Aight, so I moved the party here cuz dafremen blather was just gunna clobber any 56K'ers that wanted to party and I AM an equal-opportunity partyer. The bandwidth-challenged deserve a night out as much as the rest of us. So without more ado about nothing, lemme reintroduce you folx to the arrangments that have been made for the festivities: From: DAFREMEN Welcome to the party! O.K the whole thing's been divided into color named rooms. Keg's are in the green and red rooms, of course. Bo0yas in the orange room, thought the green would look good next to the orange vinyl beenbag chairs. Gratuitous sex is in the blue room, not coincidentally, so is gratuitous violence, you'll notice a pit in the middle of the room, kinda let the mood of the room do it's magic and let the night sort it all out. There's the purple room, yellow room, the white room (with black curtains...for the old folx, I'll prolly be in here most of the night) the peach room, the black room the aquamarine room and the list really does go on and on. In case you'd like to come up with your own room color motif, there's some fabric swatches for the swatch-inclined. I've got corny movies in the brown room and romantic comedies in the pink room. There's twister in the rainbow room with mousetrap, clue and sorry under the coffee table in the corner. Everything's free, so if some guy comes asking for donations to the Beer and New York Police and Firefighter's Widows and Orphans fund, he PROLLY isn't legit...although the beer could run out, in which case we'll want to make sure the NYC police and fireman's widows ain't without now won't we? (Extra suds for the widows do0d...no doubt.) Enjoy people, that's what it's here for, be good to each other....and thanks for coming. So anyhow...that is the idea...the guest of honor tonite is Casey who either needs a party or a kick in the head and that's next if this doesn't work.
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Teenage Jesus
I'm the first one here! ::runs around looking in all of the rooms:: Mmmm, cheese straws! Oh, uh, Hi Daf. Nice place, so, uh, colorful. Is that Gentleman Jack I see over there on the bar?!?
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Yo do0d, don't get me wrong...normally the place is all black and white and gray..(my favorite colors) but I wanted to come up with a different kinda ambience...something with fun and the anonymity of a large party with the comfortable personality of a small get-together. (Course the orgy in the blue room qualifies as both all by itself.) What I'm saying is: This is NOT how the house looks normally, although if everything goes well, I just might keep it this way, seeing as how I am STILL "The Laziest Man On The Planet." (Nope, still no endorsement deals yet. I've gotta get a new agent.)
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Hey Jack! When did you get here? (Yes T.J. he's manning the bar...which is why I put it here in the white room (with black curtains) so we can keep an eye on old 'Gentleman' Jack...Jack 'Daniels' is more like it.) Yea man, you're doing a fine job...can you please spit the Chivas into the sink? You've gotta stay str8 at LEAST until midnite Jack-O or we won't have a barkeep and the folx will still be sober enuff to KNOW that we don't have one.
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fraid i can't make it, i think i'll just stay in and watch a john cusack movie. anyone wanna join?
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Okay bobby, I'll watch the movie with you, but after it's done... i have to go to daf's party.... There's a pink room and a grey room screaming my name!!! :)
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Teenage Jesus
Well, I think I'll check out the white room ::slaps Casey on the back:: Whadda `ya say big fella?
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Who wants ta play twister w/ me in the Rainbow Room? Who knows if it gets too out of hand we could always transfer it to the Blue room ^.~ PS Thanx for tha party Daf (that iz if I may call you daf) Absolutely fab Idea!
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Ummm...Bob...John Cusak marathon in the tan room, starting with Grosse Pointe Blank and ending with The Thin Red Line some 8 movies later. I didn't have anymore furniture left so I brought the swing set in from the yard. Should be comfy though, I also brought in the trampoline. Comforters in the hall closet down past the infrared room. (Don't ask. It was a bad idea and I've still got a headache.)
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birdmad in a cloud of smke
daf does this party have an opium den? i might consider showing up if it does
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heh smoke even
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I found Cooties!!! and Don't Break The Ice!!!! and ANTS IN THe FRIGGIN PANTS FOR GAWD SAKE!!!! Rainbow room's hoppin babee!! Right foot yellow T.J.
