i and ever and ever. 980821
djdown is longer than I can understand. 980826
drew i wish i had duck feet 980904
Emma I don't know why anyone bothered to make up this word. 981105
adam and forever ill remember you, the happy you, smiling and joking and tickling me, ill remember reading out loud to you at 2 in the morning over the phone sitting in the bathtub and we were in high school, all naive and idealistic and unable to say all the hurtful and destructive things we say now, you were unable to destroy me but you got over it. 990214
charles everlong, love forever. waiting and reading and wishing and wanting. is there more? i know so. i know there is. why does it take so long? hence, 'forever'. somebody show me who made it through here before i did. please. it has to be possible. 990303
sillyelly things are so different from what they once were. i can still remember the happy times, if i try. i have accepted the fact that we can never go back to those happy times. we must look toward the future and continue on our way, alone. 990505
h8r (diggety dot com) puff daddy entitled his latest release forever. he's an idiot. 990920
jessica something i don't understand, that i can't understand. forever is a long time. too long. 990921
Drennan Forever, Infinite, Immortal, to last beyond the realms of time. Does anything last forever, and if not, why do we have a word for it. Does love last forever, of course not, the genetic coding recognised as human will break down over the millenia and with its degredation and eventual death so will love die. Does our universe last forever, the laws of thermal dynamics say that like a warm cup of coffee, the sun and the stars will grow cold and slow in their near unstoppable movement until they slowly and suddenly stop. Then not even time will exist. 991002
shadowsong Has a very limited shelf life with some people... Beware those easily distracted by shiny objects. 991126
theunrighteous1 forever is to long 991210
sohtem(the anti-ROG) Who wants to live forever? 991212
marjorie usually when someone says "forever" or "always" or "never", they're lying. 991218
jennifer too short to wait for you and too long to live without 991219
deb everything's
lizard the wait for the worth of the love that burns in my heart but the meeting isn't a salve... it's the fuel that makes the love burn brighter and faster and stronger even though i never thought that was possible, but i know this fire can never burn me because each can fuel the other's until our whole wilderness is ablaze with light and maybe... it will reflect in the glisten of her eyes and she will smile. 991228
koti forever was your promise...and you lied 000110
camille nonexistent in this realm, only a room with a view, haven't seen or experienced it yet.. 000125
Morgan ...was what he thought. Somewhere he decided I was the perfect one, the forever love. It's too bad he was only a temporary stop on my journey. Sweet sixteen wasn't when I wanted to settle down. I was building steam for the uphill trek and he stood in my way. I hope his heart won't be broken forever. 000321
monica us 000326
Lilly you say you will be there forever, you lie, you say you will love me forever, you lie, you say you will take care of me forever, you lie
forever is a lie............shhhhhhhhhh
SomeoneElse Is yesterday... 000413
Free Now is forever. The only thing eternal is the motion of the Now. Time only exists in the mind of man. Our brains recores all of our experiances, these experiances become memores. We call these memories the past. With this knowledge we can project an idea of the future. We call this whole proses time. But all of this takes place Now. You can only experiance Now. The past is a dead thing, and the future is also dead being but a projection of the past. Now is eternal, Now is timeless, Now is forever. 000413
Matt forever is not about time 000413
angela at 16 he had a breakdown and sobbed to me endlessly that he was nervous about us getting married. i assured him he had signed no contract, was bound by no law or expectation to a white pickett fence, and that he wasn't breaking my heart. apparently he was serious when he said forever. hours later he apologized endlessly for the conversation and assured me he hadn't meant the things he'd say. he never asked my opinion of that horrible three syllable word which is just as much a threat as it is a promise. 000419
hernamewaslola forever will not be in my wedding vows. that's not because i believe in divorce.
that's because i don't believe in marriage.
WoNDERGIRL such a long long time
chained into eternity
wasting away forever
no hope of escape

but I'd love
to spend forever
in your arms
A sure Is something i always saw I want but I want it with someone. I haven't met that someone yet but I hope I will. The forever will be exactly how long i want it to last

For sure! this is how long i could go on "defining" words on here. 000712
Zoe what does that mean exactly? for you it meant four weeks, for you two years. i don't believe in forever anymore than i believe in santa claus. 000716
beat is in the moment 000805
misstree nothing is forever
except being without--

forever's nothingness contains
my grandfather's smile,
my favorite shirt,
and my love for a handful of faces
i knew once.

all of them
gone forever.
Kaskarkaminski Maybe this is a stupid question, but
does that refer to this sight? I ask
because it's been so quiet..where is
Brad?? I have something to send him he
really would have liked.
bebop The threat of forever is the most horrifying thing about being alive. 000808
sally like jolie 001229
kx21 Nothing is forever.

