Ok...um..I'm drawing a blank here folx. Aretha Franklin? Madeline Albright? HELP ME HERE SOMEONE!!
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mama cass? I don't know if you could really say she had class, but some people dig her. I really can't think of any more at the moment, but I'll be workin on this one.
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florescent light
Rosie O'Donnel Oprah Whimphrey Roseanne Bar, oh wait, no, what am I thinking?
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cause the lord knows that most fat people don't have class because they're...well...fat ick
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Well, the last list including Rosie was an obvious attempt at humor. You are forgiven! : ) As for "mama" cass elliot she reportedly choked to death on a ham sandwich which means that whatever images of class she may have evoked in life she certainly negated with the image of her wolfing down a ham sandwich and keeling over. Sigh..ARE there no fat_chicks_with_class? I was really holding out hope for our overweight brethren and sistren.
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yeah, about that ham sandwich thing, is that really true or is it just a rumor? cuz I've heard both and I kind of hoped it was a rumor.
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Yea it's a rumor. When Cass Elliot died she WAS eating a sandwich and she just stopped breathing and keeled over. The newspapers reported that she had choked on a sandwich(not necessarily a HAM sandwich mind you) and the original coroner's press release confirmed that she had choked to death. However the subsequent autopsy found no food in her throat or wind pipe and an examination of her heart revealed that she had died from a massive heart attack brought on by a combination of binge dieting and the subsequent weight gain that always followed those binge diets. Still the ham sandwich thing is kind of cool and seeing as how the woman liked food so much it seems this urban legend is a fitting tribute. Besides REMEBER..she DID keel over with a sandwich in her hand, not particularly a CLASSY mental image anyhow.
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the spork
Who knows, maybe if Mama Cass had shared that sandwich with Karen Carpenter, they might both be alive today
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ok, faghags of the lower denominations, generally (since skinny faghags are really fruitflies, and tend to have higher ranking) i know, this is rude, but to a degree, and in a way, its true
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Ok question, Liz Taylor, PIG with sophisticated trappings? Or fat chick with class? You make the call.
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old lady with class dumb ass old people are naturally fat, so it aint cool to rag on 'em and its less cool to talk shit about liz, she is one of americas coolest icons think about, she marries regularly, does aids shit, was ultra hot when she was young, is still kickin' it, and generally copes and she aint dead having overdosed on shit up her nose
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Ok so besides the opinionated, sassy blathering queer, what do you think folx? Liz Taylor, PIG with sophisticated trappings? Or fat chick with class?
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well, I think she used to be classy, but ever since I found out she was friends with michael jackson....well, I'm just not so sure anymore.
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I GOT IT I GOT IT!!!!! alright, there are two I know for sure. you may not have seen the show, but there's this show I think on the food network called two fat ladies. I think one of them actually died this past year. anyway, they're British and all British people have class. but even if you don't agree with that, these two ladies are sure classy, and they can cook! pretty damn funny, too if ya ask me.
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Umm...but don't all British folx have really BAD teeth? Let's face it, all the class in the world is NOT going to make someone look past caramel colored teeth.
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surely you're not suggesting that the royal family lacks class. well, okay. I'll give you charles, but what about liz? she's got more class than she knows what to do with. that's her job.
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She's also had her teeth capped. Yes I'll concede Liz, she's quite a gal. But I don't think she's fat enough to meet the definition of "fat_chicks_with_class"
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look, I'm tryin here, okay?! and I still think the women from that show are classy. watch it sometime, you might agree. I can't remember, but their teeth might not be gross.
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Fair enough. You know who I thought was a classy fat chick? That actress that played Steve Martin's fat black mama in "The Jerk". She was a pretty class act if you ask me.