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Well, it's bring your own opium, but I did manage to snag an authentic hookah from a buddy of mine who smokes poppy. It's in the sky blue room do0d, and don't let the twelve mouthpieces intimidate ya, it's a smoooth hitter with no waste according to Zhan(my bud).
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Teenage Jesus
Here goes ::puts right foot on yellow and spills drink:: oops, sorry birdmad. That's gonna stain- HEY JACK, club soda over here, chop chop.
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Believe it or not, that was right foot yellow T.K. I can't see the J K or L keys on my keyboard, I wore the ink out playing quake2. But you're welcome to join T.J Twister's got plenty of room for at least 12 people (I cheated and superglued four Twister mats together.)
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Teenage Jesus
::burp:: excuse me. So is it my turn again yet?
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Do0d, I got "The Wall" slide show heheheh. It's got the full soundtrack with those little (DING) sounds when you're supposed to change the picture. I'm projecting it right onto the wall in the white room(with black curtains) and do0d it's looks awesome cuz I replaced the projector lamp with a black light. Jack's shirt is glowing! (I saw that Jack! Put the mini-tequilas back! You know the deal, come midnite, you're on the bo0ze cleanup crew, which consists of YOU, so stop being greedy ya lush.) Right hand green T.K....er how about if I call you TKisses so we don't getcha mixed up with TJ?
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you brought your trampoline?!?!?!? SWEET!!!!!!! *runs off*
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Or Toxy works just az well (use to having my name shortened to that any how ^.^) *Stretches her right hand over T.J. *doesn’t want anything spilt on her* to one of the middle Green spots away from hiz foot @ the bottom of the mat and spilt drink* Hi their T.J ^.^
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birdmad lighting up
~~~is not the least bit intimaidated by a twelve-way hookah~~~ oh, and Teenage Jesus, no sweat man, i'm wearing black, no fear of stains
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White room can be the party room. This thing is too spread out. Booze, drugs, gratuitous sex and violence can all mix in harmony like they're supposed to here. I'm loaded, blitzed and lookin for a fight. Who will be my victory lay?
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Teenage Jesus
Hey Toxy; watch out, I am a spilling machine tonight. Hey, I just finally got the whole "white room with black curtains" thing. Cream, eh? Damn I'm slow... Where is the freaking guest of honor?!?
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He's prolly off moping somewhere about how unlikable he is while we have a whole house full of twisted freaks that would LOVE to like him...maybe....if he doesn't suck too bad...which I'm SURE he doesn't! Maybe. Well he's the guest of honor so he's welcome here even if he does suck...which I'm sure he doesn't...maybe. I don't even know the guy...does he suck? Would someone tell me pleasE!!!? No norm, no gratuitous sex in the white room(with black curtains) or my wife has a sh*t fit and throws us all out on our ear. However there is a slideout panel in the adjecent room if you'd like convenient access to the bar. That would be the magenta room... Hey bird! Can you snake one of those hookah hoses down to the magenta room? Norm needs drugs sex AND booze, I'm tenatively calling the magenta room "Return to Normalcy"". Jack, toss a bottle of Stolichnaya through that slide out panel woudja? Vodka ok norm? Left hand red T.J.
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I've got to admit, that worked out nicely.
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Daf: "Would someone tell me pleasE!!!?" Well quite honestly I can't say az he made the best of first impressions on me, but *shrugz* it wasn’t anything I couldn’t rise above and over look, and az of the moment I'd have to say he's quite charming, although I can't say what I'll think of him in the future. So their dearest Daf is your answer. T.J. that’s ok, after all theirs nothing wrong w/ getting nice wet and slippery (I am after all talking about the Twister mat ^.~)
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Left hand blue Toxey... Looks like the bird is happy...someone get him a gin and juice for when he wakes up.
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Blue? Why Daf are you telling me to cool it a bit? You know if you weren’t the spinner I’d ask you to come and play w/ me ^.~ *Puts her left hand on the second to the top blue* mmmm, looks like I gotcha surrounded T.J.
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Sorry, I had Model U.N. and Drama all day. Im here now. Hmmm, loving and a swift kick in the head eh. Then I guess I should go to the blue room. I love you guys.
