daxle so half your waiters are mexican, and yet they still have an indian superiority complex
we pay your high prices but you watch us like criminals
we were just kidding about the peacock you know
bbmo "Hey, Bombay," I always say when greeting him. I don't think he likes it.
He always orders Bombay, "Bombay and tonic, tall."
I cruise to the service bar repeating to myself, "Tall Bombay, Tall Bombay, Tall Bombay..." and when I get there I snatch a tall glass from above, fill it with ice and say, "Captain Morgan...? No, no, Bombay. Yes, Bombay."
As my boss poars he glares at the glass, while the thought, "Shit, Bombay and what?" is making me stare, transe-like, just over his left shoulder.
"What's going in it?" he asks, in such a nasty way, bringing me back.
Quick/shit, Bombay/gin, gin /tonic, TONIC, "TONIC!" I shout, then "tall" I mutter.
Every time.
birdmad dry gin 000824
Barrett Dr. Bombay 001106
daxle they got what they deserved: their beloved peacock is gone
she went and got the elevator for us
I did the nudging (yes, I should have just taken it myself)
he captured the 6 foot peacock, to the disbelief of the yuppies
and then we hauled ass
it was gloriously ridiculous
Miner Hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm food 010609
ajvvs ..and then the bombay doors opened and this long cylinder fell out of them. I'm not sure why, since I was holding a model plane at the time. I attribute it to the cheese I left out yesterday. 040323
what's it to you?
who go