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i just think its wrong and ignorant to call old people fat, since getting fat is a natural side effect of aging, like wrinkles the english (at least the younger english) now have better teeth than americans, since they all have health coverage, and it has been covering orthodontics for a while now i didnt think i was that strange; but as for being sassy and opinionated, i suppose i could be guilty i hope this doesnt mean blatherskites dislike me man, now i have a complex... :(
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demitria monde thraam
ALL of them who don't buckle under to the unbelievably harsh level of stress that being a fat chick entails. If you haven't been a fat chick (and by fat I mean 200+ pounds, unless you're REALLY short) you really have no idea what kind of stress the condition produces. Above and beyond all the sociocultural crap that gets flung at you all day, every day, every week, month, year, etc. there's the plain fact that you're lugging around a huge amount of baggage called "all that extra you" - and you have to bring it with you everywhere you go. If you are a thin person, try this experiment: strap a big bag of flour to your middle and walk around with it on all day. It can really tire you out fast. Stairs can be a nightmare. Ironically, of course, everyone's ALWAYS in your face telling you to Get More Exercise. That's just SO nice to hear when walking up a few flights of stairs makes you feel like you've just run a cross-country marathon. Then there's the food thing. Here's a little secret most people either just don't know, or simply refuse to believe: most fat people don't eat any differently than thin people do. There are many causes for obesity: ONE of them is overeating or eating the wrong foods instead of the right ones. The others are more complex matters related to hormonal, endocrine, digestive, genetic and/or psychological conditions. The terrible tragedy is that with some of these conditions, radically decreasing in food intake can make one very sick, and/or cause one to gain weight instead of losing it. Too many people have this idea that fatness is a CHOICE...and one that can be changed if the person wants to be skinny enough to WORK at it. For those people who DID get fat because of an eating disorder, perhaps it is. For the rest of us, though, it's a handicap that is lifelong, permanant, and affects just about everything we do, and every moment of our waking lives. We can't eat anything in public without the people around us casting glances of disapproval. We have no media heroines with which we can identify. We are made constantly aware - through every form of written and filmic media there is - that we are at best sexually ignorable and at worst completely hideous. We are fat chicks. We don't count, sexwise. We are not fantasized about. All the clothes they make in our size are ugly and sexless, on the general philosophical principle that a turd is unpolishable. In short, since this has been so long: to answer the question "Fat chicks with class?" I say, any of them who somehow can actually hold their heads high and smile...who don't let all the crap get to them, who are strong enough in spirit to spread good feelings around instead of the depression they probably feel inside. I know some fat chicks who have class. Marilyn Wann, for example: http://fatso.com I wish I could say I was one of them. In all honesty though, I'm not. For someone who's such a proud freakster in so many other ways, I really can't seem to shake off the tremendous insecurity my weight has saddled me with. I am learning. But...very...slowwwwwwwwwly.
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nocturnal p.c.
such love on blather today. I love the fat people, I love the ugly people, I love everyone with gross teeth. stupid people are the best. I wish I could just hug the world, for we are all one and should love everyone even if we don't know them.
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Ok so besides the sassy opinionated (yet fondly thought of) queer and the fat bottomed girl with the inferiority/guilt complex (accompanied by an activist's passion and I imagine and appetite to match!)can anyone else think of some fat_chicks_with_class? P.S. Might I suggest taking up crystal meth? The side effects are a bitch, but guaranteed it'll bring that metabolism back in line! see also: FAT
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ritalin works as well. I should know. I eat like a disgusting pig and then work it off by sitting on my ass blathering and playing solitaire all day long, but I still fit into a size 8. ritalin is a gift to humanity that everyone should have. not too bad for the old g.p.a. either. but anyway, I think you had something with your very first post here, daffy. I think madeline is pretty classy.
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oh my...dafremen is in rare form today. i'm closing my eyes now...
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see anorexia for your cure madeline albright (evil superbeing and future world leader) i beleive is overweight, and loaded with class (the kind that i imagine dracula had...)
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anorexia's way too hard. pills are much easier.
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lazy nobody ever said it was easy
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nocturnal going anorexic
fine. have it your way. but when I'm wasting away in a hospital somewhere, dying of starvation, just know that it's your fault.
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at least you will look great in clothes
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good point. and as everyone knows, it's how you look on the outside that really counts. as long as people think you are attractive, you are a worthwhile person. it'll be well worth the painful hunger and torture. thanks for the help. you are a true friend.
