thorn From tell_thorn:

"Do you think people want to be different or more significant, or perhaps simply desire to know who they are?

Would a person be happy knowing who they are even if that was a plain and simple person OR would they be happy being utterly unique and significant to the world but without a firm grasp of what who they are means to them personnally?"

I answered (badly), so:

What do you think?
Doar it's about time this page was created...

and how do you feel about granny smith apples?

Lemon_Soda Where I live and from what I've seen of my society, we're given the choice to be and pursue anything we like.

What a horrible thing to do to a people.

A clean slate CAN'T be appreciated when its the only thing a person has ever known. We NEED culture. It gives a starting point we can then maximize or push off of in an entirely new direction. I feel, as a people, our culture is so muddled with mixed messages that there IS no starting point. We seem to start off being told we're utterly unique and solitary to ourselves, but because of that, we are trained to go wichever way the wind blows. Often this leads to doing whatever we feel like doing wich is a terrible thing. How can we possibly know whats good and right for us if we don't even know what "us" means?

Throughout history, all over the planet, what would make a people great was the standard of their culture. Culture, history, traditions, these are the things that make us whole. Whether we agree with, or "feel", that the ways of our people are right, atleast we know without a shadow of a doubt where we come from, whats expected of us, and what we stand for. Deviating from these traditions or excelling in them are both positive ways of showing our own unique presence. Corrupting them or rejecting them simply to reject them are incredibly negative directions to go. Both of which stem from selfishness, I might add.

In the end, I think we just want to mean something, be part of something, and be great at it. Here, in this country, our birthright and single tradition holds also the most awesome responsiblity. We are given the power to choose what is best for us. This is our single greatest asset, and our single greatest detriment.

But what to choose? How to act? What do we MAKE our traditions and morals? In the face of such daunting decisions in many cases, we never choose, and so all of the other influences in our life choose for us. The media, the government, our peers, our instincts, our education, our religions, our passions.

Its a hard truth for many, but you HAVE to decide, and like the good man who does nothing, not deciding is a decision.

Oh, and Doar, they make the best apple pies.
ls . 060622
Death of a Rose Yeah, I sorta knew the answer to my question even before I posted. But I HAD to get confirmation from the sour pop.

How about this one?

According to statistics, our skilled labour shortage will reach an epidemic of 320,000 people in twenty years if left unchecked. How would you solve this problem or at least alleviate it?
thorn "In the end, I think we just want to mean something, be part of something, and be great at it. Here, in this country, our birthright and single tradition holds also the most awesome responsiblity. We are given the power to choose what is best for us. This is our single greatest asset, and our single greatest detriment."

Yes. I essentially agree with what you said.

IGG how are you this fine day? 060623
Lemon_Soda Doar: I would stop educating people against their will so a desire to do so on their own will grow.

IGG: Not bad. Not bad at all. I officially stepped into my career this wekk and that makes me happy. I won't have to work at the theater nights anymore.
misstree what about yourself are you most proud of? 060623
Lemon_Soda I don't really have a specific "most proud of" thing. I'd be done making my mark if I could tell you that at a drop of a hat. I recently passed my Disciple test in Gong Fu, though. I don't think its pride exactly but I've been grinning alot since I learned my first sword form. ( I can chop things and make it look good, too!).

A note on pride, by the way. Please be careful. False pride and pride are hard to distinguish and both can be a big source of shame. Try humility on for size, and if your tend to get upset, a soothing balm of humor will take the edge off.
king kong your an idiot. 060625
Lemon_Soda I'm sorry but you failed to answer in the form of a question.

I'll do it for you...

"Is it true in your opinion that your an idiot?"

Hmmm...tough one, but I'll give it a shot...

I'll say that I'm sure to have done a few things that could be considered idiotic, though everything I've done always seemed like the best choice at the time. I think I may have a few idiotic tendencies in the way I think, or atleast, the way I think leads me to do idiotic things. A bonafide idiot probably wouldn't be able to sustain the life I have going on right, but then again maybe a disciplined idiot could.

To be honest with you I never considered myself to be a full blown idiot, so I guess if I AM an idiot its got to be in someone elses version of things, and how much do you suppose that really matters to me?

