Q Well, please, please, x, please reminisce then, because I'm unable to hold my breath much longer. 040422
lantaren I remember when I would have to scroll on the homepage because of how active it was.

I wonder where everyone is? Were we all young and foolish? Angsty teenagers? Finding ourselves?

Are there blather babies? Blather grandparents? Are we all settled now? Did we find our loves? Ourselves?

I wish I could remember all my usernames and trace my steps. But I also quite like knowing there are bits of me scattered around this site that I might never find.

There are also way too many things about me on this site. Internet privacy was not a concern back in the day...

Time flies. I'm glad blather is still alive. I hope its been well. *pets*
unhinged there are definitely blather babies of varying degrees, even one baby of a blather couple

pipedream it took me a little time to remember who i was here, but i remembered- and there was so much joy, and some pretty beautiful sentences. 201111
tom0460 this website reminds me of 2011. 220221
what's it to you?
who go