're like 45 or older lets just leave it as you're about as wise as yoda... :) 020117
sir yoda thank you, aimee dear. 020117
unhinged ok, so we aren't as profound as we once were and we get to using the blue pages as a glorified messageboard of the stupidest degree, but you know what: i'm glad i have a 'stupid' place to go. blather always seems to change into what i need it to be. as dr. cassamatis says 'what you see depends on what you are looking for' 020117
Annie111 Yay unhinged. I agree wholeheartedly. 020117
cube Does it mirror the intellectual decay of our society?
lona it's far worse, on average. 020118
Joana. Well, I'd been delaying that personal comment for a while, I guess because whenever I felt like confessing my disappointment, always some good(yet isolated) blather would appear.
Though I was in a particularly low mood that day, I still have the same opinion, I'm afraid... but it's only a highly subjective one, and I'm happy that everyone read it as such.
Anyway, I'll continue now on my silent reading... it's still nice being here no matter how profound it is (or isn't).

Cheers :-)
Mahayana [[sometimes, the most advanced inntellects, were often very missundertsood in the beginnings]]

[[[other times it isnt, that it 'is' growth or decayance, often times it 'is', that we do not understand and/or can not relate, there for it is decay, or we understand and/or can relate- therefor it is growth]]]


plug in other terms for 'understand' such as:

phil I believe a biased voting system should be established...PDS! 020127
Mateo You people try too hard, I love myself, and I love my writing, and that's that. Im not flattering myself, Im leaving the false modesty. 020222
Syrope Since I have yet to visit every single blather page, I don't get tired of it, but some of the comments make me angry or annoy me because they're either praising something that's hurt me so badly or they're in left field - just someone being silly instead of actually contributing to the topic. I just blather when it hits me, I don't do it for praise or for recognition of any sort...I don't develop opinions of someone just from their blathers either, "people change their minds every day :)" ...a history teacher wrote that on my paper once... 020223
carne de metal fuckit fuckit fuckit. intellectual decay? 020224
carne de metal can I join?
can I join?
can I, John?
bethany ....uh...wha? 020224
fairydust yes i do agree. what music are you listening to? frankly i don't give damn, i just want to hear your words. 020224
carne de metal I guess that all I can say to you people is: Blather on, take up space by complaining. 020225
Mahayana there is beauty in [everything]
yet not every one [sees] it

][everything sees][
god intellectual decay?- you ain't seen nuthin' yet! 020225
Mateo What does intellectual mean?
What does decay mean?
Photophobe Poststructuralist venacularism, here I come! 020318
freakizh obviously, as you spend more and more time in blather, the spontaneity diminishes in a significant way.

you're not eager anymore, you just want to blathe for the hell of it. reaching tolerance on blather drug. the craving blather phase started when words became phrases with the damned low hyphens _ _ _ _ _. but it wasn't something that could be prevented. it's like fucking evolution: it condemns us to a life of change, even if the change is not for good.

it makes me nostalgic to read single word blathering in the recent.blather, all those new blatherites that start with the simpliest thing and can write a poem or a theory out of every word.

but.. the ones that have been here for month, years, lifes.. now play reality as it is: dairy life, silliness.

so, fuck up everything.
love life as twisted as it is.
blather is words; words are not intellectual blather necessarily.
werewolf i didn't know it had a form to decay from. I thought it was always open to "decaying forces" or "creative forces" all the same. If someone knows, please direct me to the intellectual sections of blather. I'd appreciate it, because i'd know what was lost. People always tend to look at the distant and see what they feel is missing in the foreground. And as for messages, and the mundane being posted, well certain words are good at getting themselves replicated, it is inevitable that pop culture, that the language of everyday life replace theories and poems of grandeur. It's just survival of the fittest and most plentiful. The weeds drown out the splendid rarities, the flowers. But that doesn't mean we should stop looking for them, in others or ourselves. Because they are that bit of difference we all turn to when the world seems drab. They are fittingly rare for those rare days. Blather may be a bit of a daily thing, and being so cannot always be this bastion of meaning, but what is meaning without the daily and the real to give it context? Blather gives both the tools and the forum for construction of meaning, it is both the concrete and the abstract. In that way, it is not a failed experiment. It is a microcosm of the world that informs it, it is a community of thoughts, where personalities both exist and dissolve. And let's face it, any forum which seeks to hold so much knowledge must also either forget that knowledge in some structural way (if it resembles the consciousness of its users, which it does inevitably), so decay is inevitable, because any system with so many possible microstates, will be filled with entropy. Entropy and information are the same. So if anyone is unhappy with the information shared here, let them go, and they will be weeded out, so that blather may assume its true form. Whether that is nihilism or beauty i'll leave to you to decide faithful blather comrade. 020521
not 100% used freakizh entropy!
i love you werewolf.
kx21 The Natural Process of Evolution... 020522
jessicafletcher this is my place to unload.i let myself be here. am i an intellectual decay? i'm not too concerned with the rest of you on what i write, so i guess not. just wondering. 020522
somedaysam I blather in left field
Or right, if the mood strikes
Sometimes, another's blather sets me off on my own topic
Are there rules to be blathering by?
If so, someone please direct me to them
and perhaps I'll dissect them, too, into my own blather
werewolf whoa...i'm who can truly say the intellect has decayed? 020525
tourist Humming harder,
The Halo of Flies
Rises and falls,
In a Feeding Frenzy
Of Lust and Procreation
Above The Carcass of This Beast;
Blue and Bloated in the Tropical Heat,
Where all things that die
Are Swiftly Swallowed,
And Subsequently Reborn;
Into the Ten Thousand Things
That Creep, Crawl,
Fly, Swim,
Or lift their Leafy Tendrils
To the Light.
Let Her Rot
kerry to:

where you said you had lost your fascination in this site, that is where i knew i totally agree with you. i still come here and all but i skip over so much because none of it interests me anymore. much of it is people coming on to bitch and complain or, like u said, get constant praise etc.

kerry [slightly embarassed] ah i messed up the sincerely...
well, you know what i mean! :)
daxle this is kind of ironic coming from you, kerry 020526
Trinity daxle, shut the fuck up. For Christ's sake just let someone say something without insulting them because you can. Take your negativity over to red. 020526
daxle what I said was incredibly mild (not to mention true) compared to what just spewed out of you, speaking of irony
what I said was significantly less negative compared to what you just said as well
unless you can explain that I guess you look pretty ridiculous right about now
god daxle- i think you should be much more insulting. i think you ought to let everyone have it any time you see fit, and for any reason.. this is blather for christ's sake. 020526
kerry i disagree with god

i thought daxle's comment was entirely unnecessary, i mean where the fuck did that even COME from???
god eat me. 020527
freakizh hehehe :) 020527
freakizh daxle should feel (more) confident now, with almighty god's support. 020527
Dafremen Oh daxle rocks to the Nth degree when she isn´t busy riding the high horse of literary critic.(MAybe a LAdy Godiva costume would make that role more appealing?) If I had a single complaint about blather, it would be that too many spend too much time looking for motive and not enough time looking for beauty...even where there may appear to be none. It´s judgemental, foolish and vain. I blather because it keeps my brain moving. If my brain moves in the direction of the intellectually funked be it. Expression is expression and there is beauty to be found in the mere firing of neurons within the walls of this empty skull. If you can´t see that, then blather decomposes not in spite of you, but because of you, for blather´s true beauty lies in the open and untethered nature of its content. If what is beatuiful to you is NOT beautiful to me, only a truly open forum can allow for both of our tastes to be satisfied and THAT is beautiful. 020527
dB daxle is cool. most of the time. a welcome asset to blather, much like daffy.
remember daff, you have come charging in on your big black steed to give someone a short sharp kick to the head on more than a few occasions.

I've decided I like blather again.
There are many more people on here than wehn I first started and many have their own 'pop culture' world to blathe about.
We don't need to read their numerous boring posts. Blather is what you make it, and there is something here for everyone. From the obscure Kx21, to the crass kerry.
Take it for what it is. There is nothing like it left anywhere except maybe the darker corners of the city library.
josie you took the words out of my mouh Dafreman.. i comment you as i could not see it that way any more. 020717
melissah Dafreman, you couldnt be more right man. Honestly. 020811
burden you all suck.
I love you.
love me.
Tildan fucking get over it people.

Back in the old days, we were all geniuses.

these young upstarts have such lowbrow concerns.

If I wasn't so old and stupid, I'd be posting very pertinent blathes all day about love and beatuy. PLUR to you all, but you are all dumbasses.
deb there's always
blather red
to fall back on-