I do wish you had given me a little more to work with on that one, kong, but since queerillas arn't renowned for their vocabularies, I'll be happy with what I got. Peace.

Questions Questions. Do you think what King Kong really meant that he (Kong) is your "an idiot"? After all, we all need an "an idiot" of our own from time to time, don't you think? What I'm trying to say is that I really doubt Mr. Kong was trying to suggest that you, LS, are idiotic, for if that was his intention, wouldn't he have added an "e" and an apostrophe to his pronouncement's critical qualifier? No? Yes? Do you like blather's_biscuit_subculture? Are you a fan of szyzygy? 060626
Lemon_Soda Q Q: Actually, I believe Kong was either A:Trying(and failing) to upset me, or B:Thinks something I have written clearly defines me as "an idiot" and wished to anonymously share their snap judgement. My capacity for concern on this subject is nil to zero. I think someone broke my give-a-shit.

As for everyone needing an idiot now and then, I wholeheartedly agree. For me, it is because I see value in humor, both intrinsically and without. Famous idiots have been entertaining us for centuries, and many people can learn from "an idiots" ability to laugh at themselves.

As for the biscuit community, I was never involved, and infact I haven't read a single biscuit related blathe all the way through. If I get board enough some night I think I might make a run at it, but for right now I'll leave it be.

And finally, I have no idea what "szyzygy" is, let alone have feelings about it. If you'd care to explain it to me that'd be great, but I'm not going to chase after it on my own.
Chris What do mexicans like so much about fruit soda? I see em buying it by the truckload in Waterbury. 060626
Lemon_Soda Shoot, man, I've been to mexico and an hour in that heat I'd drink anything that looked cool and refreshing with a happy apple or cherry on the bottle. Their best soda is made by a company called "Boing" and the stuff is way bubblier than we have here inthe states. More refreshing, too, if you ask me. They call sodas "fresca" south of the border( or anywhere they speak spanish) though specific brands are reffered too by their standard english titles. 060626

Forgot the "why" part!

Same as asking why we like pepsi and coke here...its just what got popular.
. are you really Doar? 060707
LS no. 060707
Doar am i really you?

now that would be different, not to mention ackward.
narcisstic_grapes did the black monkeys really eat all the souffle? 060716
LS Actually, emberrasingly enough, that was me. The black monkeys WERE caught in the act, but I started the whole thing. You see, I hadn't had lunch that day and the souffle was just sitting there... 060716
LS Maybe we were seperated at birth, Doar,but that would've been a VERY long labor. I wouldn't mind living in Canada, though, so the idea of being Doar has its temptations. 060716
narcisstic_grapes evil child.
you didn't leave any for me.
LS Tell you what...I'll prepare whatever you like, here, in the blue world of words where all things are truly possible, and you can have it and eat it all to yourself. No monkeys. I promise.

(Finds himself dressed as a waiter and flips a hand towel over his forearm, pulling out a pad and pen)

Are you ready to chaos, ma'am?
narcisstic_grapes (adopts a regal air)

whip us some cranberry sparkles with a dish of chinese mystic cupcakes, lemon soda (hah!) with pink mint leaves, and to top it off, a chocolate meringue that sings.

don't dawdle now, make it spiffy!
LS *Takes order and proceeds to the kitchen. A few minutes later reemerges, pushing a cart of odds, ends, beginings, and tentacles to the front of Grapes table. Now dressed in a fine blue silk chefs coat and hat, LS twirls his fingers around a BW villains mustache. Leaning over, he produces a dish of chinese mystic cupcakes and sets them on the cutting board. Next, a cleaver makes its way to his hands and LS hacks the cupcakes and dish into thin strands, and then weaves them together with a wrist flick into a long, barbarous whip. Then, a bowl of cranberries is put on the table by one of the tentacles. Setting the mystic cupcake whip aside, LS takes his time planting a watch battery into each of the cranberries, causing each one to light up in the dim light of blue. Satisfied, he ball gags and chains each individual cranberry and picks up the whip made of mystic chinese cupcakes. Going to town, the whip cracks against the air and the backs of the screaming cranberrys, and as each sberry peaks in its scream, it bursts into sparkles that fly out in a shower like red fireworks. After the deed is done and no cranberries are left, LS collects the still sparkling embers and gathers them in a bowel, placing it in front of Grapes. For the lemon soda, a bottle is produced of an oddly canine shape, though clearly labeled on the side of its translucent and bubble glass is a smiling photo of LS holding a lemon. Pouring from the snout of the glass beast into a spherical glass w/ dragons toes on the bottom, the yellow liquid shimmers and bubbles at the delight of being drunken(because its SO delightful to be drunken!). Finally, a garnish of pink mint leaves are plucked form a nearby patron and added to the refreshing fresca.*