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Um...you might wanna revise your stance on that a little, baby. Cuz I know you're NEVER one to be sarcastic. Take it from Denzel - looks don't mean shit! Shit. I'm scaring myself here.
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nocturnal is never sarcastic
what are you talking about? have you taken leave of your senses? looks mean everything. how many successful people do you know that are unattractive? I can't think of any. the better you look, the more money you earn. the more money you earn, the more flashy useless stuff you can buy. the more flashy useless stuff you have, the more people will at least pretend to like you. the chain goes on forever. but if you're not hot, it can't even begin. fat ugly people might as well just do away with themselves and do the world a favour. they're just a waste of space. and the fat ones take up so much damn space!
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dont kid yourselves thin beautiful people always have an advantage over those who arent that fortunate or willful its a fact that humans want to like attractive people, to a fault i am not really endorsing anything, just stating reality we can talk about what should count, but that wont change what does count and those fertility goddess figures pagans use i would say are fat chicks with class
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paperclip skeleton
esther rolle (the mom from good times) was a fat chick with class aretha franklin is a fat chick with class liz taylor is even when she's wasted in public, shelly winters isn't my most recent ex's mother is her stepmother isn't
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It would be an interesting experiment for me to purposely gain a lot of weight. I wonder how well I'd do if whatever looks I have were covered by a layer of flab. If people turned on me because of the weight, then I would know that they were shallow, appearance-obsessed shitbags. I've already discovered that the most physically beautiful person can also be an incredibly stupid, self-important idiot. So, to me at least, looks are no longer important. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being physically attractive. But it means nothing if there isn't something inside to back it up. Conversely, some of the people that no one would find physically attractive are really beautiful people. Uh...yeah. This is why I never approach anyone and ask them out! What would be the point? If I'm attracted to someone physically and I discover that they are...yucky...then I've failed to accomplish anything. If, however, I can be attracted to someone's MIND and the way they THINK (which is who they really are), that's just about all I need. If they turn out to be physically attractive (and/or physically attracted to me), it's a bonus. If not, I don't care. Of course, that's just the way I think. Enough of that.
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Dafremen, you are a vulgar, insensitive, desensitized example of all the mysogyny and hatred that is wrong with this world. You really need to grow up; you really need to learn respect; you really need a lot of things, but I don't have time to teach you. Start trying to love.
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well we've been through this before. daffy, have you noticed that people seem to continue to criticize you on the same things over and over and over again? I was just wondering if you get as bored with it as I do. I think I'm gonna make it my goal to find something new to say about you.
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I think you JUST did!!(?): ) Yes I'm bored with it, no I don't imagine they'll ever stop and quite frankly I hope they don't. It's always nice to know where the idealist pom pom wavers are with their sunshine filled rectal cavities and their give everyone a hug mentalities. I'm plenty full of love. What I'm NOT full of is sympathy OR empathy for people that want to sit down and die, folx that want to give up and want me to accept it as a reasonable thing for them to do. Screw you, get yer fat ass up and walk with me, it's FREE you know! Yea I'm just gunna let you wallow in some fictional universe that you "big boned" people have invented for yourselves as a way of justifying obesity. Reality check: We all have our tests in life and the minute you sit down you fail yours. I'm sticking to my exercise program...I HATE exercise. I mean I DESPISE walking and a abhor physical exhertion of any sort. All that aside, I'd rather be tired and sore than go one more day being fat and deciding to sit on my ass. YOU grow up, YOU learn to love. Grow up and start taking responsibility for your OWN circumstances instead of blaming the universe. Then learn to love yourself by learning to FIGHT for yourself and lose that f*cking weight. If I'm a fat pig, then you're a fat lazy f*cking pig. Shake that bacon!
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Too bad John Candy only PLAYED a do0d playing a chick.
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idealist pom pom wavers sunshine filled rectal cavities HA
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- - : ) - -
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Ok I've GOT one!! Aunt Bea from the Andy Griffith Show. You know, Opie and Andy and Barney and the whole Mayberry gang. Well Aunt Bea always seemed to maintain her composure very well. I'd give her a vote for classy fat chick.
