unhinged dostevesky ( notes_from_the_underground or notes_from_underground as my current translation titles it since i never finished it the first time )

ee_cummings ( some anthology by the name of anOther or something else equally as naseautingly cute and trite but had plenty of his good sex poems in it)

an astrology encyclopedia

i'm glad i dropped out of school; it gives me more time to read about what i really want to know about.
monkey out in space Carl Jung [Man and His Symbols] an excellent introduction into the world of the unconscious and the way in which man’s natural symbols are represented, unconsciously, through dreams, art and myth.

Miguel Angel Asturias [Men of Maize] a story that takes place in Guatemala that narrates the conflict between the Indigenous people of the region and its antagonist, the Spanish Creoles. The conflict arises from the fact that the “Indio”, the Indigenous native worships Mother Nature and most especially the maize crop, as they believe that men were originally created from such crop. The Indio harvests the crop for pure self-consumption and survival only. The Spanish Creole on the other hand bares no respect for nature and burns land and entire forests to make room in order cultivate the maize crop, which he later sells for profit. The novel is divided into six different parts that do not always deal with this specific problem but does illustrate the racism and the oppression that the native Indio has had to endure since the Spanish conquest.

I’m also reading an illustrated book on world mythology.

And yes unhinged, I agree with you on that about school and being able to read what you want.
Ouroboros camus' the plague 060324
pete I've only been reading scholarly journals, blogs, academic monographs, and blather. It gets to me after awhile, and then I realize that I'm reading all these things by choice and that I do actually enjoy them. I actually skip literature readings to read historiography. *Is extremely apathic and, at times, more than slightly hostile towards professional literary critics* 060324
Ouroboros starting crime and punishment
taking my time
fully reading every sentence
i might be a while
monkey out in space also starting to read 'crime and punishment' - this is such a pleasant coincidence. 060511
z re-reading: red harvest - dashiell hammett  060511
pete C.S. Lewis' space triology (Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandria, and That Hideous Strength) while waiting for a professor to hook me up with some readings for my seminar next term. 060511
pete corrects himself perelandra...

"..each moment my opinion about sanity changed. Had it ever been more than a convention--a comfortable set of blinkers, an agreed mode of wishful thinking, which excluded from our view the full strangeness and malevolence of the universe we are compelled to inhabit?"
unhinged a home at the end of the world by michael cunningham...i think (they made a movie out of it with colin farrell and he's gay in it...i know; whoop dee frickin do)

it was a good book; it alternated first person narratives between four of the main characters. it was a pretty good study on characterization. ever since that 550H writing class i took in my undergrad, where the prof had us read three different books and then write narratives in the style of each author, i can't help but think of a lot of books like that.

but towards the end of the book 'jonathon' said something that plunged me as far as i think i'm going into this funk i've been in lately. i don't remember the exact words, but it had the general gist of this:

what if you only get to love one person completely? what if it's the wrong person? what if you waste your heart on them and then spend the rest of your life searching for something you can't have?

it hit me pretty hard and i've still been thinking about it, because my own heart and brain came up with almost the same lines even before i read it. what if i wasted my heart on him/them? what if i never get to love anyone else like that? i don't know....i've been thinking like that lately. and then i read someone else's words saying the exact same thing and i couldn't help but wonder if it was true.

i need to get a cat.
Ouroboros anne sexton - the complete poems
pierre teilhard de chardin- the phenomenon of man
last year's parabola issues
z a canticle for leibowitz 060522
z by walter m miller jr 060522
eatingstars in cold blood
birdmad mostly just language tutorial textbooks

german, arabic and japanese
australian highrise I just finished the perks of being wallflower.... I was expecting some big, fantastic book..

