explain please me not know 030313
TurdFerguson leet
4=a 5=s 1=i 8=b 0=o 3=e 7=t 9=g

533¿ 7h15 15 l337. J00 g37 17¿ L337 15 r0xx0r1n9 y0ur 455.
Turd there are other rules I dont know. 030313
Kristopher L33t gives me a headache, but to read MegaTokyo you have to know how to read it. *heh* 030314
Strideo l337 text converter


now you can browse blather in l337! (oh god)
Strideo L337 translator


aqyrfgdfg leet is gay ass, jus so ya kno 031120
smurfus rex makes me think of coded messages that have been used in the past...

|337 may be the first original code method that people can actually use since, shoot, Enigma, I guess. (and for those of you who can look at RSA and just "know" what's been encrypted, sit back and chuckle to yourself, cuz obviously you're at a higher elevation than the rest of us. :))
oldephebe i think there's an encryption tutorial on the CIA "official" web site..this brought to you by COINTELPRO..hmm probably not spelling it right..something about agent provocateurs and related stratagems to "flush out" suspected so called enemies of the state..that is domestic enemies of the state..they had it down to a science in the 60's and 70's... 031120
kitten go mew it is because of my ex boyfriend that i know what l337 is.
5Om3+i|\/|35 I REGr3+ k|\|o\/\/1|\|9 |-|1m, Ot|-|eR +I|\/|e i rE@LIzE, |-|E |\/|4|)e |\/|3 |-|@ppy, $0rt 0ph.
he was an interesting kid. not really.
Machiavelli70 I f331 50 5p3c141 8-cu2 I 574|273d d3r "pwned". 040304
u24 it's gone way out of proportion. I still think the_button_to_the_right_code is the best. 040305
thieums There was this hacker who was so l337
Everyday he coded unique feats
....... He had though a defect
....... That nobody could get
01001000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01101111 01101110 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110100 01100001 01101100 01101011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00101110.
what's it to you?
who go