join the struggling masses there
and perhaps you will be happier
it was sarcasm 020812
Boymansonbowie I think it is very interesting that on a page about the intellectual decay of blather there are petty arguements. 020812
not horf farky 020812
kerry i just read over this blathe, saw the whole argument that went on a while back, and i feel
kind of mortified. i was so stupid. maybe i still am. well anyways, i hope i'm not opening myself up for insult, but whatever, sorry about that, as trivial as it is now.
gbkiss don't worry about other people's words... just try to make the best of your own 020814
stork daddy what is blather red? sorry for being on the outside. unless you like me there. i guess, i've always got insides to fall back on myself 020816
phil this is blather blue. 020816
joana c/o burnmaker Blather frightens my stupid ass at times
I have a goddamn LOVE-hate feeling towards most people here
But generally to the fucking ones who fuck anything for praise
I suppose that piece of shit is pleasant to fuckin' receive constant compliment from other monkey-spankers
Yet that shit denotes a goddamn certain insecurity, a goddamn weakness, which should be overcome through the fucking efforts of that person alone. Wanna burn?
Perhaps this bullshit is merely a fuckin' means to fuckin' boost the fucking feeble ego
I personally have lost my stupid fascination over this bullshit site
That shit's not entertaining anymore when every cockgobbling single blather seems totally irrelevant to fuckin' my stupid ass
I will insist on my fellated access here, though
But that shit is certainly not the fucking inspiring place I first encounter. Listen up, you are a boned shitbag.

By the fucking way, if anyone happens to read this bullshit, don't feel all hurt inside, since that shit's not a goddamn personal attack on anyone. Which is deeper, your little hole or your fried ass? That bastard's simply my fucking own modest opinion, which I understand most of you don't agree with. So god-damn don't jump into wild defences of your sorry own reputation or whatever - this bullshit is a free wide web, after all. What's wrong with you?
and eat shit too fuck_you_ya_fuckin'_fuck_fuck 020825
dont make me laugh
joana is cracking!
uuuuhhh........... i mean the burnmaker is cracking 020825
realizing my stupidity okay, now i get it. 020825
kx21 M_Question:-


emotional or

Signature of Decay ?
v you're a "signature" of decay, you stupid fuck 020826
daxle this is the kind of hilarity only blather could provide (and burnmaker, of course, I'm glad someone else discovered it) 020826
Dafremen Do you TRULY believe that others haven't ALSO seen what you have seen? Oh we've seen it, alright. We've just gotten over and gone BEYOND it, choosing the "acceptable to we" over the "acceptable to ME."

Of course the fact that the swear-to-the-point-of-hilarity-in-order-to-point-out-how-TRULY-free-expression-is-a-crock-and-those-who-defend-it-are-morons approach has been done OVER and OVER and OVER again to the point that it has become reminiscent of a Jerry Springer show guest trying to shout over the top of another guest is completely lost on you crusaders for intellectual integrity.

"See? THIS is what fucking happens when you accept any fucking type of shit fuck speech, dumbass! This is fucking what...this is fucking what this is fucking I said...shut the fuck up, I said THIS is fucking what YOU shut your fucking expression should have its YOU shut up...fucking fuckhead...there HAVE GOT to be limits to free expression fuck SHUT up...this is what fucking happens...this is fucking what...this is fucking what...etc etc."

Ironic? Poignant? No, just pathetic.

Sez me.
[.:..The SeeR ..:.] Blather is a field_of_wildflowers. The intellectual_bees pollenate the wildflower_words that grow in a wide variety of colors. This then attracts more intellectual_bees, and thus creates more wildflower_words

But the flowers become trampled by the shit_feets. The shit_feets are mentally, spiritually, and most likely physically deformed. (They are also crazy.) They do crave attention, popularity, etc.

The shit_feets FAIL... to see the beauty of the flowers. They don't even realize they have shitty feet, which muckies up the trampled flowers.

and so, the intellectual_bees become scarce as they leave to find other fields. They may come back later, finding that the shit_feets have erected flags and settled in. They'll buzz a few flowers here and there, mingle with some other new intellectual_bees, then leave again...

This is the tradgedy of the intellectual decay of blather.
kx21 Leading Scientific indicator of
Intellectual Decay:-