Desert will be out shortly, ma'am. Please enjoy your meal.
. . 060719
misstree who_are_you
LS I am me and I want what I want.

Those things change too constantly for any answer I could put down to be accurate.

If I go into generalities about my personality and goals, they would be neither objective or accurate.

I try not to confuse the facts with my own version of truth...their not the same thing.

You might wonder about my past, but trends of behaviour donot compensate for abnormal environments or chemical imbalances.

I suppose I could describe where I'm going and what I want to achieve, but how many times does a person dream the same dream in a row?

Take me here, take me now, take me as I am. Thats me.
deathofarose when do you feel most at peace? 060720
LS Either right after I pray and lay down to sleep, or when I'm meditating.

Of all things, I value my peace, though I know better than to get attached to it. In my everyday life complications arise. When this happens, my thought is to solve the problem, but to not let it disturb my peace. It is what I look for and maintain in what I do. This mindframe can be sustained when facing any obstacle, momentary or prolonged. It is true that I have lapsed from this mind frame, but I am only human and prone to selfish emotions on occasion. I forgive myself just as I forgive others for the same.
deathofarose that was the answer I was looking for and expected. thanks for not dissapointing meself.

says "stay grounded, because lightning strikes twice."

*.* What did she do?
What did you do?

Lemon_Soda What did she do?

Lots of things. The two most impactful being that she loved me and then stopped.

What did I do?

Ask her. She can hear you.


We both did what we thought we needed to do. No more, no less. Reason and perception change to much to often to have anything to do with it. Don't even try to understand it, because I don't and niether does she.

I write about her alot here. Go fishing on my list and pay attention to the dates if you really care. You'll piece things together.
Do tell. Do you like apricots? What about gilded etchings? 060729
Lemon_Soda I don't like the taste or texture of apricots, but I DO enjoy eating them. The reason is a secret.

Gilded etchings can be pretty, I've known a few. Many are odd in an "Okay. Now what?" sort of way. A few are repulsive, and I give kudos to the artist for being able to affect me that way.
LS Don't think just because I served you means I like you. You never got desert, after all. 060802
misstree what scares you? 060802
Lemon_Soda I'm scared people I love won't love me back...or I will do something that causes them to not trust me to be unharmful to them. The emotions of humans in general seem so chaotic and unstable, it is a constant worry to me than anyone, anywhere, anytime, could snap, or has snapped, and their plans come to fruition in a severely upsetting or lethal way. I would like more than anything for us all to live in peace, and to no longer be afraid of everyone. That I love people so much can be confusing, because when I think of myself in what I do, I can so easily disrupt others...hurt them. Cuase them pain and other emotionally volatile reactions. Whose to blame? I khnow only me, and I am the only one whose motivations I can question. Guilt is like a hot knife, buried in my stomach, never to cool. I know what it means to feel these ways and I can't stand the thought of doing it to others.

I'm scared of you. I'm scared of the blatherers. I'm scared of my family, freinds, and peers. I'm scared of my country and I'm scared of the world. I'm scared of Death. I'm scared of life.

I have a doubt and horror for everything.

and I have other things...but you didn't ask about them.
Lemon_Soda C'mon. Give me another one.

misstree you get one wish.
what do you wish for?
and if you had three?
narcisstic_grapes what moves you? 060903
Lemon_Soda One wish...hmmm...more self discipline.

Three? More self discipline, regain my virginity, and become a great sushi chef.

What moves me? Physically, my body. I love my body, though sometimes I don't treat it right. Other peoples bodies used too, but not so much anymore.