...and it wasn't. though it was good, it didn't exceed my expectations.
superleni unhinged, it makes no sense to me that there could only be one person you can love like that ... there are so many people in the world ... there are so many different loves. why would there only be one??? i guess i've wondered at it too ... the only reason there would be one would be that i imprinted them very deeply in my mind ... and possibly invented parts of them to make them ideal ... but there has to be more than one. unless someone wrote the rules of life and wrote in the only one rule, and i don't buy that.

re reading: anansi boys, neil gaiman
dead air, iain banks
singer to the sea, sheri tepper
superleni i do highly recommend cats, though. 060601
u24 edgar allen poe; the gold bug, the_fall_of _the_house_of_usher
murakami; norweigan wood (saving it fro crete)
wittgenstein; the blue book (for revision)
spinoza; the ethics (ditto)
u24 that's the_fall_of_the_house_of_usher 060601
unhinged i guess it's not that i can't love another person like that, it's that i won't; i'm tired of being trampled by it. i also think it's pretty hard to find someone to love like that. i just happened to find a handful of them in one place, so i can't help but think i already filled my lifetime quota. 060601
silentbob started reading a_portrait_of_the_artist_as_a_young_man by James_Joyce. it's kind of cute sometimes. 060601
superleni but love's great, the way it picks you up and convinces you it's a good idea. that said, i made a rule, exactly half a life time ago, that when it comes to falling in love, i always let the gentleman go first ... ah, still, heartbreak follows. 060602
Ouroboros nausea- sartre 060619
the awful truth don delillo. 060619
pete The Politics of Population: State Formation, Statistics, and the Census of Canada, 1840-1875 by Bruce Curtis...

This book is amazingly well written and catchy even if the title sounds boring. Even better, perhaps, is that I've read most of it at work at the DPC actually working on the present Census.. not that I can blathe by about that.
Ouroboros my name is asher lev 060709
Georgette Pride & Prejudice 060801
Ouroboros drugs are nice 060802
pete Watership Down (?-finished today)
Talon of the Silver Hawk/King of Foxes (Fiest-bunny ate part of the latter, so it's on hold)
War and Society in Revolutionary Europe (Best)
On War (Clausewitz)
Performances (Denning)
Discipline and Punish (Foucault)
Mindscan (Sawyer)
IGG Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis (what's real? what's real!)
all Angela Carter's stuff
I have a huge pile of 'classics' to read so that i can bullshit my way through an english interview. It feels so fake, and to be honest, i find them a little dull/. Does that make me a bad english lit student or a good one?

personal opinion or public opinion...
pete I never really liked the "classics". I find most of the ones I have to read for one class or another to be overrated. The lectures on them are horrible. It rarely gets past the "new critic" obsession with the text in and of itself. I can figure out what is exciting and interesting on my own, know please why the hell am I paying you to tell me this? 060803
Ouroboros absolutely nothing kills the essence of and joy of reading a book like an english class 060803
pete Agreed. And nothing makes history more fun than the critical theories :D 060803
unhinged the tree of yoga by iyengar
fight_club --- chuck palahniuk (sic)
until i find you --- john_irving
Ouroboros lonely planet's thai phrasebook 060816
Pete life of pi
the art of nation building
life of pi that book sucked 060816
uyanga a river running west. it's a biography of john wesley powell. 060817
pete I like it.. I get most of his religious references and can put the story against the "neoplatonism" (its the philosophical counterpart to what I see here) that flows through the aspects of the religious movements Pi is engaged in, which may make a difference, but that would presuppose that you don't and that's not why you like it, and you may also get them and just not like the book. I didn't read it until now because of the hype from a few years back, but it's always drawn my eye. 060817
whitney meeting rudolf steiner
you remind me of me
secrets in the silent snow
the fearless critic: austin food reviews
silentbob Nicholson Baker
Wally Lamb
James Joyce

"a hamshaped encampment of poor cottages"
z the god delusion - richard dawkins

a polemic against non-rational rhetoric, flawed logic, and unproven (or provable) assertions. it also argues against the effects of religiosity in history, culture and people's lives. i am sympathetic to it's aims, if not it's vehemence. it's occasionally very funny.
pete the forgotten north
various works by and on boethius
discipline and punish
the human condition
children of dune
regulating lives
a few blogs
cbc's website
monkey out in space don quixote.
thus spoke zarathustra.
been reading lots of short stories by borges.
check this out "River of Colour - The India of Raghubir Singh"

it says everything about the last two years of my life..
I can smell it and hear it in these amazing pictures..

hsg1437 been meaning to read the Bhagavad_Gita.

i shall.
silentbob Middlesex.