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i'm a male. i'm 5'11" 155 lbs i overdosed on pills again you abhor exercise? i abhor life i have a chemical imbalance i almost died again you want people to look at you with some understanding? you don't have to give them the same? are you a hypocrite?
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not me.
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See Also: Hypocrisy
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Now that we got that out of the way, what do you think...Aunt Bea from Mayberry. Doudy old maid or fat_chick_with_class?
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well, as telling of my youth as this may be, I've never seen the show. so I therefore cannot say.
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Put it on your list of things to do.
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otay, that is my goal from this day forth.
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The first figures found that depict the human body are thought to be more than fifteen thousand years old; they are all female, all very round and bumpy, with erotic zones (tits, belly, ass) that protrude abundantly. These Venuses, for that's what archaeologists call these chubby little Stone Age statues--have been found in caves, especially in Germany and Italy but widely from France to Siberia. The most famous of course is the Venus of Willendorf, a little figure four and a half inches tall, endowed with the most extraordinary proportions. Twenty thousand years ago, more or less, this magnificently abundant woman was carved out of soapstone, her enormous proportions compressed within a tiny compass. Projected to a life-size scale, she's about the fattest woman one can imagine. Two enormous mountains for breasts, perfectly rounded, plumped-up mounds, tower above her vast taut belly. While the hips curve into an endless ass, the giant thighs taper to thin legs cut off et the ankles. At the focus of all these immense sweeping hills of flesh is a fat and beautifully fashioned vulva. In the center of it all is a navel, vast and dark and deep. I vote for the Venus of Willendorf as a fat_chick_with_class. I mean come on..she's maintained her figure for some 20,000 years, and she's STILL a symbol of prehistoric sexuality. The Venus of Willendorf..rock with tits? or fat_chick_with_class? You be the judge.
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demitria monde thraam
dafremen, get this through your...uh, FAT head: If a 300 pound woman is on a "healthy" 900-calorie-a-day diet (this is one or two meals a day, folks, with NO junk food, none, zero) and takes two 45 minute walks a day, with strength training workouts lasting about a half-hour three times weekly...and keeps this up for about three years...she MIGHT - if she is VERY diligent and also lucky enough not to have any hormonal conditions or be on any medications which create a wonky-metabolism situation - lose 50 to 75 pounds. She would be 225-250 pounds and still be considered much too fat to be beautiful. Is it any wonder most just give up? A completely sedentary life eating mostly junk food is no good for anyone, thin or fat...and if you're middle-weight, it might make you thinner. People who are underweight in their teens and twenties get fooled into thinking they can't GET fat since they eat whatever the hell they want and nothing happens. I strongly advise such people to be VERY diligent and change their eating habits especially in their late 20s. Perhaps this would have kept me from becoming miserably obese and unable to change the situation. Pay attention to your family tree. If both sides of it were full of obese people you too will probably become obese. It may happen anyway despite the diet and exercise. Should be noted that ethnicity also is a factor: if you are Nordic or otherwise have a euro-ancestry you might find you've got a fat future ahead of you: it's insulation programmed into your body since your ancestors had to have it to live in cold climes. Just speculation, but seems to bear out. Why are there no fat Japanese women? Indeed obesity in Japan seems to be limited to sumo wrestlers. I think if I could afford it I'd live on sashimi, with fruit and vegetable slices. I'm finding that any starchy food, even rice, seems to lead to gaining weight, but the above diet would probably stop me from gaining any more weight if I took a long walk every day, morning and night.
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-Fat chicks usually have big boobs. -Big boobs make me smile. -I'm a classy guy. Therefore I conclude that all fat chicks with boobs that stick out past their stomachs are classy because of this connection. Except the ugly ones, and the really fat ones and the mean ones and the ones that won't let me touch their boobs and the ones that keep calling me and the ones that think I like them just because I keep asking to touch their boobs.