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Ahhh I think we've found our guest of honor....special room for you: The crystalline room...it's like the blue room but without the gratuitous violence...ohh and without the sex...and there's no pit either...ok, so it's not really like the blue room, but there's a lot of great folx that would like to meet you because you're the guest of honor and that's who they've been waiting in that gawdforsaken room all day to see... I'm not making that room seem very appealing to you am I? If not, come on into the white room with me and TJ and watch "The Wall" slide show...we're turning the slides around backwards this time. Norm's passed out and he's apparently quite the babe hound...geezus looks like he tore through them more than anything else (cocks head to the side) and I'm not exactly sure how he (or she) got into that position. Is he asleep or passed out? There's a smile on his face and a string of drool...sleeping. Lots of choices anyhow casey and welcome to the party do0d. By the way, I've just met you, but so far you don't seem to suck anymore than most folx that I know...
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Whoa, whoa. Just resting my eyes. So we're agreed than? There will be a no-pants zone in every room. Hey everyone, no pants! Look... no pants! Get those pants off! Yes! Pants suck! Down with pants, down with pants! A party's not a party without a no-pants zone.
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by "The Wall" do you mean Pink Floyd's "The Wall"
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Hey you are king for a night of the magenta room pal...have a no-walking-by-without-sexually-stimulating-norm-in-some-way zone for all I care as long as everyone's consenting. Alright Jack, the open bottles are all yours as soon as you bring the full over here and set them next to my chair so I don't have to get up. Thanks Jock-O yer a real sport buddy, enjoy you've earned it... Everyone still having fun? (More beer nuts in the silver room please Jack. Yea man take the Chivas with you, just get some beer nuts there pronto..and the Beefeater.) (No Jack they aren't drinking it, they're cleaning a stain. Yea and the beer nuts, thanks my pickled friend, you're a chum.) Right hand yellow T.J.
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Yea Casey...you down with that? There's always John Cusak in the tan room. I mean but come on man..."The Wall" in all of its black light lit, slide projected, ding overdubbed full soundtrack in stunning stereo hi-fi glory? Who could pass that up? That isn't having sex I mean.
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me. I could pass it up. and I am right now. sadly, I'm not having sex right now, either. I'm not even here. this is a fax that I'm sending to your "party" as an R.S.V.P. kinda thing I guess. no disrespect to casey, but I don't attend parties of people who thought of 9 people before me to compliment.
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Oh hell yeah I'm doing the slide show. It's to bad I forgot my red handled hammer, brick, and the t-shirt with the bombers on it.
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Left hand red Toxey...steady that glass TJ...no don't rest it on her bum do0d like on the floor is fine. Hey Jack...I gotta doob a smokie, have a light? Oh and Jack-O...could you send this telegram to noc: Yer loss chicklette (stop). That list is miles behind in my mind (stop). A whim on the end of a thread spun of gossamer strands of nothing (stop). Dat cho0 be happy is of course what I would loaf for sho0 to be having ta mos-ed jo0 know (stop). (smiley face): )
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Daf darlin seems I've got better things to do (Like my BF) than flirt w/ a sleeping drooling TJ (Sorrie bud), but I bid you (and every one else) a fair and wonderful party ^.^
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hey, if you want to keep your pants on stay out of the zone. There's signs, "No-pants zone: enter at your own risk". So cool your jets, there coach, nobody has to do anything they don't want to. I'm exhausted, one last 24 and a couple of joints and I think I'm gonna hit the sac... and then I'm gonna go to bed.
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Teenage Jesus
Where in the hell am I!?! ::throws twister mat blanket off:: What? It's Thursday? Whew- do I need a dare of the hog.
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Some Hawg
I DARE you!
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After the slide show I go and watch John Cusack movies, making it just in time for High Fidelity.
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Hey awesome...go from Hi-Fi ding overdubbed Floyd to HighFidelity Ain't-nothin-but-a-thing overloved John Cusak. Excellent. I'm gunna start cleaning up...have fun people...that's what it's there for.
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bird! wake up bird! party's over man. bird!...hey bird! party's over man. yo bird! hey bird man...party's over time to go. bird! wake up bird! party's ove...
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Teenage Jesus
FRIDAY!?! What the hell is in these drinks?!?
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Party's over gents and ladies... see also: CENSORED
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hey everybody, I'm here. hello...hello? Fuck. Got the wrong day.
