the awful truth
actually pretty crucial. involving super powers, again, although this time i just seemed to be able to run really fast and be really agile. At first Sarah and i chilling in Vermont, then we get on a bus to NYC and who is on it but HR over here and Coleman Yunger over there. Not to mention a bunch of other people. Sarah almost misses the bus. Next We're at this movie theater and my parents roll up. We all go inside and it's like a theater in the round. Except one side of the theater is real steep and thin. This is "the good side" god knows why. Ok now it gets weird. Mid-movie somehow the collective understands there is a faceless villian who is trying to blow up mad shit. there are mad explosives all over. I go downstairs to try and jack a car like in GTA3 but everyone's doors are locked. FInally i come accross the crucialest bright blue motorcylce I have ever seen. I'm not even a motorcylce guy. I get on and apparently all you need to start it is to push a button. No keys. So then i'm fucking racing around town on this crucial motorcyle. I think in the end everything got blown up.
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It was blurred, as if the colors of the world were arguing. I tried to make sense of it, but it still eluded me. I was shot through the heart, but not by a bullet. It was unbearable pain, and yet I wouldn't wake up. I saw everything and nothing, for they were all blurred. The pain subsided when I thought that I was experiencing a heart attack. The colors cleared up, allowing me to realize that this was heaven. I ran and ran, laughing and jumping, but I never tired. I saw loved ones, wreathed in the colors of eternity. I saw God and he proclaimed again his love for us all. I was so caught up in the moment that I never saw the hole than my foot plunged unto. I tried to pull myself free, I asked for help. All the angels had ceased their singing and the colors blurred again. Then I began to fall. I landed on a rock that felt as if someone had dug grooves into it. I looked around for the noise that I was now hearing. It was getting louder, but I couldn't cover my ears for fear of falling again. Eventually I recognized the noise as voices, screaming in agony. The rock began to spin, threatening to dump me off. I grabbed frantically, attempting to find a hand hold and remain aboard. My fingers dug in to the rock, but they only formed another set of grooves to accompany the rest. Again I fell, and the temperature rose. The pain returned, accompanying the feeling of both fire engulfing me and having all my bones broken. I screamed, joining the dreadful chorus of perpetually tortured souls. I came to the conclusion that, even with this pain inside me, that there is no greater hell than losing heaven. It was then that I awoke and remembered nothing. Will your voice be a laugh or a scream?
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christening dress like an evson's, embroidered gold thread and triangles of brown velvet; a puzzle cube-ball with a thousand faces within its trapdoor, gold and porcelain painted eyes, laughing and grinning and threatening - with an electric cord not yet plugged in. the old house, back there. another house, frightening with its many rooms, dusty corners and crazy coloured walls - bright yet faded - and party people milling around dishes of crackers and cupcakes.
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i get it.
i haven't seen you there in ages.
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black people. i mean black, not 'black'. royal or something. very, sort of, ethical. hoods. kind of star wars. sceptres and things, too.
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ex, sarah, and i are in this big bookstore. in this mall which is like u know the super familiar mall which doesnt exist. with the movie theater. images are coming back. ok so sarah's ex boyfriend who doesnt exist rolls up and starts talking to her. at firs tshe says fuck off but then she tells me to give them some time. i go up the street to this big building with an elevator in the middle and all these slides. sarah's taking too long. i go back but they're standing all close and shit. i try to pull them apart. i go to hit the kid. thats when i wake up. but we're not even supposed to be together.
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blathertunnels and blathercaves humungus under the city dark and mouldy and dripping and mysterious oh so mysterious and curious and snug
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I was in a car accident, and I died. It was all slow motion when the impact occurred. I can remember feeling my chest collapse, and the way the lights of the other car shined into the windows, and the sound of metal collapsing upon metal, and the snide way my mother said "good job" as i closed my eyes for "death" I didn't want to close them, i was trying so hard to stay alive... so i woke up. I can't drive without shaking now.