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I eat 350 calories a day. I walk everywhere except to work now. My head may be fat, but my ass is less so. Your 900 calorie diet is ridiculous. If you weigh 300 pounds and yer 5' 6" then you have a lot of stored FOOD in your body, a walking cupboard if you will(or not.) FOOD..yes you are carrying FOOD around in your body. It's for NOURISHMENT in times of famine. Here's the plan: Make famine..walk everywhere and exercise ...lose fat. Simple concept....get with it sweetcheeks.
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yes, daf, except you never took into account that when you consume less than 1200 calories per day, your body automatically enters "starvation mode" which entails such lovely things as the COMPLETE INABILITY TO LOSE ANY WEIGHT because your body assumes it's going to need the fat you've already got stored, since it isn't going to be getting a decent meal for a while. Also, I shouldn't forget to mention the fuzzy hair that grows all over your body in an attempt to keep you warm, whether you lose any fat or not. Sure, you'll lose weight, eventually, but by that point you're essentially an anorexic, and trust me, that ain't pretty.
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I'm sorry Molly, but I disagree with you strongly on a few points: First off, the body is completely right of course...you WON'T be getting a decent meal for awhile and it WILL require the fat that it has stored. I'm afraid I don't see the problem there. Are you saying that it can't be done? Are you saying that if you take in less calories than you use in a day that you won't lose weight?(Toward the end you appear to agree that it WILL work, but the rest of your blather leads me to believe that work though it may, it can't because it won't ever get started.) I'm afraid the entire starvation mode argument is completely lost on me, because it's just another excuse not to consume less and burn more. (Why should I? My body won't lose the weight anyhow, it'll go into starvation mode and I won't lose more than a few pounds. WRONG.) Secondly, let's say you DO grow fuzzy little hair all over your body. Are you saying that stretch marks and fat rolls are more attractive and less permanent than fuzzy hair? A greater risk to a person's health? What ARE you saying Molly...basically: screw the bikini wax, bring on the muu-muu? Come on already. Once again...it sounds like words designed to discourage someone from even THINKING about losing weight...let alone starting. (Even if I don't lose fat, I'll grow fuzzy hair all over my body. Sheesh...next you'er gunna tell me you'll drown in your own melting fat if you exercise too much and eat too little.) Thirdly, anorexia is a disorder brought about as a result of OBSESSIVE fixation with weight loss. Not with a healthy desire to get in shape. I'm not asking ANYONE to obsess. What's obsessive about walking instead of calling? (At work and with neighbors, that's what I do.) What's obsessive about skipping lunch for awhile? Every weekend, I reward myself with ONE big dinner. I try not to stuff myself, but I eat well. What's obsessive about that? I fail to see how anorexia is the INEVITABLE consequence of losing weight. It's a possible outcome if you get obsessed with losing weight, but we're not obsessing, we're retraining ourselves. Our bodies are taking in too much and not burning enough. It's OBVIOUS why we're gaining weight, we're eating too much and exercising too little. Period. The bigger you are, the more difficult, tedious and painful exercise AND dieting are. It's no wonder that there are as many excuses not to lose weight as there are programs for losing weight. According to most if not ALL experts in the field, there is really only ONE method of losing wieght and keeping it off. Reduce caloric intake, increase caloric expenditure. Eat less, burn more. That's it, period. The only alternative is liposuction, and that will only lose the weight, it won't necessarily keep it off(although less fat cells could help.) Every other surgical technique out there reduces caloric intake. Every single one. Why aren't all of the stapled stomachs running around like fuzzy apes? The diet drug users and the gastric reduction patients? Why aren't they all going into hibernation, staying fat and growing long curly locks on their foreheads? Why are the techniques and methods considered successful? Because people's bodies go into starvation mode and refuse to lose weight? (If that were possible, WE would be perpetual motion in motion. Always taking in nothing, losing nothing and STILL functioning. In fact, what sense does it MAKE to store fat for times of famine and then NOT burn that fat when famine hits? You're not saying that I burn less calories walking a mile in starvation mode than I do in "non-panic" mode are you?) The idea that there is a "target" starvation trigger level is a sad misconception. What you've quoted is an average for ONE or a FEW studies whose subjects were almost CERTAINLY members of the same society and thus had comparable average caloric intake levels. That ISN'T to say that there is a FIXED number at which starvation mode kicks in. (I'm not saying that my body ISN'T going into panic mode, I'm stating that starvation is relative to the individual's NORMAL caloric intake levels.