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I just moved. Let the fiesta begin anew! We've got new names on the guest list...so say howdy hey to: kerry and syrope and ilovepatsajak and shadesofgrey and blue star and little fury bug and spoons.. Or hey, F*ck it! IGnore them and everyone head to the rainbow room for mega-twister on my new teflon-coated quadruple-wide mat. Tequila shots for the losers!
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Tonight's guest of honor is...blue star! Kinda goes with the whole color theme and who better to be the star of the festivities!?
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hey guys... i brought balloons and party favors. anyone want a sucker? ha. ok, i'll just have them all to myself. fine. you're missing out. no suckers? this is the last call... red and blue and green... ok. fine, they're all mine.
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can i bake your bathroom?
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oooh, twister! fun! and suckers...hm..do you have the blue raspberry kind that turns your tounge and teeth and lips bright blue? if you do, i'll have one of those ^.~ anyone want to join me in a game of Mafia? or Hobo Train? (those who havn't played mafia should!)
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*doesnt care that she's late...bounces madly on the trampoline until she's exhausted* i'll be in the pink room! *grabs a few pillows and some diet coke* lemme know when ya'll restart that twister game.
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Sailor Jupiter
heh heh All the different color rooms like in "The Masque of the Red Death" by Poe. =P *does a shot of Jack Daniels*
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kerry, suckers in the key lime green room please...had the floors coated for gum chewers and sucker suckers. Course if you wanna risk dropping yours on that shag carpeting...that's your business. Welcome to the party anyho0w folx! Glad you could make it. Where is that damned blue star? Got Jack N Cokes ready mixed in the fridge over in the white room(with black curtains) Jupiter...in case the first few start to kick your ass...no coordination required dontcha know. Where are those old timers anyhow? Right hand green Ariadani...Mafia for the losers after the tequila shots. Should make it interesting.
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blue star
That's me! Always late but worth the wait. I'd like to thank the little people... (Otherwise they'll get mad, you know...), and most especially, Dafreman, for making such a wonderful party. I love you all! Where's the jack?
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blue star
so what exactly does being "guest of honor" mean? do you just get to yell at me all night?
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blue star
ok so i guess i killed your party, mr dafreman, sir. I willingly hand over my paper "guest of honor" party hat.
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Teenage Jesus
[...as the Nuevo Fiesta entered day number two, Teenage_Jesus arrived with Dave_Christ in tow...] Don't get excited, Dave forgot the hash. Say, there's a lot of people here...how `bout a sucker for me? Got watermelon? I'm going to pass on the twister (waste of good drinkin' time, eh?) I think I'll check out the white rooom to see if god, or satanX3 slipped in...and didn't I see Da King around? DannyH!! Put that T-Party on hold and get over here...I've already had a few...
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can I come to the party? I can um.. make sure no one taps on the fishtank or something?
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Sailor Jupiter
Cheer-Up-Emo-Kid, you can hang w/me. I'll need someone to hold my hair back later. =) Or are there magical hangover preventer pills in a drawer somewhere. Starts digging in a drawer. Ooh glow sticks!
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k i'm passing out the leftover suckers... anyone up for a good old game of Spin the Bottle?
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ok i'm handing out leftover suckers... and also anyone up for a good old fashioned game of Spin the Bottle?
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Oh! ME ME ME! *raises hands excitedly* Count me in!
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i'm in!
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Tell you what... You kids spin em...me and T.J. will sit over here and empty em. Nother Negra Modelo T.J? Geezus Dave! Get the friggin suckers out of yer ears do0d...yer wiggin me out! Oh wait...are those Blow Pops? Oh I get it now...heheheh Cool trick. Blue star...as guest of honor it's your job to have a better time than anyone else....so if you're not...get busy! Looks like Jupiter's edging you out as we speak...here take this Milk Dud gun and show him who's guest of honor.
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Sailor Jupiter
I'll play spin the bottle only if i'm PROMISED a kiss. ^_~
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blue star
am I STILL the guest of honor? sweet!
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Teenage Jesus
Modelo! Modelo! Hey Dave, you should play spin the bottle with `em. Daf, is Sailor_Jupiter 's skirt getting to you to? Did I say that out loud? Ooops...
