sab fuckit


nup., jsut

fuckyku fuck you prick ass mother fucking cunt bag dousche slut whore nigger cunt slut 040713
witchesrequiem I say that every night... but it's more of a Awwww fuck it... 040714
Zeke I fucking hate ALL OF EM" mam...its ALL me baby...fuck em'..thats how Ill get her back and finally get "HOME; again.... 050505
zeke that was not me 050506
nom if they had seen me sick before that show or knew how hard it was just to sit there and look like i was ok 081025
nom i fucking played with the hospital tag on my wrist 081025
nom seriously i'm really bothered by this and i wish people would stop thinking they can just touch me 081025
nom i don't know how to deal with things sometimes 081025
In_Bloom Fuck em- tell them you need some fucking human being time 081025
what's it to you?
who go