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the awful truth
oh it was so nasty it started and i am in this crazy appt building. the roof kind of looks like the roof of my building. the staircase looks like a hotel. this dream-hotel i think 've been to before. so i'm in the staircase going up to the top floor, 16th. and there are like mad weapons lying around, like in a video game. so i pick up a pistol and a humongous knife, the knife my boy was tlaking about which is like a backwards machete. and then i was hiding in the bathroom, on the roof, with just this little curtain to protect me, because they were coming. they turned out ot be like 60 hooligans on bikes, who all wound up on the roof of this appt building. they took me prisoner, it wasnt even worth fightin. i might have shot one. they put me in this cell which was actually ONYL as big as one jail-size bed. so all i could do was sit on the bed. my daddy came to the evil base and like busted me out. that was sick. then i went back to the appt, and on the roof they were still there. but now they liked me and they were gonna sell me a bowl for two dollars but he convinced me i didnt need it. in my dream i went inside to "do homework" but then i woke up and wished i had smoked that bowl in my dream. bc i dont have any pot.
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i had so many dreams last night one that particualy stands out is we were in the same room but seperate beds i was cold i asked "can i cuddle up with you" and he said "no,...not yet" and it was sad, and beautiful
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in another dream i couldn't see very well and i was trying to explain to my sister and she was upset with me for being unwell
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i am tired of that lifting of heart the utter joy i dream of i am tired of waking back up and plunging back to earth i am tired of wanting this so much.
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there were pieces of a conversation that i can't seem to remember or whether it could possibly be real.
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he who has avoided all invitations to potlucks, arts and crafts, and drinking nights, showed up [in my dream] at 7pm on a day when i slept from 7pm to 7pm, waking to think it was 7am [my normal waking hour] with a giant cooler full of meat. he wanted to rent the freezer we have in our basement [we don't have a basement, we live on the top of an apartment building] because he wanted to be seen as a good guy. weird weird dreams
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i wanted to take a picture from the window i could see islands in the sea and the city in the distance i couldn't find a lifejacket i jumped off the boat and sunk sunk sunk eventually resurfaced but it took forever thought i was going to drown i got scared of all the ladders climbing up the cliffside to the place they wouldn't/couldn't find
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ants. lots and lots of ants. there were two 'groups'. the first one was a chaotic group of ants, pretty much like you'd see regular ants, going all over the place and with no aparent direction. the second group appear to me as a more constructive group, building an unkown structure out of an unkown material...in my dream i was suppossed to pick one of the two groups of ants which were so carefully placed inside petri dishes. i picked to more constructive group. don't know why. i might have been decieved. what the hell could this possibly mean?
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i was living in bombay my parents in tokyo everyone who could was buying food there was gonna be a world shortage the computer system that fed and harvested all the crops went down went to all the places in the pictures i changed my name to michelle
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ampligen and brandy
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scary scary bears alligators and a curragh a hut in new guinea or somewhere a tea party with living stuffed animals
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they might've been crocodiles i don't know they just had lots of teeth and anyone who fell in the water was eaten
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i liked the stuffed animals and there was a bank robbery
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i found some old coins in the water along the shore then some old books and a bunch of other old stuff china and russia
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i found some old coins in the water along the shore then some old books and a bunch of other old stuff china and russia
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i found some i found some repetition
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the falafels weren't enough/good there was music in the sky i couldn't lock the door
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the falafels weren't enough/good there was music in the sky i couldn't lock the door
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and again again, this computer has a problem a problem a problem
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someone killed someone i ran to tell someone and was chased by someone i killed them and changed my clothes and went back to the party i apologized about my "fat"ness
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faded into this mornings first blinking moments of incoherency, quickly subdued by the laughter of children in the next room...
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forgot to mention yesterday: there was a little stick beside my bed, i went to pick it up and it turned into a leach,...and suddenly my bed was surrounded by leaches. last night/this morning: there were three moons in the sky, two full and one crescent, and a little earth floating in the backyard, and a crazy man with one leg missing. my dad called anderson cooper.