(Well to a point obviously.)) How can advocates for obesity as a lifestyle constantly talk about how their metabolisms are abnormally low, but insist that there is a standard target intake amount below which you go into "starvation mode". See the definition for normal is my suggestion. If you grew up in a poverty stricken, third world country, what are normal caloric intake levels for you, might trigger "starvation mode" for an affluent American. If you consume 6000 calories a day for twenty years, starvation level is certainly closer to 6000 calories for you than it is for someone who has only consumed 2000 calories a day for twenty years. Changing the habits that got me overweight in the first place is what I'm talking about. I'm talking about teaching your body that there is a NEW "normal" number of calories. There is a NEW definition of "normal" amount of exercise. That's the idea, ferget all of the lame, tired excuses. Look past all of the hard work, pain and disappointment to your target weight. Don't look in the mirror, look at the scale and STOP when you get where you're headed. Set a goal FIRST. When you've lost the weight, learn what you can eat to keep it off and keep up the little exercise habits to make sure it happens. Eating more today? Exercise more today. Exercised less today? Eat less today. Train your body not to do what it did to get overweight in the first place: Taking in more than it burns. There's really nothing standing in your way, except YOU. (AND all of the tired, old, defeatist excuses.)
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See also: TODAY_I_AM_WEARING 164.8lbs and holding. Eating a bit more to stop the weight loss, exercising the same amount to keep the habits up. The food is great and I don't miss lunch anymore, so I can take it or leave it if I'm having a particularly inactive day. Do I have will power? Hell no. Every time I thought about stuffing myself, I remembered that waste of human skin calling me a "fat f*ck" and I found the motivation to succeed. Everytime I thought about picking up the phone to reach a co-worker instead of walking to their desk, I remembered the promise I made to myself that day: Never again. Never again. See also: Fat_guys_with_class
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Aha, now we've gotten to Daffy's reason for fat_chicks.
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when gweneth paltrow did Shallow Hal, they had her dressed up as a fat chick, and she couldn't believe the reactions she got. i mean really, honey. do you associate with fat chicks? No. do you invite fat chicks to your events? no. when you're fat and you try to pet someone's dog, of course they're going to pull it away from you. you're disgusting. you can have the prettiest face, but if you're fat it doesn't count. in America fat = ugly fat = disgusting fat = unworthy of life we all would like to say that we treat everyone the same, but you're a liar if you do.
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I think we all realize on some level or another how unhealthy the whole unsightly thing is and so it remains generally unaccepted in our society. I personally find ultra thin women as offensive to look at, perhaps more so...hard call. My motives were other than that. My motives were to avoid ALL of the misery associated with being fat. THAT was my MOTIVATOR..it was what I need to make the misery of losing weight seem worthwhile. We each have our own motivator, but if you don't attempt to find it, society will continually create it for you. No pity..just misery from society until you begin to work on getting yourself into a dress size below XXMu-Mu.
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blue star
there are plenty of "fat" "chicks" with class. But since our society is so disgusted with anyone who doesn't have obvious muscle tone/bones poking through their flesh, we don't see a whole hell of a lot of them out there.
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what does class have to do with being fat or thin? class comes from upbringing and education and having an enlightened mind, not how much you weigh. looking classy and being classy are two VERY distinct notions. whoever thinks fatness equates stupidity or uncouthness is just a moron.
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No doubt. This is, in the end, the question that was posed here. WHO...having gained more weight than is considered healthy, having suffered the indignities that society heaps upon such, could maintain that aura of class and sophistication that you speak of? Upbringing can only go so far in the face of a constant battering of the self-esteem by the rest of humanity. The question isn't whether being fat makes you a slob. It's: who has managed to maintain an aura of class through years of suffering the indignities of being obese?