kx21 Leading Scientific indicator of
Intellectual Decay :-

Dafremen Blather is like a field of plants, some of them wildflowers, some of them weeds. The little shit_feets you speak of are not shit_feets at all, but the planters of weeds, longing to have their seedlings noticed as are the wildflowers, longing to be appreciated, or perhaps longing only for their weeds to BE. There are no intellectual bees, only gardeners who would plants weeds or flowers. There are those gardeners who would have the field filled with wildflowers, free of weeds. They fear that the weeds will choke off the wildflowers and that eventually all of the "intellectual" gardeners will leave for fear that the wildflowers which they plant will be choked to death amongst the myriad weeds which they find to be ugly and despiccable. How foolish and pompous they are...please DO leave intellectual gardeners and bees...go...the city calls you with it's neatly laid landscapes and its cunningly arranged windowboxes. Leave that you may plant your wildflowers amongst their kind, leaving the onlooker to muse..."MY...aren't these a lot of pretty flowers that have been planted here?" rather than to appreciate your work in its modest beauty. Leave this field pompous gardeners, for it's beauties do not appeal to you and its weeds are but ugliness to you. Go plant your Central Parks and your fragrant bouquets where they will be lost amongst the beauties also planted by the many gardeners there. Begone! We do not NEED your flowers here. This field has no use for you who would see only the ugliness of ugliness and not its beauty as well. You are snobs who would surround yourselves with beauty to the point that even beauty would become mundane and everyday. Surrounded by ugliness, you consistently fail to realize that it is this UGLINESS which makes beauty possible, for if we lived in your ideal world of tra-la-las and fairy flowers there could be no appreciation for the flowers you plant, for they TO would be normal, and the ugliest amongst them, no matter how beautiful, would be counted as a weed amongst its wildflower kin. You would live in perpetual day in order to spare your genteel senses the cold ugliness of the nights. Fools! How many wildflowers long for the cool dew that only night can bring! Make haste! Your beautiful wildflower Utopia awaits you like a monument to all that is foolish and unholy, like Yin without Yang your dream awaits, like light without darkness, warmth without cold. You would walk in the direction that pleases you leaving behind all frames of reference. Follow your foolish ideal until it bores you stiff and leaves you no contrasts with which to appreciate beauty, only the very dissection of beauty itself into those minute imperfections which all but the most beautiful contain.

After you have left, here in the field, some of us will remain to tend to our small flowers, to care for and water them, caring not one whit should some water fall upon the weeds, or some fertilizer amongst the nettles. We will tend to the weeds and the flowers alike, knowing full well that it is ONLY because of the surrounding thistles and briars that even our least attractive offerings become treasures in this field which only the hardiest and rarest of naturalists will ever have the pleasure of knowing. We will treat our daily tending as a treasure hunt, searching for the flowers among the thorns and appreciating their fragrant aroma as a welcome break from the smell of weeds which surround them. Even, on occasion, appreciating the unique beauty of the weeds themselves.
kx21 Leading ' financial ' indicator of
Intellectual Decay :-

kx21 Given

Leading ' emotional ' indicator of
Intellectual Decay :-

Sin / Evil.

What is Sin, scientifically?
kx21 Given

Leading ' emotional ' indicator of
Intellectual Decay :-

Sin / Evil.

What is Sin, scientifically / Mathematically?
megan when i came, i was amazed and inspired. these people could make the most mundane thing seem beautiful and important, and made me notice it in the "real" world. when i was having a bad day, i talked to silentbob on aol, and he gave me my smile back. all you people mean soemthing to me, rhin with her pretty stories and name, silentbob with his wisdom, dafreman with his never ending comments, so many more. like so many have said before, blather changes, with each new generation of blatherers to come. it changes to fit each new person, it wraps itself around you. if there is any decay, it is in that the intellectual writers have stooped to write with the rest of us. it's not any person's one fault, if you could even call it that, a fault. if you feel the need to complain - please do soemthing about it, don't just sit there, make blather what you want it to be. 030215
Dafremen Wise beyond your years. (Unless you're about 70 or so.) 030215
the_other_other_aaron I think you mean wise beyond your ears. 030219
dB Blather is like an infinite onion. when it goes dry, just peel off another layer. Sometimes you feel like you want to cry, but it tastes damn good. 030219
Em okay, so.......

what is blather SUPPOSED to be?
no reason when you babble and yammer and blather on about something...
it's what you're SUPPOSED to be saying.
E what_is_blather_supposed_to_be 030306
jane okay.
i understand that blather is an experiment,
and that it is a free forum,
and yadda yadda yadda.
but i wish people would refrain from blathing unless they thought about it first.
although i guess i can understand just writing and writing without thinking.
but that is excluded from the think-before-blathing technique
do you know what i mean?

i also understand using blather as a means of asking questions to lots of people to get many different and interesting answers.

i remember when i first started blathing i used to hold so much back, because i didn't think it was "good" enough for publication on blather.
and now...
my blah blah blah's blend in to most of the stuff i'm seeing these days
cube What you're saying then, dear Jane, is that you've lowered your own standards to suit the environment...
Freak It pisses me off that everyone complaining about blather has seemed to have forgotten what the word blather means. Of course people are going to write stupid things. Thats what blather is! So these people who have forgotten the meaning of blather are the ones contributing to the "intellectual decay" and so on. 030307
The Spork okay, last time, folks


there is no mandate for content

look back to the beginning even in the earliest days there was at least some smaller amount of "pointless" blathes, but only smaller because there was a smaller number of blatherskites.

