endless desire i was tired of vancouver not being a link. it deserves to be. unlinked words looked lonely and unloved.

god, i can't wait.
User24 no, unlinked words are special, they break the monotomy of underlined words 030619
endless desire difference of opinion 030619
User24 re: lonely and unloved, they're full of potential!


if I start a new blather, within the next 2 days, someone will have added to it, however, if I don't it could remain unblathed for years, kinda odd..
nom so many thoughts of vancouver
rampant in my heart
hardly a day goes by without
thoughts of my old stomping ground
childhood and schooling
growing into oneself
losing myself
in the city
forging my way though the crowds

remembering the week i left

the way one misses what has passed
feeling betrayed by little regrets

glad for what is gained

I cling to the fragments of yesterday

vines of reminiscence

those days forever in my blood

memories of seagulls
the sunshine and rain
spanish banks
the steps
so many shops

the scent of the ocean

the friends i knew and loved and those i will never see again

puddles in the streets
cherry blossoms

the confusion of concrete and steel
the mayhem of closeness

i have been a citizen of this city
the weight of memory locked in its measure

how i would tell you of its beauty through a child's eyes
its inspiration in a young girl's heart
the way it can take you in and never let you out

how much has it changed since i last roamed its streets with the ghosts of my past?

when i think on it now, with so many illy composed words and mixed emotions, it's almost impossible to even begin telling you of my days spent in vancouver,
the city of my kin
endless desire nom-that was absolutely beautiful.
user24-yeah you have a point. unlinked words have potential. i like thinking of it that way. but they still look rather lonely in my opinion. words that no one has cared enough about to blathe on yet. i guess i could look at life that way, though. the way you do. that it's not that they are unloved or lonely, but just full of overwhelming potential. you may be changing the way i look at life. though, nearly everything these days is changing the way i look at life.
User24 yeah, me too, I go through more life changing experiences than the average Nirvana fan says Kurt and sighs.

I like the way phrases stick out on funshiney_test_page
endless desire this is great
when i am a senior in college
((in vancouver of course--i was reading about the university of british columbia last night))
they will be having the winter olympics there
2010. god that is forever a way
i am so young and it is driving me mad.

i like figure skating. i wanted to be a figure skater when i was younger. though, i have only ice skated 3 times in my life. ;)
nomme Olympics are good and not good/ulimately everything is positive/negative!

good idea for the city bad idea for the city

our premier is a liar and a loser/everyone is beautiful and my friend!

it is going to cost a lot of money to stage this at a time when BC is undergoing radical shifts/changes and government social funding is being slashed at an enormous rate. solutions need to be rethinked so as not to harm.
things my grandkin worked hard to establish are being undone by this unjust government
homelessness on the rise what a suprise
lets keep the protests alive
! SOS !

i think these things are decided not by the cool ppl who want to help the world with peace love and understanding but by THEM ... we all know who they are (who ultimately do help the world)
who_knows ?
we will see what unfolds!
no reason i was told to decide in an hour whether or not i could come.

which, really, is impossible

i just hope the half i chose works.
no reason i want to go july 29th...

sarah_slean is one of the few artists i really would try and follow. it's an added bonus that most of her performances are free...
no reason anyone gonna be there near the end of august?

yeah. didn't think so.
misstree nomme, i want to pick your brain about vancouver but don't want to take up blather_space... do you have an email addie? (there wasn't one when i clicked on you. *childish pout*) Or should I let my brain_picking hang free in the breeze? 030807
nomme wow
click_me now?
other than if maybe somebody here has been spamming me without my consent, i don't believe i have ever been emailed by a fellow blatherskite.
feel free to probe my mind.
i have to say though, there is probably a fair chunk of stuff i don't know about Vancouver.
imposter is burning down. . .

and the sky has finally fallen
notme please don't say that
nightmares have heavy trampling hooves

oh wait you already did say that

so my plea is useless
Nukemall BC is where I want to breathe.

But BC will never be where I work (if you call it that).