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Umm well actually class isn't decided on what size pants you wear. Everyone has personal struggles and if being "classy" is defined as "holding your head up though stuggles in life" then everyone would be. It's based on a down to earth personality and how you take care of yourself. Being Large and in charge does not always mean that you dont take care of yourself. Classy, Alternative, Punk, Goth, whatever.. everyone has thier own style whether they're skinny average or fat.
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Well now THAT'S a refreshing idea! Obesity isn't a condition or a disorder...it's a STYLE! Like Goth or Punk or good lord..I didn't REALLY read that did I?
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somehow annonymity seems more appropriate here.
i'm fat... and for the first time on blather i felt persecuted by reading this. luckily i am classy and i'll take it as black humor. and actually i'm fat because my antidepressants cause weight gain. but i'm still classy when i want to be. except when i'm around people i hate because then i fart to get them to go away.
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Hey Daf.. you might want to re-read what I wrote.. CLASSY is compaired to goth, alt whatever. Fat is also not always obese. Try: Obese_Chicks_With_Class
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No, fat and obese get to be synonyms in my vocabulary. Look at the classic Victorian beauty. She wasn't obese and although some might call her heavy set these days, she was certainly not to be confused with a FAT chick.
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well, I feel i can post under this mainly cause I was fat before the baby was conceived and well.. now I just look like i've gained more weight... I don't think i have any class. I'm just me. Oddly, as being a "fat chick" this blathe almost hurt. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has a weight problem (if you're under 145lbs you're not fat, so shut up). I grew up being taunted and tortured for being fat. I became anorexic, and was told that I was stupid for not eating. I started eating again. I became bulimic. This time I was gross cause I threw up all the time. I started trying not to puke. The smallest I've been my entire life is a size 11/12 and once made it down to a 9/10. Yet I'm still fat, cause I can't take my shirt off and be able to count each and every individual rib. I'm not proud of how I look, but weight loss right now doesn't exactly seem like a safe option. I don't want to hurt the baby, and yet people tell me I should lose weight, even after I tell them I'm pregnant. I used to hate skinny, thin, and slender people. I used to hate them because they attacked me more than any other fat kid did. They attacked me. Called me lard ass, fatso, fat ass, fattie, and a list of other names that goes on forever. I personally think that most fat people have a hell of a lot more class than skinny people. Why? Cause we've had to put up with more than they have. We've had to learn either to hide our pain and hurt when someone gives us a dig or a look or even laughs at us for being fat, meanwhile you skinny folk get to suck in those lips, go to stores and buy your bikini's and look the way the magazines tell you to. Maybe all of you are guilty of this, maybe none of you. But you know something, it still hurts. I'm still not going to trust you as well, and I'm still going to want to kill you when you ask "does this dress make me look fat?" cause you know it doesn't. You just want to hear how damn good you look. so yes, despite my intention to lose weight after the baby's born, and possibly become one of you, I know I could never make fun of a "fat chick" cause I know how much it hurts. Until one of you gets to be between 165 and 200 lbs, you won't understand.
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Well thats great but sadly she would be considered fat in todays society.
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Hey you know how drugs are illigal because they are harmful and can cause death and disease? Has anyone ever thought that possibly fast food should also be iligal? Or maybe food shouldn't e allowed to be processed unless it's under a certain amount of calories or fat grams? It's bad enough that it causes heart disease, obesity and cancer, but it's marketed to kids. It makes me sick.
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stork daddy
yeah it makes me salivate
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Well Aimee, I HAVE been up to 210 (at my height that's FAT) and I understand why this blather might hurt. Unfortunately I also understand that inside there is a wonderful person who comes out through your personality. I would call you a (if you don't mind my associating the expression "fat_chick" with you) fat_chick_with_class, but not because of what you have suffered. I mean think about it, if some guy just kept getting hit on the head with a hammer, you wouldn't think THAT was classy wouldja? I wouldn't. I would think it was stupid or if there was some reason why he couldn't get away from the hammer, I would think it was tragic. That's what obesity and weight problems are: tragic. I have said it before, so I won't say it again: You CAN do it. (Ok so I did say it again) Noone said it would be easy, or even bearable, but it would certainly be worthwhile. Burn more, eat less. Set realistic goals and don't kick yourself in the head if you don't meet them right away. You CAN do it.(There. I said it again.) If it means anything, you have a one-man cheering section rooting for you right here.