as there are more blatherskites, the numbers, if not the percentages have increased, but all is comparatively the same. back then the blather_crtitics that existed seemed to take the opposite tack, complaining about the supposed elitism of the core 'skites

(now we alternate between these fights... blather-elitism one day, dragging blather into the gutter the next)

i know i don't make any rules here, but at the least, all i've ever asked for is that people who can't take shit, shouldn't talk shit.

and now...breakfast
jane haha...i suppose so

but i'm trying my best to stand out like a sore thumb
whatever that means
jane although i was also kind of trying to say that there is no "good enough" for write what you feel or think or whatever, and that is that. i just stopped worrying and i appreciated blather for that freedom 030307
Fido pardon me -
you don't say!
About this blue decay -
It's wonderfully decadent
Uninhibitedly magnificent
I can't get enoughf of it!
niska blather is definately an opportunity for intellectual going-ons to take place, though some may have another use for this site, either way true enlightenment is reached when we all find what we are looking for.

some days i feel like sharing my thoughts on a what a word means to me, what a word reminds me of, or simply what i feel at that time about a word.

others, i just like to have fun here, or maybe use it as a form of therapy for my soul.

since so many have found somethign here worth coming back for, i can't say there's any intellectual decay of blather. though this site may not be used now as it's makers intended, it's expected to have changed when it was placed in the hands of the public to maintain, with no moderation.

and no moderation is absolute freedom. we may not all have the same things to say, or agree, but remember - even when someone is being absolutely un-intellectual, they have every right to, in order to protect your right to blathe too. we should still try to respect each other, but then it's up to you what kind of person you are. freedom.

realize the potential for intellectual growth within yourself, and if the lack of intellectual going-ons today frustrate you, just remember you're here for a different reason, and be content with that.
pipedream i'm a newbie to blather, and i love it.
i've always wanted to say lots of things that never realy fit into any context, and this is where i get to do it. *applause*
just wish people wouldn't get vulgar and swear-y, though. 'tisn't intellectual any more when people go around wanting to kill babies and f***k everyone.
Fido I so believe
That the makers
Of our fascination
Intended it as
Blind experimentation
And nothing less
(or more)
cube Welcome newbie. I believe that that particular non-vulgarity you're using is spelt f**k, not f***k...
MDogMA cube always the perfectionist, if it wasn't for you all our grammer would go out the lou. and that would be true intellectual decay. 030311
cube Well, it was suppose to be a joke. Humour a little too dry perhaps? I'll have to work on that :-)
MDogMA oh dont mind me i was just lauging at the joke 030311
kss I'm not wearing pants 030312
god i got one of them george foreman grills 030313
TurdFerguson If a midget fogot his barking chicken on the moon would the president make a clown eat his own cat?

Its a rhetorical question. Like how old does a man have to be before he really becomes a man.

I claim that art and sell it to a bunch of beatnicks that travel in a van fighting crime.

1 c4n 74lk 1n l337 s33. 4ny 0n3 wh0 kn0w5 l337 c4n r34d 7h15.

Man talk about intellectual decay.
god i can read it. i want a scooby-doo badge 030313
megan i know leet
isn't that cool now :-) a girl who can speak leet
User24 g1rlz wh0 k4n t41k l337 r k0o1.

Of course, this is the exact thing that the_intellectual_decay_of_blather is referring to, believe that as we've become used to blather, we've relaxed and, of course, started noticing certain blatherskites, and so conversations, relationship, etc have evolved, perhaps we should create a new blather name that we can all use to identify ourselves when we are being 'intellectual', that way we become even more faceless, no correspondence can be entered into, so no crap can be either?

see also:
User24 I agree with Joanna, werewolf, an most others, blather is not what it used to be. 030408
Freak/Lilac It pisses me off everytime I see this blathe in the recent list. There can not be any such thing as intellectual decay of blather. Blather_is_blather which means that this website is nothing but nonsensical writing so how could there be intellectual decay. 030408
User24 because originally, people used blather for intellectual / philosophical / artistic purposes, however now, people tend to use it for mindless chattering, conversations, etc, hence, the intellectual level of blather has decayed. 030408
this is what you get blather_police, arrest this man 030408
tulipbruises its funny the way that the minute someone accuses everybody of not being intellectual enough everone starts using big words.
Ive only just discovered blather a few days ago. But i was wildly excited when i saw all these pages of people talking about stuff that matters and posting poetry and really communicating, but i noticed all of a sudden that all the recent blathers were boring as hell. I thought id found a totally different kind of web community. maybe at the beginning it was different but now its like any old msn chat room or something.
why doesnt every single person here post a new blather about something they really want to talk about instead of complaining that someone else wont. im going to anyway, it hasnt grown old for me yet.
A ♠ That's it exactly

instead of just saying "oh, it sucks now," maybe the people most concerned with how much it "sucks" should contribute smething more than complaints

Treat the patient, don't rush to bury it.
Aimee i just dripped snot on my hand.... it's gooey. 030408
cube Funny how one ugly blathe colours your impression of that person forever...
User24 of course, if I really had a problem, I'd stop using blather. 030409
User24 agrees with A 030409
A Viking In Peru I just came across this site today. I already don't remember how I got here. But I do know that it excited me the moment I realized what it actually was.