Vancouver is beautiful from a distance.
celestias shadow i badly want to move to vancouver. rock on, canadia. 031028
no reason as do i.
and it might actually be a possibility next year.
scary thought.
endless desire i say we make a big blather house there.
and write poetry all over the walls.
Doar second the motion 031031
celestias shadow motion is passed! *bangs gavel down. hits finger. curses* 031104
endless desire whoooooooooo yay
vancouver bound once again
REAListic optimIST i cant wait to visit vancouver. 031104
monee i could go tomorrow but i don't feel well 041230
no reason i am actually really truly finally no lie going!!!!! aldjfa;oweija;lcd;lkjd!!!!!!!!

now i just need to pick a time. and do my research.
dipperwell take me with. we can meet a union station and go together. or I can find you at pearson. whatever. I'm not picky. just take me with. 051230
nom i keep thinking of going for a week or two

i want to go to the art gallery
sit on the steps

i want to eat chocolate cake
at my sister's restaurant
nom maybe i should go 060123
ever dumbening let's meet up there
late summer, say.
no reason my brother's basement apartment got flooded today.
yeah. not so good at all.
i wonder what the odds are of this kind of thing happening.
nom oh my! 060207
nom i haven't been there since 1997, it was just before i got my wolves 060207
nom oh the way it can take you in
and never let you out
nom homelessness on the rise
what a surprise
nom i should've taken pictures 060305
nom "i'll be back" 060306
nom i said a lot of hellos 060306
no reason i hope you had fun, i wish i coulda been there.
however, provided no more natural disasters occur (heh), i am going on the 27th!
nom i had a very Pleasant time
i didn't want to leave
nom SoMany shops 060307
no reason toronto should learn from its bus pass system 060329
nom i kept my transfers

they're different from before
they used to be paper, greeny
now they look like bank cards
nom thicker paper, black strip
you don't show it to the driver
there's a transfer reading machine
no reason i liked how the passes were good for an hour and a half
made everything so much easier, especially for a visitor
nom i think they used to last longer
if i'm recalling correctly)
still 'good' though.
ivyducktwilightseto I'm seriously thinking about going to the next winter olympics here. It would just be so fucking amazing. 060406
no reason well. i am moving there in september, provided nothing happens to change my mind. crazycrazycrazy. 060503
no reason well. i am moving there in september, provided nothing happens to change my mind. crazycrazycrazy. 060503
no reason what? i only clicked blather once.
no reason is pretty darned expensive.
especially when it comes to housing/apartment rentals.
nom it_was_so_beautiful 060626
nom there was a thing on the news yesterday
about the lack of affordable housing
and how prices keep climbing
because of the olympics
nom it wasn't the first report
but it was appropriate
no reason today. in 4 hours. 060828
no reason first strep throat.
now my car stolen.

needless to say, i haven't had the best vancouver welcome.
nom blathercon_vancouver 061016
nom "Affordable housing means housing that costs a reasonable amount compared to a person’s income. In the Greater Vancouver area, the average rental cost for a one bedroom apartment is approximately $800 per month. This is half of what someone working 40 hours a week at $10/hr earns before any taxes or deductions. Those living on a working class income should spend no more than 30% of their pre-tax income on housing."
nom gosh i miss vancouver 061027
no reason vancouver misses you 061028
no reason the tap water is turbid turbid turbid. i keep wanting to say turgid or turban.

