MotheTrucker I'm l33t liek JeffK!!!!11! 011105
Grievance j00 |34| f0r|/| 0f p037ry. 020104
Grievance "j00 |34| f0r|/| 0f p037ry." 020104
Grievance blather doesn't like l33t speak.

it was supposed to read:

you know?

leet speak is a dead form of poetry.

but in l33t sp34k of course.
rucifer i am. 020105
Mahayana: Zakah: SOM3T1M35
1T 15
B3TT34 l33t
4LW4Y5 l33t
little wonder j00 sux0r 020213
Grievance What l33t is:
3=e 4=a 5=s 7=t 9=g 1=i 0=o

th3r3 4r3 4l50 c0mp0und l33t sp34k l3773rs. 7h0u9h r4r3ly us3d d0 70 17 74k1ng 50 l0n9.
3x. |-|=h

l337 15 5|-|0r7 f0r 3l173, 4nd 0r1g1n4lly 5p4wn3d 1n 7h3 d4y5 0f 7h3 4m1g4 c0mpu73rs 45 4 f0rm 0f 3l171sm b3tw33n kn0wl3dg4bl3 us3rs, bu7 g07 r3sur3c73d 4nd pu7 1n70 r3gul4r c1rcul4710n by qu4k3 pl4y3rs, 4g41n 70 3xclud3 7h053 w/0 kn0wl3dg3 4nd c0mmun1cate s3cr37ly w17h 734m m3mb3r5.

n0w h0w3v3r 17 15 f41rly c0mm0n kn0wl3dg3 4nd us3d m0s7ly 45 4 g4m3r5 5l4n9 4nd c0mmun17y l4n9u4g3.

on3 f1n4al bu7 no7 c0mm0nly f0ll0w3d rul3 0f l33t sp34k 15 7h47 4ll w0rd5 4r3 sp3ll3d h0w th3y s0und, d3fy1ng pr0p3r 3n9l15h.
f0r 3x4mpl3: j00=you.

3x4mpl3 0f 4 p0551bl3 l337 sp33k:
l33t 15 wh3n j00 h4x0r 4 FPS m4573r 4ND j00 d0n'7 br4g.

1 4m l337.
l337 sp33k m3 fr13nd5 15 4773m75 47 m45k1n9 4lr34dy 5ubtl3 r3bb3ll10n 7hr0u9h b4d c0mmun1c4t10n.

4nd 1f j00'v3 r3d 4nd und3rs700d 4ll 0f 7|-|15, j00 h4ve jus7 p4553d j00r f1r57 l337 l3550n.
Grievance 4nd j00 4r3 l337. 020214
phil .ti ese oyu awy hte ahTs't 020214
Grievance rtue 020214
firejdl l33t was cool when it was a 'language' that little to no people understood. It was for the 'elite' ('l33t') people. Now, anybody and everybody understands it, and there are translators to and from l33t all over the place. 020904
mo huh...never heard of it till this blather...but i could read all that. kinda easy for a "secret code." 030316
megan 1337 = CounterStrike 030316
kvjksl zdlnj ksjfjf widmmci 030317
Nathan88 hahaha didnt think anyone would of said counterstrike for this one...perhaps my favorite gun...had a dream about it once...i think i play too much 030318
screwing for virginity i know hackers, and they are cool

i also know 133t hax0rz, and they suck donkey balls
User24 is a 31337 h4x0r. 030508
Us324 actually, leetspeak first came around when computer security involved scanning hard drives for hacking applications to see if you had a hacker on your system, the obvious way tog et around this was to r3n4m3 and m!ssp3ll your philez so that they wouldn't be detected. 030619
!_!$324 actually, leetspeak first came around when computer security involved scanning hard drives for hacking applications to see if you had a hacker on your system, the obvious way tog et around this was to r3n4m3 and m!ssp3ll your philez so that they wouldn't be detected. 030619
User24 huh wha?@:~

well, even l33t h@x0rz make mistakes.
what's it to you?
who go