I will say it again.


Also, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.
I also read the diary of anne_frank
z infinite jest. it was an oldephebe suggestion. 071108
Ouroboros in the Year of the Perdue Wonderchicken howling fantods! 071108
Ouroboros absalom, absalom!
the bipolar advantage
It was freaky. "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," by William Shirer. 071125
snook Fragile Things
By Neil Gaiman
Casey The Sandman Collection

Neil Gaiman
zeke the electric church - jeff somers 071204
z the stuff of thought - stephen pinker 071217
Ouroboros the woman warrior: memoirs of a girlhood among ghosts maxine hong kingston 071217
snook 071217
O BS! Server Airline workers go on strike, and everyone's like, "Get back to work, You!"

Sitcom writers go on strike, and everyone's like, "I really feel for them. Here's to organized labor."
O BS! Shoot. I got the captcha wrong and had to reload the page, but forgot it defaults to the previously loaded word. Whoops. 071217
birdmad Cormac McCarthy

"The Road" and "No Country for Old Men"

re-reading American_psycho and John Gardener's "Grendel"
z grendel is one of my favorites. angsty! 071218
firefly Man & Superman
-Bernard Shaw

It started off really well, and then sort less interesting [too much philosophy]. But we'll wait and see if it picks up again.

Also finished 3 plays by Tennesee Williams which I quite enjoyed. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Night of the Iguana and The Milk Train Doesnt Stop Here Anymore.

Hamlet, which I enjoyed more than Macbeth.

Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller.
secretary [elements of style] strunk & white
[decreation] anne carson
[house of leaves] mark danielewski
z oryx and crake - margaret atwood 080212
birdmad world_war_z

a fun read.
unhinged elliott smith and the big nothing --- benjamin nugent

a typical tale of a genius musician and how the industry and heroin killed him. you'd think rockstars would know better by now. *sigh* i can't bring myself to finish it. i know how this story ends.
pobodys nerfect "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I saw a clip of the movie one day while watching Oprah, and since i rarely go to see/rent movies (i wait until they're on tv), i thought i'd read the book in the meantime in case the movie doesen't cover the story very well.

So far, it's taking longer for me to read it than i originally thought it would...

When i got to page 74 i decided to take a break for awhile, because i was getting too irritated with how passive Florentino seems to be (at least to me). I know it's supposed to be a long drawn-out love story, but when you find yourself reading it and saying to yourself, "oh for crying out loud! That's so stupid!", you know that's the time to put the book down and walk away for awhile.

Maybe i'm just too impatient with long drawn out love stories and the whole idea of them... ="/
And yet, i absolutely loved "The Notebook" movie, so go figure. *shrugs*
Ouroboros the mission song
anna karenina
They call me Truth iM SUPPOSE TOBE READING THE GREAT GATSBY...hope that works out 080213
z dhalgren is a book i have read once a year for longer than i'd care to admit. i am obsessed with this book. i discover something new with every read. 080213
see: auditory_hallucinations
unhinged i was just talking about anna karenina the other day. i chose to read it in high school for a book report. i found out that tolstoy made it twice as long as he wanted to to make more money publishing it serially in the russian newspapers.

but i did like the half about her.
jane been reading expressions on peoples faces 080214
grendel if that's the case, you'll love the expressions on people's faces if you go to flickr and look for an album called "First goatse"

they don't show the actual picture, thank hell, but they do show people's reactions to it.
zedel so much
soaking up words like precious drops of rain
drinking up books like a big glass of water

i need to start thinking again.
i think i'm ready
HelpSmilesGrow about clowns. yes, clowns. seriously! funny stuff. i sug if u want real kay nowledge you read upon your clownage.

the stranger war and peace - leo tolstoy -
his characters are see through, they way he paints them. I feel I know them and can identify myself with at least two.
hsg mustbefunny dot org 080216
. 080217
hsg ^^^

What Is Conscious Evolution?
by Gregory Ellison

"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission natural selection, the force that made us. ... Soon we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we wish to become."
-- Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge

Mankind is on the verge of an evolutionary leap in consciousness, to a whole new way of thinking and being that will put us as far above our present concept of "man" as modern man is above our stone age ancestors.
z letter to a christian nation - sam harris 080411
Lemon_Soda Think and Grow Rich

By Napoleon hill

Good Book.. Read it. Now.
Ouroboros into things too deeply 080411
epitome of incomprehensibility The Voyage Out, Virginia Woolf 080412
Ernest Hemingway "For Whom the Bell Tolls" 080617
Isaou The Hanged Man
Francessca Lia Block

Quick, some may think it is for younger children just at a glance, but there is meaning.
e_o_i Homecoming by Bernhard Schlink (translated from German) and Emma by Jane Austen 080618
z blue highways - william least heat moon 080702
steampunkrock the secret history
by donna tratt
birdmad The Grapes of Wrath 080702
unhinged ( i loved that book bird...the end is killer)

the diamond sutra translated with commentaries compiled by red pine

i've been seriously thinking about reading white_oleander again thanks to blather
Ted Kaczynski Industrial_Society_and_Its_Future 080708
sisyphus collections of Walter Benjamin's essays, rambling lists of pithy ancient greek aphorisms, the gospel of John and sometimes some Kafka when I'd like to feel less trapped. 080709
blather pages 080709
unhinged weaveworld --- clive barker

i have read almost a third of it in two days. it's a page turner. creepy and fantastical all in one. the first time i picked it up from the bargain section at my favorite local bookshop i put it down and left the store without buying it. the second time though, i couldn't leave unscathed.
z the scar - china mieville

imaginative, descriptive, remote, empty. it is the kind of book that keeps me from writing, for fear of producing less than whole people.
z also:

the digital plague - jeff somers
snook I somehow skipped the great gatsby in school so I just read it. As with most classics, I'm left wondering why it's so great. 080730
. The Great Gatsby's value has diminished since nowadays we all know about the vapidity of many the wealthy; but in its time, it was somewhat expositional. 080730
snook That much I gathered. 080730
unhinged i liked the great gatsby more than most things i was forced to read in school. it's a good story. sex, drugs, deceit...can't ask for much more than that. 080730
snook I read Anne Rice in junior high, I think I was tainted too early for it to shock me too much :) 080730
unhinged shocking, not really
good story, yes

(but put in societal context you kinda have to appreciate f. scott fitzgerald's balls)
Ouroboros I Been in Sorrow's Kitchen and Licked Out All the Pots 080731
lunatic jesus I keep drooling at the Kindle.

And balking at the price tag.
Lernar "Hindenburg," by Astore and Showalter. 081125
6sy microclustered_water 081125
Lulie The Power of Now 081225
SleepieCloud Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris
Jailbird - Kurt Vonnegut
Prince of Stories - Hank Wagner, et al.
Moby Dick - Herman Melville

z underworld - don delillo 081226
sameolme The School on Heart's Content Road
by Carolyn Chute
It's got a character list and icons that indicate change of scene; perfect for my
compromised brain.
oren By Schism Rent Asunder

past scalzi, mcdevitt, macleod 081226
ambermoon all 4 f twilight books

yeah well its a good story
unhinged i have read the first two twilight books; i don't want to pay for the hardcovers. might start going to the library again soon.

woah z....just started reading underworld by don delillo after me and a friend went to the used book store together and he recommmended it

the open road by pico iyer; a beautiful story about the dalai lama. the_dalai_lama_laughs a lot according to iyer and pretty much everything i've ever read about him.
past newton's wake 090425
unhinged heavier_than_heaven 090628
In_Bloom The black lines shot through Blue eyes 090628
Ouroboros Yiddish Policemen's Union

Psychotherapy and Spirit: Theory and Practice in Transpersonal Psychotherapy
Sun Tzu Art_of_War 090629
somebody Modern Science, Metaphysics, and Mathematics

By Martin Heidegger
including expressways motorways or autobahns 1.death with interruptions - Jose Saramago