maybe i'll just go brush my teeth in the ocean.
nom nothing like a storm to stir things up 061117
nom it's nice to have new memories 061120
no reason maybe it's too far away 070109
no reason it's my last full day here
for now anyway
no reason i've been missing it 071023
no reason i've only been back four hours and i feel so happy 071229
no reason i miss the mountains 080412
nom i'm sitting in grandview a band is playing i made 46 busking today 70 yesterday i'm looking for pot i miss my island and my love i want to go home tonight i don't want to wait 080413
nom maybe i'll busk some i was asked to play a cafe i love vancouver i just wish he was here it's hard being away 080413
nom busk some more 080413
no reason i called and talked to him today and he said you were there
too bad about the cancellation
i hope the busking is going well though
no reason i've been missing a few of my vancouver loves an indescribable amount 080607
no reason it's strange when you're on "vacation" somewhere that was once/feels like your home. i haven't really done many touristy or "typical" vancouver things, i've just been enjoying being here.
i'm leaving it today and it feels strange and too soon and kind of wrong and makes me sad.
kipper Is where the lonely scientologist shuddered, cried out and went back to sleep. 080904
no reason a really good friend just told me she's moving there very soon
it's good for her but it's really getting to me
thieums I went to a shop in Vancouver
That had queues that lasted forever
....... But no customer groked
....... Just why they were stuck
It's because the clerk was a beaver.
no reason unseasonably hot, i hear
must've traded places with toronto
nom it actually seems like classic vancouver summer weather, no rain, heatwave, was like this a lot when i was a kid 090729
no reason if it was closer to my home i'd go there in a second 100507
no reason it gets farther and farther away
which is not acceptable

most of the days i spent there were the best of my life
i like remembering those days
() (i am flying on a red eye to vancouver tomorrow night. I was there once when I was three. i will be there on a shoot for 7 days. ) 110623
n o m ! 110624
n o m i am here till the 29th 110624
n o m we could meetup /have tea if you want /have time /// 110624
() (sorry i missed the invite. was impossibly busy on the shoot. i also left on the 29th. too bad.) 110705
() on location @7am each day, shoot till dusk, out with clients till after midnight then do it again, and again, and again. i am still recovering. still, i am disappointed that i missed tea. sorry) 110705
() (tea with you) 110705
n o m another time i hope! 110804
() (it looks like i will be shooting again in vancouver in march. i hope so, i really liked it there.) 120119
a clever disguise Lady, all the troubles are my fright, I disgust you.
Feel the power. You cut the truth into you.
Why? Do you think I'd hidden out? On this rely
I could kiss you, with lines of escape in my mouth.
Please, let me bring back this gifts of mine to the woman.
His eyes shined on my back as I slept and knew you.
You didn't leave it all. You made an even call.
My belly released the stars and tears between the
We're where we belong, it should end here,
until the end of time,
Beyond the moment that ends our bondage.
I am your failed husband contender,
I'm your loan shark of bliss.
This dream you've ridden on turns your world to explosions
You need to be alone to heal this bleeding stone.
Now, smell the rain of London, it still insists
That we beg for our purity.
As if we are pure in the rain of our contentment,
As if I can think of this no more.

Vancouver ~ Jeff Buckley
unhinged do you have a bunch of snow too?

snow probably isn't that unusual
winter olympics
n o m pff we're not that much more north or different from seattle, it doesn't usually get this cold and snowy...we have been getting more snow the past winters though than before it seems. 120119
n o m it's more the ski hills that get snow... 120119
no reason vancouver has been getting more snow than toronto, it's weird 120119
unhinged i forgot how close i am to canada now ;-) 120119
() (still looks good for mid-march. probably staying at the shangri-la. that place is out of control upscale. too much for me but clients like it. i hope the weather holds because we will be shooting partly outside. i will continue my exploration of gastown and chinatown. yay.) 120208
n o m (let me know when you are here if you want to hang out if you have time this time). i am maybe going to seattle mid-march but that is just for a day or something. living on an island right now working on music, but i go into the city at times, it's not far, am going to be spending more days there. 120208
() (at this point the shoot has been delayed until april. i imagine that vancouver is really nice in the spring.) 120222
() (nom. as soon as my schedule is firm, i will. i'd like that) 120222
() (nom. as soon as my schedule is worked out, i will. i'd like that.) 120222
() (nom. as soon as my schedule is worked out, i will. i'd like that.) 120222
() (ugh! sorry about the multiple blather. was having refresh issues.) 120222
() (the client cancelled my shoot. i will not be in vancouver anytime soon. oh well, i was looking forward to going back) 120313
n o m that's too bad. 120313
no reason doesn't feel like home anymore but watching the sun set over the mountains and ocean is one of the things i miss most about being here 120902
hmm that was an odd sentence 120902
what's it to you?
who go