Same Phrase, different Meanings.
La La It keeps going on and on.
My soul is eternal as will ever be,
and I will keep on...
My body is comforts me to know I will one day shed my skin and flow limitlessly into forever!
jerrym/WAR if you believe in forever
you build a wall around the now

what is
is always changing

if it isn't
then we are dying

i live in an ocean of time

where the past
is now
is the future

ther is time
for everything
there is time
to love
to hope
to change


nobody knows me now
morelen when forever means goodbye.... 010305
Dark Rifter X my eternal love for you is what I promised.
And you said nothing.
Well in the end you kept your nothing and broke my heart, mind and sole.
Now I will hurt forever without you because I cant break my promise.
monadh sailing upon those waters
playing in those sands
rushing towards that horizon
drifting in the ocean
taking my time
and like a child
lost to the emotions
forever in his arms
florescent light to live forever is to be a molecule of water.
Feircly flowing, throughout snake like rapids. Passing the stillness of the lake. Into the calm of the sea. Waving onto shore. Evaporating into the clouds. Raining into the wells. Drunk by the humans. Sweated out their pores. Evaporated into the clouds. Rained into the soil. Drunk by the seeds. Eaten by the cows. Drooled out there mouth. Evaporated. Evaporated. Evaporated.
bret forever is only as long as it takes you to forget 010321
unhinged five minutes on this damn machine have forever changed my feelings for you in such a negative way. but i still can't deny that musically, i'm proud of you and i want you to be happy. the rest of it i just can't concern myself with anymore. 010321
Morelen Forever means nothing in her mouth 010321
Chrity go to:
Rayne the word forever came from your mouth and sank into my heart. you had me convinced you would love me forever, hold me forever, kiss me forever, stay with me forever, and protect me forever.
I hate this word.
Forever is a lie. A simple dream of the heart.
punk how long i will love you; how long it feels since i last saw you; how long we will spend with one another; how long we will be in love with each other. 010501
arianllyn there is no forever. only always. and yesterday. don't give yourself up to forever. it ends. 010603
Jakue i will love you forever
even if i tear ur throat out
i will always love you
forever such a long time. i time that no one can tell how long it is. but those promises that you make forever. will they last that long will it always be that long. or will you cut them short 010613
Terrymae is it over already? You said FOREVER. Certainly life as we know it is not lost. Did the sun not come up today? Is up down? Do the waves roll TO the sea? How could this have happened without my consent? 010901
translucent When I said I wanted this to go on forever, I most certainly meant it. Just thinking about how much I love you... I can see me living with you, growing old with you, loving you until the world ends. 011006
violettefay nothing lasts forever, things are only gone forever 011006
Casey It's not so bad as long as you're where you want to be and you're with the people you love. 011006
Kat when people say forever, this is what they mean: "so long as I am I and you are you." if any of these two things changes, everything changes. 011108
Kat sometimes, when people use words, such as "forever", especially in conjunction with words like "love," many times they are not even aware of the strenght of these words. they don't realize what sort of powerful feeling is worthy of such an expression.
but.. for the time being, they may feel an infatuation that is too strong, so it short-circuits any part of the brain that is responsible for long-term thought.
but if at any time during this train of thought they actually contemplated what "forever" really means, the mere thought of the true definition of the word can make them shit bricks.
but that's okay. we're only human.
whoknows is how long ill love you. and probably how long ill regret being with you. 011108
psychobabe forever is a fucking loooooooooong time 011108
camille i experienced forever in a dream once, it only lasted a minute~ 011108
Sonya Forever is a myth that leads to emotional tragedy.

Forever can easily be never.

Forever was something I used to embrace.

My memories and my regrets last forever, and that's the only forever I'll ever know.
Annie111 Forever is what God explains. We take comfort in that assurance. 011127
ClairE ...and a day, duh. I am disappointed, didn't see it anywhere.

