Teenage Jesus like putty, in my hand, these business boys 011024
sweetheart of the song tra bong I'm doing...something...

Something with...people...

Hold that thought! Conference call!
Teenage Jesus there's...NOBODY HOME!

Nobody home.
Dafremen Ok, well I'm gunna hafta figure this out, cuz I'm so up to here with this corporate job I have, hell the business I'm in in general, that I just want to give it all up and do something else that I would enjoy more. I'm not really afraid to do it either, it's kinda easy these days what with so much practice. I choose my jobs carefully and with one exception I've landed every job I've ever applied for, But I want to do something that's outside my professional experience and closer to my heart.

A speech writer? Counselor? Critic? Politician?(Shuddering at the thought)
I'm not sure....yet, but there is something out there that requires my skillz and dedication to making things better and I intend to find it.
flo crack whore? 011025
Teenage Jesus Doh!

I'd vote for you (and I don't even like to vote.)
Dafremen As much as I like a good crack, I'm not sure how many of them I could screw without major pecker reconstruction.

Thanks T.J. that's....disturbing..
dB Daff, from what I've seen of your writing you could be like the next Ginsberg or something, only much nastier.
I think your future is either in writing, or stand up comedy.
sabbie a shirt with a collar and buttons and old men's suit pants from op shops and im here in my corporate attire to say 'i am more than my corporate job'

i'm not paid enought to care.

i have been advised to do that on my own time.

and i would jsut like to say thank you for allowing me the oppitunity to say 'YOU FUCKERS' to the international corporation i work for. they dont care about the customers and they dont care about their workers but the CEO has a company credit card he uses for everything (ive seen the bills) and i think thats obscene and he awarded himself a $700,000 christmas bonus last year and thats more than i have ever earned in my life and i would like to go up to him and slap him silly but i dont even know what he looks like.
Sonya The corporate world is no longer separate from the world we all live in. Soon things will change though. Eventually there will be a fall out and maybe these greedy companies and their sniveling CEOs will learn their ways. At least I'd like to think so. 011109
DannyH Still no adverts. Only shameless_self_promotion. 011109
sabbie i think its a beautiful ideal sonya, but today i'm old_and_cynical and i dont actually believe it.

be nice though, wouldnt it...
Dafremen A strange day is coming Sonya, it is interesting that you should mention it.

Strange times are coming and we'll find the true worth of the things around us and realize how worthless they've really been all along, how self-defeating and detrimental in a strange "what exactly is detrimental anyhow? The show will go on" sort of way.

I left my big fat job Friday afternoon and haven't looked back. I'm heading away, far away from here...everything around Chicago reeks of death to me and I don't know why. Maybe I'm just justifying my desire to leave here subconsciously? This is starting to weird me out, because I've watched me subconsciously talk myself into stuff, and this ain't like that. This feels like my "gut feelings" and they don't usually steer me wrong. My Columbia Unabridged Illustrated Encyclopedia attempted to comfort me by letting me know that booya doesn't lead to psychosis, but hey...I must question even my own sanity if the truth is to be objectively perceived. So far, I think I'm holding up as well as any human could be expected to.

I've learned to perceive my surroundings in this "I am we" way, that's distinctly and noticeably different from the way I have always "felt" myself and my perception. This other perspective is one in which I feel almost third personish in my perceptions, not in a detached way though, body and mind and surroundings all one. It's pretty f*cking comfortable and it sure has been easier to practice what I believe when I'm "feeling" everything around me in this manner.

Then my brain will go back into the old normal mode, where it's like a show from the inside out. Where I'm in the center, the star...and it feels so real and comfortable too and I want to slip back into my old habits of focusing on me, of focusing on what brain wants. Sometimes, I've resisted, sometimes I haven't...pretty pathetic watching myself, knowing what and why I'm doing it, but not wanting to stop it. Grr...stupid silly little brain...knock it off, you had yer turn to play god and you blew it!

Anyhow, dumped the job, have sold almost everything...have a small nest egg, an old reliable car, a beautiful family and some paradise to enjoy with them.

Gunna get me a nice low pressure, medium wage job somewhere doing something....different I think.

Haven't decided WHAT yet, instead decided to let the plan fall into place as the adventure usual. Things have a way of working out when the plans are kept loose and we prepare for anything that the future might bring our way.