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oh right ! we all have weird dreams. i think you will be ok.
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yesterday was the blue robots vs. the red robots, i was a special yellow super robot. last night was another sinking ship, and a toy piano.
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the dreamscape lived in a snowy night, a bright, calm, night, and a music filled night. in many ways the dream mimed the reality that it followed. but the details were quite different. we were inside and bundled, outside and free. dancing words and songs and bodies, the conversations and tunes and rhythms are forgotten. but it ended with a quick, surprised, unexpected, and lovely kiss on the lips and faded with a smile into the falling snow.
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all i could see was the insides of my eyelids, and all i could hear was my thoughts i was in a room picasso once stayed in, though i couldn't figure out when he would've stayed there, i could see a bay, a town/city,...it was night,...i don't know where,...i was looking for some trace of him,...there was a nail sticking up from/out of the floor boards,..i pulled it out,...there was red pigment it was in the future, i was one of three performing, it was the presidents 300th birthday celebration, i greeted people with "ni hao"
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i was sweeping the floor at a clothing sore, someone's friend was on the phone they wanted to hear about shanghai, i told them it was surpisingly safe and clean, not as polluted as i thought it'd be
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store not sore
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the bus didn't stop at the stop i started chasing it, it pulled op onto the sidewalk and i jumped on,...my oldest brother was there sitting on a disabled seat, i was explaining to someone/the bus driver? about hydrocephalus and brain tumours i was at some sort of medical research facility someone had a fake id badge/clearance and a bag full of bombs
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up not op
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I'm always at an airport, go through all the procedures againa and again, but never manage to get on the airplane.
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then I keep meeting this gorgeous, and I mean beautiful, girl in my dreams, and it turns out she has an amazing hard cock, and I just smile and then wake up......hard. What does this mean? i never considered myself to be gay.
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oh dear.. lucky its a dream... there are people born tlike that though don't be so mean. its a boy but looks like a girl maybe... so ?
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but i think i like what it might mean.......
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i had a dream where he yelled at me, wishing he would yell at me in real life.
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ever dumbening
very disturbing image of a horse writhing on the ground, both rear legs cut off at the hip. couldn't clear it from my mind.
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the government called wanted my name and the name of my mother and my uncle's daughter. four women arrived at the door...in marpole...sunshine between rains. there was a pygmy owl on the banister i caught it in my hands put it outside it flew up into the old tree, then landed on the ground turned into a big fluffy dark cat with a beak, then its beak disappeared, and my dead cat zelda was there, they didn't fight. a skunk appeared.
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victoria was in vancouver i was 6 years old my sister got in trouble and hid in a bush i couldn't lock the door i called my mom she was at the office her head "was full of water" i was hungry i looked out the window everything was so clear i knew where i was it was exactly as i remembered there was a cemetery a cathedral and a garden in australia i looked it up online i hid in the basement of observatory street
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everytime i look at my bed, my dreams fill it with you
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my bed was my stove the phone rang everything was wrong
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i was supposed to be somewhere i lost my shoes in the grocery store there were sea lions
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night before last: my ex-brother-in-law wanted back together with my sister, there were really really tall buildings last night: i was with someone, a record store, three churches, comedians, a concert, dancers, a drunk girl, a sad list
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nuclear light
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instead of sunlight
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this morning, after my sister arrived to use the computer, she told me the cat almost followed her all the way home last night, i fell back asleep and dreamed: i was walking, the streetway was only one lane, i saw a black car stopped, abandoned, approached it, and there was the cat, and another cat, chewing on a liver or kidney or something, i grabbed the cat, walked away, looked back and the other cat was now chewing on someone's severed leg. also dreamed i woke up and my sister was reading blather, and i was talking to her,... but when i woke i asked her if i'd already asked her what i was asking her and she said no also: i was running to catch a bus near a garden in victoria, the name of which i can't recall right now, though i've been there on a field trip when a kid in school, and rode past it last august
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also: i couldn't lock the door again
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cut short by the ever present alarm clock.