But then I came across this, and I read the entire page. And now I am filled with a sadness for something I never knew.

I can only see what this is now. I wish I had known of this world months ago, years ago, however long ago it was that these beautiful things you all reminisce on filled the world of blather.

I would like to know what kind of place this was once. I would like to know what things were like all that time ago, before the world of blather became so akin to the world in general.

I know that these gems that you all miss so must still surely exist. From what I know, it seems that words do not disappear. Where are they? Somebody please, tell me a word that I can read the blather about and thus know the way of the Old Blather. I would like to have a glimpse of this beautiful time that you say has passed us by.

It is unjust that we must miss the ancient beauties of the world simply by being born too late. I would rather have seen the world decay and truly know its former beauty than only know the present, having never seen the greatness that it once was.
birdmad In all reality it's just a continuing wave of the shock of the new.

I've disagreed with blathe more often than not.

Mostly, in my mind, it's that cloudy rose-coloured filter that people tend to look at the past through.

there are waves of creativity and thoughtful words here and then there are waves of ...stuff.

There are a very few people on blather who can't say they've never contributed to the waves of what some have termed "blather_pollution"

If you want to find a version of blather that is a litle quieter and more subdued and in some ways more closely resembles the idealized past days of blather, check out the red version
A Viking In Peru Thank you.

I glanced at the red blather, and bookmarked it, but it made me uncomfortable right off the bat. I don't know why.

Maybe I'll check it out again when I'm in an entirely different head space.
daxle For me, the blathes of others used to inspire my own. I never felt it was necessary to communicate with fellow blatherers before, and although I changed my mind, I'm really starting to think I shouldn't have. Now all this junk just inspires me to be mean and grumpy, which is why I've mostly stopped coming around. It's like planting flowers in a wasteland. It just doesn't seem worth it. 030701
Princess Lola i never thought of blather as a message board... i don't need people to reply and i never thought that other people came here for replies either.

i like the sparatic nature... i like not needing to be accepted by anyone... just appearing a couple times a year and babbling good, bad, silly, meaningful, and retarded thoughts... i'm just here and there randomly

i do not know of a better web experiment. it is growing and changing just as it should.

you do not need to worry about the decay or quality of people who appear here... just be a quality person yourself and don't worry about all the others.

you attract what you put forth. if you have a grand thought, post it... others will follow. if they don't, don't concern yourself with it and be content w/ your own thoughts.

oldephebe okay ... How to begin? I read this interminable page, and ah I'm basically a blather neophyte - I think if some one were coming to blather because they think it to be this province of rarefied rhetoric, this intellectual preserve then - wow - boy are they in for a let down - anything open and accessible to such a wide swath of heteroganeity, man is pretty much going to run the gamut. I've tacked on my two cents here and there and I've been chided for some of the things I've written, I've been effusively praised, and most of the things I've written may have been ignore or didn't really stir a response. So what. I mean I post my pointless placards because I feel moved to infect something or to apollaud someones insight or perspicasity or spirituality or poetic vision. I'm troubled by the confident assertions made that some people write for praise. I mean how does one discern that objectively? Are we inferring that? Is there a clear empiricall evidense of someone saying, "Gee look guys, I've exhausted my rhetorical arsenal on that one and I'm really hoping someone likes my blather I really need my flagging ego buttressed." Look some sometimes I've emptied myself out of emptiness and the result has been well less than admirable, but is that why we write for someone elses sanction or praises? I do happen to praise a lot of what i read because it strikes an empathetic chord. So what. Who cares if i write "Hey endless, or spork, or silentbob, or jane, or miniver, or niska, whomever gee great stuff." Who cares except me. So what. Is there some sort of heuristic logarthym construct that we can distill the ulterior intent of someones post? -(beyond what is implicit of course, beyond what most reasonable people would agree upon). Is there a profile for the praise seeker? And if so what's the big deal anyway? What endows one to be the imprial arbiter of what is acceptable or sublime? (of course beyond the polarities and extreme and obvious representations)