Living my life this way beats dying on my ass in a cubicle for a few fists full of money when there' enjoy.
guess I'm sure your kids are beyond thrilled about this decision of yours. You may not realize it, hell I know you don't care what anyone has to say about it, but you are being unbelievably selfish. 011113
Dafremen Let me see if I am understanding your blather correctly:

You (a person who we have not, do not now, nor will we probably ever have any contact with) have decided that our kids are VICTIMS?

Are you a child yourself? Let me guess, ohh the leaving school, ohh the moving...ohhh the lost friends and singificant others...ohh the lost sense of security and stability?!

You concern is as appreciated as it is misguided.

If you are a parent who bought the notion that kids need to stay in one place, "plant roots" for a sense of "self" and "security", then you have been sold a lie.

The security and stability lie not in providing a constant geographic location or even in the well intentioned surrounding of children with "surrogate parents" in the form of friends, teachers, daycare, neighbors, soccer coaches, McDonald's and Blockbuster managers and anyone else that can fill in for a parent. Anything to get them out of the house, huh? Security and stability are to be found within the family unit. Within the consant and attentive surroundings of parental nurturing, a VERY fulfulling life is to be found wherever we go. The "what" that you feel is being perpetrated on my children is really the removal of external influences that in YOUR narrow minded world constitute the child's environment. In other words, if you move, the "family" is left behind in the form of friends and teachers and extracurricular adult supervisors. When we move, these other things have been KEPT secondary. This is how people live in Mexico and in much of the world. Family first. Kids here suffer because they build a new family to replace the one that's never around every time they have to move.

"The kids, the poor kids" scream the kids because they can't imagine leaving their friends (read "family stand-ins") behind.

"The kids, the kids" scream the parents because they can't stomach leaving their jobs, homes or comfortable routines behind. Add the kids to the pile of reasons.

Tell you what, whether you are a child yourself, or a parent, let ME suggest, that the motives behind your STAYING PUT are twice as selfish as my motives for moving.

Let us hope that you have found contentment, peace and happiness with your loved ones. At the very least, let's hope that you have found your loved ones and that they have found you. So much of our lives spent with our family, but spent with strangers because we won't take the time to see who they are.

Then one day, before we know it, the firmly "rooted", regionally-isolated children are faced with a tamale in a corn husk. Puzzled, they search everywhere for the can and the waxed paper wrapper.

"They said these were tamales, right Zack?"
Sonya Dafremen,

Once again you amaze me with just...your feelings alone. I don't blame you at all for leaving your job. I hate to imagine a fate of working in a cubicle for the rest of my life. I have nothing against office jobs persay, but most of the time the people I meet who have these jobs aren't totally fulfilled by them. They get good salaries but the happiness isn't there for some reason. I think I'd feel better if these professional skills everyone wants to acquire would be used towards something more positive for society instead of just generating profit for some large company.

I used to detest moving when I was younger (we moved several times due to financial reasons) because of the friends I left behind. I think about it now and I realize that I would be missing out on all the new friends I made BECAUSE we moved. I would have to agree that staying in the same place sounds quaint and ideal but it's not exactly great for everyone. Wanting the security of being in the same place is something most people feel, but on the other hand I'm sure everyone wants to see the world as much as possible.

How much will the children experience if they never move around to different towns and deal with different people? I can say that I know a lot more about people because I've lived in suburbs and large cities. Anyway back to corporations. Dafremen you are right - we will start to see what has true meaning in our lives and what does not. Material objects may be the first to go out the window (if they are not necessary for life.)

Anyway I don't know where I'm going here. I just like to think our lives do not amount to a bunch of corporations. Maybe some day people will start to realize that these things the corporations want us to buy or invest our money in just don't mean anything.
sabbie i worked for a medium business, and that sucked. they didnt care about their customers, their ethics, their employees. nothing but profits. i worked my butt off for them and at the end of the day they sold the company (for a fat, fat profit) and retrenched most of the people. so sab found herself out of a job.

so now i work for a big corporation, and i find that they are excatly the same. dont care about customers, dont care about employees but the top dogs are making fuckloads of cash and thats all that counts, right?