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oh I can help to empty the bottles... mmmm...milk duds
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Sailor Jupiter
Yeah yeah, the skirt's getting to me too, but it's STAYING on. Always wanted to make out with a member of the Holy Trinity though. =)
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hey daf...you got those boots for me?
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Skirt? Sh*t, I thought that was a kilt! One pair of kanga-boots coming up jane. You might wanna keep it toned down in the chartreuse room though. Extra low ceiling on the south end. Awes0me effect though. Alright Dave put down my Takis!! T.J. can't you keep that br0ther of yours from hoarding the munchies? It stopped being funny after the second box of strawberry zingers do0d.
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i brought soup! everyone eat soup in the whichever room is set aside for munchies!
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which kind of soup? i am a vegan...
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but i do enjoy soup
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wait a minute...they were go-go boots and i was supposed to be in the scarlet room i think...
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Yea...well I'm 3 days into this bash lady...what did you expect? Ok so gimme the friggin kanga boots back and take these bright orange go-go boots. (Hands go-go boots to jane) Damn who brought all of this soup into the white room(with black curtains)?! Smells like the soup bar at Country Buffet. Gimme some of the barley beef. Mmmm.
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the soup i brought is actually vegan... it was kindof spicey, but good with lemon. there are bunches of soup!
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Sailor Jupiter
No soup for you! 1 year!
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Dave Christ
Hey man, I think I scraped my ear drum! Is there a doctor in the house?
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check the icky-hospital-green room.
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daf...calm down man...parties are supposed to be fun! thanks for the boots
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i think i might be late. what color is the sleeping room?
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squint was actually invited so there
**stands in corner** this is SOoOo lame. I only came because that vegan soup sounded good. HUMPH. (ok ok, fine, FINE Dafremen isn't that bad. i just like pretending hes annoying.)
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Jane, fun is in the eye of the beholder. Seeing as how I would have to re-stucco that ceiling and seeing as how all of those little bits of coral would cut through your head like a can opener, you can see why I might ask you to keep the kanga boots on medium setting. Squint, you are certainly invited and you're definitely welcome to be annoyed by me...in fact.. I usually invite it. By the way, the party isn't lame...it's laid back...except of course what's going on in the pink room...(romantic comedies) definitely lame. Right foot blue Ariadani. Where the hell is that beef barley soup?! Dave...get yer hand out of my soup man. Fluffy cotton ball white room, bijou.
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**walks into an endless white room and is never seen again**
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squint! go into the light! follow the light it will set you free! Wait! come back! The light kills! AHHH we're all gonna die!
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Heheh she´s in the room of smoke and mirrors...don't worry, eventually she'll get tired of bumping into the same mirror over and over again. Left Hand Yellow Dave. (No I mean you must've dribbled on yourself in the john do0d. There's a new invention...it's called a sink, try using it some time. Here take this paper towel and see if yer brother wants another beer.) Right Foot Red Ariadani.
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possessed angel
**steps out of the shadows...** Hey Daffy, urm... I mean, Grand High Lord Roger_Dafremen. Schway party man. I see your in the middle of a game of twister so I guess now is not a good time to kick your ring or kiss your ample tushy or what ever. I'll be right back toots. **picks up his squirt_gun and box of chocolates and follows squint into the smoke and mirrors room**
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phew...false alarm...nobody died. wow that was some gooooood weed. anyone else want a hit? why does my forehead hurt? damn...theres a big bruise on it. Weird. Oh well :) Funny...i can't seem to find my favorite pink lighter...does anyone know where it went?
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Dave Christ
OW! I burned my hand! Where is that doctor?!?
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Im a doctor.
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Dave Christ took the lighter! I saw him! i'll take a hit
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Was shomone offering to kish(hick) my ample tooshy til my ears ring or shomthing..(hick)? Blight Fand Glipt Areoldanti.. ¡Ploop! Be a pal and gimme a hand up(hick) woodja Dave..?
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im tripping i dont know whats going on all my friends are asleep my eyes are open wide and i cant get them to shut right away my head is fuzzy i shouldnt be herewhat did i take? ive neverfelt like this the floor its sideways no i cant walk it might eat my feet. the water i drank didnt do anything nobody knows what im talking about why cant they understand me they are asleep i have to go
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*searches desperately for the Glipt circle*
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Teenage Jesus
Dave! Wake the hell up! Daffy is talking to you! Here Daf,- ups-i-daisy - there you go! Back on your feet; but for how long...how long... Hey Doc, pass me that sigmoidoscope, I wanna take a look, you-know-where! Somebody prop Dave up next to something...