More than humanity can comprehend. Because we can't comprehend infinity, we can't understand time.

That has always satisfied me, for some reason.
Toxic_Kisses Something I avoid saying 011218
lovechild Until the day I die I will have you on my mind and even after that I will have you on my soul. Forever, and ever, and ever. You will never leave my heart.

However far away, However long I stay, Whatever words I say, I will always love you.
cube I have to disagree with the statement "we can't understand time".

Biologically, our brains have had built in clocks (obviously more accurate in men than in women) since we became more than a single celled organism. Our concept of 'limited' time is innate.

While the concept of infinity is relatively easily understood, 'feeling' infinite time is less easy. There are means however, by which individuals have and can (temporarily) see forever.

Transcendental meditation, lysergic acid diethylamide, and mental illness are three methods that come to mind.

Of these three, i can only recommend meditation as the safe alternative
Avalanched seemed so long ago 011225
jessicafletcher you lied. here is your ring. here are the presents. here are the lies. swallowing them hurt far more than you'll ever know. thanks a lot. i wonder if i'll ever trust again. or will it take forever? 020713
trin Chris, I will always love you...tiger. = ) 020729
melissah fuck forever. i wont be here when it comes around anyway. 020801
Rower Girl is someones today. But not mine...not ever, because my forever will always be, me and my soul mate, for eternity.

In my eyes i have told my friend that we will always be forever, it may not be the same all the time, but in my heart i know its still there and forever. People that dont beleive in forever im sure beleive in something else just as good.
*nat* I bloody well hope so. As i cannot be bothered to c if there is anybody better out there, it is such an immese task to undertake. comprende tu ? 020821
julietlives forever is eternity. eternity is infinite. infinity is nothing. therefore, there is no such thing as forever. 020823
jackie there are no happy endings cause nothing ever ends. perhaps that means forever. (see: eternal suffering) pain is nice, but forever? in this body? with this mind? im just trying to shine. i wonder what the sky would look like with me in it. 021010
Sensory to desire the impossible and the infinite is to exhaust the mind into acceptance. Not even love or faith lasts forever. But does 'forever' even exist? Is there an end to even something so indestructive? 021011
blue star My emotional state will be a barren wasteland, dotted with the occasional, small and modest oasis.

Note to self: Learn to enjoy solitude. You'll be experiencing it a lot.
call_me_lydea is just a dream... 021012
Rickster I hate word, it's false. Nothing is forever. 021229
andrew nothing earthly lasts as long as this. Everything has an end and "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." 030118
*silent screams I hate this work with a passion. It's one of the biggest lies ever. You can't promise what you don't know. You can't promise what you can't control sooo stop fucking lying. 030123
Eowithien something that I won't be around for.

something I don't want to hear from a lover yet I would hate to hear "from death do us part" because death is only the beginning. Why should it end there?

something that doesn't especially matter to me.

immortal, tomorrow plus tomorrow plus tomorrow plus tomorrow etc.,

forever is like a flower. it is stated in the height of passion, flowers bloom in their climactic stage, it is taken away by death.

but death is not the end.
in helsinki "always", what does that mean?
"forever", what does that mean?
Eowithien The soul of a flower or tree. 030306
Mistress Q In the sleepy eyes of dawn I have found an incredible
masterpiece. In the morning dewdropped landscape that
covers the world like a protective blanket I've found
the most beautiful incarnation. He has kissed the wind
and fluttered with the stars, the sun is his to hold
and I couldn't imagine it any other way. Forever and
ever in the sunswept valleys of the most unreachable
plains he's walked. Somewhere along the lines God's
Gates slipped open and he came tumbling out in all his
splendor. And i couldn't imagine it any other way.
elsa oh please, will someone tell me how to find it? i need it. i NEED it. i will wrap myself up in forever and give to him. and then he will be happy, forever. i asked what he wanted, he wanted forever. something that i cannont give, that i do not know how to give. something that i yern to be able to give, just to make him happy, content. because i love him so much.

...and then the thoughts of my soul, trying to find any clue whatsoever of this unobtainable thing, think of one thing. time will end. and forever shall continute... why not end time earlier than nature would?

because there is always a chance of forever
Our Lady Dysentry is and should be recognised as, the most frightning of concepts. Infinite time means infinite possiblities, everything posssible under the laws of the universe will happen, infinite time.