i have a part time job becuase i dont want to devote that much of my time to someone else's pay packet ever again. i have thought about my own business but i feel that a job is not worth devoting my life too no matter who runs the company. i have other and better things to do with my life.
mike and thats the problem isnt it? when it comes down to it and we have given up our corporate-financed jobs, given up our houses, given up our SUV's and our credit cards we are left with an uneasy sense of emptiness. the unfortunate truth in america today is that people have focused their lives on the corporate brand that is being sold to them. we are all victims of a life created on and for tv. we are consumer-slaves to a capitalist regime.

its all true. america has serious problems and a lot of them start with the corporate virus that is infecting our mental landscape. i bet anyone reading this right now can look up from their computer monitor, turn their head 45 degrees in either direction and be reminded of at least ten commercials before they look back. what does it say about people if we are so out of touch with our own creative impulses that we blindly accept the idols being fed to us. americans are subject to the "wholesale rebel", the "cool dissenter", those who used to be the exceptions, the ones who were different, are now being hypnotized into another corporate brand.

it makes me angry to think about. look at what is happening with the war in terrorism. last night bush spit a lot of bullshit about how americans can help with the war effort. i am one who happens to have a lot of faith in people, im an optimist in the end. i think people are capable of a lot. and i think with the amount of secrecy and patients being exacted from us right now, people are itching for something concrete to do. imagine if americans suddenly started to ration their use of oil based products. our reliance on oil from the middle-east is a major motivating factor in this war. not only does it fund potential terrorist groups but it ties us politically and economically to those regions in ways that are highly detrimental to the american public. would the islamic world hate us as much if we werent pursuing oil interests in iraq and saudi arabia?? why didnt president bush ask americans to conserve oil? drive the suv less. turn the heat down. why didnt he ask us for all the sacrifices we are ready to make? it comes down to a paycheck. and while the corporations are cutting the checks the american public is out of the loop.

americans need to wake up and smell what they are standing in.

Teenage Jesus You are SO right. And what's worse is that it's right there in front of everyone's face. This whole damn thing is about a damn pipeline to run through Afganistan. BUISNESS MEN are calling the shots. THEY hold the damn offices! They want more money (they always do) and they will use ANY and ALL tools at their disposal to get it. 011114
Sonya Money leads to greed when you have it. Money leads to anguish and starvation when you don't have it. Money is just a piece of paper or a couple of circular pieces of metal. The value is placed on money not by nature or some unseen supreme being. It is placed there by us - silly humans.

So at the end of our lives, after we're done slaving our asses off for some corporate company (whether it's flipping burgers at McDonald's or in some cubicle at Microsoft), the only winners are the companies themselves. This is NOT what our lives should amount to! Human reliance on money and material goods has been out of control! Something has to give some time!!

I would have to agree though - the war is somewhat of a crock. The REAL intentions are being masked by "oh we are doing this to end terrorism and oh we are doing this to liberate the Afghan people". Give me a break!! We'll see how liberated they are when these evil greedy pricks stick their damn pipeline in Afghanistan. Americans are so blind. It's sad though, most of the ones I've argued with about all of this seem to be more stubborn than blind. They know they're being manipulated, and used, and they still loyally believe in what they are told.

It's a shame too. The corporate world...imagine what it would be like if the corporate world was more focused on making things better for everyone. Imagine if they used their fame and power to better the lives of everyone on earth. Imagine if money was not involved with corporations. You can't, can you? I don't know about the rest of you but there are some places in the world I want to see before I die. If I see them I'll be satisfied. They are not all manmade landmarks but nature's landmarks. Life does not amount to your Gap jeans or your cup of Starbuck's coffee or your new SUV (ugh I hate those things.) Life should be about your family, your friends, and your fellow human beings. Unity and friendship above all else. Call me foolish but those are the things that give me the greatest hope.

SUV's suck btw incase you didn't know. I have nothing against people buying them if THEY ACTUALLY LIVE IN A MOUNTAINOUS AREA or an area with rough terrain that would require the use of a 4 wheel drive vehicle. I'll go even further and say that if people living in regular neighborhoods have large families the SUV might work for them. However I get tired of seeing people out in flatland suburbia driving these things around and they aren't even carpooling or giving anyone a ride. It's even worse here in San Francisco - all these yuppies driving these big ass cars without carpooling and then they complain that they can't find an adequate parking spot, AND they complain about the traffic. *rolls up imaginary sleeve*

I bet most of us have tons of things in our apartments and homes that seemed so important when we went out to buy them or wanted them as gifts because of the forced advertising. Most of these things just lay around not too long after we get them. The corporate world is not as great as they would have us believe. A new world has to emerge...
sabbie i appreciate your soapboxes kids, they truly are all beautiful. but have you actually done anything to follow through with your shiny ideals? 011114
Dafremen I have no such shiny ideals.