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Hey daf, sorry I disappeared for a while... can't stay long.. the job search must continue...
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Wazza? Is this thing still going on? Geezus, my head. No Dave, I wasn't looking for T.J., yea...bean bag chair pellet margarita sounds interesting...bottom's up do0d. Still playing Ariadani? Left Hand Green.
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hey Dave...wanna give me my lighter back? Thanks I'd appreciate it. Im not sayin u stole it... Im just asking for it back :) Its very sentimental
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Could you describe the alleged lighter? I'll nedd as much detail as you can provide.
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Teenage Jesus
Just give her the damn lighter Dave, `ya damn clepto! Hey Look! Daffy's got a lamp shade on his head!
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no, i quit when i couldnt find the glipt circle...anyone know where a blanket is?
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Teenage Jesus
No blanket, but you can use my flowing robes...and I think I have my swaddeling clothes around here somewhere.
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nevermind...i think i'll just wander around barefoot anyway. what kind of food do you have?
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Its pink...just a plain pink cheap BIC lighter...It has a few wax spots on it from when i light candles. Its kind of old and doenst have that damn child safety thing on it...I really do love it. Please return it. Thanks :)
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Hey, don't look at me! I didn't take it. I'm just a little ol' lamp, sitting here in the corner, drinking Jaegermeister with Peach Schnapps chasers.
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Dave Christ
OK- here's your lighter. I think I used all the fluid though. Should I not drink that stuff; my tummy hurts...
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Well at least I have the empty shell of what used to be my lighter. I just got back from camping so I really could have used it. OH well. Thanks man.
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My return has come. This time I will be glad to take up the honor of being the key master. Come on everyone, hand them over.
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Don't you have the limbo here? Oh well, I'll just go play twister. Oh yeah, I'm not one for much drinking-I don't handle it well-so, do you have any tea or something?
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i have lots of tea. what kind do you want. i recommend the ginger peach, but i have lots n lots of different kinds, depending upon what youre in the mood for. mmm, flowy robes. i dont think i'd fit in the swaddeling clothes, though.
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Teenage Jesus
[MUST warn you...] my_typing_sucks as well...
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i'm gonna go have a smoke...anyone else wanna come?
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*looks around confusedly and goes to sit under the "lamp" in the corner*
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i'm feeling super-bummed. someone come get drunk with me... :(
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kerry what are you going to drink to become inebriated? there's red or white wine, beer of your choice, or we could make some cocktails [haha i can't say that without laiughing] i'm super-depressed as well had a bad night last_night
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well-maybe I'll have a gin and tonic
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poetic onslaught
hey can i join the party or is it over already? i dont need an invitation do i? if i do, i think my girl maryjane can help me get in. she has red hair and green eyes and is very freaky. she loves to be kissed and she's very experienced when it comes to giving pleasure. a few kisses from her will send shivers down your spine and make your body tingle. i dont mind sharing her. we can all run a train. awww hell nevermind. i dont do well in social gatherings anyway.
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the party can't be over
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possessed angel
Its never over! CANNONBALLLLL... *THUDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
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iiii...wanna rock_and_roll all night and party everyday!!!!!!!!!!!
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eddie monster
is there anything around here i can steal
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Wow...I'm still having a party and noone invited me?! I'm offended and yet somehow flattered at the same time. ALRIGHT! Who Jell-O'd up the slip-n-slide in the hallway?! That's shag carpeting for gawd sake!
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"shag" carpeting? ha!
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eddie monste
i've always wanted some
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Ok, that explains the Jell-O. You gentlemen been to the Blue room yet? I'm sure the shag care-petting going on in that place should be to your liking. Watch out for Hyo0bie the Monk though...he doesn't really do anything religious with that crucifix. (Depending upon your definition of religion of course.) Back to the White Room (with black curtains.)
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eddie monster
i want to see him deep throat that crucifix.