Some people need to ejaculate bile and venom upon what irks them or threatens them or what they don't identify with. Personally I don't feel the need to defecate upon someone else's embroidered breaths. There are some things I read that initially provoke a visceral response, a repugnance, an abhorrence. ... but I don't feel the need to pull down my pants and let the flatulant cannon roar. This is just me but i think there is enough venom and bile in the world, as differentiated from sound and reasoned debate and argument or dissent. Me, I think the world is impacted enough already with spiritual carninogens, and I try not to add to it. To me, even the things I disagree with are iridescent embers, a fountain of living light, or living shadow, or crimson shade spurting up out of the blacksmiths forge. And sure I know I'm dadaist, I mean I am given to maddening tangents, Nick the non-linear perhaps would be a more apropos sobriquet. Whatever - I think most of us here dip our quils into the souls cauldron, and let it's fireseed vault us out into the open air, into the many realms of blather. When I logged on this evening I was going to write about the act of creation. Some egghead mastbabatory mastication fest. But that's the cool thing about blather, sometimes it has other plans and you just gotta go along for the ride (metaphysically that is) (Geez, look at all the times I used "I") solipstic ol' me. bordering on the narcissistic perhaps...
relentless inner critic: Yeah
trying not to appear spiritually barren
oldephebe should have said "because I feel moved to interject something..." besides the other numerous spelling errors and egregious grammatical constructions ... all out of the key of orality, I guess. 030714
Andrew Sier And it's all.

Did I mention I_hate_kids? That tends to come up.
oldephebe should have said "What endows one to assert that he/she is the imperial arbiter of what sucks, what is sanctioned, what is sublime." Okay my fingers start out in such a frenzy and many malapropisms and misspellings follow.
relentless inner critic whispers: pause to proofread oh voluble and vapid one
oldephebe:umm enough already with the parenthetical, editorial, self censorious asides .. really..
Freak It always made me angry to see this in the angry list. After all how could there be an intellectual decay of blather considering what the definition of blather is....but i get it. 031202
Freak It always made me angry to see this in the recent list. After all how could there be an intellectual decay of blather considering what the definition of blather is....but i get it. 031202
Freak It always made me angry to see this in the recent list. After all how could there be an intellectual decay of blather considering what the definition of blather is....but i get it. 031202
Freak ug...sorry about the triple post...seems that i may be helping with this decay! 031202
Little Lost Riding Hood Basically I used to get pissed off with all the *sparkly* crap blathes, and did comment on it once. I would consider those Blather Pollution. But then I kind of took a step back and realised that just coz I found them irritating and pointless, that to the people involved, they weren't.

So now I dont even click on the ones that sound that way inspired, just like how my incessant ramblings most likely bore lots of you.

You need the mundane shit to appreciate the truly inspirational vibes.

Even as I write this I think why am I bothering to post this periphrastic bollox...

I eat my insipid words....

Mwuah ha haaaaaa
endless desire sparkly? 031203
string see: sparklearium 031203
not sure if you know LLRH is not schadenfreude 031203
misstree indeed, while the wording and thoughts are eerily similar to mine own, that glorious creature is not another aspect. 031203
oldephebe periphrastic - i actually had to look that one up...good word..pretty much characterizes most of my writing...

OK so mtree m'bad..LLRH - do yo'thang gurl! ..still though..yeah eerily, hauntingly similar
Little Lost Riding Hood While I am most pleased to be compared to the illustrious Mistree, I am not her - as she states above.

Yes, my sentiments and opinions are similar to hers, yes we have similar writing styles, no - its not her!

I respect her thoughts and agree with her on most issues, but I would like to think that this is possible without being clumped into the same mould - we are both individuals - no doubt about it!

Mistree - shame we never finished our phantasmagorical soiree...maybe when moons bow their heads we can continue one day...
oldephebe "phantasmagorical soiree" now there's a conjunction of adjective and noun that I am sure no one's seen so blithely and yet eruditely juxtaposed..nice usage..and ah no irony intended..yeah i'd like to see that vortex of vivacity resumed and this time i promise to merely observe from the fringes of rapt fandom..rhetorical..that is.. 031204
Little Lost Riding Hood Oldephebe you are so agreeable. Your musings are much appreciated, and I would be most put out if you did decide to resign yourself to the peripheries of the narritive.