I believe a simple solution is in order.

An awesome society for those that respect it and each other, exclusion for those that don't.

Myself and 3 other people created a group of the most diverse and dissimilar people you could meet. We have been a group now for two years, playing the same game...the same 8 maps over and over.

We get along because we have a few basic rules:

Everyone in the group is an equal and has an equal vote in all matters, the only "exception" being the vote to enter new members into the group.

To enter the group, a person must receive a majority vote of the membership. In this majority must be a unanimous trustees vote. (Trustees are individuals who have demonstrated that they understand the original intent of the group. They are simply a mechanism to make sure that the original intent never dies(as is happening with the interpretation of our Constitution.)

There are very few policies and we HAVE had people try to create new ones, but we have resisted. We have agreed to respect each other's concerns so that our own will continue to be respected, but not to impose regulations on the group in order to keep the group from imposing its will on the members instead of the other way around.

If a member feels strongly enough about something to speak out about it, he or she is usually listened to. The vote is a declaration of the majority position.

A member may leave the group, complain some more, play somewhere else, but they may not blatantly disrespect and/or disregard the wishes of the majority.

When a member ignores the group, if it is troublesome enough, the member is voted out by the group. A majority membership OR a unanimous trustees vote is enough to make that happen.

To date that's only happened once. The guy got the message and decided that he wanted in the group more than he needed to disregard the concerns of other folx in the group. We voted him back in a month later, cuz he belonged and everyone knew it. He was just young and full of piss n' vinegar.

Anyhow, yes sabbie...I'm trying to make something happen, I've been testing the waters for a couple of years now and a group of about 20 people. It's small, I know...but our message has really gotten out and a whole community of groups like ours have started to come together. The game has gotten better, less trash talkers and twits, more no0bies getting the help they need, instead of some @$$hole flaunting his skillz in their face and then telling them to "f*ck off" when they asked for help. Folx offer to help now and when people say they have young kids around, folx watch their profanity if that's desired cuz it's about respect. I'm proud of what we've done together. I'm putting it into practice wherever I go now and it's making my life run pretty damned smoothly. So I dunno sabbie, the dream's still a long way off, but I'm chugging that way like the lil pop n'fresh engine-that-could.
? are you talking about quake? 011115
? are you talking about quake? 011115
? DOH! stupid server... 011115
? DOH! stupid server... 011115
? DOH! stupid server... 011115
Sonya I can't speak for the other "kids" but I try to follow through on what I say and what I believe in. Some of my "efforts":

I am now boycotting the following corporate stores/companies (long list ahead not surprisingly): Nike, The Gap, Diesel, Abercrombie & Fitch, and all other designer clothing labels like Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein etc. We are forced to pay over 100 dollars for 1 article of clothing that some 10 year old kid in Vietnam assembled and was paid 10 cents for. Nobody wins in these scenarios except the company. I'm also boycotting: Starbuck's, Barnes & Noble, and Ikea. There are loads of local coffee shops around here - why should I have to pay extra for coffee that doesn't even taste as good as these other places? Barnes & Noble - it was hard since I love books but they have Starbuck's inside and that irked me. I'm avoiding Ikea because quite honestly I think their products are ugly (everything is eerily "square" shaped) and I'd rather have variations of beat up, lumpy furniture than perfectly cubed chairs like everyone else. This is only a fraction of my list actually since I am repeatedly adding more companies to the list as I find reasonable alternatives to them. I also no longer bother getting food at McDonald's, and I am currently trying to find another video store here to rent movies from besides Blockbuster.

I have access to a car but I rarely drive it. I take public transit to college every day (30 minute commute to, 1 hour commute coming back.) On some days it takes longer for me reach my destination but in the morning rush hours I get to campus a lot faster than if I was driving because no one out here likes to carpool. It just makes more sense since I end up spending less money on bus tickets than I would on gas money. Not only that I'd have to pay for parking in the city (San Francisco) and that adds up. I also try to use public transit when I go out to fun places around here because it's just easier and it saves a lot on everyone. On top of that I'm just trying to minimize the amount of smog I contribute. What does this have to do with corporations? I don't buy gas as much, and if in the future I decide to get a new car it certainly won't be an SUV (if they still make them.) Cars were made to get people around, and yet they've evolved into 'status' symbols just like a pair of Gap jeans. Ridiculous, no?