Mentally? Anything that is obviously completely into itself, like a history book, or PBS, or a musical. Things that are just them selves and thats what they want to express. Pick up one of Uncle John's Bathroom Readers sometime and you'll get the idea. MY brain really sparks on the vivid description and the path things took to get where they are. I also love to hear about real people and the things they've done.

Spiritually? The sky. I love to look at it, and when I do, that is when I feel closest to God. I'm looking to prayer and scriptures to feed me spiritually, but it is the sky that does it for me everytime. I often sit, or stand, out in public and just look up for a few moments. This can produce from me tears. Its different when I meditate, incase some are wondering. When I meditate, I'm thinking about me, who I am, what I do, why, and what I would like to change. When I look at the sky I think about how vast and beautiful everything is, and that I belong here, because whoever put it all together remembered to add me.
Lemon_Soda Friends? 061016
Lemon_Soda Next? Anyone? Beverages know alot, you know. 070126
Doar why oh why oh why oh why oh why.....oh why? 070126
Lemon_Soda "Why" is a self perpetuating word unless you get to an answer your willing to except. 070126
dessiahs_song friends and breads.
feathers and beads.
grapes and songs.

what did the pig say to the sky?
Lemon_Soda Hmmmm...

Sounds like a riddle...

Dining with friends in native american garb, enjoying greek indulgences.

What would a pig say to the sky in such a situation?

I'll need to think on this one.
dessiahs_song it was quite random actually.
but construing riddles out of nothing is fun.

pigs and skies are evil. moral of the story.
misstree time machine. either a one way trip or a five minute visit and return. when/where? 070214
Lemon_Soda I'd go back and attend my daughters birth. 070214
dessiahs_song if you could be anywhere right now, any tangible place in the time-space continuum - where? 070215
Lemon_Soda Likely I'd want to be right where I am. Atleast here I know whats going on and I'm wqhere I need to be as far as my responsibilities are concerned. It would be nice to be able to instantly travel anywhere, but if was a one stop trip, I probably wouldn't go anywhere. 070216
Lemon_Soda Actually, on second thought, if I could tie the effect to my passing I'd like my body transported to Mars so that when we finally show up over there they'll have something to talk about. 070216
dessiahs_song another one for you.

once, you had said you didn't like a certain narcisstic_grapes. why?
Lemon_Soda I can't tell you or i'd break a promise. 070220
dessiahs_song a promise to who? 070222
Lemon_Soda *sigh*

A promise to me. I don't like to dwell on things I have done that I know where immature. I COULD go into the mindframe and decision process that caused me to write against "grapes", but it wouldn't make sense and the only thing it would add is points to my jerk stat.
dessiahs_song all right then.

aha! one more question (last one i promise).

if you could ask/tell/randomly blather anything to me right now, what would it be?
Lemon_Soda I wish we could go play scrabble and talk about things that weren't important. I need a distracting friend interested in what I have to say to sit with me and drink tea and eat blueberry scones. 070223
olive ask lemon soda what? lemon soda cant talk or listen... they dont even have lemon soda.
only lemon lime
dessiahs_song that sounds promising.
also, a long walk to somewhere. and hot chocolate.
dessiahs_song that sounds promising.
also, a long walk to somewhere. and hot chocolate.
Lemon_Soda That does sound nice, doesn't it? I'd say at least 2 hours chatting and playing, and then a walk to another place for the the hot chocolate. 070224
dessiahs_song ah, such is life.
blue screens and glorious words can mean everything away from your life.
Christ without the cross I think i read the entire page so i will try to not ask something redundant.

let me think...

still thinking...

What are some of those other things that you were talking about earlier when you asked what you are most afraid of?

People do tend to be chaotic and unstable. we are easily pushed to all sorts of acts and thoughts.

I am interested in your views on society and what affects our perceptions.

Do yyou think that you should worry about losing people's favor?

Are you afraid of me?

When I listen to people talk i feel like I am getting assess to their soul. is it like that with you?

What do you think will happen when you die?

Do you have conservationalist christian views or are you open to interpretation?

Do you consider yourself wise?


How do you feel about paganism, atheism, agnosticism?

Where would you go if you only had a day to live and what would you do?

What does love mean to you?

Okay thats it. Answer all or pick one. You can even pick more than one. Your choice. I won't take offense if you don't answer everything.
Christ without the cross I think i read the entire page so i will try to not ask something redundant.

let me think...

still thinking...