Can I just say - having now observed the similarity of me and dear mistree, I have seen that in the 'Shag tally' blathe, we also share similar numbers - I now worry that in some innane way it could be seen I am immitating when in actual fact i am reeling at the similarites of 2 completley seperate entities....
garrulous oldephebe Hey if it's your own voice then..that's it. Period. They say realistic optimist and incontinent 'ol me have similar cadenses..when i invariably drift into those fetid waters of the polysyllabic and quasi-didactic..but our informal usages and styles are quite different..I count it a compliment to be compared with a fellow wordsmith..but you and mtree kinda go beyond a merely peerless profundity, and the didactic and insouciant and blend the two so masterfully..not entirelty corpus collossum show 'em if you've got 'em..but yes there are sympathetic reverberations between the two of you..i find mtree really i do jezebel..and i guess i'd add you to that list as well..i guess people will see what they want to your own heart the arbiter of truth and integrity is it's own strenghth and insulates the One, the strong against the potential contentions
of the ladies at your leisure please feel free to resume the "shagaliciousness".

i'm off to go hunting for he who weilds the speculum..he who aspires to the more redeeming subordinate meanings of the word..but to me he will always be an implement used to forage through the encrusted dark nether realms..hee hee
oldephebe "..if you decided to resign yourself to the peripheries of the narrative" I love the eloquence of this woman!! Please write more!! really..think i over did it with the exclamation points..i'm kinda ambivalent about exclamation points.. 031204
velvet stone "a treatise against absolutism.."

"damaclesian device deftly wapped in the missionary blanket.."

"an artlessly contrived inculcation.."

"mind conjugal, brain sodomy by b.f. skinner for recalcitrant teens from fractured families who don't know how to keep their place.."

"we will maim their egos and encourage them to impoverish themselves.."

"see him, he who harbors a dream that swells every breath, we will pour poison in his ears and set the curtain of his pride on fire.."

"the scathing testament coming soon"
. ? 040201
somebody Momentarily no longer much of a problem

mood ring i agree with unhinged way up near the top of the page.
blather is what you make it.
you click on what you want to see.
if you want to laugh, you probably wont click on depressed_and_hopeless (unless you think depressed people are funny), and if you want to company to wallow with you wont click on dead_baby_jokes.
ive noticed this.
a couple days ago, when i was feeling really down, the recent list seemed to share my sorrows.
now, im feelin better, and the recent list seems full of promise.
its what you make it.
so dont blame me.
trial seperation besides, doesnt everybody blathe for some sort of interaction?
if not, why write here?
and why keep the same name?
kx21 iLink:

coco stop bitching. 041115
meta meta 060110
. subvert 060111
. subvert 060111
One who is tired of the nothing here Again. 060308
. Offence? Yes I take offence Mr christophercuntfacelevesque. Intellectual decay just rocks my tiny world. Just be gone for a bit longer next time. 060309
minnesota_chris subvert 060309
r_r ! 090526
- - 090527
ergo I'm more concerned by the intellectual decline of me. 090527
fghio fghio 101114
TCMT It is interesting to see the rise and fall of trends here on blather. Things die, only to be born again in another form.

Blather to me, shows the level of maturity and insight present in the world. It is a reflection of our strengths and our shortcomings. It shows, in some ways, that we are not ready to accept differences without trying to govern them. But it also shows that through conversation, we can begin to see our errors (as we percieve them) and grow into an understands that incorporates more of the world around us and puts it into consideration.

Is that decay? I believe we should challenge each other, but there is no reason we should limit each other. Logic and reason is a powerful thing and it often triumphs over ego.
spellchecking myself perceive*
() () 110511
kerry i haven't looked at blather since about 2004. is anyone still around? this was so important to me for such a long time. 190316
unhinged never left 190316
dafremen Still here. Still trying to figure out how to share all that's transpired and cringelessly share how much I miss this place.

Some revealments are hard to express. Such as missing the freedom of the blue surrounded by nothing but the beauty of words and thoughts left to flit around like clouds of birds.

I miss it so..
kerry it is hard to express, i agree. i don't know what it is about all the blue that's so... help me find a word that's not "welcoming" or "safe." 190321
daf free 190322
arwyn I had to leave for a while to become more authentically me. I broke my chains and freed myself from monsters in places I never expected were hiding. I just came back. I wanted to explore the relics of my past life and to see what shine through and found pain, sarcasm, and a levity of hope I wasn't expecting. It's good to find this side of me again. 190322
dafremen Still the same, just less crowded.
Weeds and flowers. Weeds and flowers.
Most of the "flowers only" crowd moved on as suggested. Glad at least some of those salty fucks stuck around, or it wouldn't be blather.

(Personally, I'm guessing they come by here to throw out their trash. Side note: Oscar was always a favorite Sesame Street character, after Grover.)
Hmm . 220211
|756 Once_you_go_red 220211
what's it to you?
who go