As for material goods: I have to boycott a lot of material things these days regardless because most of my feeble finances are going to pay for tuition, supplies, and living/eating expenses. One thing I have trouble boycotting are major label CDs simply because I don't have a problem with the particular musicians I listen to. I don't buy anything by manufactured pop groups though. I'm not sure what else to do about the record companies. I have beefed up my listening of independent artists though so I just continue doing this.

There are a lot of other things I could be doing but it surprises me that by doing just these small things I'm still doing a lot more than other people. I don't know, some people say they don't like so and so corporation and yet you see them walking into so and so store and buying so and so product that they may not need. It just doesn't make sense to me. One of the issues I've had with boycotting is the fact that if there is no alternative to whatever you're boycotting you may be stuck. I've discovered a lot of monopolies (ex: having only blockbuster, microsoft, etc etc). So these efforts may seem superficial to you, but I'm not alone in my boycotts. Now if only more people stopped buying from these companies. Maybe the companies would realize that their power does not lie in their profits afterall. The power lies in the people, it always has. We've just sort of abandoned it for the longest time.
sabbie actually, it doesnt seem superficial to me.

i am a vegitarian, i dont eat at any fast food outlets. i drink coffee at little cafes, i dont go to chain stores for anything (bar food). we have a car but i dont use it. i use public transport almost every where i go . i dont have a television, i dont listen to commercial radio, watch movies or buy or read magizines. i rarely buy books or cds first hand (their too expensive anyways). i dont buy brand clothes, i dont go into big chain stores. i shop at opp shops and second hand trash n treasure kind of markets (except for underwear). you can get such cool things at these places so cheap why would you bother going anywhere else? i buy almost everything second hand, or elseways from little, owner-operated shops. its more interesting and not in a thousand other homes that way too. big brand shops never have things i like anyway. their boring aisles stretching toward an eternity of mundane anonimity isnt my style.
Sonya Wow sabbie! Most people have trouble going to such extreme lengths. I need to improve. It's very disheartening when you try to avoid all of these places because then you realize that they permeate almost every fiber of America. You find yourself literally boycotting everything. Our lives seem manufactured in some ways. I've found some cool things at local vintage and thrift stores and I do a lot of shopping in the local Chinatowns - partly because the cooking I do requires ingredients available there and hardly anywhere else and mostly because I know some of the shop owners. They care about us, we care about them, and it's always a win-win situation. 011115
Dafremen Since when is shopping second hand considered "going to such extreme lengths?" (Well unless you buy underwear that is)

All of my clothes are thrift store or yard sale(except for my underwear) and I enjoy my 5 dollar Air Jordans and my 50 cent LEvis and Gap Jeans. My PC(Pentium 200MMX 48M) is out of the garbage and from Yard Sale scraps gleaned(cept for my voodoo3...on sale $89.) I DO, however enjoy a breakfast at McDonald's when it suits me and I like big chain auto parts stores and my Phar-Mor pharmacist, because he always gives me the good sh*t. I think that going to extreme lengths would be dressing up in shells and moving into a mud hut. Well maybe, but only if you also started buying your underwear second-hand.
Dafremen Since when is shopping second hand considered "going to such extreme lengths?" (Well unless you buy underwear that is)

All of my clothes are thrift store or yard sale(except for my underwear) and I enjoy my 5 dollar Air Jordans and my 50 cent LEvis and Gap Jeans. My PC(Pentium 200MMX 48M) is out of the garbage and from Yard Sale scraps gleaned(cept for my voodoo3...on sale $89.) I DO, however enjoy a breakfast at McDonald's when it suits me and I like big chain auto parts stores and my Phar-Mor pharmacist, because he always gives me the good sh*t. I think that going to extreme lengths would be dressing up in shells and moving into a mud hut. Well maybe, but only if you also started buying your underwear second-hand.
flippo Doh! 011116
m im surprised so many people actually care. its strange that there are as many voices for this cause as their are seem to be and still the corporations are in power. they seem to have a strangle hold on the american community. sometimes i wonder if they dont deliberately serparate people just to keep us from rising up and smashing their illusions. is breakfast at McDonald's so delicious that we cant be bothered to ask what the consequence is.

we should start a rebellion, its been more than a hundred years since the last civil war anyway. and we have to make up for the end of the sixties when all the hippies got offered cushy corporate jobs and nice homes in the suburbs. its time to learn from the mistakes that are going on all around us. doesnt anyone else agree ?!?!?!?!?
Teenage Jesus Of course they keep us seperated. And they do so in as many ways as possible. If they didn't, then "seditious" ideas, like the ones expressed on this page might gain momentum.