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was of the same thing it always is. is it a dream if you are neither looking forward to it nor are surprised by it anymore?
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i was at the farm in my room on the computer reading on myspace my favourite homeless guy was asking for money online i came out of my room and he was there pasting posters on the hallway wall i was a bit shocked he'd crawled in through the window he went to leave i said "wait a sec" went back into my room i had a 20 in my wallet and a 10 and a 5 i took the 15 and gave it to him in the hallway asking what his name was again even though i know it but he said it was "horseman" and he didn't look like the same guy and he crawled out the window with someone else and i felt bad for not giving him the 20 i was walking in a park in la? sat on some swings there were dancers with funny masks and some friends and people from bands we all slept on a mattress in the middle of the field and were looking for a ride when we woke up i was wearing my blue outfit
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stuck in an elevator crashing down no emergency button but cans of food two men in a car following me from a house and ghosts
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salvia_resin and uncontrollable smiles and giddy giggles and small rents in the fabric of gravity and conciousness it was in the perfect place with the perfect people the band bonded heh heh heh i don't know why i never took a trip like that before
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being chased flying across a room and drawing on a tv screen
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needs to remain held close.
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but there was a kiss, a tender kiss from stranger I was afraid of. I felt the tenderness, but panicked and ran anyway. What has stayed with me was how much power was in that gentle kiss... and that I ran.
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in nanaimo, getting into the back of a truck then a bus onto a ferry, there was food but i as worried it had meat in it,...it did. and something about my dead friend donovan, and trying to convince someone not to kill themself. in tibet, watching someone walk along a cliff with a doll that looked human dangling over the edge, a trick, a girl and a teacup and something about reincarnation. a house, my mom's good old friend, i kept asking if we were in wales, the hillside was too close, i was worried about setting off an alarm, that maybe we shouldn't be there, i had some cereal in a square bowl, forgot the soy milk in the fridge, my mom washed the dishes and we left in a car, saying we didn't know why they lived there. the roads were icy and my parents said we were near keremeos. walking down the road.
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alexander the great, in a castle. I'd travelled back in time, attacked him. He died and is priest performed necromancy to make sure that no-one would use his body as a zombie. He turned out not to be dead after all, though. I explained to him that I hadn't meant to attack him, I'd meant to warn him that another army was coming to attack him. He prepared the yellow army and waited for the attack. When they came into the castle, the yellow army jumped over the walls and chasing everyone away. Archers shot the ribbons that held the opposing army's chariot to their horses. In memory of the battle, Alexander placed a small bronze head under a curved brick in a bus shelter nearby. And we (the time travellers) knew that we could find the battle of naseby by looking for that figure in the future. (In reality, no-one knows exactly where the battle of Naseby was, though what that has to do with Alexander the Great, God knows...)
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I told Alexander that we were from the future, and because I felt sorry for him, I told him that his Castle was destroyed. He was forlorn, but understood. Later, I realised that it might have survived until quite recently, I think it could have been knocked down to make way for a horse racing stadium. Back in the present, we look around several cheap shops. I look at some paperclips which are called screwdrivers, and I'm told that that was the original purpose of paperclips; to drive screws, but you can't use the modern ones for that any more. There's something about DVDs. And something is £1.40 each, or 6 for £9, which doesn't make sense.
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wow 24 that's pretty detailed
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You think? I'll try to dig out my last one. It was practically a film script. When I do remember them, they are generally pretty coherent (well, for dreams, that is..)