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I know i can do it... I just can't do it now... maybe in september or october, but not now... I don't want to risk taking something away from the baby... however I am proud that the 3lbs I've gained is entirely baby weight. :) I'll need the cheerleaders later on when I finally have the opportunity to lose the weight...
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When baby is born remember, he needs your self-esteem as much as you do.
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what self-esteem? I'm female, it's like we're not allowed to have it.
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You need to work on that misperception. Let me know if you need any help.
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none of my female friends have good self esteem. To a degree yeah, but as far as looks are concerned no one is really ever satisfied.
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I am Laura. Have you seen me around? I am the fat chick in the group of skinny girls. I am the one that inside wants to be thin, but outside, I don't want people to think I want to be different. My reasoning? I am afraid that if I was thin, I would be treated differently. Or is it that I don't want to stop being treated differently? I think of my fat as a means to find out which people in my environment are the assholes who use appearances as a factor for worth. I love that my fat keeps those people away and the true kind people around, stuck at my side. I hate that the fat makes me hate myself sometimes. But after a day of work, I come home, Take a shower and go play with the other boys and girls. And sometimes I'll catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and I see myself, the way I'm meant to. So now, introducing for her first public appearance, Laura, exuding class, dripping confidence........... the fucking sexiest girl at the party!
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my mom and queen latifa shes got some style
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kathy bates?
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Why hasnt anyone said?
Paris Hilton
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thunderbuck ram
This blather is so American. Lest I might be niggling at any sensitivities, I promise I don't mean that in a derogatory sense; no, not at all. As a non-American I find it fascinating and educative and wonderful (in a literal sense), but just oh so American.
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how about fat_chicks_with_glass sounds dangerous doesn't it? *disclaimer: this is in no way an endorsement for weight challenged ladies to start hating the doarman*
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It's sad that there has to be such a divide between 'fat' and 'thin'. It's very pronounced in a school/college environment. All the girls there are skinny, bitchy and 'popular'. Because you can't get anywhere in the social cliques of the schools without being thin. I'm just going to type out a section from a newspaper article in the Monday, July 25, 2005 edition of the Daily Mail. 'The average British woman is a size 14, weighs 10st 3lb,[143lb] has a 34in waist, 40.5in hips and a 38.5in bust.' However, with the media bombardment of the image of perfection being something like a size 6/8 and yet with curves, it means that the majority of women are 'overweight' and 'fat'. I am 16 years old and am a size 12/14, and i weigh 137lb but that yo-yos a lot. Although i am around 'average' for a typical British woman, society says that i am fat. I'm not going to get into a self-pity story here but suffice to say i have really had shit for this issue, especially in a school environment. Basically, 'fat chicks' don't have class, where i live (i'm not speaking for england here, just my area) they aren't really allowed to have class. THIN is the classy image and how dare fat chicks try and pull any sort of image off. The majority of girls (and i mean the VAST majority) at my secondary school were all size 10 or less. And bitched that they were actually (get this) so 'fat'. It really makes me sick, angry and now sad that this is what the media is impressing on us. No girls i know have a high self esteem. this idea of 'fat' has really dragged everyone's self-esteem through the floor. This is not just for girls, most of the guys i know are insecure about their weight. i was told that marilyn monroe, seen as the pinnacle of attractiveness at one point, was a size 14. now she would be told to lose weight. so technically, she would be a fat chick with class. [i know that this is a tired old debate and i am annoyed at myself for even posting here, but i'm just going to say the end of my rant and leave.] I think, echoing what other people have said before this, that all the people who are fat, or have been called fat (although called is too mild a word. 'bullied and ostracized and made to feel like shit' is better but still not enough), people who have been scapegoats for everyone else's insecurities, are fat_chicks_with_class. it takes a lot to deal with all the shit people throw at you. Nuff said. *gets off her soap box*
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uh... i'm still going with kathy bates.
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what's it to you?