Do you understand how much these "people" love their money? The lengths to which they will go boggle the mind. (911?!)
Dafremen Will go? Or have gone? The extent to which machiavelism permeates every level, layer and area of our society is unbelieveable. Minorities V. Whites, Blacks V. Whites, English Speaking V. Foreign Language Speaking, Democrat, Republican, Green or Independent? Packers or Bears? Cubs or Sox? Pro life, pro choice, pro second amendment, pro gun control. Conservative, liberal,moderate radical. Union, non-union. White collar, blue collar. Jocks and stoners and rednecks and preps, brains and loners and punks too. The list goes on and on....on and on and on. We are played against each other...we play against ourselves. We've been inundated in the "Our way is the right way...other ways are wrong" ideology for so long that we've created our OWN divisions out of habit and the comfort of familiarity. As DannyH (please pardon old bean) put it "we define things for the purpose of exclusion." Indeed we do Danny, and therein lies the habit which we have allowed to become the tool of our enslavement. Managing us is so much easier when we're divided. 011116
DannyH You are pardoned. I gave up my moderately well paid job at just the point where my prospects and security were becoming assured. I can highly reccommend it. There is no amount of money they can pay you to make it worth becoming boring. 011116
Sonya Prosperity always come at the price of another person's life. I think most of us have become used to ignoring the harsh facts about the things we enjoy and it enables the majority of us to keep buying from corporations responsible for a lot of destruction and suffering.

I say boycotting those big stores are considered extreme lengths because the sad reality is that some people would literally go crazy if they didn't have their Gap jeans or their cup of Starbuck's every day. I can live without all of that stuff, but I see a lot of my peers literally revolving their lives around what's new on the racks at The Gap. You know this is true. A lot of younger people are more guilty of having this attachment than older people. They allow their identities to be molded by some company that really doesn't give a damn about its own employees or the customers who keep it in business.

I realize that the true extreme is equivalent to living in a hut and mind you some people are pretty close to or already doing that. Not much progress has come of their efforts though. Like m said though, this has to be some sort of mass effort to have any effect. People right now are just far too attached to their McDonald's happy meals and trendy clothing to care.

Like some of the others said, our own manmade divisions also contribute to the whole corporate mess. It's easy for us to ignore the people who labor in other countries to make our supposed "luxuries" here simply because they're not citizens of this country (whatever country that may be.) I get tired of seeing the same types of people hanging around the same types of people, and political parties are responsible for a lot of damage. I'm not absolving myself here. We differ in our beliefs and at the same time we all forget that despite different skin tones we are members of the same species. The kill or be killed mentality has made a lot of us mere corporate slaves, contributing to greed, and we wonder why we are so miserable and our lives are so meaningless. Hardly anyone gives a damn about anyone or anything else, and the corporations know this well because they practice it when they pay someone food and shelter to make some shoes and price the shoes insanely high for the rest of us to buy. The inability to put ourselves in another person's position is largely responsible.
sabbie ok, so i dont shop at chain shops or but nestle becuase they kill babies and i think thats wrong. but there are otehr reasons that i choose not to do these things. i dont watch television becuase it bores me. when people complain 'theres nothing on' they are speaking the truth. i dont read magazines because theyre content doesnt interest me. i just cant bring myself to care what nicole kidman is doing with her hair this week. most movies, just like tv, are aimed at the lowest common denominator and i am insulted and bored by their step-by-step spelling out of such basic plot lines as they produce. as for commercial radio, they play crap music i cant stand and their adds frustrate me, as i know i _can_ live without myer's latest lipstick. i dont like being treated like a moron with a mindless need to consume and so i keep away from media that assumes i am.
but this doesnt mean i dont buy things. it just means i buy things when i find things i like and want and dont feel presured by ads i dont see to buy products i dont need with a credit card i dont own.

its my way of life and i'm pretty fond of it.
what's it to you?
who go