What are some of those other things that you were talking about earlier when you asked what you are most afraid of?

People do tend to be chaotic and unstable. we are easily pushed to all sorts of acts and thoughts.

I am interested in your views on society and what affects our perceptions.

Do yyou think that you should worry about losing people's favor?

Are you afraid of me?

When I listen to people talk i feel like I am getting assess to their soul. is it like that with you?

What do you think will happen when you die?

Do you have conservationalist christian views or are you open to interpretation?

Do you consider yourself wise?


How do you feel about paganism, atheism, agnosticism?

Where would you go if you only had a day to live and what would you do?

What does love mean to you?

Okay thats it. Answer all or pick one. You can even pick more than one. Your choice. I won't take offense if you don't answer everything.
:-) wots your name?

Lemon_Soda Christ: The other things I mentioned at the end of that missive where the happy things, the joy things, the wonder and interest and intrigue things that make the fears i have not so bad.

Losing peoples favor is a two sided situation. On the one side, if its someone you have no attachment too or need to impress, then I guess it doesn't really matter whether they favor you or not. On the other hand, losing the favor of people you respect or people who have resources and skills you can use is a mistake because your limiting your options, both on what you can attain through networking and also loosing possiblities for fulfilling emotional needs.

Afraid of you? Yes and no. You might be a stalker who plays a very long game, and this conversation is the testing ground for your sick scheme to hunt me down, kills me, and dance around in bloody undies made from my face. And No, because your a skite, a good skite, with good opinions, and one I see in the blue often. That makes you familiar to me which means I don't fear you.

Acsess to their soul? That is a very good way of putting it.

I have my religion and others have theirs. But we ALL BELIEVE.

IF I said I was wise it would be proof that i wasn't.

YOu can never ask to many questions. You CAN however, have to many answers.

Here is my official opinion on paganism, aethism, agnostisicm, solipsism, epicureanism, etcetcetc: Okay.

IF I had but one day to live I would live my life that day as if I had no idea, continuing as normal, but inside I would sure appreciate everything alot more sincerely.
Plus I'd make out a will and try to remember everybody and something emberrassing to declare about them.

LOVE love is when I think someone else is more important than me. Few share the privilage. Run of the mill, "over used word" love is what i use to describe my friends, relatives, and my dogs.

IF you want me to expound on one of these answers let me know.
question what happens if a beautiful butterfly (vivid greens & pinks)
lands on that mans gun,

does he still shoot the boy in the head ?
Lemon_Soda IF the guy really felt he needed to kill this kid, a butterfly likely wouldn't make a differance. Its possible that he is unstable enough, or fed up with himself enough, that the butterfly may be very significant, even so significant it could inspire a new leaf in him right then and there. But thats a choice he needs to make. 070227
Christ without the cross Thanx LS. i will let you know when i have some more questions. 070301
misstree how does one find a proper balance
between not getting attached to anyone, ever
getting attached, getting hurt, getting attached, getting hurt, ad nauseum, with the end result being more pain than payoff?

is it all just a big horse race gambling scheme, where we try to bet on the right people, or is there something more to it? and if it is that, how do you pick horses?
Lemon_Soda how does one find a proper balance
between not getting attached to anyone, ever
getting attached, getting hurt, getting attached, getting hurt, ad nauseum, with the end result being more pain than payoff?

is it all just a big horse race gambling scheme, where we try to bet on the right people, or is there something more to it? and if it is that, how do you pick horses

I would expect the gambling theory from a child of chaos...

You cannot avoid feelings of loss if you garner feelings of attachment. Just as life is paid for with death, attachment will always be rewarded with loss when the subject/object goes away. This is healthy and right. The sun must set to rise again the next day. We must have winter to have spring. Even people happily married out of highschool, who spend their entire lives together, must suffer the loss of their love(unless they both get stepped on by an elephant at the same time. If you do not believe the price(loss, fear, anxiety, possibly hate)is worth what you get(love, companionship, compassion, sense of entitavity) than you must make a concious effort to not become attached.