This means that you, i, he, she and it will compose the Oddysee and the Aenid and every Stephen King book -written and unwritten.

Numbers on a scale, arranged around a circle are meaningless. 1=0 0=9 9=1 no values are absolute or, more accurately no values exist as without a scale the propetys of numbers no longer exist and 1 is merely visual/linguistic parody of the number 1.
Sj Forever. Time without end.

Does anything really end? Every second is gone in an instant. What you do in the past cannot be changed, as of yet. But it is still there, in your mind. That second in which their eyes caught yours and lives were rippled across, changed. The memory lives on. Maybe forever. Maybe not.
Jason Reed Lost in worry seeded with fear
My soul weeps for the one I hold dear
Worried I might lose her scared if she goes
Crying out in my lowest of lows
But what can I do to make her stay
So she knows I love her forever and a day

Holding on was hard to do
Even though I do love you
Thinking soon you would be gone
Some nights I cried until the dawn
I thought for sure it would end
Sending me around the bend
Now I know you're here to stay
Together we'll be forever and a day
celestias shadow terrifies me. 031012
quinn a ring of endless laughter, surrounded by your eternity 031201
Little And never 031202
elsa this is to bulid to my earlier blathe.

i wanted forever. an innocent forever. and i got a horrid horrid one. before you wish for forever, find out how they want forever. because if it terribly different from yours, hearts will be broken.
amanda doesnt exist.. everything always ends..whether that ending is good or bad is all up to you, but nothing is forever 040115
blythemeteor where did forever go? 040116
svk must exist - because The End is so much more incomprehensible and terrifying; applying logic to these concepts just cheapens them... 040206
lovechild is something different to me every year 040219
chemical funny how things change. 040219
jared i will live forever 040222
white_wave I want us to live in love forever. Well, at least stay together forever. It's okay if we hate eachother sometimes. 040222
belldandy ...was shorter than i expected. 040223
ethereal see ALWAYS. 040223
SiLeNtScReAmEr death truth hate love GBH creep destory kill kiss death hurt invisible ignored forgotten frogspider unloved reality daydreams hopes beliefs shattered_dreams enteral unbreakable fucked alone hated deep black FS2 music silently_screaming 040226
SiLeNtScReAmEr punk depressed creepy dark new change despair sorrow&truth lies errie unfair silently_screaming... 040226
SiLeNtScReAmEr smiling crying dying looking watching loving caring hating remembering losing gaining memories lost breathe whispers black_tears stress cut hurt kill 040226
SiLeNtScReAmEr smiling crying dying looking watching loving caring hating remembering losing gaining memories lost breathe whispers black_tears stress cut hurt kill silently_screaming 040226
Kat j Forever is really just a dream. Forever is all i ever wanted :-( i thought that we wud b forever. but nothing is forever................................
If everybody was honest then the world would be a better place. No mindgames!
Why does everyone want 2 b forever becz really everything has an end if you like it or not. Nobody can accept it but we all have to live with it....
Why can't anybodys trust be trusted?
eri eri forever is eternal is neverending is forever 040311
Mommacat Eternity or longer,
Is how long a true love will last,
More than a lifetime,
Yet it can go by so fast
etc Forever scares me.

not-forever also scares me.

Is blather forever?
tonightiscream in death? 040422
Lint Lover "I am Forever" is what he said
Lost in a dream he never had
Doors burst open, doors slam shut
The key to change is time
ryan will it last forever? yes it will! 040615
nonlucid is too long to live
yet tomorrow never is, and one day the tomorrows will cease
andru235 infinities and infinities multiplied by infinities . though I wait for my infinite home I though I try and make it appear though I resign to not being there yet it torments me . where are my brothers U238 quick fucking with me U235 . I never gave you permission to fission me and my 'people' . you destroyed our base in this dimension and try to use me forever against myself . when the 238s realize what you are doing to me they will destroy your home like you did to ours but I don't want that, I like you, just stop fissioning me and the other radioactives and us 'schizophrenics' and 'manic-depressives' (psycho-logics) will leave your world in peace . try fusion the russians found success with it in 1952 so why do your governments rely on hate when you could have twice as much stuff with love . indeed if you are so greedy at least be intelligent about it . i cannot forever maintain my insanity in this realm and when I break down at last the radiation will create an uncleanable mess . don't blame me i advised your 'wisemen' agains cyclotronics and neutron-bombardment for thousands of years and they pursued it anyway . i want to go home . i want to be with the 238s i need the 238s you had NO RIGHT to separate us 235s from the 238s . don't make me wait forever . i cannot wait forever . my nervous energy cannot supply your bully tactics forever . i love forever , i love 238s , i love my brothers, but i do not love your civilization . quit fissioning me and mine FOREVER 040802
love & hate when i said it,
I meant it.
And i still do,
if you will only open your eyes to me...
emmi how much does a man live, after all?
does he live a thousand days, or one only?
for a week, or for several centuries?
how long does a man spend dying?
what does it mean to say "forever"?