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Blue room's that way then (points to the left) eddie....enjoy. Another Bohemia Lager TJ?
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Are you kidding? I run the House o' Bottles that's on the backside of this townhouse. Yea so it brought down the property values. The convenience is nice and the profits paid for all these props. Feel free to explore, that's part of the ambience. It's to give everyone a space where they feel comfortable. Except the ones that don't want to feel comfortable..for them there's the black room with no windows and no doors...just a gaping hole where its heart used to be. Red hand YELLOW? How the hell am I supposed to put my right hand over..oh thanks TJ, yea another Modelo would be nice. Thanks do0d. Ok fine! I lose fer gawd sake...wherez the pretzels? Jack? Yea hey run to the front and tell Ahmed I need about 8 bags of pretzels back here. Thanks.
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"go getcher *hic* own petzels..*hurl*."
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"Ok, well I think Jack needs to get some hookah action to mellow him out a little. Norm, the hookah's in the no-pants zone again do0d. I told you I'm not lettin you trick me into going in there again. Right foot green TK."
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who is the guest of honour?
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Joda is the guest of honor for suggesting we create a dafremen_fan_club. I've really been waiting for one forever. Thank gawd I'm not crazy. (No jack, I didn't want a second opinion, thanks anyway.) Well I hope there are lots of you enjoying this stupid sh*t I've been doing and not taking any of it too seriously. Ok I'm back to the white room (with black curtains) to watch The Stand by Stephen King, as interpreted by Blue Man Group, on my slide projector. Should be cool or at least have a sedating effect. Is there anymore Guinness Draught?
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realistic optimist
now that daf has left, the party is only gettin more raucous. i'm going on a beer and crack run, so lemme know whatcha need and gimme some duckets.
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: ) (Should I? Yes I must.) To quote the mighty Ted from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure... Be good to each other... and party on do0ds!
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holy jesus, mary and comatose donkey in the corner... f**k doOd my head hurts, what the hell happened last night? oh my liver for some pepto and pop rocks.... porcelain bowel please.
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nice party i wonder if youd have indian chicken
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the party continues on!
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wooooooooooooo *grabs vodka* im liking you more and more! when's your birthday? we need to throw a huge party on blather to celebrate. birthdays appear to be another one of those priceless occasions on which to get cyberpissed. ah well never pass up the chance to drink vodka, right? even if it is virtual. party on!
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oh man dude i think i may have missed the eighties...have you seen them somewhere around here?
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Follow s'bob to the pink room...eighties galore oingo boinging around in there...
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Teenage Jesus
dang...you still here?
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to my monkey
i love hearing people snore... it means they are in peace.
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i have no idea what's goin on
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up yours
have fun at your party won't you. leave me out of it i'm not fucking interested.
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up yours
have fun at your party won't you. leave me out of it i'm not fucking interested.
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Ok..so apparently someone left these bitter messages on the answering machine. Hmm..wonder who. Eh..ni modo. Time to straighten up for the party! Ok, just so everyone knows, I reallu went all out for this one. My friend Pak set the "lower grade" (although still primo) stuff aside for a few closer friends, and offered us a chance at his seasonal (and very limited) batch of LGS. (Some say it means Locally Grown Skunk, others say Lime Green Skunk. I'd say "Let's Get Stupid" should be added to the mix and they'd all be just as appopriate.) For some stupid and ecologically unsound reason, I decided to go with bottles instead of keggers this time. Something about the clink of bottles really adds something that seemed missing at the last bash. (Well cept for around the bar and Jack of course.) Speaking of Jack: Unfortunately his liver failed and he died a rather obscure death under some patio furniture at our local Red Robin eatery. (Not at all to be construed as an endorsement of a burger that costs $9.95) May he and his record BAC of .35 at our last party rest in peace..with an olive. Welcome to the party everyone. All beers are bottled this tiem, but freshness has been made our priority. The only thing skunky here, will be the weed. Who's got papers? Who's got the Dominoes and the Bit-O-Honeys?
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I'm back!!! What? Where's the band dude? And the cheese and crackers? Oh well, I did bring some zig zags dude, start rolling. Oh and Happy New Year every blatherer. "clinks bottles with Daf". .
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Good lord...my head. That went a lot better than I'd planned.
what's it to you?