2.hunger - Knut Hamsun

3.blindness - Jose Saramago
In_Bloom In between the lines
I'm taking my one step back after taking two steps forward
Threw the ball to the other court
I'm tired
z the wordy shipmates - sarah vowel 091201
Ouroboros the girl with the dragon tattoo 091201
unhinged Wolfsangel - ???
Leaving the saints - martha beck
The book of norse myths - d'aulaires ?
One city - ethan nichtern

Ethan gave a public talk at the shamhala center in seattle a few weeks ago. its interesting how his words on the page seem different after i sat in the front row of cushions listening to him talk
Ouroboros neal stephenson: anathem (in 2 sittings!) 120222
() (how did you like it? i read it last year.) 120223
unhinged the sanity we are born with - chogyam trungpa
Harry potter: the prisoner of azkhban - jk rowling
h|s|g i read that. its on my shelf :-) 120223
ever dumbening 1Q84 120224
dafremen Science of Religion - Paramahansa Yogananda

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

Six Word Memoirs - A Compilation by Smith Magazine
() (trout fishing in america - richard brautigan) 120414
Ouroboros in Watermelon Sugar love me some richard brautigan 120414
Ouroboros Ani Phyo's Raw Food Asia
Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle (so sad to be finished)
Craigslist job postings
acd Positivity by Barbara Fredrickson, PhD and Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche.

Kind of a humorous combination.
unhinged (the) social animal - david brooks
this is a really good half fiction about the legitimate powers of the unconcious. a boy gave me his number cause i was reading it in the park. seattle is the place for me if its hot to be nerdy.

this is your life - meg wolitzer
back issues of yoga journal
() (i also loved the baroque cycle. so much that i read it three times. i am, again, tempted to read it again.) 120721
Ouroboros Stephen Donaldson's Thomas Covenant series (!) 121025
unhinged the buddha in the attic _ julie otsuka
the life and teachings of naropa - translated by herbert guenther
past the magicians and the magician king by lev grossman 121027
unhinged 'love is a fact, neither tenuous nor debatable. you can hold yourself back from a woman and never be possessed. but if she cant possess you, she'll never be happy. and the world has got to start making women happy.'


from 'mimi' by lucy ellmann
z the magus - john fowles 130731
blah someone has come to give you a message in person, either that or he's your secret man hoe 130731
epitome of incomprehensibility What is this nonsense? The pejorative term (an abbreviation of "whore") is spelled HO, not HOE.

But speaking of "whore," or rather "putain," its the French equivalent, the way this word appears in Claude Jasmin's Anita, une fille numerotée (2013) is one of the things that makes the story so tragic. Not tragic in the way I expected, though, and that's what made the book so interesting for me. I felt like strangling the narrator near the end.

This book is not difficult or experimental (if it were, I probably couldn't read - I tried Proust in French once, but that lasted about twenty pages). The premise is simple: in 1948, a rather innocent Montreal boy goes to art college and falls for a pretty blue-eyed girl named Anita. So far, so typical. But not only is he Catholic and she Jewish - though neither are particularly religious - but she's a survivor of WW2 Poland and Auschwitz. Clearly there are terrible things that he doesn't, or can't, understand. Add to this opposition from his bigoted father...

I guessed this wasn't going to be a completely happy romance, but the reason why was unexpected and that made me dislike the narrator more AND like the book more. Not that there aren't any happy parts in it. One of the perks of being a reader from the same city is reading about places I recognize; for example, he mentions the local Ritz hotel on (near?) Sherbrooke street, the same one I veered away from while walking from Concordia to McGill, because standing too close to it made me feel poor. When the narrator mentioned a "jeune anglais" Leonard Cohen it felt too much like name-dropping (he was named once and then, well, dropped) but otherwise I appreciated the references to local artists as well as places.

I hope this gets translated into English if it isn't already.
e_o_i spell check Grrr. Can't be calling others on spelling if I say things like "its the French equivalent" when I mean "its French equivalent." Carelessness and hypocrisy don't look good together. 130731
Ouroboros Dune series. 131107
unhinged the foundation pit - andrei platonov 140610
unhinged august 1914 - aleksandr solzhenitsyn

i want to write when i read solzhenitsyn
tail-devouring snake a song of ice and fire series 141018
what's it to you?
who go