megan see: my life 990303
emma also overrated. 990327
ceorl never met any, everything just drifts from pattern to pattern - it all just makes so much sense. 990418
smart went crazy (a prize fight between your entropy and cowardice the sweet science of being in love the sweet science of giving up. did she keep a file of all your lame excuses and vulgar transgressions like the time that you said that you were afraid to confront your fear of confrontation) 990423
lokkust the word is chaos with it's arrows pointing in all directions 991107
George Carlin "You see, I'm an entropy fan! When I first heard about entropy in high school science, I was attracted to it immediately. When I found out that, in nature, all systems were slowly breaking down I thought, 'What a good thing! What a good thing - perhaps I can make some small contributions in this area myself.' " 991122
marjorie towards uniformity (inert). a spiral forming... trend of chaos. everything so caught up. 991228
birdmad I went to the shopping mall where i wasted a good portion of my teenage years,
Damn, i thought to myself as i looked at just how run-down the place had become since i was last there, this place is completely "ghetto" now

I thought i could find solace in the fact that the Chinese restaurant by the south entrance was still there, but when i ordered up some food, i found that the old man who had owned it for decades had sold the place and i was sorely disappointed to find that the chow mein was a cheap approximation made with soggy ramen noodles

and all of my favourite stores were gone, and instead of seeing the place full of the kind of people i went to high school with back then, i saw the kind of people i avoided going to high school with in the first place, the kind of basura del barrio i swore i'd never become

And i stopped and took a good look around and realized that it was true:

"You can't go home again"
doggy thank you for that cliche(entropy at work ma) 000507
birdmad yes, and with any luck, it will all collapse back on itself one day.

but i wonder, if the day the whole thing began was "The Big Bang"

then will the day it caves in be "The Big Whimper?"

(all apologies to T.S. Eliot)

i presented the cliche and the scenario that prefaced it as a nice tangible picture of entropy in the everyday world

"backwards words say to used i,again go i there, shit, oh" ---George Carlin
The Schleiffen Man my favorite topic in physics... slowly destroying the past and the future and the present all at once... where will it all end? The Shadow knows... 000710
u2zoo u2 is in a movie called entropy does that count? 000907
kx21 Hidden in the Hole(s)? 010716
The Truth I don't fully understand it, because I've never studied it. My friend explained it to me once while we were stoned, but...well, anyway... There is something about the energy contained within this word that begs for my interest. I am fascinated by everything involved. Can anyone define it in simple terms? Is it like an equation? How can you manipulate the variables mathematically? ANSWER ME! DAMN IT! I must know NOW!!! uh...just kidding, and sorry about saying "damn", ya know...I shoulda said "darn"... or dang, how'bout "dang".

Ps... I think entropy would be a good band name, or Entropic Soul, yeah. But now there's a movie called Entropy, (which is a pretty cool flick) but it would be lame, or uncreative to copy something else, (Even though I thought of it first!)
kx21 An estimate:-

No. of Shits - No. of Stars
in all the Holes...
umpbumpfizz walking walkin walki walk wal wa w........... without which one would be two 011109
kx21 Given any Matter (e.g. System)...

The state of Disorder / Chaos or Entropy (S) is directly proportional to the no. of bubbles hidden in the Matter...

Copyright 2002 kx21.com
snatch the word reminds me of misanthropy 020207
freakizh second law of thermodynamics.
all the energy cannot be used to produce work: a percentage will always escape as the most pristine form of energy: heat.

law of disorder.
i doesn't means that everything is breaking down. i means that everything that you do produces energy waste.. apparently entropy doesn't apply into things. it is a beautiful tendency of minimolecules and stuff.

i heard someone calling the entropy zero state "god".

"How is it possible to understand life when the entire world is ordered by a law such as the second principle of thermodynamics, which points to death and annihilation?" -- Leon Brillouin

this a great topic for debate.

Mae Entropy.
the natural process towards death and decay. It occurs when borders are closed, and nothing from the surrounding environment is allowed to enter.
dionysos god is merely the anti-entropic force at work (and at play) in the universe impelling systems to higher and higher states of complexity. As Flannery O'Conner knew from Teilhard de Chardin:

Everything that rises must converge

(also a classic Shriekback song)
werewolf it's also what keeps us from being quantum...in the constant seeking of disorder, we find order 020309
werewolf and...i'm experiencing it right now let me tell you...not a lot of energy available for work...it keeps escaping as blather, which of course has it's own entropy to worry about 020309
reitoei someday, in a time unimaginably distant, there will be silence and stillness. the universe will be at a single energy state, everything just the same, no interactions. just stillness. 020309
Toxic_Kisses it's the monster that sleeps under my bed @ night
watching and waiting for the exzactwrong moment to unleash itself
I hide under my cover and silently pray that the teddy bear i cluch so tightly in my arms will protect me from the moster under my bed
Syrope "Walking on the Marktgasse, one sees a wonderous sight. The cherries in the fruit stalls sit aligned in rows, the hats in the millinery shop are neatly stacked, the flowers on the balconies are arranged in perfect symmetries, no crumbs lie on the bakery floor, no milk is spilled on the cobblestones of the buttery. No thing is out of place.
When a gay party leaves a restaurant, the tables are more tidy than before. When a wind blows gently through the street, the street is swept clean, the dirt and dust transported to the edge of town. When waves of water splash against the shore, the shore rebuilds itself. When leaves fall from the trees, the leaves line up like birds in V-formation. When clouds form faces, the faces stay. When a pipe lets smoke into a room, the soot drifts toward a corner of the room, leaving clear air. Painted balconies exposed to wind and rain become brighter in time. The sound of thunder makes a broken vase reform itself, makes the fractured shards leap to the precise positions where they fit and bind. The fragrant odor of a passing cinnamon cart intensifies, not dissipates, with time...
In this world, the passage of time brings increasing order. Order is the law of nature, the universal trend, the cosmic direction. If time is an arrow, that arrow points toward order. The future is pattern, organization, union, intensification; the past, randomness, confusion, disintegration, dissipation."

--Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman

omg such a great book...
werewolf let us not forget the entropy of meaning, that is where there are just too many possibilities to reign in and make meaning from. When it all seems so disordered. Entropy is just an order so detailed that it's messy when we attempt to order the details into higher dynamics and the details could be arranged into said higher dynamics in soo many ways. It's what we talk about when we talk about bit size. It's the amount of possible microstates in one macrostate. If there are too many to know about, we're stuck with the macrostate and can make no work of the microstate and have to watch helplessly as it becomes "disordered" because probability always says the ordered pairs are more rare than the disordered one. It's like cards...how many combinations equal a royal flush...just four...four exact ones. It's much more likely to get a pair, or some random combination of cards. That's entropy. You want a low entropy hand. 020521
werewolf and now with the cards in mind...think about gas molecules...there are billions of them, the chance of slow moving ones pairing with other slow moving ones based on their trajectories alone is astronomically low, which is why you will never see a gas spontaneously become a solid unless some work is done upon it. 020521
werewolf oh i'm just a cocktail party physicist 020521
stork daddy the beauty in the world is growing 020522
Christopher Todd I long to live in a world different than this.

One where I can look in any direction without being reminded of the mistakes our leaders have made.

A world where human rights are never forgotten, and that the fact that we’re all together trumps conflict.

It is this that I pray for.

I have spent countless hours shedding water over this, and it still brings me to tears.
Every time, overcome with emotion by the scope of which everything appears to be going downhill.

Entropy is not a given.
kx21 Morality - Immorality... 030617
Death of a Rose flechettes of madness 031013
oldephebe you guys are some heavy hitters, really enjoyed this page...

what if you stumble upon this post-modern geometric monstrosity the color of pewter..? and the consistency of ash...what is keeping it together..?what binds it against the perogatives of nature..? okay so that was pretty mych a phantasmagoric fragment..some dream filament..probably not apropo of anything written here.. nice page though...gonna read this one again...
zeke entropy is a defect in scope 040318
sameolme Evolution seems to violate the law,
does it? If it does, is the law diminished? If we're heading toward less and less organization, how did it get so richly ordered to begin with?
marked . 040320
zeke order is a product of perception 040320
jesus squared my dad thinks that mankind's purpose is to find a way to save the universe from entropy. sounds grandiose, huh? 040412
Strideo The destiny of Outer Space?
f chaos, cheaouse? 040612
kx21 iLink:

Moon kx21
* Beast 123- Thermodynamics version

T1) "Entropy"

Bully the Poor "Sheep"

T2) Black_Hole

Bury the Fact(s) / Truth(s)-

T3) Thermodynamics

Beat around_and_across the Bush(es)

Copyright 2004 kx21.com 040524
dondy entropy is the sign that weaknesses are still to overcome.

entropy is called beauty by those who don't understand effectiveness, by those who dream.

this here is entropy.
unhinged entropy_paste 040807
trox entrapy is death and nothing more it cant be in a box or in a vault it is just a cruel fucking joke 050411
trox entropy is nothing more than the death of the univers slowly fading away into nothingness

it will kill us all for thatis what it is alldeath my obsession i love death it is good for think of the world without death to crowded full of pain and desiese
z entropy is a defect in scope 050411
andru235 if it unceasingly continues to fall apart

then if eventually falls back together
z defective scope describes entropy 050412
4122005 _'face_up_to_history'_ 050412
Seeds of Light Grace_vs_Gravity 060617
apparently applies to English too 081130
tourist I'm tired
It's cold in here
In_Bloom You whispered it as we held each other to steady against wet dizziness on the balcony

What if we are, in our lucid shared moments
What if we are attempting some recipe to turn ourselves
Lead into Gold

What kind of heat will it take to polish two dulled stones?
Are the smiles enough
Will tears be next
Maybe we'll be gently delivered through the sweat of our skins, silkenly dreaming we can be just one un sullied being
z entropy is the tendency for things to become more complex than our ability to recognize patterns is able to contend with 090803
what's it to you?
who go