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forgot to mention about being on the city bus, i had a pass
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i went to the house the lights turned off i ran away back to the hotelish place of displaced persons went to my room we boarded up the windows with the shelves and the wood from a violin but had no nails he whoever he was was trying to get in the door wasn't locked he came in and i tried shooting him but he had complete bulletproofness at the crosswalk the hand was flashing the group i was with started walking across and it suddenly switched to the walking man but the frozen hand at the same time the cars wanted to go i got to the other side of the street and a traffic officer tried to tell me something the people i was with got upset at him i tried explaining to them there were people selling stuff in the middle of the next street i went into a store the art gallery people now owned the glass tiles on the walls were nice and matched the shoes they were selling there was a big table some sort of mushroom uranium pate i wanted a sample asked the man but decided i didn't want anything when he showed me the stuff made with goose it wasn't "kosher" there was another table with facial creams i tried getting a sample for my sister but they said it would cost a dollar everything on their table cost something there were no free samples
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a bunch of stuff i don't feel like typing, then i left the concert i was at, thinking my sister would be out in the hall, but i couldn't find her or text her, someone ran past me frantically, i turned around went back to the concert room, couldn't see my sister, everyone was hiding under tables, the room was shaking, someone said something about the earth and magnetics, i started shouting for my sister, asked if anyone knew where she was, someone said they did, but she wasn't there,,,,i ran back out into the hallway, scared the building was going to collapse, there was an exit to the outside, i opened it and went out, but put a folded up piece of paper to stop the door from closing behind me in case i needed back in,....it was dark out, there was a short fence with spikes and barbed wire, a parking lot on the other side, and a group of people running towards me, i found a spot without spikes just reflecty stuff, hopped over, wanted to find a road/way out, ran through the parking lot, someone said something as they ran past me,...then i saw a group of soldiers marching/patrolling, and more soldiers, i wasn't supposed to be there, to've left the building,...i was surrounded by soldiers with the guns pointing at me, they said they wouldn't shoot me, but then they shot someone else who ran past us, away from them,..they started marching me towards another, smaller, building, i didn't want to go in,...someone came out with a little black knife in their forehead, i was led into a room, where the was blood, and a kitchen, there was fruit and the little knives, and a window i could see people dining through, i was supposed to start preparing food for them, i was scared,....(woke up)
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earlier in the dream i was eating a cut lemon i was handed at a door
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things i didn't type: the concert hall started off in my dream as an instrument store full of inexpensive really weird and wonderful things,...loretta lynn was on stage, crystal gale was in the audience...i told her i loved her when i was 3,...also there was someone who looked like my grandma but it wasn't her, and when i left the concert room it was very much like leaving the gym at my elementary school in vancouver, and the exit was like the door to the playground
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Last nights dreams slipped away again. I'm waking up in the "on" state of mind. Anxiety tinged to do lists crowd out my dreams. By noting this, perhaps I'll wake up differently tomorrow.
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last night's dream involved painful, fluid filled boils around my beltline. And, as I recall, being pitied.
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Ah! Morning can be such a relief!