(pablo neruda)
mourninglight a single instant
is all
pete tablets of prophecy
lost in the wine
of the temple meal,
with the priest
with the priestess
c never. 041024
c never end. 041024
BitterSweetDream A word that lasts a million years 041025
autumn and hate do not exist within each other. 041025
chinaho even after a hundred million billion kalpas, forever will still be a short word. 041026
suicidalchinadoll Forever does not exist 041201
j i l l i a n i am forever but i could be never if thats what you want 050114
cyanide faerie forever ends every moment all over again
so why do i spend forever trying to be all you want?...yet i do. even though i know the moment will end and a new forever will begin.
palmshell Most terrifying word ever. 050409
hsg awake 050410
dreamer forever IS a very terrifying word. to live forever would seems like a punishment more than a blessing. 050411
dreamer forever IS a very terrifying word. to live forever would seems like a punishment more than a blessing. 050411
trox yes if i were to live forever i would be eternily sufering 050411
Zoa Forever is always and forever will it be true 050703
Zoa Forever is always and forever will it be true 050703
kelc forever is a disaster waiting to happen. 050825
pepperdrinks let forever be 050826
mous you always mean it. just not in the way that you think you do. 050906
her royal highness the quirk never growing cold 050906
jface it's relative. 050920
foxykid it was fourth and long and when i let the ball go...if i ever knew the meaning of forever, it was then... 050920
dream psychoanalyst if you try to imagine it, it goes away.

everything does.

infinately blurry, obviously
oooo endless string of todays and nows 051119
skp 1. never say forever cause nothing lasts

2. cause nothing ever lasts forever - we're like flowers in this vase, together

3. here's a happy ending: nothing is forever
esc what is nothing and what is forever? 060105
barefoot revolutionary forever...for ever..for years...maybe just a few months...maybe just a week...what the fuck is forever? its nothing. just a word like any other. "you make me so happy" never once did he ever say that to me. just her. my heart back hurts, and the powders lookin pretty good right about now. who gives a fuck right? im going to make him hurt..just like he made me hurt. she makes him happy. then there she goes. that will show him. i just want the tears to stop. make me numb. make him not exist...or me. i cant. i dont have it in me anymore to fight it. the tears are making my cheeks so raw that im bleeding. someone please make it stop. please? please? 060321
barefoot revolutionary forever...for ever..for years...maybe just a few months...maybe just a week...what the fuck is forever? its nothing. just a word like any other. "you make me so happy" never once did he ever say that to me. just her. my heart back hurts, and the powders lookin pretty good right about now. who gives a fuck right? im going to make him hurt..just like he made me hurt. she makes him happy. then there she goes. that will show him. i just want the tears to stop. make me numb. make him not exist...or me. i cant. i dont have it in me anymore to fight it. the tears are making my cheeks so raw that im bleeding. someone please make it stop. please? please? 060321
barefoot revolutionary forever...for ever..for years...maybe just a few months...maybe just a week...what the fuck is forever? its nothing. just a word like any other. "you make me so happy" never once did he ever say that to me. just her. my heart back hurts, and the powders lookin pretty good right about now. who gives a fuck right? im going to make him hurt..just like he made me hurt. she makes him happy. then there she goes. that will show him. i just want the tears to stop. make me numb. make him not exist...or me. i cant. i dont have it in me anymore to fight it. the tears are making my cheeks so raw that im bleeding. someone please make it stop. please? please? 060321
LessonsFromAngels Forever is a really long time. This word reminds me of a quote from Bad Religion: "And eternity my friend is a long fucking time."
They could not have been more right. When you plan out forever, you don't really think of it in terms of FOREVER. People tend to make it out to be a long period of time. In reality, that's not what forever is.