I know that this is particulary difficult for you because you are creature of passion. Believe it or not, it is my understanding of the Tree that you feel more accutely everything the human experience has to offer. The highs, well, their really damn high. But the lows, well, their as low as it gets.

There is no easy answer. If you want to feel loss less, you need to attach less. If your hoping for a long term relationship that would be worth it all, than really consider where you and your hopeful are going to be in a year, 5 years, 10 years. Lots of things that feel great "right now" I consider some of my biggest long term mistakes.
poet what is your ideal job and why? 070430
Lemon_Soda My ideal job could be anything. I suppse the deciding factors would be if it could support me with modest disposable cash, I should enjoy it, I should be good at it, and my worth in the field would be recognized. But thas ideally.

I'm going to earn enough money that it doesn't matter what I end up loving doing, I can do it all I want and not need the money.
poet what i meant was if you could make a living doing anything you wanted to do, what would you do? 070502
Lemon_Soda I haven't fallen in love with doing anything yet, so I really can't answer that question the way you want me too. I really do think its more attitude than the job itself, though.

If you had asked me a few years earlier, though, I would have told you that my ideal job would be being the best husband I could to the love of my life. Alas, I have no love of my life anymore, so that one is out the window.

If I were a gambling man and had the oppurtunities and support, I think I would make an excellent movie star or game show host, if that helps.
doar where did you learn compassion?


plus an aside;

I'd like to meet you man.

Give me a destination and I'll ride, ride, ride.

Lemon_Soda I try to foster compassion, but I don't consider myself compassionate. Too selfish and immature. Supposing I focused on why I thought compassion was important, it would be because I would like to be treated with compassion. 080501
olive what is karma? 081016
Lemon_Soda Karma is two things to me.

One, Karma is a whippet who belongs to a very good friend of mine. Karma is known for being very energetic, capricious, and feels threatened around other bitches. She is cute as a button and I enjoy her company when I visit, because she goes out of her way to be cute around men. Especially if they have treats.

Two, Karma is the idea that my actions and intentions will be weighed together and returned to me in an amplified, indirect way. What I project and contribute I shall receive back again. And to be honest, this is a law of that cannot be broken. We reap what we sow. Remember and try to apply this to how you live your life and the rewards will become evident.
In_Bloom Dear Lemon_Soda

Why do the people who act like Karma the Whippet seem to reap the most reward?

Lemon_Soda Well, that can be a tricky question. For a dog, these traits are distilled and can be easily seen as personality querks.

For people, it is an entirely different matter. I can't say I would find this behaviour nearly as cute(and I may even pity the person a little)in a person who, for all intents and purposes, has the hardware to be above acting this way. I will say it takes a unique experience to shock the idea into a person that how they interpret the world and by extension how they react to it could use some overhauling. I would be remiss if I answered your question in the context that asssumed the implication it makes, ie they do actually gather the most reward, because I do not personnally believe that to be the case. That being said, my opinion(and all of this is just my opinion) would be tainted with disbelief.

Let me instead answer by saying I believe your field of vision may be a little constrained, or even colored by, your decision to see what you are looking for. Remember that nothing is what it seems, especially people. They have factors in their lives that are not readily apparent, impressed on them in the past as well as the present, and the benefits they seem to enjoy are not necisarily a reward for how they are behaving. It may seem unfair or frustrating from your perspective, but in truth, it should not concern you in the slightest.
Doar Why_is_life?







. . 090910
Lemon_Soda Um...dunno?

ikonaj two things you would neverevereverever do this year. 100101
Lemon_Soda Well, anything is possible, but if I had to pick two things I would purposely avoid like the plague...

Murder and Rape.

I'm very much against these things and don't see myself willingly participating in them under any circumstance.

Unless you mean New Year Resolutions...
dos What's the difference between lemon soda and lemonade? 100103
Doar and where do you go to let your thoughts loose upon the world?

Lemon_Soda dos: Carbonation.

Doar: Right now, with a chainsaw, 90ft up.
Death of a Rose so the heights are your thoughts, and the lows are your interruptions.

Are they?
Doar and the tree will fall down.


Lemon_Soda I t is a good place. Quiet, fulfilling and one hell of a view. The price? Understanding at anytime I could fall and not get back up.

Theres a life lesson in there, right?
what's it to you?
who go