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oh god .... ! i had such a cool dream... don't you just wish that i would tell you ! ... you wouldn't believe it ! ahhh .. it was like eX-TY
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i haven't gone to sleep yet today. last night it was: i was in richmond...mormons and jehovas witnesses in cars i was hiding from both first with the jehovas witnesses explaining to them that i was hiding from the mormons then the mormons saying i was hiding from the jehovas witnesses and i needed a ride home to vancouver but they left me at the side of the road with my thumb out everyone going somewhere else a man in a van pulled up going my way i got in he was drunk and when i turned around there were several scary men we ended up in some mountain pass going too too fast i was freaked i asked to get out eventally the driver stopped and said "fine" but there were no other cars to give me a ride he drove off suddenly there were logger ninja whatever scary guys chasing me then i was in a room some monsters had chased me/someone i was watching/a boy and a father saying he'd hold them off while the boy/me escaped through a hole in the floor which led to the sea there was a girl/me at the shore the only other one to survive we followed the sand to some flat stones marked with a language of magicalness there was an abandoned city palace surrounded by protective living statues an ancient home the monsters couldn't enter we'd be safe there the messages left behind said. generations passed. the night before i woke up yelling "hey!" after dreaming: there was a man trying to climb through my window,...first i couldn't say anything it was one of those scary dreams where you try to scream but can't but eventually i got out the word "hey!!!". : i was worried one of my neighbours thought i was yelling at them as i heard someone in the hallway heading to the washroom
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the candy had chicken in it, it was in a paint bucket, i got upset with my mom my parents were moving into a new house, it was really old, castley. there were ghosts. i liked one room, but it wasn't mine. the lake was frozen. i was in the mountains on the city bus i got off at the wrong stop i met a man with a dog i was trying to get back home
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one night i had a dream called "in the shadows of rabbits" it was magic plants in the forest they grew so quickly as i watched them they'd just pop up and suddenly there were these 2' high plants you couldn't pick them because then they'd bleed poison and you'd be cursed the forest would be angry you could only eat them by grazing i got chased by bullets rows of trees last night/a while ago i was eating an apple i left most of it but bit a section to the core there was no core i could talk into it like a telephone talked with a random man in iceland though it was supposed to be slovenia and then i realized i could just say certain numbers and it would dial/connect to them i called my mom and told her i was talking into an apple and she didn't understand and then i looked out the window of the house/trailer i was in there was an angry looking bearded man walking towards the house with a gun he shot at me i ducked in time the glass didn't shatter there was just a bullet hole and a great big bullet bomb on the floor i threw it out another window before it exploded told everyone to stay low and the scene changed and i was trying to smoke pot and then my dad who wasn't my dad was arrested for trespassing on government land and i was waiting at a busstop for someone to pick me up and beth from the end of grade 2 was there...beth who used to wear bonnets and pick her nose beth who no one wanted to be friends with except me even though i didn't and didn't want to hold her hand beth who changed schools the only beth i knew but never got to know,...that beth. i tried apologizing to her
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last night i went to feed the cats,...and was gonna go up to the loft to turn the light on,...but was too scared for some reason,...ended up coming home and dreaming: that i went to a house/arrived at a home like it and there there was a similar loft (only different/backwards),...the light in the loft was off when i got there but when i looked again it was on, i got scared realizing someone/an intruder was there,...and then the light turned off, /they turned it off,...and i ran from the house,...and a neighbour came along and tried to help me,...but he was actually the intruder,....i tried calling the police but couldn't get help,...and then it was the future and then it was the past and it was changed and through all of it there was a storm shaking everything
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the world of the unknown
spin out or wot
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wolves - they ate my friend but left me... i wasn't smelling tastey !
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i keep having bad dreams one night i tried paying my fare/getting a transfer for a skytrain thing but the machine ate my money and "went out of service" another night, i forget now, but there was this controller thing i was using, attached by a cord to something, there was a timer and i had to click something before losing something and the button wouldn't work i opened the controller thing and it just made things worse it shutdown because i wasn't supposed/allowed to open it and something to do with rising water and another night, the other night after getting a bit drunk, i dreamt i was drinking wine, getting drunker,..and it wasn't pleasant and this morning i dreamed i was drinking more vodka, there was a pitcher full. and i woke up to the phone, fell back asleep and dreamt i was at an after-concert party/show,...and the music was nice and i was enjoying it alone and then someone across the room looked at me and i saw them and heard them whisper my name to me and i said "what!!!!? and they came closer and said it again and i got freaked out that they knew my name and they laughed and said "what drugs are you on now" and i suddenly couldn't see or hear and i was scared i woke up trying to say "what!!!!?" i don't know why but it was really scary
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note: the someone was a he,...i notice i'm constantly having dreams about scary men
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My best friend... Slept with this girl we went to primary with. He is great friends with her but I don't like her. So yeah he slept with her. She got pregnant. They had to get married. And I woke up totally freaked out. And today I told him not to sleep with her.
what's it to you?