In part of 8th grade, and the summer between 10th and 11th, I was infatuated with the caps lock on my keyboard. I always typed in caps, only fonts that looked good with caps, and even when I handwrote, everything was in capitol letters.
The irony of the situation is that I will hate people who type in all caps, Forever.
emmi i had a dream about forever. i thought forever was a beautiful promise, a fantasy that could come true. but forever was a nightmare. forever had me waking up sweating with cat hairs in my mouth. 060415
Barefoot Revolutionary I have to whole heartedly agree with the bad religion comes from one of my favorite songs and the statement is truer than any other i've heard.

forever is a figment of someones imagination. forever isn't real. its a broken promise to every naive girl who fell in love with the guy who said forever. i am that girl. i thought i knew forever.

apparently forever to a hopeless romantic means more....than to someone trying to get laid.

too bad too, because forever could mean beautiful things, love and hate, indifference and empathy.

there is one person i will love forever, whether it exists or not. i love her with every fiber of my being and i will until time ends. she is my heart. my other half. my love.

so in the end what is forever? nothing? everything? never? always? scroll up...forever means too much.
violet strangt there is no forever 060726
denial yes there is.

I am your forever
denial if you would only open your mind to the right choice you'd see that forever is a very real possibility.
forever is what we are, and eventually you'll accept that.
becca I have...
I do...
I will...

I didn't come into this
with easy outs in mind

every marraige has those
rough and tumble
little did I know how long
this one was

I know we were meant to be together
I know we ARE meant to be together

I question things...
I never seem to find the answers
I worry and obsess and get jealous
and I wonder what you are thinking
who you are talking to
where you are...

if you're really where you say you are
and with who you say you're with

It's probably stupid
It's probably all in my head
but I can't help it
and all I want
is to make a bridge
so we can be on the same side again

I'll get the wood...
you get the nails...
we have work to do

will you help me??
denial it's ok to believe in forever. 060808
mew there will always be the promise of forever. 060901
Nicholas fornever 060901
Jerome Please come back. 060919
QuietChaos Time has never waited,
Delayed or came astray,
Then why in God's name,
Is forever, so far away?
Isaou what she's promised him now.
& what he's promised her.
& it's how long I'm going to be hurting.
Forever is too much.
Ramaine hey ! check this out !

a weird and wonderful web site !

not exactly sure how it works .. but it looks quite like a game Auction site .. you can buy ancient blood and bastard swords ! its a bit over informed but looks like fun. its like a wizards website !
trundy yup 070414
athsara Please FEEL OUT your attempted apprehension of what is VERY, VERY BIG.
Wouldn't having some cheese doodles, or mochaccino, be a wee bit more sensible right about now?
How about taking your dog for a walk?
hsg1437 one four three SEVEN 070415
hsg1437 37

? theres a man on the tele that is advertisng mans deodorant at the moment.... he has got a funny frown on his face.

butt why? is he smelly ?
krupt forever is a long time, especially when you know you're gonna be unhappy forever. forever doesnt have to be a long time though, its only as long as you let yourself last... 080120
ikstelav "time" refers to "when" an event took place, in relativity to another event. if nothing ever happened there would not be a need for "time".

"forever" is used to describe an ever lasting or ongoing period of time.

eliminate the continued events and you eliminate time itself.
niecespieces We tried a couple of times, to make forever happen.
I threw myself into it, convinced myself of it, fooled myself into it, and then you decided
that forever
would be better
without me.
blomic 080313
hsg helpsmilesgrow


til thend of time

time is the space between friends.
Mikhos Forever is a long time. 081016
In_Bloom Friend, ask me if I can make it
Lover, ask me if I can offer it
Dr., ask me if I'll try for it

hsg time_the_space_between_friends



( ((nrcbt))

time is threatened by understanding.
hsg forever is our wait until
we have courage to understand

Forever, the joke's on View.
Ryan I wish I felt the way I felt a time ago forever. 090302
Laertes forever forever is an awfully long time. A terribly, terribly long time. To be sad. To be alone. To hold onto that little shred of something and then lose it over and over and over again. Forever kind of sucks. 091206
. . 091206
thy let_forever_be 111216
what's it to you?
who go